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16 days ago
Have a safe and blessed memorial weekend. In honor of our veterans, active members and our fallen heroes. Rest in love big brother. I miss you everyday.
17 days ago
Fab, look at us.




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@LovelyComplex@Aces Away I don't know why you guys put it in the OOC for approval when we all know they will be LOL

@BrutalBx@Venus@Aces Away [attached Ace just in case they want to correct anything, since we doing joint family]

throwing interest, are you still accepting writers?

Timestamp: The Tuesday after the Sinclair Vs. Belmonte Collab - near the end of the month

Coming home from volunteering at the hospital, Niles pulled his motorcycle through the Sinclair driveway. Taking off his helmet, he noticed one of his little sisters speeding through the sidewalk. Carrie came in like Sonic the Hedgehog with her turquoise bicycle. Straight outta' dancing class. Her smile was wide as she sported the cutest jumper outfit. Energetically, she waved at her brother as she zoomed through their yard and dropped her bike on the grass. “What’s got you in a hurry?” He inquired as he got off his own ride, latching his helmet onto it.

“Oh, you know: love!” Carrie clasped her hands together like a Disney Princess and posed in a way like she was singing to the sky. Damn, who ever got his little sister on cloud nine must be a character pulled out out of a rom com. “Come on, Nye! I made mud pie this morning. I think we both should celebrate our victories.”

“Victories?” Following behind his prancing sister, Niles couldn’t help but smile at her playful, young nature. A girl who had yet felt true trauma. If there was one good thing he did, it was protect his sisters from suffering the same things he’s been through. Or at least, prior to him going to college, he spent a lot of his time looking out for them. Things change though, as the clock continued to tick onward. He could see his sisters grow into young women prepared to make their own mistakes. Hell, he still couldn't believe Caroline had a crush on someone, to the point that it made her want to dance around in excitement. What was this? Highschool Musical?

Casually hooking his thumbs in his pockets, he strolled behind her as she spoke with her thoughtful yet theatrical sing-song voice, “Yeah! Victories. I mean at first I thought you and Caitlin were kind of a weird combo, because you’re kinda…"

“Kind of what?” Niles sharply questioned.

“Well… moody, I guess! Anyways, that’s not the point. If she makes you happy, I’m happy for you! Maybe someone soft like me is just what you need.” Carrie slowed down so her brother was beside her. With eagerness, she hooked her arms on his. “If she makes you feel all fuzzy and no matter what you do, she’s all you think of? Then I’m so happy for you!”

Narrowing his eyes at his bubbly blonde sister, he tilted his head, getting more curious at who made her feel these emotions. “What do you even know about love?”

“Oh nothing! But I do know when a feeling is pure, raw, and fun! That's kind of love, don't you think?” She stopped right before they entered the kitchen turning to face her brother, giving him a tight embrace, “Love should come naturally! And if Caitlin is someone who helps you breathe then I fully support you.”

“What Niles has with Caitlin is NOT fucking love!” Another girl called out from the kitchen. Niles and Carrie entered the kitchen together to see quite the tragic scene. Sitting on the island, with her bathrobe on, Autumn had the whole mud pie in her arms and she ate straight from the tray. “You wouldn’t know what love is even if it hit your fucking face.” She shoved her spoon in her mouth, her eyeliner and eye shadow running down her face. It was clear as day that Autumn did not have a fairytale day like the Disney princess did.

Carrie’s mouth dropped in shock, “Hey! I worked hard on that! What are you doing?!”

Shoving another spoon full in her mouth, Autumn rolled her eyes, annoyed as hell, “Eating your pie. You need more Oreos.” Dropping down from the island, she threw it on the island with reckless abandon. Cleaning her spoon off with her tongue, the brunette girl gave her brother the darkest of looks, “You, in love? That makes me laugh.”

The young dancing queen rushed into the kitchen to salvage the rest of her pie. Her sister was such a big meanie. Still, if she did this that only meant… bringing her attention from the mud pie to her sister, Carrie worriedly asked, “Are you okay, Autie?” As she waited for her response, the innocent one of all the Sinclair children started cleaning up after her sister.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Autumn lied through her teeth, shrugging and walking closer to Niles who hadn’t said anything yet. “What’s your motive, Niles? Are you purposely trying to fuck with Natalia? Because you’re fucking stupid if you are. If you’re so mature now, then I think it’s time you grow up. You act like you have your shit together but you’re just playing games, like all you assholes do.”

