Avatar of Landaus Five-One


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current The Multiverse is within us all. But the biggest one within me is A Fantasy RP and A Sci-Fi Series classified as "Jaina'Res."
4 yrs ago
I'm still working on a Fantasy RP, it isn't dead. Its just writer's block sucks ass... :(
4 yrs ago
I've been working on a Fantasy styled roleplay. It's still in the development stages since it has no name right now.
1 like
5 yrs ago
What's this? I'm finally updating my status in 10 months. Wonderful. I hope you all enjoy it. As well, profiles are what I enjoy creating.
5 yrs ago
The Sanctuary, VC, NCQuest, Talrae and the ILR all have one thing in common I am in them in terms of the RPs.


I am Landaus Five-One, which likes being called Holy since its A, Easier and B, I've used that distinction much longer than Landaus. I am into roleplays of any variety as long as they are interesting and unique for me to be apart of. There's a list below showing the roleplays I am interested in.
  • Sci-Fi
  • Space Opera
  • Magical
  • Fantasy
  • Modern
  • Post-Apocalyptic Themes
  • Alternate Universe / Alternate Reality
  • Horror
  • Insert any Fandom Here

I can play both genders easily, even though lately I've been playing mostly Female characters. Artificial Intelligence Characters are something of a odd quirk I like doing only because I have like a few characters that are basically massive AI Controlled Starships. Additionally, you can contact me via Discord using Holy R. Enigma#6381 for anything really. My birthdate is June 26, 1987, going to be soon 33 years old. Might as well add that these are the only two things I am going to put on here. Out of everything, I am really enjoying my time on roleplaying guild, just need to start working on the massive revamp of the Jaina'Res Mulitverse/Main Realm and the Fantasy RP I have been starting to work on. It's still in the Development stages in terms of the Fantasy RP I am going to GM.

Hopefully everyone has a good 2020 and beyond, gl and hf. As well, I'm highly interested in Strategy Games, Grand Strategy and MMORPGs aka play FFXIV.

The Roleplays I am apart of: The RP's Creator - Roleplays listed second.
Letter Bee: Iliad City: A Magical RP in an original world resuming & Academy of Noble Arms - The Golden Generation
LetMeDoStuff: Persona the Beholder
The Jest: Lost Innocence RP Reset - This roleplay went through a complete reset. The Pages are children whom gained magical powers from being infused by dust of a crystalline race. Need to still finish the required profiles I've been working on mostly been sidetracked a little. However, Sidetracking is always a pain in the ass. Additionally, The Jest is still working on all details of said roleplay before he launches it.

Roleplays that have an OOC and were rebooted once before:


Interest Checks that Caught my Interest:

Creation of Something New: Getting back into the swing of things...
The Venerdale Legends RP: Retinue of the Ariel Guardians - The Name has finally been chosen, which is the Fantasy RP that is still in development. Got many things to work on, at least its finally named. (Like the Magic System and others)

Most Recent Posts

@t2wave Good job with the new character. I cannot wait where she'll be.

Teyla Ethergate Davison (MAIN)

”Most people call me the splitting image of the twin goddesses of our religion. But I don’t see it that way I am only human.”

Councilwoman Teyla E. Davison


Teyla has a tattoo of her family’s crest on her right leg. She has a faint aura surrounding her and it is mostly because of the lineage of her family. It is yellow in color and her eyes pop more when looking at her. She wears a beautiful emerald necklace around her neck and it is master crafted by one of the best Jewelers in the city she lives in. She has a weapon on her called the Davison Cutlass that glows a faint yellow aura around its blade and it only glows when it gets near the Drak’Eel. The cutlass is in a seethe made out of mithril and it is on her waist.

Her umbrella is crafted out of rare materials within the Consortium and Pulsar Draconian Scales that are rainbow in color. It took about six months to create.


Teyla is curious of her lineage as a whole but doesn’t press the issue with her parents. She is kind and gentle towards anyone within the Consortium’s Territory. She is caught in between two males who want to marry her and she has an interest in raising a family. She is confused in who to choose to be her husband since they are both kind individuals and doesn’t want to hurt their feelings.

