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Pre-Time Skip

After securing her bloodpops to keep her hunger down, Amelia quickly left the kitchen and made her way back to her room, using her vampiric speed to the uppermost limit that she could to return as quickly as possible. As a result she moved through the halls rather quickly but this also resulted in her being a bit slow in slowing down. This ended up in her running into someone standing outside her room's door, causing Amelia to let out a small scream as she fell to the ground from the impact, groaning as she hit the ground.

As he was opening the door to his dorm room, Daniel's nose was suddenly hit with the smell of a vampire, less than a second later, he felt something hit his back, followed by a small scream, and a groan. "Ugh," he said, as he turned to face this sudden nuisance.

The moment Daniel saw it was a little girl, he suddenly froze, slowly softening his glare, but keeping a cold, emotionless expression. At a loss for words, and confounded by the situation at hand, he turned back toward the door and nervously entered the room.
Amelia took a few seconds to recover and, after making sure her bloodpop was still secure in her mouth, looked up to see who or what she had bumped into. It was a boy, several years older then herself by the looks of things. His expression was hard to read but she got the distinct impression he was not going to be very friendly. This suspicion was slightly confirmed once the scent of werewolf coming from the man hit her.

As she observed him, he entered the door behind him into her room and it finally dawned on her. She was going to be sharing the room with this boy for the rest of the school year, if not longer. Holding back a sigh, she slowly got up and entered after her new roommate, quickly moving past him towards the mess of papers on the floor. She avoided looking at him as she sat down and resumed her homework, hoping that if she kept her distance, he wouldn't be too mean.

As Daniel entered the room, he suddenly noticed that there was a large pile of papers on one side; apparently his roommate had already moved in, but judging by the smell, they were a vampire.

"Well this is gonna suck" he mumbled.

Then, much to Daniel's surprise the little girl that had run into him walked in and started to work on the massive pile of papers. "THIS IS MY ROOMMATE?!?!?!!!" he thought. Now VERY uncomfortable, Daniel walked over to his side of the room and slowly began to unpack his belongings, doing all he could to avoid eye contact with the little girl.

Amelia listened as her new apparent roommate as she continued to work on the multiplication tables in front of her. She was rather nervous, or more accurately scared, to try and talk to him for the time being. So for now, she was willing to let him be as she tried to get her work done before tomorrow when classes started. Still, she was unable to keep herself from watching her roommate as they unpacked, wondering what kind of person he was.

Since he was finished unpacking, and since the little girl obviously wasn't going to say anything, Daniel sat down on his bed with a sigh, pulled out a journal, and began to write.

Amelia continued to work in silence for a bit before she finally gave in and broke said silence.
"So... What's your name?" She asked, her tone fearful as she wasn't sure how her roommate would react.

Hearing the little girl ask for his name, Daniel paused, slowly lowering his journal slightly, and replied, "Daniel Morningstar, how about yours?" as he continued to write.

"I'm Amelia... Amelia Artemia Averyonna. Um... it's a please to... meet you." Amelia said.

Slowly sitting up, setting down his journal, Daniel cleared his throat. "Well Amelia, since we appear to be roommates, I'd like to talk about ground rules," he said with a cold stare.

"One, ask before touching anything that belongs to me,"

"Two, I'm going to tell you right now that I rarely sleep, but in the event that I do, you are to stay away from me no matter what,"

"Three, you are to NEVER, and I repeat, NEVER, touch that picture, my notebook, or my rosary,"

"Do you understand?"

"Ye-yes sir." Amelia said, her tone definitely frightened now as she moved away from Daniel, all hopes that he might be friendly vanishing like water in a desert.

Seeing Amelia was visibly scared, Daniel felt a twinge of guilt, and decided to try to calm her down a little, she may be a vampire, but that didn't change the fact she was sill a child.
"Look, I'm not trying to be mean, vampires just make me uncomfortable, and with so many of them around I'm a little on edge." he said with a sigh.

"O-okay." Amelia said, her tone still frightened but a bit calmer now. She looked down at her sheets for a few seconds before looking back up at Daniel. "Are you... hungry?"

Daniel wasn't all that hungry, but he hoped that accepting Amelia's offer would make her a little less scared. "Sure, I could go for a snack." he said.

"Then would... you like me to show you the kitchen?" Amelia asked.

"Sure, why not?" Daniel said, "Might as well find out where the food is around here" he thought.

Amelia nodded and stood up, heading for the door before waiting for Daniel to follow. She led him through the halls, taking her time so that Daniel could possibly remember the twists and turns they took. Once they arrived, she took him over to the fridge with the raw meet for the werewolves.
"This is where the meat is." she said.

The trip to the kitchen felt as if it took ages, by the time the unlikely pair finally reached to kitchen, Daniel finally WAS hungry. He licked his lips as he stepped through the door, before being led up to a large fridge by Amelia. "This is where the meat is." she said, Daniel then reached in and pulled out a large cut of flank steak. Taking a large bite, he turned to Amelia, "How bout' we head back?"

Amelia nodded in response to Daniels question and lead the way back to their room. Once back, she moved back over to her worksheets and focused on them for a few hours before retiring for the night.

The next month was relatively peaceful for Amelia. School was something she had never gotten to experience before due to her past so unlike most of the students, she found the whole thing rather interesting. Having a set schedule was the worse part for her, but the learning and reinforcement of that which she learned was the exciting bit and made up for it. The only classes she didn't enjoy where the self-defense classes, as she refused to take part in anything that involved her possibly hurting others, possibly much to the chagrin of her teachers. As if to make up for this though, the girl excelled at the use of hypnosis and was one of the fastest learners in that particular class.

For now though, it was just another day for her. It started with the usual shower and breakfast in the morning. There didn't seem to be any classes for the day and one glance outside told her why. It was the full moon and that meant most of the students, including her roommate, would be locked away while the celestial body took away their sanity and forced them into a form most probably didn't want to be in. She felt bad for the lycanthropes and hoped all would be well and that none of them or anyone else for that matter got hurt.

Realizing she had nothing to do, she began wondering the castle, wondering how she would pass the time. Enough wondering led her to the library, one of her favorite places, and she began walking among the shelves, looking for something to read. She still wasn't the best at it, but she was making progress and practice made perfect. Eventually she found a book that caught her interest and wasn't too advanced for at, at least at a glance, and made her way over to one of the fireplaces and took a seat. There was another vampire nearby, but they seemed engrossed in their own book, so Amelia didn't bother them as she took a seat and got to work on hers.
@MissCapnCrunch the other two have said everything so I won't add anymore. But if you do start another RP let me know, I'll see if I can get Ame in again.
@SolusFalcon@MissCapnCrunch Shall I wait on either of you two or shall I just post?
<Snipped quote by MarshiestMallow>


Damian's going to need a bigger squirt bottle.

No, he needs a big water gun
@Ever we're doing a collab, could be a while so go ahead and post
@Ever May I make a quick posts to get some interactions between Amelia and Daniel?
<Snipped quote by Joshua Tamashii>

Yessir! Be warned though, my character HATES vampires

But he likes children, which Amelia is.
@Guy0fV4lor So you're Amelia's roommate?
We can always make her a NPC for a roommate.

But... but... she likes having a room to herself D:

Eh, whatever, I'll go with what the GM decides.
@MissCapnCrunch Lightning said she's working on a Rose post, so we still have our doctor, if you're interested
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