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girls are still capped yeh? @Venus
definitely interested 😎
𝓢𝓪𝓿𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓪 𝓘𝓷𝓮𝓼 𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓸𝓼

𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. physically? the quad. mentally? bored.
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝 bored and honestly? lonely asf
𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. The Star @Horangi | The Know-it-all @nasty| The Artificer
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. The Candyman [.Horangi]

Classes here were on the up and up. Attending OIC was supposed to "open doors" for her with her desired degree choice. At least that was the spiel they had given her when she showed interest in their booth at the convention. Vann Santos should have known with them being at a convention of all places that it probably wouldn't increase her chances no more than some community college. It definitely dipped into her pockets a lot deeper than she intended. 'Can't do anything about that now,' she thought as she situated herself on a bench. Just perched out in the sun, gathering up the rays like a lazy cat in a window.

The days were going smoothly - so far - and with all the commotion this Ms Fortuna has caused she was surprised at the lax atmosphere. Well, as lax as it could be with Homecoming just hours away. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the thought. "Didn't know universities did high school shit like this. Buuuuuuut," she reasoned with herself, "It is a chance to stir something. Maybe hit up a party." It wasn't hard to convince herself that this event could lead to bigger and better - more exciting - activities than a football game. At least one she didn't give a shit about.

As she waited outside, soaking up the sun she thought about her recent bouts of excitement. Rekindling of friendship with Eden. Rather, finding out he also attends OIC and chatting with him. It reminded her of the old days. It also reminded her of how much she misses the old days. How this new 'ship with him felt odd and out of place. Something she definitely doesn't like. Vann shook her head and made a face as if she tasted something rank. Her rendezvous with Vaupel. Tossing and turning in the sheets with the wildcat really sparked a sense of urgency within the Cuban. It was fueled with a sort of dislike. Similar to hate fucks - but without all the necessary baggage that comes from intimately hating someone. It was... exciting. Then of course her meet up with Ro at Envy - that was a fun filled night. Dancing, music, rhythmic bodies swaying together all enhanced with drugs of choice she preened at the memories.

An idea struck her and with it she rode the trail as she slipped her phone out and opened up a recent text thread with her favorite "Candyman"

To: dadddyy ro🤪
ayyy daddy whatchu doin'
im lookin' for molly you seen her

She chuckled at the nickname Ms Fortuna had dubbed him. How fitting. Though, she supposed not everyone knew about his hustle and therefore it would be a stab at his reputation. How in the world "Tuner" ruins her? She had no idea. Vann was sure she would find out soon enough. Now, it was just a waiting game. Throwing a frustrated sigh up into the air she flopped down onto the warmed concrete seat of hers.

Ever since her latest hookup the craving for touch and quality time seems to have skyrocketed. Maybe not with her per se... but someone. Others. More people? Less people? She hoped that a party would take place at some point during the weekend. Win or lose this stupid game. 'El's gotta have something going on, yeah?' She made a mental note to bother him about it later. A perfect place to get shitfaced and high and then fuck away any of the cloudiness that bogged down her fun. This place has seemingly caught her attention and lost it all in the span of a few minutes. On the flip side, she actually likes this place. Most of the time. It just... lacks a certain kick in the ass. Pretentiousness oozes outta the cracks like sweat from tourists in Miami. The Miami native shuddered at the memory as she continues lounging in the quad.

Taking in the scene around her, people making their way to and from classes, chatting away animatedly large grins plastered on their faces - it sent a pang of jealously through her. Vann wanted that close connection with people. Didn't help that most people tended to be on the receiving end of her bite more-so than a friendly joke or banter. With a heavy sigh she looked to her screen once more. A new app, one that was promoted heavily across all other platforms, as being able to notify the user for "love" was there. Calling out to her, making it's presence known and wanting to be used. Her well manicured finger hovered over the app icon. An internal battle waging as to whether or not she was bored enough. She obviously was to install the stupid thing. But to open and use it? Psht. C'mon. Right? Another look around the quad and she had her answer.