The older of the two males has to wait until her 18th birthday before he can pop the question to her of marriage. The younger one can do it sooner than the other one since he is only two years older than her. She is torn between the overprotective Miguel and the longing for her affection Nico. Her parents are giving her time to figure things out about her feelings towards one or the other because freedom to choose whatever you want is there. She loves her home in the Dragonbite Emerald City with her family. She gets terrified when her twin is separated from her for too long and feels alone and becomes depressed.

She has separation issues from her twin for too long. She heard stories from people in the Consortium by a terrifying sea serpent called a Drak’Eel. She usually tenses up when she hears stories of that sea serpent. She has a fear of lightning and thunder afterwards and she was almost hit by it. It is called Astraphobia to be more precise. She gets into a panic and usually cries herself to sleep when that happens. She is skilled at diplomacy and making of trade deals.

She is a fervent believer in the Goddess Vera. Her twin sister is highly protective of her and she enjoys her shyness and drive to be something more within the Consortium. Her twin sister’s affections of her usually go over her head because of her interest in the opposite sex.


She is very skilled with her sword and she doesn’t want to use it offensively because the Consortium’s policy of neutrality. She had some magical essence training to be a healer but she never really used the divine magic that flows through her seriously. She had no idea why she can use divine magic more than most people an innate talent within her.

The divine magic is the opposite of attack magic it doesn’t hurt and only heal. If she was serious about the magical essence training she would be the best Divine magic healer of all the Consortium. She only used it for minor cuts and bruises for people who needed that healing.

She was trained at a young age to be a great diplomat alike her ancestors. And she was taught by her biological father and mother for this skill she has gained. She doesn’t have a silver tongue but a competent voice when coming to being a diplomat of sorts. She got a hang of the speech patterns easily.


Age: 16
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 125 lbs
Place of Birth: Dragonbite Emerald City, Jagged Mercantile Consortium

”I love my family and the goddess I worship much. I am into trading and diplomacy. Emeralds is a favorite jewelry of mine since I wear an emerald necklace.”
Likes: Emeralds, Fiona, The Goddess Vera, Trade and Diplomacy

”I don’t like being insulted for my age I am intelligent. I fear the Drak’Eel as much as everyone else who hears their lightning and fire coming out of their mouths.”
Dislikes: Insulting her intelligence, cheating, underhanded deals, slavery and Drak’Eel

Morals: “Consortium is the pride of everyone within it and we see everyone as a trading partner even if they don’t want to trade with us.”

The Jagilish Council (Sides)

The Jagilish Council are the ruling body of the Consortium. They control with a gentleness no other nation can say they seen in a ruling body. The Council is beloved by every single citizen within the Consortium. The Council has many accomplishments within it. The biggest of these was wiping out poverty and starvation. The second was outright banning Slavery within the Consortium’s Borders. This was all done with the three permanent families within the Consortium before the Jagilish Council came up with its rules it has now.

There has to be four members of each race within the Consortium. They have to have an even number of female and males that equal six. The worship of both goddesses are paramount within the Council and it must equal 50% worshiping one or the other.

The primary thing that is most known of the Jagilish Council is all of the members have twins within the council. That is why there is two seats per family but only three of the families have permanent seats they are the Davison family, the Tetra-Lira family and Naesandoral family.

@Ariamis Thanks, At least there's one less person to post now. :P
Good news, the 4 day gap has stopped and I have posted. :P

Also I have edited somethings on Zargoth's profile in terms of the Dragon-like monsters and Added the Destiny Dragons. The Infinite Dragons will still be apart of his forces, since he has only one Destiny Dragon atm.
-=[Fiona S. Grail]=-
-=[Meanwhile at the Grail Estates about 10 to 20 miles outside of the city]=-

Fiona slowly raised her head from her desk and looked around her room and noticed her sniper rifle on her bed. She got up from the desk and walked towards her bed and sat down by her weapon. She picked up the Grail Rifle and checked on the condition of the weapon. The magic binding it to her was intense and she felt a strange aura surrounding her in an instant. This aura felt different compared to the one surrounding her from Zargoth’s powerful aura, it was darker and evil and had a sense of humor. ”What the…?” Fiona thought to herself.

