Avatar of LeeRoy


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5 yrs ago
Current Discord crashed lads. Can't get back in.
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6 yrs ago
I've opened art commissions up, anyone who wants relatively cheap art PM me here or on Discord: LeeRoy#8459
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9 yrs ago
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"If you kill a man, you scorn his wife. If you kill his wife, you scorn her child. If you kill her child, you scorn his village. If you kill his village, you scorn the kingdom. If you kill the kingdom you scorn an empire. If you kill an empire, then who is left?"

Most Recent Posts

This an open challenge or what?

This guy showed up in the show already, and his class was mentioned. I would highly recommend familiarizing yourself with a setting.
Definitely should have mentioned that. I was asking for the discord so I could more easily discuss the character creation process. I had no intent to start writing it until there was an easier way for me to communicate it in a proper, easily accessible and searchable channel.
@Stern Algorithm
@I Need A Name

And some I'm sure I missed all interested, I'm certain this has enough attention to start this up. Right?

(And also a discord channel.)
Anyway, I've got an idea for a Vacuum Quirk, Emitter type.
I'm only up for this if we have an actual Discord channel. I like to communicate when I'm in a roleplay and the forum posts too slow.
That's one issue, but the tiering has always caused it to break apart. Different groups have different measurements for tiers because there's no unified tier system. So, two people who believe they're in the same tier will get into a fight. Let's say they're high tier.

One believes that a high tier is a city buster, another believes that a high tier is a world buster. Obviously the difference in scope is noticeable from the start, but the two of them agree either due to a lack of system or due to a lack of reading the other's sheets.

So, they get into an argument immediately, and this continues until every single participant is arguing more than they're actually playing.
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