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"Mujhe sard mausam se ghrna hai..."

The unpleasant thoughts of frostbite and hypothermia filled her head as she opened the door of the building, letting out an uncharacteristic squeal as the cold slammed her cheeks. The warmth of her coat was more than enough, especially considering the fur trim, but for her she may as well have been without it. Her stockings did little to protect her legs from the wind, and she ended up in a shaky, clumsy sprint as she ran outside. Throwing herself into the cab, she let out a huff of annoyance as the driver opened his door, his chuckling doing little to lift her mood. She never did like the cold very much, the sight of snow alone being enough to dampen her spirits. Rubbing her shivering knees, she made herself comfortable as the cab drove off.

All things considered, Lakshmi Datta was excited--cold weather notwithstanding. At first she had tried not to think about it too much, to keep her expectations realistic about the man who had requested her presence. Of course that was immediately thrown to the way and her head was filled with the fantasies she often read about in journals and books. Her imagination went from the mundane to the most fantastical stories she could come up with--she had thought she had heard of Thomas Cornell once, but after properly reading the letter she realized the bloke's name was Thomas Cormack. Who was...a man of wealth? A count? No, a lord? The proper thing would have been to do some research beforehand, but she just figured she would take things as it would happen. Or something. She never was any good at properly planning things.

Of course, as the cab arrived at the estate, a prick of regret came. The place was enormous, immediately reminding her of her previous in-laws', though that memory was pushed aside as she would lean towards the window to get a better look. Before she knew it, the cab had come to a halt. Perking up, her enthusiasm was whisked away as the driver opened the door. There was no excusing her scowl as she heard his laugh at her once more, though she did thank him properly as she quickly walked to the door of the manor. Knocking rapidly on the door, she took a few steps back, exhaling impatiently as she looked down at her heels. Heels. Why did she decide to wear heels? Why did she decide to wear a fancy dress and heels when she could have worn some warm trousers?

Thankfully the sound of the door opening and warm air beckoning her forward would snap Lakshmi out of unpleasant thoughts. Throwing on a smile, she summoned her dignity as a man greeted her pleasantly. "Good evening," She said, her voice dripping with honey for her savior from the wicked weather. He seemed amused at her distaste for the cold, but she hadn't noticed as she took off her coat. Once she was instructed on where to go, she gave herself a one over one last time; her long hair in a high, elegant bun, her celeste blue dress hanging off her curves favorably, and her white heels currently biting into her toes but still looking fabulous.

Lakshmi couldn't quite stop her jaw from dropping as she took in the sights, the echo of her heels clicking the floor being her only companion. It was a lot grander than she had pictured, putting her imagination to shame, and she was practically giddy by the time she reached the banquet hall. She stood at the doorway, standing still as she looked all around the hall. It took her a moment to realize there was someone else already seated. He looked relaxed, a drink in hand as he was likely waiting for whoever else had been invited. Was this Thomas? No, he looked much too young...though that didn't mean he wasn't the lord. Then again, he looked too rough, too weathered for someone who was likely to have lived a sheltered life of luxury.

Rather than staying in mystery, Lakshmi decided to simply get his name. The worst that could happen was a correction on her part, to which she would fully own up to and apologize for assuming the lord to be an older, scruffy man. "Hello there," She said, giving him a small wave. "First to arrive?"
My vacation starts today so I plan to be productive.

...or just sleep, whichever happens first.
Hey all, so, unfortunately, workload and family situation has been forcing me further and further away from RP. Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to drop this one, as much as I enjoy the characters. I feel bad since Judge Cinnamon is my character, but I think this team can operate without the cute pet, since he really isn't a necessary component.

I also want to specifically apologize to @Hero, who now has to write a post as if Eileen and Cinnamon never existed, and to @Pyromania99, who had interactions with Eileen planned.

Anyways, Sorry for dropping, but I hope you all have a great RP!