A voice pierced the veil of reality and only was going through Fiona’s head and it was a female voice. ”How wonderful my brother found himself a third champion from a human family and not a Draconic One. He turned you into an angel how pitiful he always believed in the good of others but he fell from grace like all others,” ??? said a female voice.

Fiona heard this voice before because she had a tutor who was named Stacey and was startled. ”Stacey, why are you contacting me? Through the same method as Zargoth?” Fiona asked, confused.

Stacey’s voice laughed at Fiona’s feeble mind. ”I wanted you to be my champion but I couldn’t get ahold of you. My brother’s fervent religious beliefs protected your family or should I say… Your ancestors beliefs protected you from me. That means it seems like I should start making my move now,” Stacey said. The communication was cut from Fiona’s mind and the aura that covered her entire body vanished as well.

Fiona was terrified of what happened and know not what Stacey met by what she had said. ”I really hate this, but she called Zargoth her brother, what does that mean?” Fiona thought to herself.

A familiar voice appeared in her mind and it was a soothing voice. ”Fiona, my champion I have released the Void Dragons out on their missions. I have one request for you, please help out Scarlett V. Draconis in her search for the one that scarred her,” Zargoth said, kindly.

Fiona heard the name and was slightly confused for a second. ”What do you mean, Zargoth?” Fiona asked, curiously.

Zargoth gave out a sigh to know this is going to be tough on his champion. ”Scarlett is a Destiny Dragon and willing to correct her mistakes. She wants to serve the Chosen and search for someone that irks me even more so than Beacon. She was a sister to me and fought me during the Dragon Wars a long time ago,” Zargoth said, irked and angried at the mention of a sister.

Fiona remembered what Zargoth said before about the Infinite Dragon that was being punished and smiled slightly but was startled at what Zargoth said. Her eyes roll in her head for a second only to come back to normal. ”I am the Chaotic Seraph Angel! My sniper shots and ice attacks will shatter your souls,” Fiona said. Her transformation process was slow and turned into the Chaotic Seraph Angel right in her room still holding onto her rifle. ”I think I know who your sister is or at least her disguise,” Fiona said, as the Chaotic Seraph Angel.

Zargoth’s heard what his champion had said and was enraged greater than the acknowledgment of his rage towards Beacon. ”That must mean she contacted you. In the same way I have, she knows my chosen for a long time now. Scarlett will be appearing at your house immediately I want that Wretched sister of mine dead more than anything,” Zargoth said, enraged. He cut off communications with his chosen champion shortly after he said anything.

Fiona walked out of her room and went to the front room. She walked outside of her house. Her artifact started to glow and showed a strange vision of the future of a female humanoid draconian with bright green hair, a golden eye and rainbow-colored draconian wings. She had a confused look but put two together the person coming is Scarlett. She smiled gently at the knowledge of what Scarlett looks like. ”She looks beautiful, seems as if Zargoth is actually kind and gentle,” Fiona thought to herself.

All the lights went out because there was a massive break in between the immaterial realms happened. A portal opened up and a beautiful woman with the features that Fiona saw walked out of it with a guiding hand of platinum behind her. It was an eerie sight indeed for Fiona. She looked directly at the Chaotic Seraph Angel and smiled. ”I was chosen by Zargoth to follow your directions to the one that cursed me and my family. The Zargoth’s Chosen Champions are a wonderful sight to see,” Scarlett said, gently. She moved her rainbow-colored draconian wings slightly.

Fiona looked at Scarlett and giggled at the beautiful colors her wings were. ”Cursed you into what exactly?” Fiona asked, curiously. Her six wings twitched slightly at what she saw from Scarlett.

Scarlett sighed at the question. ”Into male Infinite Dragons. It is the real reason why we talk constantly of Zargoth’s Plans since we were cursed that way. It has been frustrating to try to stop yourself from doing it but can’t because of a curse,” Scarlett said, irritated at herself. She looked carefully at the Chaotic Seraph Angel.

Fiona smiled kindly and was startled at Scarlett’s quick answer. ”Oh okay, Zargoth are you still here?” Fiona asked, randomly and curiously. She wanted to know if her patron was still around.

Zargoth’s voice entered Fiona’s mind once more. ”Yes, my champion you want something?” Zargoth asked, curiously. He wanted to keep his champions happy because that is what he is.

