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just rewatched hart vs austin at mania 13 last night, it will always be a classic
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@Altered TundraAccepted

The Shark is gonna come for the sister, poor guy
@Altered Tundraapproved


“Hello, campers! Welcome one, and welcome all to another beautiful summer at Camp Red Arrow. We’re happy to have you, and believe me, we know you’re happy to be here.” There was an intentional pause, as if Mike Oxmaul was waiting for a reaction. When he received none, he charged on. “Some of you, I’ve seen before. Some of you I haven’t, but I’m happy to see all of you now! If you’ll look around, you’ll see that Camp Red Arrow is just as beautiful as it’s always been — this year we even have a new net for badminton…” Mike Oxmaul checked his watch and tapped on it. “For our twentieth anniversary, we’re going to have a fireworks show midway through the summer… there’s an ice cream freezer, but don’t eat it all. Restocking is hard.”

There was another pause, before Mike shook his head, “can we cut? Let’s just do the whole thing over again. That sucked.”


Josh flipped the ancient TV off, and looked at the campers and other counselors, who were gathered in the rec room for the ‘opening ceremony,’ if it could be called a ceremony. Once upon a time, it had be more… ceremonious, but now it was kind of pathetic. Which, in and of itself, was kind of pathetic. Shaking his head, Josh ripped the ‘free’ sticker that was still on the side of the TV (the last TV had an unfortunate incident with a bat, and Mike had found this on the side of the road when he was coming by the camp; all in all? A net improvement).

“Yeah… That’s not the best intro, but ol Mike didn’t want to come this year... so he just recorded that video like two days ago…” Josh explained, shrugging his shoulders, as he crunched on a Funyun from the bag in his hand — one of the bags he’d brought along with him for the summer. Last year, the counselor stash had ran lower faster than he’d thought, and well… there were some mistakes you just didn’t make twice. “I thought he re-recorded it, but I guess not? Before anyone asks, no, you can’t have the fireworks. I’m not even going to make references to where they are.”

Josh knew the people he was playing with — one or two of them were people that had been coming here for a while. Joshua had no earthly idea how Camp Red Arrow got away with the shit it did, but… somehow, Mike Oxmaul pulled it off each and everytime… Of course, pulling the deception off wasn’t without effort! Mike knew what he was doing, he even created trophies for the Red Arrow Sports Tournament that they advertised, but didn’t actually exist. Every camper got one.

“Look, I get it. A lot of you probably don’t wanna be here. You were sent here by your parents who didn’t wanna bother with you all summer, and they didn’t trust you to be alone, or want to pay for a babysitter. But this isn’t as bad as you think it’s gonna be trust me. There’s a lake, there’s free food… We have double the amount of ice cream we usually do, because we got a new freezer. Trust me, this is gonna go great.” Well, it was no Captain America esque revitalizing speech, but it wasn’t his worst work! Besides, Josh didn’t get paid enough to try and make every camper happy. That just left his closing remarks, to cover what he expected of the campers.

“You guys can go to your cabins, get situated, and dinner’s at six thirty. Other than that? Don’t burn the place down, and NOBODY die. Try not to sit in the rec room all summer, it gets hot and the TV gets hot and if the backlight blows out because it’s hot we’re fucked because I don’t have another one, and I don’t think there’s a store that’s within walking distance, so… Try to play elsewhere. There’s only one rule, and that rule is ‘don’t fist fight within line of sight of a counselor.’ We don’t condone violence here at Camp Red Arrow, but we condone pretty much everything else. The people that are legacy campers? Make sure you help the newbies feel welcome.”

Josh should have given the speech from the goddamn beginning. Why did he even have to play the fucking video tape? Not only was it shitty; they had to cram everyone into the tiny ass rec room. “We’re gonna be stuck here for at least three months, so try, please try to get along. It isn’t as bad as you think it is, I promise.” Josh said, before giving the group one last not-so-comforting smile (he wasn’t the best smiler), and holding both thumbs up, the bag of chips crunching in his hand as he made a fist; something he seemed to immediately regret.

The crowd of campers, was, understandably awkwardly silent at first, and Josh did what most of them were waiting for: “You’re all dismissed. See you at dinner. If you’re late you can eat cold.” At that, there was finally a reaction from at least one camper.

“Yeah! Go Josh! Hell yeah!” Ever burning with the power of positivity and overwhelming optimism, as soon as the counselor said they were dismissed, Christopher Robin exploded into applause and cheers that were perhaps too enthusiastic.

