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okey doke. so did the us take over the world? or did they just have a large influence on the world? also what year is it?

The year is just present year so its been over a century since the events of Steel Ball Run.

America didn't take over in a hostile manner, but much like the analogy of the napkin the other countries sort of came to follow America's lead and become like them. So they have such a large influence that they basically just took over without having to do anything by force. Just assume that Funny Valentine's goals were achieved. This isn't to say there weren't a few rebellious forces in various places around the world, reactive force was taken to suppress them. It was incredibly one sided before because Funny Valentine's plan succeeded. But now those same groups, who were on the ropes before, are starting to gain some success and traction. No one knows why this has happened.

Of course your character would definitely not know the plans of Funny Valentine but they would know that the change in the world was credited to him, this is almost always said in a positive manner.
I've wanted to join a jojo rp on here for a while. I've already designed a couple of characters so far. Also curious by the way, how open are you to characters from abroad?

I am actually looking for characters from abroad, I think it would really fit the theme of a global force creating and calling people to the United States. Of course this isn't discouraging a character originating from the US either. You won't have to worry about RPing around language barrier or anything either. America taking the napkin would likely mean English is the primary language for all countries, if not a close and mandatory second.

Feel free to ask away with more questions if you need.

Had an idea for an Jojo RP which would take place in the modern day after an alternate conclusion to Part 7: Steel Ball Run. It is a bit of a niche topic in general so I'm just testing the waters with an interest check before I commit to the idea fully. The setting is detailed below but under a hider for spoilers.

Disclaimer: Despite the topic and setting of the RP, this RP will not feature any opinions, figures, or other topics in reference to American politics. I, as a non-American, have very little to zero interest in the topic and it will simply not feature in the RP in any way.
Submitting two characters, will only go with one. Just couldn't decide between them.

Starbright's heart sank as he saw his sort of apprentice fall to his death. Starbright also had no clue about the jet beneath The Bullet. She had actually done it, she just went and killed someone in front of him. Starbright couldn't remember the last time he truly lost his cool, but this was the first time in years that was for sure. His demeanor changed quite drastically to one of anger and his voice lacked any control. If he didn't still look that exact same, one could mistake him for a completely different person. Was it Starbright? No, it was Noah. He was returning from an act that had gone on for far too many years. As if the state of his real emotions made him a completely different person. Starbright hadn't been in touch with that side of himself in a long while. "You bitch!"

This wasn't any time to hurl insults though. A tidal wave was quickly approaching him and Noah needed to act fast. Pulling out the sponge Christina gave him, he defended himself for the oncoming torrent. It absorbed just about everything, growing tremendously in size. Eventually the weight and size of it crashed into Noah, it hurt so much he released his grip on it and stumbled back. Luckily he could regain his footing and the sponge soaked up the remainder of the blast. Noah looked directly at Sea Serpent and charged. Enough of the talking, enough of the silly little light blasts, it wouldn't work on someone like her. He just needed to hurt Sea Serpent bad. Both for treating an innocent life so carelessly and for the countless others she had probably taken. But most importantly, for killing someone Noah had actually begun to like. That was something rare for him.

Sea Serpent couldn't get anymore water to her side before the full force on Noah crashed into her. He didn't pull any punches, and with his force it only took two for her to be out cold. The look of shock and terror on her face when he did it etched itself into his mind, but it didn't stop him. He was uncontrollably angry and he wasn't going to be stopped.

Two punches, only two punches. But such a small amount was a whirlwind of violence and hate for Noah to depart on someone. He hadn't been in a fist fight before, hell he's had never really hit a punch on someone. But here someone was, unconscious on the ground. All because of him. Was this the person he really was?

Noah stood up from the horror he just caused and leaned backwards onto a nearby wall. He felt weak, defeated. He looked back at Sea Serpent's unconscious body and the tears started flowing. The guilt felt like a hole in his chest and his legs eventually gave out as he slowly slid down the wall down to a sitting position. Head hidden in his knees he just cried. Was this who he really was? She killed Chad, she deserved it! But was he any better? Would he be doomed into a cycle of violence where he became like her? His words, all the flash and glamour, it didn't mean shit in the end and it got one of the few people he actually cared for killed. He was worthless and in the end he was no better than her. But what could he do about it? So Noah just sat there, crying, dwelling in regret, guilt and misery.

15 minutes later

Starbright wiped his eyes and was quickly back to his feet. It was as if nothing happened as if Noah retreated. More accurately, as if Noah conceded to the man called Starbright. He didn't want to feel those things anymore, it hurt too much. He didn't need all that now, both himself and others were in danger. He needed to be Starbright, not Noah. No one needed Noah.