Fiona heard Zargoth’s voice and smiled. ”What should I do with Scarlett?” Fiona asked, curiously.

Zargoth laughed at the question and his laugh didn’t involve Scarlett. ”As long, as she doesn’t die or is recursed you can do anything else to her,” Zargoth said. He cut off the communication with Fiona to refocus his efforts on keeping the Void Dragons in check.

Scarlett felt a chill down her spine as if, hell itself had said hello to her and she looked at Fiona cautiously. She stepped back slightly. ”For once in my life… I have never been this afraid of a person who has me by the tail so to speak,” Scarlett thought to herself.

Fiona smiled at that and giggled slightly at what Zargoth said to her. ”Okay Zargoth,” Fiona said. She looked directly at Scarlett posture and did notice her step back. ”Don’t worry Ms. Draconis,” Fiona said, reassuringly.

Scarlett felt safe in the presence of Fiona again even though the aura surrounding her was different than her own, it was rainbow in color. ”Thank you Fiona I will be helpful in our journey and whatever else you need. I chose my human form to be slightly more welcoming in this strange land but I don’t have a disguise,” Scarlett said, worried. She hadn’t been herself in a long time and she isn’t a magical girl but she is definite a draconic being from the ancient past.

Fiona saw the aura surrounding Scarlett and it was unique. ”Beautiful aura, Ms. Draconis… I have no idea where to go looking for the one who cursed you but she used to be my tutor when I was young,” Fiona said.

Scarlett heard what Fiona had said and walked forward. ”Concerning Chosen One and this is the first time I heard of this. What is tutoring?” Scarlett asked, curiously. She had never once been tutored in anything she had done in the ancient past because it came naturally to her.

Fiona turned around towards her home and wondered what Stacey had meant in when she talked to her. She didn’t notice anything above her home as of now but she was still in her Chaotic Seraph Angel transformation because she had better to be prepared for the worst. ”It is studying but with someone to teach you what you need to learn. She taught me things that I was blind to and now truly understand what she meant, the Magical Girls that protect the world is fascinating. But she was supposed to teach me German but didn’t for reasons I will never understand and she was fired for not being a good tutor,” Fiona said.

Scarlett heard what Fiona had said and smiled slightly. ”That is wonderful want to go anywhere?” Scarlett asked. She wanted to test out her flight capabilities because she is a Dragon.

Fiona heard what Scarlett asked and smiled. Her six wings started to move and she lifted up into the air holding her sniper rifle. ”Sure, let’s get out of the Grail Estates. I am bored and need to do something other than sitting and watching TV,” Fiona said, hovering in air with her wings.

Scarlett heard what Fiona said and the two letters which she said flew right over her head, she didn’t get that at all. She lifted off from her location and flew into the air right besides of Fiona, her wings were fully extended and were 15 ft in length coming from her back. ”I will follow you,” Scarlett said.

Fiona heard what Scarlett had said and smiled. She flew in a northern direction since she wanted to see somethings before heading towards the City for her task that was given by Justine. She stayed quiet but flew higher into the air.

Scarlett stayed with Fiona and wondered somethings but stayed with Fiona. "I hope Zargoth frees the others so the Destiny Dragons can service him once again because he was startled when he uncursed me," Scarlett thought to herself.
@canaryrose There's many reasons why, he hates Beacon. The Cult-like nature of Beacon and something from his past more to speak. Before what he became that is. Let's just say all these things will come out. He also thought Beacon was going to steal the Grail's he picked as his champion in the 12 and 13th Centuries. The Zargoth's Chosen. His paranoia is severe in that.

However, there's a person he hates MORE than Beacon and all the things within the list I posted that only had 3 certain things so far, aka Beacon, Puchuu and Lesser Forces.

The Post I am working on brings out somethings to light to who that person is.
@Ariamis I'm working on mine right now. I had to completely change my thought process on it to make it slightly much more different. :P
@WingsOfBronze You have a ny despotism. I guess that could work, the is trying to take over the WORLD! OF COURSE!

I gave you a laugh because of the (I feel a naruto vibe.) approves.
@FallenTrinity Lawl. At least you weren't slapped by a Fish. :P
@Rai Thanks for that. :)

@WingsOfBronze Oops indeed. :P
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