@RabidAnubis how shall I proceed then? As Stern suggested?
Grant wasn't finding the situation to be of any benefit. His own shadow-clone-whatever's accuracy was pinpoint, and while he was certain the shadows' strengths were matched to their originals, he found himself entirely on edge. His sleeves were torn from all the near-misses, though he had gotten in his own shots. The darkness they encompassed was taking the hits with grace, not slowing them down for even a second, which was an advantage Grant didn't like. While he staggered and hesitated, his shadow marched through the damage.

Emiri seemed to be having better luck with him as she was taking on a more aggressive approach. As her opponent wasn't human, her strikes were all aiming to maim. Her defense was never giving her opponent a chance to strike, and Grant found himself mildly impressed. He may have admired it until the stinging pain of his clone's blade sliced through his cheek.

On cue, Wesley would mention how 'exhilarating' his own duel was. "I believe Nadeline is rubbing off on you," Grant quipped dryly, not quite having the same sense of humor Wesley possessed.

Wesley's humor was shared by Rio, who watched the trio with much amusement. "I'm honored," Rio told him, though his eyes were elsewhere as an explosion of Mist eradicated several books, with Shion climbing out of the debris. "Back so soon, are we?"

Shion shared Grant's displeasure, though she had no time to recuperate as her own shadow began to twist itself. Rather than wait for it to fully form, Shion placed her hand on her katana, kneeling slightly as she began to gather magicks in her sheathed blade. Within seconds, she had what she needed, and she withdrew her blade in a flash; the shadow dissipated into Mist, fading before it could be formed. As she stood straight, she turned to Rio, her eyes sharp.

"Always with the flair, it's always a treat to see your power," He admitted with a grin. "Let's see if I can entertain you just a bit longer..."

Without waiting to see what he would do next, Shion lunged forward, though she stopped in her tracks and spun around, bringing up her katana to meet with another shadow. To her surprise, however, it wasn't the only one, and she soon realized Rio had graced her with three copied of herself. The silhouette of her stance made her alert; there was no way she could turn her back on any of them.

But even this wasn't enough to entertain Rio. He surmised that Wesley had a point, simply standing around and watching wasn't going to get him anywhere. As he contemplated what his next move would be, a chilling aura seemed to fill the area. For the rest that walked in the light, it would be warm, but for him it was as subtle as ice water. A smirk played on his lips as he looked in the general direction of where it was coming from. It seemed Jaakuna was done playing with the trap, and he was alone. The princess remained with the general, it seemed, the two depleted of their magicks.

Letting out a sigh, Rio walked past the fighting Shion and Wesley, who no doubt would make an attempt to strike at him, but he would simply make sure his shadows kept them occupied. He only stopped when Emiri's sword landed in front of him, clattering for a moment before it was still. His eyes landed on Emiri, who at first glance seemed outmatched. As her opposite would close in, however, Rio watched as Emiri would grab its face. Within seconds the Mist within it would churn, its body twitching as it was returned to nothing. As she was usually very liberal with her time magicks, she seemed not to heed his warning as she fell to her knees shortly afterwards.

"Exhausting, isn't it?" He asked her, altering her to his precense.

Emiri immediately pushed herself to her feet, her chin held high in defiance. "Whatever nonsense you have to say this time, save it," She told him bluntly. "I won't fall prey to your words anymore."

"So you say," He began, though he was surprised when Emiri lifted her hand to stop him. "Deep in denial, are we?"

"Even if you're wrong?" She asked, shaking her head. "Truly, I pity you."

Rio frowned at her, though he was unsure what she was getting at. Deciding to indulge her, he would put on another smile and ask, "Do you now?"

Her eyes had a rather sad look to them as she stared at him. "I'll admit you have some truth to what you said before. Power is something I've struggled with quietly...but I wouldn't stoop to your level," She said. "My weakness is my own, there is no blame to be placed on anyone. Even then, I can rely on my friends when I falter."

"Let me guess, 'my friends are my power'?"

