Avatar of Hillan


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2 days ago
Current Remember that you are an artist. You will know your medium the instant you realize how in love you are with what it brings out of you. If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces.
17 days ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
18 days ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
19 days ago
1 mo ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

@Vetis Yeah, and if you read that last part there
"As for everyone else who's submitted a sheet, or showed interest, but could not make the deadline for variety of reasons; We, the GM thank you for your interest and wish you good luck, and we will keep in touch if we see positions in need of filling."

I don't think they accepted your char.


Papa's back.

Shit's been whack. IC's going up tonight.

Due to me suffering mild to severe alcohol poisoning, thanks to Midsummer, IC will be delayed a couple of days while I recover, should be good to go by Wednesday.

While we wait, it could be nice for all accepted characters to figure out what they think of the rest of the cast.
@Hillan@ProPro As far as future character intro opportunities go, I might suggest opening up new slots if any players vanish from the game at a later date. I'd assume G-5 is having new members introduced semi-regularly, after all, or at least having Marines transferred between Patrol Units. That said, Yuudaina is in the Characters tab.

Correct, so, there's definitely good chance we'll need new blood along the way.

Sad day. I was getting excited to introduce the concept of OKAMA JUSTICE.

Next time!


@Pacifista As.. Vice Admiral Freyja
@Hillan As.. Commodore Ax Colt
@Spanner As.. Lieutenant Commander Edward Woodall
@BCTheEntity As.. Lieutenant Yuushuu Yuudaina
@Ornatur As.. Lieutenant Junior Grade Dedric Olari
@Prewiga As.. Ensign Wonka Williams
@Pleek As.. Warrant Officer Irwin Kendrick
@Zero Hex As.. Jiu Cheng-Shu

We are still waiting on the last two to decide on their rank, then slot them into the roster, proper.
All Accepted characters, please post your sheets, if you've edited the sheet as necessary into the character thread.

As for everyone else who's submitted a sheet, or showed interest, but could not make the deadline for variety of reasons; We, the GM thank you for your interest and wish you good luck, and we will keep in touch if we see positions in need of filling.
I've been mulling this one over with a strong desire to play, but already a full plate. Since my other OP game is at a dead halt, I decided to try to get a character submitted for this game. Hopefully I can get something submitted before I leave work later this evening. If I miss my chance, then it's no big deal.

That ship might have sailed, my friend.

ill hopefully be submitting a Character sheet tomorrow, but a question (and a half)

is 'Cyborg' an acceptable race and if so are they permitted to be DF users as well?

Yes to both accounts, if your backstory makes it make sense.

@Hillan Cool beans. I'm looking forward to the game, myself. I assume everybody else is too?

I would hope so!

Else it's off to the Gulag with them!

Due to personal circumstances, and a large surge of late-commers, I've further increased the time before I'm closing applications. More information in the 0th Post.


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