Starbright walked over to Sea Serpent, who was still out cold. Someone really did a number on her. He gently slapped her face to see if see would wake up, not so much as a twitch. He then held his fingers under her nose to check her breath, still going and steady if maybe a bit slow. Realizing he had given his belt to his late friend, The Bullet, Starbright instead ripped off the lower bit of his shirt. He really should have done that earlier instead of giving away his belt. That belt looked so good and frankly this torn crop top look was kind of stylish. At least, he could make it work. He got out his phone to check himself out in the reflection, just to make sure. Oh yeah, that was going in the summer catalogue for sure. Oh dear, he was getting distracted. He tied the piece of torn fabric, holding Sea Serpent's hands behind her back. He had hoped she would listen to reason, disregarding him at every turn like that was very rude. Did she not know that a star like him never lies? Never the less, Starbright wasn't about to take the chance that Sea Serpent's friends were more reasonable than her. He needed a bargaining chip so this could all end without more people getting hurt. That bargaining chip was lying right in front of him.

Deciding to take Sea Serpent as a hostage, Starbright descended the stairs of the roof until he saw the first guard. "Hold it, you can put the gun down thank you. Its not a good look on you anyway. I would like you to take me to Seraph now. As you can see, I have someone who he may want to see." He begun approaching the armed guard. "Oh and get someone to bring snacks into the room as well. Crackers and some nice cheese, you know the sort. I know Seraph at least has the class to have those hidden somewhere."

Of course, Starbright had no intention of harming Sea Serpent in any way. He was just going to hope the look that he would was enough to have EAGLES see reason.

Then in a flash of reason for himself, he untied Sea Serpent and draped one of her arms over his shoulder. If there were any cameras around, he would want to be seen like he was saving her. The restraints hardly seemed necessary with the state she is in, and it wasn't worth the risk of unsavory footage getting out.


As the day went by Blue was lounging on a few crates in an alley, munching casually on an apple. Despite this being the day of initiation into the guild he was in no rush. Instead he would just sit back and watch people go by on their merry way while taking the time for lunch. What better way to spend his time? Occasionally he got the glimpse of a chipper young Pokemon skipping of two steps at a time. He would wonder if they too were going to sign up. Though seeing them move like that he wondered if he should really sign up. He clearly wasn't planning on joining with the same enthusiasm and frankly it was only to sate some of his curiosity.

"So you are really going then?" it was Blue's good friend Dash, a Galarian Zigzagoon. "You gonna just go and be a goody two shoes scout like the rest of them? I don't see it personally, we got all we need right here." Blue had actually sat up to response. Despite little phasing him a good deal of the time, he did this out of respect to his friend. "As a matter of fact, I am. There's one thing that's missing around here and that is respect from people like them." He pointed out toward the busy street. "Plus, you know, I can always just write it off as a bit of a laugh and head back here. And who said anything about being a goody two shoes?" Blue gave off a devilish smile, one that Dash picked up on a returned in kind. "Anyway that's my apple done, I better head off." He threw it into the bin from a distance and started his walk onto the main street.

When he arrived at the guild he shuffled into group with the other new recruits, but he didn't say a word. He looked around at everyone's excited and happy expressions and it only increased his look of boredom and indifference. But he walked all the way here, it was worth seeing what the overly giddy Sylveon had to say.

David put a great deal more into every blow into the bag after the meeting. Just what were they asking of him? They say the person and place and send him in to kill like a dog? Was he just supposed to lay his life on the line for on the request of someone he only met recently? Was his dad right and the covens beliefs? Were those true beliefs rearing their ugly head now that he had been drawn in? David wasn't just angry, he was frustrated and confused about it all. But the worst part is that he couldn't write their choice off as all bad. Vampires are similar to humans, but they also are a life threatening danger to the people around them. Only the coven could really stop it, and that was the worst part, they were in the right. But the feelings still remained, and with no one to let it out on that deserved it, it was best to let it out on the bag. Just like many other times.

David would hunt down these vampires, that was a promise to himself. But he wasn't doing it for the coven. He was doing it for the lives that would be lost without action. Maybe he could bottle up some of the aggression to make sure he would follow through on that promise.

Either way, at the end of the workout he was far too tired to dwell on it too much. He strolled back to the coven house, toweling himself down. He went inside to do all the 'I have just worked out and now I need to do other things for the day' routine. He then quickly packed his duffel bag with enough clothes to last and chucked in the toiletries bag. The whole thing took about a half hour in total, a very fast time. But this was less because of efficiency and more because of lack of things to really pack. He was back outside in no time with a black jacket, white shirt, jeans, and sneakers on. He strode in a much more upbeat and happy tone than what could be seen earlier from him. He chucked his duffel bag in the back and... holy s*** was he taken aback by what he saw.

