Avatar of HeySeuss


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7 yrs ago
Hot dogs are already cooked. Might as well just sear them to add flavor.
7 yrs ago
I love it when I catch up on my posting.
7 yrs ago
If you take college seriously, it opens doors. Harvard and Hopkins makes it easier, but you can do well anywhere.
7 yrs ago
Prefer to brainstorm on Discord for that reason.
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7 yrs ago
Windows 10 is very much like a German prison camp guard, "Ah, I see you are tryink to escape work fifteen minutes early, Herr Colonel Hogan, here ist an update zat vill stall you!"


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"We have plastic explosives too. Different kinds of detonators. Might come in handy, were gonna make 'em into IED AP devices," Dan explained. Everyone knew what this particular cell had going on by way of business. They were willing to deal with criminals and risk double cross securing the drugs for what medical units they had and they'd also already pulled the trigger. Reliable unit. In a lot of cases, they might trade the C4 for something, but here it was being offered up freely.

Joe's inquiry about football brought on a chuckle and he added, "We oughta make some "Go Cowboys" signs in Russian. That'll drive recruitment for the guerrillas. But you two don't have to step out. We signed on for this." The two sergeants mentioned the LeBeau killing, so he didn't give them the details -- they didn't need to know and the job was done. If they did know, then they weren't mentioning it for a reason.

He didn't even want to know what the Soviets were doing to hockey.

"But if we can grab a homebrew kit, we'd be mighty appreciative." The guys wanted TV, internet and the rest, but Dan figured if they were brewing the best beer on the Mountain, they could trade for everything else.
I changed SFC Park's primary weapon from an HK416 to an FN SCAR-L since according to HeySeuss' timeline in this RP, Heckler & Koch are now producing firearms for the Warsaw Pact rather than NATO.

Yeah, pretty sure Heckler and Koch weaponry show up in the GDR arsenal. Odds are, so does the MG3. The 416 was designed with input by Larry Vickers, so I think that it's possible that another company worked up the concept. There's a bunch of them producing M4 type weapons with pistons or rotating bolts rather than direct impingement, so such a thing is possible.
@HeySeuss Saw the post before the edit - I wasn't trying to shut down a conversation by having people refer to a guide. I was simply placing it out there so I didn't have to repost the entire section of the guide since I am going to be ~running back and forth from the computer~ for the next several hours and wouldn't be able to sit down and type up a more full response for discussion is all.

Hah! Ninja'd and not fast enough (on my end.) That response was badly done due to not reading carefully enough and I apologize for it.

The current response was a little more nuanced in response to my subsequent reading and a brief, 'shit, foot in mouth.'
Going to simply refer to my Gming 101 guide on reasons why they die and how to help keep that from happening - Gming 101

I'll check it out!

Edit: However, while there's a guide, I think that's an evolving conversation and wanted input on how people are trying to tackle the issue.
Since we have a lot of RP's that don't last, I'd love to hear some feedback on why RP's die and possible solutions to these problems. I don't see a similar topic on here, so I thought I'd broach it, since I definitely have a track record of dead RP's behind me. I've been trying to fix the situation.

I've learned that a 'three paragraph to keep it moving' minimum rule helps to reduce the pressure to post -- in advanced, at least, there's sometimes a worry that if you don't post a certain amount, posts are looked down upon. I feel differently, since the post that never comes is more lethal than a post that at least moves the plot somewhat forward.
They had established positions to take in an emergency...or when a visitor was coming around and they weren't sure. That was all visitors.

That meant Dan was on the ground, with his rifle and equipment now. Jeans seemed to be the uniform of choice up here, until winter, and they had winter supplies cached, because they all knew, like the guy in the train hat wrote, winter was coming. He had one of those plaid lined field coats for upland hunting that could layer when it got really bad. But so far, they were in the early stages of autumn, in September. Things would get intense over the winter, in a number of ways. Some guys were having the time of their lives running around in camouflage and dressing up, but Dan preferred the comfort. They also had been doing a lot of work where it didn't pay to look like they were trying to fight the Soviets.