Shit, this was a lot to unpack. Niles stood there stunned, baffled, and unable to move for a round. Both of his sisters had crushes. That part was obvious. But both were taking it completely differently, and in a weird way, they wanted his advice while they both advised him on his own love life? His sisters were fucking weird. “I have no motives…” He stepped closer to Autumn reaching for her shoulder to provide some sort of comfort.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” Autumn jumped back, hissing at her older brother.

“Autie, what happened?” Carrie ran to her sister and her touch was immediately accepted.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Niles cursed under his breath.

Autumn held onto Carrie, possessively, and started pulling her away, “Like you care. Have fun with that stupid bitch. She’s gonna take your crap until it breaks her heart, I just fucking know. You’re a dumbass, Niles, and you’ll never fucking own up to your feelings.” With that, Niles' two sisters disappeared, leaving him with his own thoughts.

Pulling the dining room chair out, Niles collapsed in his seat leaning as far back as he could. Autumn was vicariously taking out her pain onto him, but perhaps she had a lot more truth in her words than he’d like to admit. Taking his phone out, he opened Instagram and went straight to Natalia’s page. Intentionally, he liked her recent picture of herself. It wasn’t like she blocked him. She wanted to be seen by him and now, she got exactly what she wanted. He was looking. Just like what she wanted.

As he scrolled through Natalia’s page, he thought to himself, Carrie’s words resounding in his mind. Love was the person you breathed for. The person that made you feel at home and gave you ‘fuzzy’ feelings. Did he feel that with his ex best friend or did he miss just having her in his life?


Tossing his phone on the table, Niles rubbed his temples. His sisters were a lot but they did speak the truth. Niles didn’t know what he wanted. He clung onto the past, Natalia, who knew him better than anyone else did but he also clung to this image he had of his future, and that was Caitlin. Yet, did he want either of them? Or did he just liked getting a rise from them?

Sitting alone, Niles contemplated the past few weeks and acknowledged how horrible he was… Still, it gave him a temporary high. He’d take that over any other feeling. In a sick and sad way, he liked the control he had over women. He wasn’t ready to let go of that feeling. Both Caitlin and Natalia? They had him on his mind. Regardless if they wanted to or not, they thought of him and that feeling was what pushed him forward.

They thought of him.

They needed him.

They loved him.

Timestamp: A week or so before the end of the month...
Collab with @BrutalBx as Hyde



His piano played
the music of his soul

Beloved son, brother, & dear friend
Pierce Thatcher Mercer
May. 4, 2001 to Aug. 29, 2019

Step softly, a dream lies buried here.

“Thank you… for coming with me, Kylee.” A woman, one year younger than her dear friend, stood by her brother’s gravestone writing in a notebook. She wore all black, which kept her physique private and left no room for wondering eyes. Her form was frail and small, her skin was pale, almost sickly so, and her lips tinted plum. Her tousled hair was woven from the darkest parts of celestial galaxies like fine strands of spacetime and starlight. As for her hands, her fingers had ink smudges and calluses, as if she wrote like her life depended on it. Still… she wouldn’t think of herself to be much of a writer or beautiful for that matter.

Lorelei, don’t die with your song still trapped inside of you.

Yes, Lorelai wrote, but more so letters to her brother and songs. She wrote songs. She wouldn’t know where to start when it came to an actual story, especially if it was a story revolving around her life. To her, writing songs, writing poetry, and writing literature all take different skills. Song lyrics are not less literary than poems, or a good book, nor do they require less skill or intelligence. Songwriting was a gift of its own because deep down, there was a muse that took control over you. You have no control.

Create something from nothing, let it lead you, guide you.