"Bloody hell mate, you witches are crazy. How many weapons to do have back here?" He said jokingly "look if I get pulled over you're all gonna split the fine right? Or pay the bail, probably paying bail." He laughed it off as he begun to get out the tarp and drape it over the new armory that resided in the back of his car. He wasn't actually worried about getting pulled over, David wasn't much of a speeder. Plus he could make the whole thing look inconspicuous once he had a cover over it. Frankly, it just looked like a pile of gardeners tools now. Though the main reason for telling the joke in the first place was just to get his mind, or at least his outer expression, off the turmoil it was in before.

Although, as he was tying down the tarp he had a look at all the weapons. They were bringing all this into the fight and what did he have? Nothing, that's what. Could he really just relying on fighting skill alone? Probably not. It was at least checking out the armory everyone was talking about before heading out.

David could separate the armory into three sections. There were the guns, who David had no idea on how to use and frankly didn't seem like a good idea to learn under life or death circumstances. There were the talismans and 'wacky witch s***', which David had even less of an idea of how to use if they did much at all. He wasn't going to rely on those. Lastly there was the section that teleported him back to the middle ages, the place was stocked with maces, swords, and whatever else you could think of. But frankly that did not seem appealing either. There had to be something David could use to get the bloodsuckers running. Then an idea popped into his head. He left the armory about 5 minutes after he entered and went over to the gardeners shed. David quickly came out with the chainsaw and a bit of fuel. He forgot what movie it was that he saw, but if he could make the vamps into mash they didn't have much chance to coming back before the sun came up.

On returning, David chucked his selected weapon in the back. Of course, he wouldn't plan to use it willy nilly but he had to do something about the vampire regeneration. Best to use a tool that can make it next to impossible. "Right, lets get this show on the road aye. I am keen for a road trip after being cooped up in this place the past few days." He pointed behind him with his thumb toward the coven house with, again, a positive expression on his face.

Talks to group 1

David had enjoyed the days after the initiation. Although the ghost party didn't go through quite yet, he did have a good night on the sauce that first night. He remembered waking up a few metres into the forest from the clearing, beats some dingy urban rat hole any day though. He had made some good friends (namely Kate and Caleb) and his exercise routine was well under way. Things were looking up, well, except for one thing. The Sisters were still looking down on him, just cause he didn't have a huge grasp on magic yet. Not that he was putting much effort into it, but he would be damned if he would give the Sisters the satisfaction on asking them.

David ending up offering a trade to Caleb, he wasn't comfortable with asking someone for something and offering nothing in return. It was a simple trade, David would procure for Caleb a fake id of his own and in return Caleb would help him with magic. The other condition is that the magic tutoring would be on the down low. He didn't mind the others knowing about it. But if the Sisters caught wind of it, David would be pissed.

That trade was made yesterday and it was scheduled to start in the afternoon of this particular morning. David rose up at a reasonable time, same time as yesterday and the day before. His sleep schedule was settling in quite nice. He went down stairs and out the front at a brisk pace in his exercise gear.

Upon exiting the front door, he saw a familiar blue jay sitting at the edge of the bird bath. Again, much like the days before, it was not drinking even though the bowl was full. He had first met this bird in the forest near where he woke up that first night. It couldn't fly so David just looked after it for a few hours, then it seemed better after a while and flew away. But now it seems the bird has a strange affinity toward David, he was seeing it pop up all around the place. Something told him it was the same bird every time, and he couldn't help but smile when seeing it again. David looked around to make sure no one was watching, then poured a bit of his water bottle into the bowl. The bird drank up and he gave it a short and gentle pat on the head before continuing on.

David was lucky to be able to set up his punching bag, even if it had to be moved well out of the way of the coven house. In stark contrast to how he was with the bird, the bag was taking a world of punishment. But he was interrupted by Sister Lark ordering him to report to Sister Deborah's office for an assignment. He had expected to be issued work at some point with in the following days. But he wished it could have been given half an hour later, he had just built up a light sweat. Nevertheless David toweled himself down and jogged back to the house.

David was the latest to arrive to the meeting. He was likely called in last because of how far out he was. Luckily it didn't look like people were waiting too long. He stood leaning against the doorway to Deborah's office, paying half attention. Hunting vampires, the concept of it put David off a bit. Not because he was afraid or anything, but because the nature of the job involved killing. David ended up coming to this place because he just about almost killed someone back in Melbourne, now the coven were asking him and the others to murder multiple people. They were technically vampires, but the two didn't have a huge difference in David's mind. He would do it, especially if they are a risk to people. But it still left him feeling uneasy and David tried not to show it. Fortunately, his position well in the back meant he didn't have to be good a it.

