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Also, two more announcements to everyone.

First, I may, if chance permit, do a post for the Happyverse tomorrow or Thursday. Victoire and Farris are really only going to do something this Saturday.

Second, after analyzing the current state of the RP for sometime, we have decided that no one in the Machina side will be gaining any more cross-faction powers/power ups for the time being. They are already too imbalanced as is, Just look at how many holy/demonic sources of power they have in their faction, so anything new coming to their side much be Machina related (ie: weak to Demons). We can, at our own discretion, verify cross-faction powers/power-ups on a case by case basis and decide if they are legal or not but, as a guideline, the answer is more likely to be no.

This is valid to the other factions in a smaller degree as well. Cross-faction abilities and characters are going to be far more scrutinized from now on, to avoid the situation we are in at the moment, with the Machina faction.
@Mega Birb

I guess you are welcome back. That said, Sliske will have to find somewhere else to conquer, giving the current state of affairs of the Nexus and of Hell itself.

Also, yes, he's not even close to being the most hated Demon, much less the most hated character in the whole RP. If you really want to have Sliske earn so much of everyone's dislike, you should do so through IC actions. Show, don't tell, y'know.
Probably better.
Actually, the guns that everyone uses are supposed to be cartridge based, but still manual operated (i.e.:bolt/lever action, for example, mostly bolt). They really are advanced equipment, like I described before (remember, one of the enemies in the first fight even had a break action grenade launcher). With that in mind, carrying gunpowder is kinda pointless.
Is it ok if I have Nanoha arrive close to the park in time to take a look at the contract making, or at least shortly after it? I'll not be posting until the weekend, but I'd like to have an idea of what time frame we are following, just for reference.
I'll try to post again before the weekend. I can't be sure of it thought, since I'm still busy with college stuff.
So what kind of supplies did it seem the soldiers have on hand? What is around environment-wise of note?

That kind of question is a bit hard to answer since I wasn't planning to put so much thought on trivial details. Coming up with a complete list of stuff they have there is more complicated than it seems. The only thing I know is that they are light on gear and supplies; they mission is a short one, indeed. But they should have pretty much any normal kind of gear you'd expect from soldiers.

In the end, it's better if you are more specific about this question. Answering "what they have around?" is considerably harder than answering "they have artillery shells hanging around in plain sight?" The answer for this is no, by the way. Do you get what I mean?
If that's the case, then I think I'll just sit out the rest of the battle. Don't bother waiting on Fran, we can just say that she chooses to observe the battle instead of participate.

Case of what? If you don't mean to do anything at least, get her out of the battle. It's better than having others guess whether or not Fran would react to them.

Victoire to Henry: "It's even like I can go where you live, now, Avaritia. It didn't need to be like this, but you forced my hand..."

Actually, I may as well use this on my next post, since this has become a dramatic fight. The fight is more even than most people may think, though, since Victoire is running low on blood after such an intensive combat. Her plan to recover her reserves for the coup d'grace (people dying to her roses and feeding her with blood) is still not in proper position. Both she and Henry are kinda weak, so the fight likely won't take too long. Victoire's main advantage is having back up from Maen.

One way or another, this is likely decide the end of this battle.

By the way, my reply may be delayed. I don't know if I'll have time to reply during this week, I may as well only post on Saturday, unless Victoire or Farris gets suddenly pounced.
Ok, it took me a week more than I expected, but it's there, my post. Sorry for the delay, everyone.
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