"My power is my own, and so are my weaknesses," Emiri corrected him. "I blame no one for my shortcomings, no one owes me anything! I don't need power beyond what I have because unlike you I accept myself for who I am!"

His smile faltered for a moment as he let out a laugh. "That's a lot of talk, all things considered," His voice seemed to drop in tone as he started to walk towards her, a rather ominous mist surrounding him. "Who are you exactly to be talking down to me like that?"

But Emiri showed no fear, meeting his gaze with relative ease, even as he stood less than a foot away from her. "I'm talking to a child who doesn't understand what power is," She said. "You're terrified of the idea of someone stronger than you are--going so far as to harm someone you 'love'...Face it, you're just a coward!"

Saying he was less than amused to hear her rather confident response was putting it lightly. "Let's see, then," He stated, extending his arm to her.

Emiri quickly swung, shocked when her swords seem to phase right through him. How?! Her confusion doubled as his hand managed to grab her neck, and she was promptly slammed into the ground with her weapons skewed around them. He was still calm as he loomed over her, his own Mist corrupting the area around them. Not too keen on wanting to know what he was planning, her hand grabbed his arm close to where he held her, her own magicks slowly clicking into place. Their two forces seemed to collide with one another, an unnatural air grasping at the area around them. Rio's confidence seemed to wane slightly, his eyes narrowing as he realized he couldn't quite cancel her time magicks like this.

Raising his free hand, he would take a hold of one her swords. "I know how to show you exactly what you're dealing with," He said, plunging it into her abdomen. She let out a gasp, the pain stinging as she struggled. "You're entirely convinced his light will be your salvation."

Rio would leave it at that, sending his magicks through the sword and into her wound. Every nerve in her body would then feel as if it was set ablaze, the air around her suffocating and setting her lungs on fire. She couldn't see anything on the outside, but she felt like he was burning her from the inside out. As he pulled the sword out of her, the pain remained, but was amplified as he stabbed her again. The second time earned him a cry of pain, though he continued to her horror, easily pushing aside her outstretched arm as a scream escaped her.

"Once I extinguish that light, you'll learn what darkness truly is."
What if I have no friends

There she is. Kalder had to stop himself from grinning as he felt Demi's elbow, trying to stay entirely focused on Deva. Of course the dark haired girl had noticed Demi, though she may have brushed her action off as an accident. Admittedly, it could've been hectic; had Kalder not taken his swig, it likely would've spilled. As the thought crossed his mind, he figured walking around with the cup was more of a hassle than it was worth, so he ended up downing the rest of it. It definitely burned, though the warm feeling afterwards seemed so soothing.

"In a hurry to get crazy?" Deva purred, taking a sip of her own drink.

As the music began to blast, they were drowned in a sea of lyrics. Kalder recognized it as muggle music, immediately looking towards Demi, who was pointedly playing a song from her world. So that's where she'll be, that'll make things easy, He watched Deva start to dance for him. Licking his lower lip, he pulled her to him and leaned in close to her.

"You know what would be fun?" He asked, raising his voice so she could hear him. When she shook her head, prompting him to continue. "Do you remember that game they played at Genevieve Loren's party last July?"

Deva wracked her head to remember, though after a few seconds, she seemed to understand. "There were a few games, though. Which do you prefer?" She asked.

"Surprise me," He replied as he released her. "I'll go get some players."

She nodded and began to wade through the crowd. Kalder did the same, although he found some difficulty considering how packed the floor got with the arrival of music. Once he found Noel and a sulking Benjamin, he grinned, clapping Benjamin's back. "Couldn't catch the kitten?" He asked (more like yelled).

"She has a boyfriend!" He whined.

"I've got just the thing to get you back in the game," He said, watching Benjamin light up, though he motioned to Noel. "Come on, I need people."

"For what?" Noel asked.

Rolling his eyes, Kalder gave him a look. "For a game, what else? Come on," He insisted, and lucky for him, Benjamin was more than eager to drag Noel along. Kalder did find it a delicious irony, as usually it was Noel and Benjamin that would drag him around at the parties they went to.