"Chester Thompson" and he returned back to regular David just like that. That shit really got his back up, but he wasn't going to make a fuss about it here. At least it helped get his expression back to normal.

After the presentation, David gathered with the group. "Yeah, I'll be taking my pick up truck. I should be able to have 1 other person, 2 if we squeeze a bit. The back should be able to take everyone's extra gear." He turned around to leave the room. "Anyway, I was in the middle of something. So just chuck all your weapons and stuff in the back. I'll get a tarp over it and tie it down a bit later on." David had initially thought to ask Caleb if he needed a lift. But hearing Calypso offer first, David wasn't going to contest. It would take an idiot to not notice that Calypso liked him, and David wasn't going about to get in the way of that, even if by accident.

David exited the room and the coven house, quickly returning to his exercise. He would begin packing about a half hour later when he was done. Someone who pays attention to his actions would know he is not handling the situation with the seriousness it deserves, considering he is delaying any personal prep for the assignment ahead. But David was also using the exercise time to think over those uneasy feelings early. Maybe help settle them a bit. He could only hope.

Talks to group 1

In the few days after the initiation, Rowan had kept the status quo of her work in the alchemy lab. Regretfully, she had not gotten to talk much to her roommates which was entirely her fault. She just didn't have much courage when it came to people as imposing as that. But that wasn't to say she hadn't made some friends, her first lesson in the dark arts had gone well with Cassandra. Fortunately it was all theory, Rowan didn't like the idea of hands on practice when it came to the dark arts. She also met some great people in the lab. Of course, she knew Kate and Iris well but she also got to know Hana and Maggie. Maggie had even helped to patch up Rowan's hand after a nasty spill in the lab. The spill was Rowan's fault as well, she had been trying more dangerous and risky concoctions than she or someone of her skill level normally would. What could she say, she was surrounded by equally talented witches, the spark of competition and the need to prove herself were both in full force.

On a side note, Rowan also is starting to suspect Iris is stealing out of her garden box. While Rowan doesn't mind people taking from it, she would like them to ask. Not because of politeness or anything, that was a far second to the potential danger her ingredients could do if used unknowingly.

This particular morning Rowan had gotten up early again. She was able to finish her breakfast, showered, and all the other morning routines to make her ready and presentable for the day. As if by clockwork, she returned to the alchemy lab and had just ignited the Bunsen burner for her next project. But she was interrupted by Sister Lark who was calling everyone to Sister Deborah's office. Their first assignment, how exciting.

Rowan was the first in the room, she saw two empty seats but assumed they would be for some of the other Sisters. So she simply stood to the side, trying not to lean on the bookshelf. She would later be proven wrong as she saw a couple of her fellow witches take those seats, Rowan felt silly about the whole thing.

Rowan listened to Sister Deborah detail the assignment. But the second she mentioned taking out vampires, Rowan's mind delved into thought. Much like the times before, she just kind of zoned out from the world around her. She was in her own mind at that moment. 'Vampires? That seems a bit extreme for us, we have only been recently linked to the wellspring. They couldn't seriously be suggesting this, a few of us might end up getting get linked to the afterlife. But maybe this is a test? Maybe they know we are more capable than normal, this could be my chance to shine.' All of a sudden Rowan was reminded of a brew from one of her grandmother's more closely guarded books. 'Yeah yeah, that would be perfect.'

“You should all be gone by 2:00" Rowan was thrust back to reality with those words. 2:00, that her almost zero extra time to brew the potion up. She looked around and saw others already forming groups. There were groups!? Rowan took file 2 and had a look over, learning the groups. She looked up and smiled to both Kate and Maggie. Rowan was happy that they were in her team. She handed the file over to someone else in the group, then spoke to Kate. "Hey, uh, sorry everyone I need to go into the lab real quick. Unfortunately time is of the essence, I'll be back as soon as I can." She said this all in a hurried tone before rushing down stairs to her room. She took a pair of sunglasses out of her bag then begun writing up a paper sign. Rowan then rushed further down to the alchemy lab, slapping the paper sign on the door as she entered.

"Wear sunglasses in the lab today"
"Please :)"

Bottled sunlight. That is what it is called. While not literally as bright as the sun, it is jammed packed with all the parts that vampires hate. A good blast on a vamp will just about kill them immediately. It was one of Elizabeth Moore's more closely guarded recipes for a reason. One does not ask the method in which this potion was discovered and perfected, even if they were just vampires. This was an incredibly difficult potion to make, it would be a challenge, but this would finally prove her as a worthy heir of her grandmother.

While Rowan is making the potion, occasional pulses of bright yellow light can be seen in the hallway coming out from under the door.

Talks to: Kate @sassy1085 specifically, but Group 2 at large
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