For your starter posts, please feel free to write your character’s arrival to the camp, and then what they do immediately after this little introduction! There are only two cabins, and they’re split by gender. Your character will get to claim either a top or a bottom bunk in the barracks-esque cabins. Find a bunkmate! It’ll be fun, I promise.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to @me in the OOC, PM me on the guild, DM me on Discord, or @me on the Discord server! The same goes for my two GM buddies, @Fabricant451 and @TootsiePop.
The Monday after Friday date night specifically.
January 12th.
Collab with @TootsiePop

To: Cyn
meet at cuddles
bring weed i dont have any in this jacket
will buy u pizza

The text was simple. It was straight forward, it was easy. Or, at least that’s what Henry had thought. Did Cyndi… did she even know what weed was? That was a possibility he hadn’t thought about… what if she didn’t? Surely, she’d text back then, right? She sure as shit hadn’t yet. How long had he been sitting here? How many orders of (extra well done) fries had he eaten so far?

He couldn’t count. He didn’t even care. This was just for his mother, again. Henry did everything for that woman, and all she did was cry and think he hated her. He didn’t get it, but he’d do what he could to help her get over that. Keeping her happy was kind of a priority, especially after talking to his father.

Henry threw the last fry in the basket in his mouth and sighed, checking his phone again. Still nothing from Cyndi. Did she have something MORE IMPORTANT than randomly supplying her brother with weed at Captain Cuddles to do? Christ. Henry held up the basket. “Yo, waiter. Another round please.”

“Fuck off, Henry.” The waiter said, rolling his eyes as he stepped down the bar to grab the basket from Henry, before returning with another one and setting it in front of Henry, who immediately started munching. All this so he could involve his sister in stuff…

This last minute sibling date was annoying, especially since it was right after Cyndi’s first day of classes at Beverly Hills High. She had so much to catch up on to get up to speed with the rest of her peers. Her new curriculum was incredibly different than what she had in Seoul. While her butler drove, she clenched her teeth at her phone, “Why the hell does he think I know how and where to get weed? What the heck!” She wanted to toss her phone, but instead she tightly held it in her grasp.

“I know where we can get some, if that’s what you’d like me to do, Cyndi.” Xander offered, while driving side roads toward their destination. His duties had picked up ever since Cyndi came back home. Family troubles, boy troubles, personal troubles. He seemed to have the most emotional Green in the book, but then again, after that dinner… he didn’t know anymore. Everyone’s emotions were heightened that night. “Don’t worry about your homework, I’ll help you when I come back to pick you up, alright? You’ll be fine. Relax.”

“Brother can live without weed for ONE night.” Cyndi scoffed, glancing over to her backpack filled with books that weighed a ton. “Being a fulltime student is bullshit.” She would rather focus on her career than study!

Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, the butler cleared his throat, “Try to not give your brother attitude, I’m sure he has a reason for calling you. Also, just order the five dollar pineapple special if he really wants his fix. I’m surprised Henry doesn’t know about that one.” Pulling up to the curb, he parked the car, got out, and opened the door for his Green. “I’ll be around.”

“Yeah, I know. See you later.” After waving Xander goodbye, she used the walk to Captain Cuddles to find her zen. Her peace. Pushing the door open, she went to the hostess and politely asked, “Henry Green?”

Luckily, it wasn’t very hard to find Henry — not that it ever was. Henry was currently arguing with the waiter that had brought him the fries, “what do you mean you’re cutting me off, dude!? They’re fries, not fuckin’ rum! And besides, my dad IS Captain Cuddles! How the fuck you gonna cut me off of fries? You get your ass back there and you get me another basket! Don’t you make me hop that bar I’m waiting for a guest —” Henry paused and looked back toward the door, where he noticed Cyndi. Henry looked away from the waiter, though he held up his hand and extended his middle finger the whole time while doing so.

“And there she is. You better get back there and get my shit, Jayce.” Henry warned, and the waiter shook his head and finally walked off, returning the middle finger that Henry had so graciously extended. He had to admit one thing, it was nice to see Henry Green doing something other than bringing new girl after new girl here so he could pump and dump them. That Korean girl, it seemed, really was hitting different. “Cyndi, come here. We gotta talk.”

