Avatar of HylianRose


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Busy with life stuff! Should be around tomorrow, pending work.
3 mos ago
3 yrs ago
nothing like looking through old rps to make you miss it all again. </3
5 yrs ago
Just popping in to let everyone know I'm not dead. ...that is all.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Sorry to all of those that I flaked on. If I had an excuse, I already forgot what it was.


29 year old writer.

Hi, I'm Rose. I RP and stuff.

Most Recent Posts

@viktorseier Hey! We're actually full if Theyra makes their character soon. I'm going to give them some time before accepting Viktor!

Alright, feel free to give any and all feedback! My brain is a lil poop right now so there might be some mistakes here and there I just didn't catch but I'll look through it again after you all get a chance to put your eyes upon it.

Yep. always interested in world building my guy~
Discord has been created and added to the OP. When you enter, you will only be able to see and read the rules and announcements type of stuff. Once I get around to giving you a role, you'll be able to see everything.

Edit: when you enter, please change your nickname to match your guild name so I know who you are. We can change them to our characters' names once we get them in! <3
Awesome! I'll get to work on a character. As for the Discord, I definitely do want one, not just for ease of communication and the one shots, but because I actually don't use RPG too much and would like reminders of when people have posted ^^

Sounds like a good enough reason to make it for me.

Gonna keep an eye on this. Still reading through it, but it seems interesting.

Glad it caught your eye! Let me know if you have any questions.
@Cyrania@Kafka Komedy@Theyra

Totally didn't do this at work. Nope. You can't prove it. (except you can.)

I'll try to get a discord up for us at some point so we have a place to do small 1x1s, one shots, create spaces to put more info for our characters, etc. If that's something you're not interested in at all, please let me know so I don't go through all that trouble for no reason.

If there is something that you think "Ahh, I could create that for us!" please let me know. I'd love to have a map, tbh.
Active Players

1. HylianRose
2. Cyrania
3. Kafka Komedy

Inactive Players

[Date Inactive] - Name

Waiting on App


Other Characters

Efran sat behind the one way window of the training room his team had been instructed to gather. He'd made sure to make the room as sparce as possible. He wanted to see what they would do when told to gather in an empty room. Sure, Echo had tested them, but he wanted to see for himself.

The room itself was... very sparce. Not a chair, table, or trashcan in sight. Just off-white tiled floors, a mirror on one side (an obvious one way window), gray walls, and a small camera in the corner, beeping red and recording.

The team had been on the airship for about a week now, being tested, eating separately, nearly unaware of one another until today. Their instructor had just arrived and there was a letter on their bed in their quarters.

New recruit,

Make sure to get your ass to Training Room 3 at 0600 sharp. I'll be waiting.

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