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Luckily for Amelia, she wasn't attacked by the local Snubbull and was able to approach the tree and harvest it without too much effort. She picked all she could but left five the berries on the ground for the Snubbulls to have as thanks for not attacking her before returning to where the Flabébés waited for her. She carefully put the remaining berries in her bag, keeping one out and calling out Pumpkaboo.
"Here, eat up. It'll help you feel better until we can make it to a pokemon center." She said, handing him the Oran Berry she had kept out.

"Pump!" Her partner replied before eating the berry out of her hand. Her other hand still held onto Driffloon, who she planned on addressing shortly. Once Pumpkaboo finished the berry, she returned him to his pokeball before turning to the Flabébés. "Thank you for your help. I'm going to explore a bit more. If you want to follow me you can but please do what you want."

With that she set off again. She was starting to get a little soaked from the rain but she didn't let that bother her as she walked. She decided to follow the arcs that littered the forest to see if she could find where they led. As she walked, she gently held onto Driffloon and wouldn't address it for several minutes.
"So, I have something I've been meaning to ask you Driffloon." She said to the Balloon-Pokémon. She dug out an empty pokeball and held it up to it as they walked. "Would you be willing to join me on my journey? I was going to ask you that before that bully interrupted us."
Joshua Tamashii


Joshua examined Leander carefully, a look of regret on his face. He hadn't meant to hurt his friend and he felt he would have to make it up to him later. Making a note to do so later, he followed Leander over to Ben, examining the card in his hands. Upon hearing Ben's words though, he scowled.
"Because she is a big shot. Her name is Cream and that uniform she's wearing is a fake. She's actually a Divine Dorm student who thinks it's fun to go around and try and have people challenge her so she can kick their asses in a duel. Supposedly it's the teach them that their opponent might not be what they seem but if you ask me, it's a load of bull." He said. "Happened to me not long ago. She uses some hybrid deck with Madolches, Gem-Knights, and gods knows what else. It also allows her to Fusion, XYZ, and Synchro summon, possibly all in one turn. In other words, it's strong, especially if she gets a decent hand.

She probably ran off cause she found out I was watching or simply around and I did a good job pissing her off during and after our duel. Still, I guess she aint all bad if she gave you a decent card, especially if you can use it in your deck. However, she was probably hoping to get you or your friends here to challenge her so she could beat them into the dirt.


Amelia Averyonna


"You can help if you want but, I'm not sure how much we can really do." Amelia said, looking up and giving Michelle a grateful expression. She honestly couldn't see a good way to solve this problem, since every solution she could think of ultimately came down to a game of chance. So ultimately, the solutions might not end up being solutions at all.
@Joshua Tamashii

Mhm, I grew up with Gen two myself as well. Silver version back in the day was my introduction to pokemon. Don't get me wrong, I am excited to see Silver and Gold as well...but something about Gen 3 always stuck out to me. I don't know what it is really, but Hoenn just has a special place in my heart.

and yes, you have mentioned the Nero Avatar already.

I couldn't recall.

Also, we all know who's responsible for the prismatic mutations on the ultra beast and other pokemon.
@Joshua Tamashii

Aye, seeing some old characters will be neat. I am most excited for Zinnia though after seeing that. Her battle theme is still probably my favorite. Ever. Of all time in pokemon history. Too bad Rayquaza made her battle much too trivial.

...I'm also just a fanboy for anything Hoenn and Gen 3 related, but details.

I'm more of a Gen 2 guy. I had Crystal back in the day. Good times.

Also, I highly approve of your Nero Avatar... have I said that already?
@Joshua Tamashii


Never really used Growlithe that much, but mostly because I don't really like a lot of Fire-types.

I might actually use this one.

i should get a Switch.

3DS works just as well and is probably cheaper. I like that we get to see Silver again in this game... wonder if he's less of an ass.
Well, Claire tries.

<Snipped quote by Joshua Tamashii>


Growlithe is now a Water-Type... not sure how I feel about that.
@Joshua Tamashii Are ya now.

Yes. I just feel like it's going to happen again.
@PlatinumSkink I'm waiting for the bully to show up again
@Joshua Tamashii

Oh wait I caught something here... <Snipped quote>

I don't think they are sleeping-resting

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