The trio sat down at one of the few tables that were empty, and Deva quickly found them. Placing several empty cups in front of them, Kalder spotted the bottle she had tucked under her arm. He also noticed how tense Noel had suddenly become, though he tried to play it off. Deva's outfit left little to the imagination, and regardless of who he was with, Noel's eyes never stopped wandering. Some habits were hard to kick; and Kalder was counting on it.

"Flip cup it is," Kalder announced as Deva pouring their drinks.

Benjamin scoffed, immediately perking up. "I owe you for that thrashing at Noel's sister's engagement party, bring it," He declared.

There was a small part of him that figured he probably shouldn't have had that first whiskey, but before he knew it, the game had begun. The taste of chocolate liqueur did not mix well with the firey whiskey he had, though considering how awful Benjamin was at flipping over the cups, he had little to worry about. He chuckled at Noel's expression, the guy equally displeased at the sweetness of the drink, though Kalder focused as he flipped his first cup, watching the open end land perfectly. Deva cheered for him as he took another cup, though this time he drank it slower.

One after another, until a good ten or so cups were on the table. Benjamin was swaying, grumbling an obscenity as Kalder flipped his last cup. "You suck," He grumbled in annoyance, simply taking a swig and slamming the cup down on the table.

"I don't...get how you do that..." Noel wasn't looking too hot, shaking his head as if trying to get rid of a thought. "Ugh, that liqueur is way too sweet..."

It was an unintentional effect, but it did well. Kalder patted the seat next to his, which Deva took gladly. "I think Noel could use a 'pick-me-up', wouldn't you say?" He asked her.

Deva nodded, giving him a wink as she would get up and walk a short distance away. "Don't tell me you're done after one game?!" Benjamin howled with laughter. "You're so weak!"

Noel opened his mouth to retort, though the conversation was cut short by a girl with pale, long legs as she took a seat next to Noel. "Rumor has it you and I have been sneaking around," Lysanna Nielson said, a very sultry look in her eyes as she crossed her legs.

Kalder leaned back in his seat, head swimming despite him wanting to take pleasure in Noel's discomfort. "I don't know anything about that," Noel muttered a response.

Hook, line, and...oh god, His own thought was cut off as he felt Deva stroke his leg. "What are you doing?" He asked her, momentarily taking his eyes off Noel to look at Deva.

"I wanted to have some fun," She said, flipping her hair off her shoulder. "That was the whole point, wasn't it?"

"Don't waste your time, Deva, I'm fully convinced Kalder's gay," Benjamin grinned, cutting into the conversation, though he let out a yell as Noel would suddenly stand, his legs slamming intot he table and spilling everything everywhere. "What the hell, Noel?!"

"I need to go," He grumbled, pushing past Lysanna and Deva and escaping into the crowd.

Step one was complete, but with Deva coming onto him, Kalder wondered if he was going to be able to pull things off. How was he supposed to focus when she was basically shoving her cleavage in his face? Kalder would stand, though he was more careful not to knock anything over, and he had to pull himself free of Deva's grasp. Making his way through the crowd, he stumbled out on the other side, trying to think. As a sweet smell filled the air near him, his eyes darted to the nearby table. Without really thinking, he took a drink, chugging it and letting the butterbeer taste fill him as he continued onwards.

Still, mixing drinks was starting to get to him whether he realized it or not. As he found himself near one of the doors he had seen when he first came in, he saw Beatrice sitting alone. He was surprised to see her dressed up, her blue dress rather simple with a white apron on top. It looked familiar, especially with the black hairband, but he couldn't quite place where he had seen it. She looked like she was thinking about something, a rather serious expression on her face, though she had a drink in her hand, so maybe she was just bored?

Kalder sauntered his way up to her, kneeling down to get on her eye level. "Hey," He greeted her jovially.

