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Danielle McNair | Show-Stopper!

It wasn't long before more Heroes in Training came to assist in rescuing the robots from their crashed cars. She didn't appreciate having to share the limelight such as this, but even she could tell there were more then enough civilians to go around. As she finished extricating one male-ish figure from the driver's side of a car and laid them out on their back a few feet away, a shout of alarm from one of her own male counter parts had her gaze directed to a precariously dangling water tower.

"Why is that even at an intersection?" Show-Stopper asked, head quirked as she took in the peculiar sight, eyes slowly trailing down to the overturned tanker below it and the fires drawing nearer. "Huh. Maybe this is more cleverly designed then I thought....Anyhow, I'll have it down in a flash, just...seriously, don't freeze it. We have people laid out on the ground and I'm pretty sure flash freezing ankle deep water around them is kinda harmful."

Now if they could have make some kind of frozen barrier to direct the water, that would be one thing, but with the loose plan they had in mind there wouldn't be time for it. If nothing else, her outfit was unintentionally designed to handle water rather well, given it would slide off her outfit like a duck's plumage.

She moved away from the trapped civilians and clambered onto the overturned tanker truck via a now horizontal ladder, finding there was enough clearence between her new position and the building the tower hung from that it...probably, wouldn't collide directly. And if it manages to fall without rupturing entirely there's a chance it'll light a spark grinding metal on metal...

"No second guessing!" She slapped both her cheeks, letting the sting bring her mind to focus while she aligned an index finger with the most beleugered of stantions supporting the tower. Curling it back into her palm, her arm remained locked in place, a tension rooting her in place as she tried to move a mass of metal and water well beyond her capacity if this was under normal circumstances. But metal fatigue and gravity being in her favor would ensure this was just the nudge needed to drag it down to earth and hopefully douse the flames that threatened the civilians safety.
We do have a Discord for chatting around too, guys.
@Weird Tales

It's an MHA RP. IE, high school for heroes. Your character was a few years too young for the setting alongside a power that doesn't suit the setting as it was.
As long as you don't look at it on your phone. Then the Quirk Description gets cut off half way over the edge of the hider.
Danielle McNair | Show-Stopper!

The wait had been excruciating but at long last, Danielle was ready. USJ had access to some of the finest designers of support equipment and they earned cent of subsidized federal income when it came to bringing her costume to fruitition. A part of her expected it to be rejected for being too revealing like she knew some countries in the east would, but in the good old U.S. of A. there were few such concerns.

Both hands grasped her peaked cap and pulled it down snug atop her head, careful not to muss up her straightened hair and ruin the image. Pristine but foreboding. A bright beacon of red to draw the eye of damsel and villain alike.

"Look out world!" Danielle cheered with a flourish skywards of her deceptively hefty crop and a step forward that rang with the harsh clack of a heel driven sharply to the floor. Alas, the applause of the masses would only exist in her head as the bathroom stall she was afforded for changing was lacking in that area.

Washing up and joining her similarly suited classmates, Mr. Hayes had set forth a challenge of their skill in heroism with the rising of a titanic cityscape made all the grander for its indoor nature. She could feel the artifical wind buffet her liberally exposed skin and felt a shiver of anticipation to be let off the metaphorical leash and strike out into the training ground. The signal to began went off and, to her surprise, a few darted ahead like wild horses through a broken enclosure fence. An admirable enthusiasm that stoked a competitive flame in her breast.

"This is what I've been training for. There's no way I'm passing up on this stage!" Dan- No, Show-Stopper, cried out and took off into the city streets behind them, plunging forward where others dove into buildings and nooks least they all waste time stealing each others heroic spotlight.

This put her on course with an eight car pile up at an intersection, the robots inside the cars looking fittingly like crash test dummies given a more human skin tone and accesories, but still left limp and in need of rescue from the snarl of twisted metal and shattered glass. Her eyes flickered to one side of the intersection completely blocked off by an over turned tanker truck, and the oh so convenient flames just happened to be near said tanker.

"If nothing else, USJ knows how to build up a moment. Nevertheless, I'm not leaving anyone to meet the fire today!" Show Stopper said, running headlong into the thick of things to start bringing the civilians to safety.

I'd just like to point out you used "Have" instead of "Half" for your quirk description.
Just one hand.

So far we have 3 villians and 1 Hero CS. Yup, the intentions of this playerbase are definetely more Chaotic then lawful.
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