Dan glanced up, making sure that the brothers had the high ground and then around to see where the others positioned themselves. He, like the sergeants, wasn't expecting trouble in a meeting of friendlies, but he knew that careful guerrillas had longer careers than carefree ones. He didn't like the life expectancy of of either type, but he also knew that he'd signed up for this.

The brothers were perfect in their camouflage, but that was to be expected. Joe and Nari might be less than confident, but they still had some training from the people that knew what they were doing before they even got there, and everyone else provided them with pointers even as they exchanged information. A guerrilla band had to know how to do a lot of jobs and they knew that, given the rumors of the situation down South. They knew that guys like Park and Morse were it around here, along with a number of other small bands that they ran. If a lot of guerrillas didn't know what Special Forces actually did before the invasion, they were getting an intensive exposure to it now.

The 86th brigade was behind the mountains. It was easy to wonder what the hell the US Army was doing sometimes, and why the guerrillas were being held back. Some of the guerrillas were grumbling that the war was passing them by, but that wasn't Dan's stance. Things would get hot and then they'd probably be too hot. Suddenly, with their killing of one guy and the other activity, it was going to get hot. This was not a coincidence.

"Hold, identify yourselves!" Morse and Park weren't coming stealth and so it was easy to identify them, but he wanted to give the Giguere brothers a moment to check to make sure no one else was close by -- he knew that they had good eyes and could move around real careful like. It was protocol, but it was necessary. When he got a signal back from the brothers and after Morse and Park identified themselves, he called out, "Alright, come on in!"

Once in, there was the exchange of handshakes, hospitality and people moving into the cabin to pow-wow. Once there was beer and food to be had, that's when the question was popped. The room was a little more full of military gear than before, even if they tried to keep it organized for living space.

"So, what do we owe the pleasure of this meeting to? What have you fellas cooked up for us?"

Ho-lee shit. It's a pretty nice surprise to see this starting up again. Part of me wishes I'd been checking out the website two weeks ago, so I could throw Sparla back into the ring.

But Hank has the role covered nicely. And I wouldn't want to throw a wrench into your plans now that you've begun planning for the battle.

Also, it's three in the morning, so I'm not exactly in the best shape for thinking up a character anyways.

Welcome back, can always use more folks and we have collabs set up for the battle this time. We're trying to make it so characters can place themselves in the situation they like best and work together on the battle.
Now seeking: Partner in Crime/Collaborator.

Bear in mind that what I have written below is mutable and essentially that I am willing to adapt. If you have an interest and you pitch it, I will consider it. I'm open-minded.

Why a pic of Keef and Mick? Because some of the best music out there came from active collaboration. Which is sort of the point for what follows.

My Proposition

Longtime user looking for some chat, a little collaboration and some fun writing with new faces.

Let's face it, I've been here a long time, I know a bunch of people here but a lot of them seem to be not RPing, which means that I have to run into some new people.

I'm mostly marketing this to the odd random and interesting person that might be checking these interest checks the way I sometimes do without posting an actual check. Some of you are old hands, some of you are brand new. Creative? Come on over. Looking to collaborate and take an active hand in creating content? Slllliiiiide right on over. Ideal partner wants to brainstorm a lot.

Hi, you, drop a line! If interested, please PM or hit me at HeySeuss #6650 on Discord so I get a notification. Otherwise, I'll check the page, see if I have notifications and perhaps not get back to you as quickly as if you pop a flare.


After years of slogging it out in kitchens and doing things not really related to having a college (university to the non-Americans) degree, I finally have one of those cushy desk jobs. I have weekends free. Weekdays can get busy.

Right now, I'm keeping up with 1x1's and a couple group RP's just fine. I believe, every couple days, in posting a few paragraphs here and there to keep the RP going. If I build up a head of steam, I can write a whole lot more, but I hold to a three paragraph rule to keep advancing the plot and it does wonders -- no pressure to write thousands of words.