Beatrice jumped, clearly having been lost in her thoughts, though she squinted her eyes at him. "Have you been drinking?" She asked him.

"A little of this and that--" He stopped himself, realizing he misheard her question. "Ah...perhaps."

Her eyes were wide with surprise. "I never took you for a drinker," She admitted, though it was still difficult to hear her. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm trying to think of where I saw that dress," He admitted.

"I'm Alice."

"No, you're Beatrice," He corrected her, watching her smile as she shook her head at him. "Are you so drunk you forgot your name?"

"It's the titular character from Alice in Wonderland--and no, but you are clearly drunk," She suppressed a giggle.

He liked seeing her smile. "So tell me, Miss Alice, what's wrong?" He decided to inquire. "Why is such a pretty girl in blue looking so blue?"

She shifted in her seat, her eyes diverted from his. "Just...lonely, I guess," She admitted, frowning.

"Are you lonely now?"

She looked right at him. "No."

Feeling bold and the fact that his knees were starting to hurt a bit, Kalder would stand. "Good. Then let's dance," He said, motioning for her to stand.

"And risk the wrath of Erebus?"

"I'm not worth it?"

It may have come off as a joke, but Beatrice seemed to have taken his question seriously. She would concede, finishing her drink and standing up to follow him.
@Hero ... they may need to renovate!

I would recommend that, yes.
Falling onto her knees with less-than-admirable grace, Nadeline threw her head back as she exhaled in relief. Her crown dissolved into Mist, her rapier slipping out of her hand and gently rolling to a stop still within arm's reach. Whatever dignity she had was gone, her body actively fighting her; if she could, she would have laid down on the ground to rest. Her magicks had all but been depleted, though at the very least, it had been worth the effort, as their foe/friend laid on the ground still.

Forcing herself to stand, she dusted off her dress, placing her hands on her hips as she eyed Savayna from a distance. "I would hardly call that 'efficient' but I suppose the job is done..." There was no way in hell Nadeline was going to let Jaakuna pat himself on the back for this one, considering it was his own fault. She looked up at the hanging Zodiac Spear, letting out a sigh. "Mission accomplished. Your prize awaits you."

Kneeling down to pick up her weapon, she felt the world spin for a moment, and found herself on the ground. She had used more magicks than she had thought, it seemed. Letting out a noise somewhere between irritation and exasperation, she pushed herself up to sit, shaking her head. Now that all was calm, she could feel something in the air was off.

Frowning, she looked at Jaakuna. "I know you felt that pulse earlier," She said. "Savayna won't be going anywhere, and neither am I, unfortunately. The others are together, but..." She already knew that if something was going down, Wesley wouldn't abandon their friends. "I ask that you go in my stead."

Letting out a groan, Grant sat up, rubbing the back of his head. Getting thrown around was getting less and less amusing, more so when he saw his own shadow begin to morph. Getting to his feet, his hand immediately went to his weapon, his eyes on the ground as he watched a hume-shaped shadow rise from the ground. It highly resembled Ren's technique, and he ended up backing into Emiri, who had gone over to check on him. He noticed she was not looking at him, though he was surprised to see that the same thing happened to her. Her shadow slowly began to take on her features, most noticeable with the long ponytail it sported, and as Grant looked back at his, he noticed it had his coat and weapon.

"We all have a Monster within; the difference is in degree, not in kind.” Rio replied to Wesley's comment with a half-hearted shrug, though he would shake his head and motion to Wesley's shadow. "You'll have to forgive me, I never was any good at dancing. A change of partners should do in my stead, I hope."

Emiri's shadow lunged forward, with Grant and Emiri both leaping out of harm's way. As Emiri turned to counter, a stinging pain zipped past her shoulder; Grant's shadow had already taken its first shot, and while it only grazed her, she found it rather painful. Her moment of hesitation came at a price as her shadow moved, though Grant had her back as he pelted her shadow with his own bullets.

"As if I wasn't already fighting my own demons," She muttered darkly.
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