Avatar of Kuro


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2 days ago
Current Back for a mini-break back home. Have more classes to go to after this Sunday, have to travel again to them.
9 days ago
Last day of work before I'm off for my two day break I get before I begin my work training upstate. Getting put up in a nice hotel room and everything, it'll be snazzy.
14 days ago
Considering that the majority of the guild uses ghost mode and also the fact Casual is where the majority of RP takes place, I don't think this is some big conspiracy theory about AI lol
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19 days ago
Will be probably MIA sometime the first few weeks of June, or not entirely present at least. Work is having me do two weeks of management training upstate.
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20 days ago
Y'know you don't have to flood the status bar, right?


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

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In Shelter 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
ᴋ ᴀ ʏ ʟ ᴇ ᴇ ᴊ ᴇ ɴ ɴ ɪ ɴ ɢ ꜱ

Location: Teacher's Lounge, Stockbridge Academy
Date: March 6th, 2019

Part of Kaylee wished common decency hadn't vanished in the wake of the crisis that they were now facing, though she couldn't blame her peers for their reactions, either. She was playing the moral high ground to a group of cranky (and growing) teenagers that had, until recently, been running on two meals a day and were cooped up inside a gymnasium waiting for an evacuation that never came. They were all scared; hungry; tired, even. Each of them had the right to look out for themselves and themselves only when their classmates had an all-you-can-eat-buffet moments ago.

But, damn it, if they were going to get through this thing, couldn't they at least look out for their fellow peers? The growing snatch-and-grab at the remaining few granola bars they found was only going to add to the tension. Maybe they could've split it among everyone, instead of giving their share solely to the underclassmen?

Nonetheless, Kaylee chose to let the matter rest for now, partly because of the reaction to her suggestion, but also because the group seemed to be settling on a plan of action. Provided nothing would go wrong on their way to the school cafeteria, then they would have more food than they could bargain for.

Or so Kaylee hoped.

Location: School Hallways, Stockbridge Academy
Date: March 6th, 2019

Kaylee was always a bit of a risk taker. Though, trying to compare stolen bases or taking bad hits in a softball match to traversing the halls of the dead would've been comparing apples to oranges. Failing to score a run or hitting a foul ball didn't lead to being munched on like a snack.

Truth be told, she was nervous, despite having volunteered among others to make the trek to the cafeteria. It wasn't unusual for Kaylee to put up a tough front in any "high-stress" situation, and yet, she could never truly hide the cracks. Her thoughts ran at a million miles per hour; her hands repeatedly clamored the metal table leg she held for defense; her eyes darted at any possible sign of danger. The softball star was riding on the edge, as most, if not all, of them likely were.

"So, uhm," Kaylee spoke up, keeping her voice at a minimum to not draw attention to the group sneaking their way through the abandoned hallways."I'm aware that we need the food and all, but isn't the cafeteria stocked with food service cans? How exactly do we transport cans of that size, especially when some of us probably don't have the carrying space for them in our bags or if we get caught out in the open somehow?"

"It's just a thought, but maybe we should check out some classrooms along the way, grabbing whatever spare backpacks we can find. So we don't have to try shoving them into messenger bags or carry them in our arms, y'know?"

In Shelter 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
oh shit it lives

It's an Ink RP, they do this kind of thing.

They'll pause for a month or more, then suddenly kick back into overdrive. Then the cycle continues.
@LetMeDoStuff@Wolverbells Question; will this RP be sandbox-like, or do you have a set general idea or storyline/plot line for each (or all) of the branches? I know you mentioned that players will have the freedom to make their own side plots, curated missions, etc., but I figured to ask as Stuff mentioned that this RP won't have a direct connection to the canonical story and that there might be some small or even large changes to the established lore of AoT.

Light jacket day weather, nighttime isn't freezing, and generally vibes with the midwest the best than Summer or Winter for me personally.

if you aren't wearing a jacket every day are you really living
In Shelter 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
<Snipped quote by wolverbells>

Yeah that works well! Can split it into multiple segments of training, relaxing and stuff like that. Also means that when we do split up, it justifies more open collaborations between branches out of simply knowing one another and potentially holding stronger bonds

Question is if we do the snow trek segment since we did have issues with that previously. Not saying that there will be issues here, but it was a point of discussion in the previous version.
@LetMeDoStuff I could ask Volde but his grandfather just died so I'm not sure if he's up for anything right now.
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