Honestly, I'm versatile. For amusement, I often like to cross genres and find ways to blend elements of a given genre into something else. I think a plot is more important than a genre in a lot of ways to me. I enjoy the thrill of collaboration and combining perspectives. For example, I've done plots that cross William Gibson themes of cyber-augmentation with the ole Dracula bit, and that's the tip of the iceberg.

I'm not very good at fandoms for the most part, though I draw liberally from inspirations and try to make something out of that. Sometimes I'll venture into something off the beaten path (including high school) though I like RP's that try out different perspectives and unusual twists. I'm into self-improvement as a writer, so I like to constantly shift my gears. I love a good conversation about where we are channeling our muse from on a given piece of writing, because I think inspirations are important, but they can also come from all sorts of places.

I also have a guilty pleasure and that's high school-themed RP's. Haven't done one in forever.

Immensely Long List of Rules


Plot ideas, not to be taken as the only things I will do(I can't get on board with the term 'pairings')

(This is a list of some of what I've done. It's not exhaustive but it actually exists, unlike the "Immensely Long List of Rules")
"We oughta take all the ones we're gonna use apart, Preston, and help yourself" Dan replied with a grin and a shrug. He was a believer in checking weapons and the entire group knew it, but he also knew that Preston knew his way around guns and would figure out what he liked "and then we gotta sight in any of the ones we're gonna put scopes on. Good thing your buddy threw in the laser."

Dan was stripped down to his short sleeves and a pair of jeans in the cabin, and while there were only ten cans left, he wanted at least one while he did the work. He had the oil, the cloth and the other tools handy, including the screws, tape and so forth to work with the weapons. Dan had tattoos up and down his arms, starting at wrist and going all the way up, notably a vivid one of an angel with a sword on the right arm. He'd never explained how the son of a Vermont senator got all that ink, and he didn't say much about the past. But he knew the weapons, the explosives, the heavier stuff. Until now, Dan had been one of the less utilized guys, backing up Joe or Gigger in their dealings, learning and watching as those guys took the lead and worked their relatiionships. Now, it was shifting...

The M4A1. This one still was brand new, finish intact and came out of a case that a guy out in the Northeast Highlands, a friend of the Gigueres knew. A national guard type that needed some morphine for whatever reason -- no one asked questions. The gun nut buddy was fine with letting them zero on the range and Dan insisted on doing it. Unzeroed weapons were far less effective. He selected a couple more for Nari and Joe. The Special Forces guys provided familiarization with the weaponry and other items, along with interesting courses on the handlng of explosives.

Other horse trades got them some optics and other accessories, magazines and load bearing equipment. He'd also grabbed some ski masks, because those were going to be necessary.

"There's a pump action in there, Joe." Dan lit his own cigarette, even as he went to work on adding accessories. Mostly, he was concerned with the scope, paracord and a sling, and other things. The way the rifles were today, there was no sense not putting one of these new sights on gun...

A couple hours later, the decision to start breaking out the weaponry ahead of any concrete orders was vindicated. Their burner rang just as Dan was making sure things were being put away in places where they could get to the equipment as necessary, stored after being broken out from the sort of deep storage they had all the gear in before.

It was Morse and Park, green berets, the guys running the Green Mountain Boys. Training, command, control, intelligence, orders. They were calling to make sure they wouldn't get shot at as they came in, and if they were coming in person, it meant they wanted to talk about something important.

Though they'd probably want some of the beer too. The Giguere boys were starting to get antsy about their supply, they might have to devote resources to homebrewing for morale and trading.
@HeySeuss I have more than a few variations of SFC Brian Park, originally of Boston, Massachusetts who I can alter just slightly to put into this RP. LOL

Or this guy from Rhode Island, could use some rewriting...

It's up to you, but I can't see such a character being embedded with such a small cell. Providing support, however? Absolutely.
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