“That wasn’t very kind of you, Henry.” Cyndi thanked the hostess, even if they didn’t help her at all, and made her way to the booth that her brother was sitting at. Taking a seat, she stared at him in judgement, “Do you always talk to the wait staff like that?” She placed her purse beside her, closer to the window.

“Only when they try to stop giving me endless fries after four baskets. The word ‘endless’ used to mean something in this town, Cyndi. Used to.” Henry grumbled, pouring some dark, amber liquid out of the pitcher and into the two glasses, complete with ice, that were sitting at the table. “It’s just vanilla root beer.” Henry wasn’t drinking during the week anymore. His life was kind of boring, but he kept going home and getting love and attention from Min and it was nice and it made him feel nice so he was… sort of happy? It was almost disappointing.

“We need to talk. Did you bring weed?”

“No.” Was all she said in response, before grabbing the glass filled with supposed soda. She stared down at it and then pushed it aside, deciding against it, “I want water.” Soda was bad for her, especially since she danced as a hobby. Absentmindedly, she looked down to her phone and scrolled through Instagram, hearting pictures and commenting on some that she really liked while she half paid attention to her brother.

If she wanted to be a cunt, then she could be a cunt. Henry didn’t give a fuck, he had no time for this shit — he had half a mind to tell Cyndi to go fuck herself and then tell his mom to get bent, and that she could figure out how to help the friendless bitch herself. Henry had never been so disrespected in his entire life. Did she think she was cute, checking her phone while they were supposed to talking? Did she think she was cute, not doing the one thing he asked her to do when he did everything for her? He was supposed to supply friends for her?

Cyndi was ungrateful and spoiled, and Henry hated his mother ever more for making his sister even worse than he remembered her being. As the waiter returned with a fresh basket of fries, Henry picked up the glass of root beer he had poured for Cyndi, and drank it until it was nothing but ice, before he did the same with the other one. “What you’re gonna want to do —” Henry said with a mouthful of french fry, wondering why he even bothered trying to do this. He shouldn’t even had helped her with the Dragon Ball song. He should have kept that a secret. “ — is stop being such an insufferable cunt, and put that goddamn phone down so we can talk about the birthday party I secured for us, before if I didn’t make sure you had guests for your birthday party you’d be celebrating with Xander and Mother. But, no, go ahead, be disrespectful.”

Henry threw another handful of fries in his mouth, munching and washing it down with root beer — this time straight from the pitcher. If she didn’t want any, then fuck her dude. “I really appreciate it.” Ol bitch ass.

Rolling her eyes, she placed her phone face down on the table, before crossing her arms, “I’m the cunt? Did you forget this was my first day back to school? Unlike some people, I actually care about my grades, Henry. Things always have to be under YOUR time and that’s kind of selfish of you! Also, you have too much faith in me to know how to get the ‘thing’ for you. I don’t do THAT. Why don’t you just get THAT from the kitchen here? Out of all people you should know they have it!” Calling her an insufferable cunt, what? It wasn’t fun and games for her today. Today she was trying to get back into the swing of things. But nah man. That didn’t matter to her brother.

“Because I don’t like going back there! Remy makes me do shit.” Henry barked, slurping down more of the root beer, before nodding his head. “Yeah, you are, because it’s pretty simple to be like ‘hey, maybe not tonight, why don’t we get together another time,’ but… oh wait.” Henry had a lot more to say, but he had to steady himself for his Moms’s sake. The last thing he wanted was for Pops to come by and be like ‘yo, she drank herself to death and it’s all your fault for not handling your younger sister very well.’ Henry had to remind himself that Cyndi was a girl. She was unnecessarily emotional by default. Factor in an explosive confrontation with her (and Henry would mostly agree here) kind of scary older sister, and it lead to a volatile person, but Henry didn’t get why he had to tank it. Wasn’t this what the girls had butlers for? To complain to them?

“Do you want to help or not? Because with or without you, I’m gonna throw a party, and I thought I would be nice and let you help.” But no, you’re an asshole. Henry stared at her as he lifted the pitcher up and poured more of the root beer into his mouth, and then sat it down. “I don’t care either way.”

“Since when did I have any say for parties? Mom assumes what I want and you? You really don’t want my help, do you? Isn’t that your thing? Throwing bangers? Wouldn’t I, your loser sister, just ruin that for you?” Cyndi didn’t understand why her brother was trying so hard to help her with… whatever he was trying to help her with. The fact that he wanted her involved in his life, even in the slightest, was weird. The whole dragon ball thing and giving her advice on how to approach Hailey was weird! Henry was never this nice to her and if she knew better, he wasn’t doing this because he actually cared.