"What's the worst that could happen?"
𝓔𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓸𝓽 𝓙𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓼 𝓤𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝔀𝓸𝓸𝓭

𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. OIC Office of Admissions | Memory Lane
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝 Sleuthing
𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. The Pretty Face | The Tyrant @smarty0114
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Grant Petrov

Golden light cascaded through the open window as the wind took her locks of sun kissed hair and whipped it around her like a halo. The salt in the air burned against his own flesh, as if to mortally wound him worse than the sun's rays earlier in the day. He just couldn't help but to take his eyes off the road and stare at the southern beauty sat next to him in his car. Thinking of all the fun they had had ealier; fun in the sun and all that jazz. Elliot placed a large hand on the bare skin of her thigh, rubbing gently back and forth, her attention finally on him. Where he wanted it. Needed it. How much better it would be having her so ultimately dependent on him... he sighed.


When Elliot opened his eyes he was no longer in his ar driving up and down the coast with a pretty little thing in his passenger seat. Nor was he in his own bed with her laying in a mess of herself - he caused, might he throw that little fact in there. No. He was in some apartment his family purchased last minute so he could attend his new home away from home. OIC. 'A useless campus,' he often thought as he strolled the quad or halls. Nothing seemed to grab his attention like UCLA but that was to be expected. This place needed to liven up and he was just the person to do so.

At least, that was until he noticed the bulletin board posted up for all the world to see. Someone calling themself "Ms. Fortune" "Cute. There may be hope for this shit hole after all..." Cognac eyes raked over the names and faces of those plastered, one in particular. A familiar face - or a few if he were honest - but one that caused him pause. The reason he was in this shit hole to begin with. The blonde "pretty face" from Texas. The one that got away. 'Not without a few bruises,' he laughed out loud continuing on his path towards the administrations office. A notification had caused to pull him away from his very important plans, trying to hunt track find that special friend of his. A task that would have to be pushed back to a later time. For now he had some questions for a certain admin operator.

"Like why in the fuck is my name being searched and ran through the database, Petrov?" Always with the dramatic entrances. The young man behind the counter jumped up from his position, glasses nearly slipping off his face. Green eyes stared on in surprise as he fumbled over his words trying to convey some semblance of decorum; customer service style.

"Ah, Elliot- Mr. Underwood?" The glare Elliot sent the poor guy, easily three years his senior, caused for Grant to swallow thickly and pause in his word vomit. "I was just, I mean I had been instructed to-"

"To read my files? For what purpose?"

"Uh, no not exactly." If being on Katie's bad side was an option he would gladly be on her receiving end than be anywhere near this situation. He mentally kicked himself for his potion and working at OIC. Even if they did offer benefits. If this was going to be a regular occurrence than he could find employment elsewhere. He was NOT paid enough for this shit.

Pinching the brige of his nose and sitting in a more upright position, Grant Petrov collected himself. He just needed to remember that he was the adult in all this. And it's not like Elliot Underwood had any power over him or his family. They didn't have any pillow talk to be used against him here. Not this time. Least he hoped. Shaking the intrusive thought from his mind he turned towards the younger man before him. "Now, Mr. Underwood. The policies in place are there to protect all students and staff from any untoward behavior from outside sources. I can assure you that your information was not compromised in any way shape or form. Furthermore-"

The fact that he kept a straight face through his bold faced lie spoke volumes of his character, but Elliot couldn't care less about him as a person. Only that someone was looking into him. Looking at him. A type of attention that sent an ominous shiver down his spine. 'Ms Fortune maybe?' Elliot drowned out his spiel of policies and regulations and other nonsense. That bit of information didn't concern him. No doubt student files were locked away with a key. A green eyed, bespectacled key...

Turning his attention back towards the Admin officer Elliot brought both hands up and slammed them down on the counter. "You control all the files in the system correct? Can see and access them all. When they come in and are edited?"

Being stopped mid sentence to be shown an interest in his line of work - if he can even call it that - threw Grant off kilter. Cautiously he nodded, afraid to speak in case his voice cracked and gave away any misunderstandings that he was up for another round of manipulation. This was perfect. Any and all information that would be needed in order to track down his little Bird would be in one place. Easy to access and gain entry. But out of the way for traditional passersby. Carding a hand through his tousled locks he situated his shoulders, standing tall and offering what he thought a suitable apology. "Thank you for your time, Petrov. Sorry to have kept you from your very tedious job. I'll see you around."

