Avatar of LanaStorm


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8 mos ago
If you like sci-fi, cowboy bebop or firefly this RP might be for you! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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Descent onto Fiction, Godfrey-VI
Inside a Rockefeller-4 transport, the atmosphere matched your expectations. Rockefeller, a con artist of the highest order, designed his crap for the dregs of society—the crooks, the thieves, and those scraping the bottom of the barrel. Trey, a card-carrying member of all three categories on a good day, gripped the shifter, guiding the transport onto a flight-path destined for the Township of Fiction's spacesport. A sorry-ass town caught between the crossfire of Planet Crackers and True Patriot. Trey's day job involved the passenger bay of this winged monstrosity, ferrying around four unlucky mercenaries for a gig with Gerald Meyer. Although Trey seldom kissed corporate ass, transporting a handful of mercs fell within his pay grade.

The backseat offered room for the quartet, smelling of stale smoke, with a hologram podium displaying a Julia Meyer slideshow. Each contractor had their face-time with Meyer, getting the lowdown. On a planet of grinders, a hippie chick like Julia would stick out like a sore thumb. The Rockefeller descended to the spaceport as TruePatriot cleared it for landing, hitting the ground with a satisfying thump. Landing gears shot out, ensuring a safe arrival.

Trey, a tall, scar-faced pilot in a leather jacket and flight pants, strutted out, his shoulder holster packing the kind of heat that leaves a lasting impression. He lit up an Angel Kisses cigarette, casting a glance at the ragtag bunch he just dumped.

"Listen up, peacekeepers are swooping into Godfrey in 3 days. I'm not orbiting this rock past that. Good luck on your quest, and... well, what do we have here."

Trey's eyes darted to the horizon, spotting a man in a white suit sauntering towards them, 500 meters out, flanked by a security detail.

"Shit just got interesting."

Thanks to everyone who applied, we'll be starting the RP this week!

Here documents the ongoing struggles and conflict on Godfrey-6, a planet that as put under turmoil and war due to a disagreement turned violent. Here documents the War of Godfrey's Folly.


I've started to keep a journal of the ongoing conflict between the International Guild of Planet Crackers and TruePatriot Co. The conflict broke down after TruePatriot used mercenaries to open fire on a picket at the tekk-smelting plant near the Town of Fiction. Ever since then the Brotherhood has taken up arms and began a guerilla war campaign. Hiding out in the desert wasteland surviving god-fearing storms that rip man and machine apart, the Corporation is bled dry by a 1000 cuts in the forms of strikes and skirmishes. While my identity doesn't matter I represent one of the many civilians caught in the bloody cross fire.

Fiction stands in the middle of the war, the largest town of the many spread out throughout Godfey it's controlled by TruePatriot and houses their soldiers. The populace carries on, or tries to even though their way of life has been changed forever. Restriction of freedoms came as soldiers died, mercs went missing and the Corporation lost the war. There is a room there could be an 'instant checkmate' on the horizon but these are just rumors from star ships cruising above.

There is a wind of change in Fiction, everyone is just trying to get by but the war isn't moving in anyone favor. What does death and despair bring? It's not joy or happiness, hope? Death brings more death, men die violently for ideals that have never held ground even back on Earth. A cease fire seems unlikely, either side winning will be a mountain of death behind it. For now, the people of Godfrey play their roles in The Great Game.
@Tlaloc@Fading Memory@Theyra@OldManMountain Am I expecting sheets from any of you? Please let me know via DM or on the thread.

For accepted/pending players, I'll have a IC post up this week. It's not the actual intro to the RP, as I'll wait for all players to come through.

However, it'll help paint the setting for those who want a broader understanding of Don't Forget Me.

How do you feel about pre-made oc?
I have a character that I feel will suit what you want, but he's not new by any means.

Hi, I'm giving you a chance to fix your current sheet.
Unfortunately I'm not allowing imported character from existing roleplays, all characters must be made from scratch and for Don't Forget Me. This allows me evaluate some core competencies I'm looking for.
@Lexisheeps Everyone has a choice, it's not like he has a gun to his head.

Human nature has us take the path of least resistance, it's not like he's being forced to do the job, nor does he owe 100k credit.

At your current submission he's extremely under equipped for the story.
@Lexisheeps I don't understand why he'd want to do this job, he is throwing himself into a war where his only good skill is being a mechanic. Why would Gerald even meet with him? How does he stand out from the average 'cowboy',
What happens once the brat is saved?l

You'll have to come and See!

And how many people do you plan to have?

Probably under 8.

Trey - Contracted pilot with an interesting past.

Julia Meyer - A lost girl in a lost world.

Richard Demantis - Corporate Rep on his last chance.
@Expendable Thanks for posting if you could please not share your WIP sheet until it's done I'd appreciate it.

If you need a place to put it you can DM me personally!
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