“No, idiot! Moms throws those stupid ass duo parties for the two of us and I fucking hate it so much that I told her to just NOT this year, and she was like ‘but you have to, because if you don’t then your sister won’t have a party,’ so I said fine, but I want Stentoria for a weekend so I can throw the party my gotdamn self.” Henry paused to eat another handful of fries. After he swallowed them down he start rambling again, “so then once I got her to agree to that shit, I thought I’d see if you wanted to help plan it, since I know you’ve never had any control in your entire life and I’m so sick of you being a baby, but fine. If you wanna keep being babied, then I’ll do it myself, dude.”

“Wait… so are you seriously going to let me do what I want for this party? Like I can say I want this and it’ll happen?” Cyndi’s face shifted from annoyance to shock. “So say, I don’t know, I want Starlight to fly here that weekend and perform, you can make that happen?” She raised an eyebrow, not knowing how to react to this kind of freedom.

“Now hold on, player, don’t get ahead of yourself. We can do it together, but I ain’t lettin’ you pick the music without me vetting it.” Henry leaned in close, with a raised eyebrow. “I don’t know the fuck ‘Starlight’ is, but that sounds hella gay. So why don’t we start somewhere easier, huh? How ‘bout food? What kinda food do you want?” Henry would start her somewhere easy before she got too far.

“Toxic Waste sour candy! A fountain filled with all the sour candy in the world.” That wasn’t necessarily food, but hey. It was her birthday party and that would be the one time she let herself eat all the bad things for her little body, like sour candy. She loved sour things.

“That sounds doable. We can do that.” There, now she was off the music, thank god. Henry would handle that, that was more his department, and he’d have to do his best to keep her as far away from it as he could. Starlight? The fuck does that even mean? Henry wasn’t about to fuck around and get some dumbass shit at his party. It was still his party, after all. “Oh, and don’t tell Mother.”

This was awesome, she’d have a fountain full of candy to swim in. Ah-ha. She childishly clapped her hands, before halting herself, “Wait why? Didn’t you get permission? Did you not get permission?! We can’t have this party Henry! It’s okay. I don’t need a party.” Her anxiety peaked with the possibility of them lying to Alyssa.

“Shut up, dumbass. We’re gonna have the party, and it’s gonna be the sickest party of the summer. It’s gonna start Friday and end when we get the last, drunken, barely able to stand degenerate out of our fuckin’ house. This? This is what being a kid is like, Cyndi. Shut up and dig it, because it’s the best damn thing we got. It’s the best part of being rich, dude.”

“But… why do we have to lie?”

“I dunno, it’s part of the fun. Why are you still playing with Justin? These are the questions, dude. Don’t worry about it, if she even finds out, there’s like a 99% chance I’m takin’ the fall. I always do.” Henry shrugged nonchalantly. Not like it mattered to him.

The shift in subjects baffled her. She was legitimately shocked with his choice of words. “What do you mean playing with Justin? I’m not playing anyone.” That sounded so unlady-like and she was nothing but a lady!

“Whatever. We’ll have the first official party planning get together soon. Min-seo will probably be there. You’re gonna have to deal. We have a lot to decide. Music, food, games, amusement. Party favors. I’m gonna have to hit Hana up, which is… spooky.” Henry tapped his chin, and wondered if he had a better in with drugs… not exactly, Hana was essentially his best bet. He knew that Cyndi didn’t have anything, so he didn’t even bother asking. “Don’t worry too much, I can get us whatever we want.”

The mention of Min reminded Cyndi of her request she had asked about earlier on in this discussion. Partially to herself, partially to Henry, she spoke, “I wonder if she knows about Starlight. She probably does. Henry! You should find out if Min likes Starlight. I’d love a friend to talk to about them.”

“I mean, it’s hard to talk when her tongue is in my mouth, but I’ll do what I can.”

I haven't thought about it very much yet.
I'm still thinking about what I want to do, I wanna see some more members of the cast so I know what I'm playing off of before I commit to something one way or the other.
I settled that we won't be having a discord group, guys. ^^

Oh dang, I was just about to DM you and ask for the link haha.
The question everyone must ask themselves is axes or dark magic

but there are swords dude
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