Almost as if forgetting something, Elliot turned at the door way, hand hovering over the door knob, "And this little chat," a waving motion through the air between where he stood and Grant, "Never happened. Later, chief!"

'Time to go Bird hunting.
Dude, this sounds sick!!

gossip girl x euphoria x love alarm. mature themes ahead.


The City of Attawit, a beautiful PNW destination situated near the coast of Northern California. The city is known for its three neighborhoods and the world-renowned Private College for the Wealthy and Affluent.

Oakwood International College, or OIC for short, established in 1919 was once an exclusionary place of higher learning open to only the most affluent and wealthy students from around the world. Though after a whistleblower revealed some of the school’s socioeconomic discriminatory practices, and a class action was brought against them, OIC changed its tune. For the first time since the day it opened, OIC is now offering scholarships and accepting transfers on the merits of academics and/or athletics. The ‘have-nots’ finally get the chance to rub elbows with the rich and famous and enjoy the experience and opportunities offered by OIC.

It’s not just the renowned faculty, 50:1 student to professor ratio, and penthouse dorm rooms that set Oakwood International College apart from all the other fancy, schmancy schools. And That's me, Miss Fortune, my blog (“The Tea”) and social media (@TheMsFortune) bring you the hottest and dirtiest gossip, news, and secrets about your favorites living it up in Attawit. Not only have I ramped up my team this year to make sure no secret will be left untold and no exposure left unseen, but I’ve brought along a little surprise for the city that loves me most. Straight from South Korea, the app promising to make your love life ring, I gift to all my devout fans and antis ‘Love Alarm’.

So ladies and gentlemen, have your phone ready and one eye open at all times because the rich never sleep, neither do their secrets, and the bells of love will certainly be ringing all night long.

ყσυ ƙɳσɯ ყσυ ʅσʋҽ ɱҽ.

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this looks hella interesting might fiddle around with a character
Theodore Bajolière

𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. Home & OIC
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝 Reminiscent & Wanting
𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. The Angel @boreas | Nicolai Bennett @WindsOfFate
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Eloise Cooper - Bajolière; wife

Events of the previous night flashed through Theodore's mind as he stood against the pristine white countertop of his Rose Point bungalow. Coffee already being to pour into the tumbler placed beneath the spout. The dark hues of his Burberry suit contrasting brilliantly within the confines of his open kitchen. The kitchen of the home he shared with his wife and son. His family... he thought bitterly, a scoff falling from his lips as the last of the cafe dripped into his cup. The dark roast aroma; deep, rich and slightly bitter - with the added help of chicory.

He was about to take his first sip when he heard footsteps, clad in a plum suede kitten heel and a fitted sweater dress was his wife.

The tangle of sheets, the sweet smell of vanilla and cashmere, a hint of sweet amber; warm & cozy, something he just wants to wrap himself in. Refusing to the prickling nerve telling him to get up. To get out of the sheets, out of the bed, and scurry home back to his own bed. Where his wife lay sleeping peacefully. His wife... the title irked him some. It wasn't the most solid of marriages. Not any more at least. Not lately. However the nubile body beside him in those early hours of the morning - silently calling him, singing to him to stay without the help of words. Theo was torn. Ultimately deciding upon a quick escape without stirring the young woman in the hotel sheets.

It's not the first time they've been together. Spent time with one another tangled in one another. It certainly won't be the last time.

The Philosophy professor was pulled from his thoughts at the slight touch of hips on his as his wife finished filling up her own cup of coffee. A quick exchange of words, a kiss or two here and there. Something about Henry having already gone to school, carpooling with friend from down the street. A silent nod to let her know he was listening and a grunt of acknowledgement every now and then as they both continued on with their daily morning routines. Before long the both of them were swapping kisses and goodbyes and Theodore Bajolière found himself strolling the hallways towards Bennett's office within the hour; thoughts of last night's company still swimming in his head.
@Ezka most likely a dumb question but are you looking specifically for FCs who were younger? or does it matter at all? i.e. young johnny depp or young debbie harry etc.
This seems pretty interesting
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