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4 days ago
Current Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
5 days ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
5 days ago
21 days ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
6 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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how much interpretation and changing the character is allowed?”
Dibs on gwenom unless already taken then gwenpool and if that’s taken then rocket raccoon and if that’s taken then ima go sit in a corner and cry
Posting speed and length?

Anything that's good goes.
I have a powerhouse character that is stupid over the top when it comes to personality almost to the point of being utterly ridiculous.

Think All Might and the Crimson Chin levels of absurd. Shouts things like "JUSTICE!!!"

Its a psychological response to childhood traumas, you know the usual.

Would this fit the bill and theme. Hes kind of comedic, ala Shazaam.

Unless you just described a take on Shazam, I don't think Original Characters are welcome in this RP.
<Snipped quote by Jareth>

The world must always have a Batman

Or two.

... Or Six.
<Snipped quote by Hillan>
Another typical Swedish lie. Like your fish.

And your berries!

Meatballs aren't even Swedish. Neither is the chef.

It's a country wrapped in mystery.
This is a christian interest check, you degenerates.

I know Christ, he's my cousin. He wants nothing to do with this cesspool.
My Flash Is a bit on the unorthodox side, but it's basically done.



"Lightning always strikes twice."

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

Well, let's start with the obvious - This isn't Barry Allen. It's Thawne whom at the start of the RP will be very much like an amalgamation of his Post Crisis- New 52, Rebirth and Arrowverse counterpart. Thawne and Barry have been fighting in the Neutral Speedforce - created after Barry absorbed the Negative Speedforce, for a near infinite time. Their battle has raged on through all of time, but eventually comes to a conclusion in the present day, two months before Barry Allen would get struck by lightning. Barry is dead and Thawne is all but powerless.

Thawne is stranded in the present, he's achieved his lifelong dream - he should be content. A skip and a jump into the future and he can conquer all of time. Not quite so easily, him killing Barry has severely shaken the Speedforce and it's going to collapse on itself, for if there's no Flash, there is no Speedforce. Thawne is forced to become what he hates more than anything - he has to recreate Barry's experiment, in his place. He has to forever deal with the fact that he killed Barry Allen, and now, he'll have to take his place in history.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Thawne's stuck in the past - irreversably. He's powerless upon defeating Barry Allen, the speedforce is in pieces and he's all tapped out of energy. Barry's never gonna become The Flash because Thawne and him destroyed the speedforce. Thawne will have to regain a fraction of his powers by taking Barry's place in the night of the particle accelerator explosion, and then he can get the hell out of this savage timeline and enjoy his victory.

When he realizes that's not gonna happen - that time's not gonna let him, he's forced a hard pill to swallow. Time does not work without The Flash. His own existence, and in fact, the existence of the whole universe is at stake if he does not take Barry's place. Thawne hates every second of it, but he has to retrace every step Barry took during his time as the Flash, starting from the very beginning. Thawne uses the help of the super computer Gideon to monitor the timeline, to make sure he's on the right course.

N O T E S:

Supporting Cast;
GIDEON; AI extraordinary. Formerly belonging to Rip Hunter, but when Thawne ripped his throat out in the 31st century, he took the AI for his own.
Cisco Ramon - S.T.A.R Labs engineer and mechanical genius.
Dr. Albert Michaels - S.T.A.R Labs Particle Scientist
Dr. Tine McGee - MetaHuman specialist and head of Central City Star Labs.
Dr. Harrison Wells - Head scientist focusing on Dark Matter, the particle accelerator was his work.

Other Notes; He goes by the name Eddie Thawne in the 21st century, he works as a custodian at the CCPD.


Life's got a weird way of taking you for a ride. One day, you're fighting your archnemesis for eons. You've seen the birth of a solar system, and the death of several during the battle. You've lived endless lifetimes in a bizarre, 360 degree war zone where from every flank, someone who wears yours - or your enemy's face comes swinging at you. You've hurled lightning bolts the size of stars and you've hit each other with enough power to pierce through a planet.

