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I'm not really sure about the diluted blood to be honest. If it's a curse applied by the Guardian, which it is, then the purity of blood shouldn't really matter, it should still affect everyone descended from Bloodmadder equally; it's not a topic that has a lot of information around it unfortunately.

The stated figure for a short lifespan is around 100; apparently that is increased for Rankers, but who knows how long they can live. The only thing that's certain is that they cannot gain immortality, since I think part of the curse is that Bloodmadder alone with live forever while his family always dies. There's even a Princess from the Hendo Lok family, but who knows how that works.
Branch families still have Bloodmadder's blood however and should still be subject to his curse; the difference between the main and branch families is just whether they are the first son or not. You can probably assume that the curse is diluted the further away from Bloodmadder himself you get, but considering that the government in the Tower apparently had to track down everyone with his blood and isolate them, spreading the blood around is still an issue.
If you want to have him and his blood relatives escape the family, you could make it so that his father or other relative is a Ranker who was adopted? You'd technically be part of the Hendo Lok family and you tweak the reason why he wants to leave to include his father being a Ranker; maybe his father wants out but doesn't have the power to do so or maybe his father is one of the people he wants to get away from?
I imagine they adopt Rankers since their own Rankers are all going to die early and therefore the family needs to adopt Rankers to stay in power. It would be similar to how business owners in Japan (and probably other places) legally adopt prospective heirs to take over their companies when they retire; more of a business arrangement than wanting a kid.
Sorry, I've been adjusting to working from home and it's made it hard to really sit down and post. When I do the inspiration usually leads me elsewhere.

I'll try to get a post up tomorrow.
Thats a given Irregulars are bullshit. Also why is Aleck 19? Shouldn't he be a few hundred atleast?

Most of the characters here are young, I think it's only you and me who are old timers.
I'd say aptitude is more about ability to learn rather than anything else. I guess you could call it talent. You could have someone with low aptitude who already knows how to make a bang and someone with high aptitude who has never even heard of Shinsoo; the one with high aptitude would quickly overtake the person with low aptitude even with the initial difference.

The biggest limitation for Shinsoo users early on seems to be the number of bangs they can maintain and control at once. When they had to take the test to evade the Ranker, Quant, he was only allowed to use one bang at a time and this was considered to be a big limitation; one bang means he can only do one thing at a time, reinforce his body or make a projectile, attack or defend, not both at once. You can see the effects of this during the final exam, Bam had issues because he could freeze his opponent but not attack at the same time; he had to release his opponent to attack and they were able to avoid it.

It's weird to think about how weak everyone was at the start, given where the story is currently.
High Shinsoo aptitude is something that I'd expect to be associated with Wave Controllers and maybe Light Bearers more than anything, in fact high aptitude would probably be the reason for picking them for those positions, but it's something that every position uses to an extent. Shinsoo is used for reinforcement as well as forming rooms/bangs after all.

Keep in mind that a lot of people, even in the Wave Controller classes, were only learning to use Shinsoo for the first time; most were unable to even form one room/bang. It was only people like Laure who could do it already. Also keep in mind that Wave Controller was the smallest of the classes in terms of how many people were a part of it. Outside of people from the Ten Great Families I wouldn't expect anyone to be that proficient with Shinsoo yet, regardless of aptitude; not even Princesses or Irregulars, since the latter won't have any experience with Shinsoo at all.
Good point scout and light bearer would be the information pillar of any team.

Definitely. Scouts are all about relaying information back to the Light Bearer using their Observers, so that the Light Bearer can plan a strategy. I was thinking more about who you want to be in the classes with, but once we get past the 2nd floor the Scouts and Light Bearers will probably need to cooperate a lot.
The fisherman position would fit them the most, I think, though I wouldn't mind going for a spear bearer or maybe even a scout, either.

They could all work. I think there's a fair amount of crossover between the three positions, since you can have Spear Bearers who fight at close range with a spear as opposed to throwing them, Fisherman who fight at mid-range with a reel and Scouts who act as the first striker in team fights; Regulars who can switch positions between two of those roles probably aren't that uncommon even on lower floors, especially since Fisherman don't seem to require special skills like the other positions.

I guess the most important thing to think about is the position classes. Who do you want to be peers with?
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