Yet, it ends, almost as it began. In a field in the suburbs, a few hundred meters from the house where his life began, and so did yours, in a way. It ends in the pouring rain, the worst thunderstorm in 50 years had swept over Central City, and you can't help but feel like it was your doing. Everything slowed down, not in the hyperspeed way it normally does, but in a way I haven't felt since I was a child. My hand vibrating through his heart, he's paralyzed, surprised and terrified, my hand vibrates in unison with his heart and for a split second, my red eyes meet his and I almost feel sad that it's over. His heart explodes and tears a hole through his chest. I don't get to do more than a few moments of celebratory joy - I had after all finally done it. I had killed The Flash. Nobody would ever stop me again.

That's what I thought. His body hadn't even gotten cold before the speed force swallowed him. It ate him up. And it was coming for me next. Without The Flash, the timeline's a lot less willing to allow paradoxes to exist. The speedforce was falling apart. It needed a new host - a new beacon. Luckily, I had landed on the day of the Particle Accelerator explosion. The day Barry Allen became the most hated man in history. I have seen it countless times, I'd held a knife to his throat, I've planted explosives, I've been about to break his neck.

I've taken everything from him. His wife, his mother, his children and now, even his life. But I had never taken his lightning. Not until now.

My name is Eobard Thawne, and I am, without a doubt, the fastest man of all time.
In the minds of

Location Casey Cassidy's house.
Part 1.

5:45 P.M | Last Month - a few nights before the events of Be Somebody

"You mean to tell me that you didn't have a near death experience, Joseph?" Casey exclaimed in disbelief. "You mean to tell me that you actually died. And not even really in a vague 'my heart stopped and I saw Jesus before the defibrillator resurrected me, so now I'm doing Ted talks about it' way? Do you have a Christian Rock album in the works?" The man bombarded Joseph with questions, as he lifted the pot off and started pouring the two cups of black coffee. "And what's with the uh. Hand?"

"Burned off. I had 313 fractures six months ago."

"That's one and a half fractures per bone in your body."


"That's impossible."

"The mob was very determined." Joseph concluded, taking a sip of his first cup of coffee for the better part of a year. "I have a few million nanites in my body, helping my cells reproduce and builds them stronger than they were before. The cybernetics makes me asymmetrical - but incredibly strong. The robotics that's holding my brain together's able to calculate things at such a advanced rate, it's like I'd have Stephen Hawking for a spotter. I haven't missed a shot since I woke up, and almost all of them were with baseball bats."

Casey's face was a mix between joy, confusion and suspicion. He wanted to believe Joseph, but it all sounded absolutely insane - and yet, Joseph hadn't told him about the evil voice in the back of his head, screaming and clawing all but every second of the day. "So, you're a Terminator?" Casey said with a chuckle. "Dead or alive, you're coming with me." He imitated.

"That's Robocop, you idiot."

"Did you tell the mob 'I'll be back' before they shot you?" Casey laughed.

Joseph's face turned sour. "I don't remember."
Clearly, getting shot in the head wasn't one of those things the detective was willing to joke about yet. "You heard anything from Karen? I told her some things before I went out on my last stakeout. She left me seven voice messages, but I can't get in touch with her."

"... Oh, Joe. Buddy, I thought you knew." Casey said, putting his cup down and patting Joseph on his shoulder.

Location Santa Celia General Hospital - Midtown

7:24 P.M | Last Month - a few nights before the events of Be Somebody

There she was, laying in a bed in the cold, sterile hospital room. Still as the nights she fell asleep in his arms. As beautiful as ever - the healing scars and faded bruises aside. Yet, there was something clearly wrong with her - she had no energy to her. She wasn't quite dead, but she wasn't alive, either. Comatose. She had been beaten, stabbed and finally poisoned - four days after Joseph died. And it was his fault. She was his failsafe. He had given her all the information he had about the mob, and told her to publish it if Joseph went missing after that night.

It was his fault that she was here. It was his fault that Karen's life was ruined, again.

This wasn't a matter of getting even anymore. It wasn't about him following his leads and cleaning up the city. It wasn't about him being a good man and doing what's right.

This was about getting revenge, and nothing would stop him. Casey patted him on the shoulder, as he approached Joseph through the doorway, handing him another cup of coffee. "I'm sorry, man."

Joseph, whom was hiding under a baseball cap and a hood pulled over the cap. Turned to him, and turned the coffee down.He was gritting his teeth and his voice was cold, yet burning with a rage Casey had never seen in his friend before.
"Let's get to work."

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