How does the lyrics relate to the melody? How does the poem relate to the silences that surround them? She was not a writer, she was simply compelled to write. She liked putting herself in other people’s shoes, she liked to feel, she liked to sing. Lorelei did not understand her process like writers with a keen eye for beauty and detail did. All she did was let her left hand go wild as a melody played in her head, as if a phantom had taken over her and before she knew it, she made something out of nothing.

Fervently, Lala let her fountain pen flow blackness onto the white paper. In her own way, while understated, she was an enchanting beauty, mystical and eerie. Deep down, she was someone with far too much on her mind and only had one way to express it. Not through words but through a song.

You told me yourself, you don’t understand the feeling and you know you don’t have control when you write but that’s when you feel the most free.

Glancing up from her letter, Lorelai looked at the mayor’s daughter, her brother’s ex and best friend, who was adjusting the new bouquet inside the flat stone vase. Tilting her head curiously, still wondering of the trauma Kylee went through watching her brother die, Lala observed the expression on the ambitious woman. Intent, focused, and full of love for her brother. Kylee was someone that carried on with strength, wit, and perseverance. She went on with life unbothered. At least, that’s how Kylee carried herself. Admirable, really, if only she could be like that.

Be free. Sing for me, Duckling.

Shaking her brother’s voice out of her head, bringing her back from a daze when she heard Kylee’s voice, Lorelei gave a shy half smile. Still on her knees, the mayor’s daughter glanced up from the canna lilies she had just placed in the vase, giving her little sister from another mister complete attention.


”Anytime sweetheart. I’m just a phone call away.” Bringing herself up, Kylee took a few steps back, standing beside Lorelai to take in Pierce’s grave.


”Mhm, or well canna lilies. The Orange Beauties.” Kylee gently placed her hand on the other girl’s back, making sure to not move suddenly so her friend wouldn’t flinch. ”Pierce likes symbolism and don’t you think they bring the drama, Lala? So vibrant. So bam!”

Nodding at the extroverted girl, Lala observed the flower, the orange beauty, adorned with faint golden-yellow streaking in the fluted petals. “And their meaning?” Timidly and soft-spokenly, the younger girl asked, letting her arms drop to her side with her pen and journal.

”Glory, power, beauty, and perfection. All things you and I should seek this year, don’t you think? I think Pierce would agree.”

Instead of immediately responding, Lorelei walked forward and ripped a few pages out of her notebook, folding them together, slipping it into an envelope, and then putting it on top of the stone. She really needed to get a mailbox for Pierce. “You’re beautiful, Kylee.”

”On the outside at least,” Kylee Grimm admitted, with a tinge of sadness in her voice. “No more Pierce, no more Roddy.”

“Big brother is always watching. And you have me.” After closing her notebook, placing her pen on the inside, Lala offered her hand for Kylee to grab. “Through thick and thin, I’ll be here, okay?”

Not one to deny the girl with Snow White features, Kylee grabbed it. Her eyes softened at one of her last links that grounded her. ”You’re starting to sound like him more and more each day.” The two girls looked at Pierce’s grave once more before both acknowledging it was time to leave. “Are you still on for Monday? You really don’t have to be the first one for this segment. I have a few other people I can contact. I know this is out of your comfort zone.”

Anxiously but honestly, Lala intensely shook her head in disagreement, internally trying to convince her and pushing Kylee’s words out, “I need to do this. I need to… jump.” Stopping in her tracks, she looked at Kylee, her hand gripping tighter, “I can’t be scared to live my life and you’re giving me an opportunity where I can live without… without people seeing me. Big brother always told me one day I’ll be this town’s angel of music and I- I think that’s pretty cool. I just… I just have to do it. Please help me, Kylee. I-I promise I won’t mess up. I’ll do my best.”

Kylee was quick to pull the younger girl in the embrace, hushing the storm in her mind. ”Okay. It’s okay. It will be okay. I’ll be there with you the entire time. We’ll do this together. You’re not alone.” In her arms, Kylee could feel the girl’s body relax. Ever since Pierce died, Kylee would visit Lala weekly and she caught on patterns of potential breakdowns and usually it started with speed talking. ”Together, hand in hand.” After their heartfelt moment, the mayor’s daughter helped Lorelei put her things in her bag, including their small picnic they had with Pierce, and led her through the cemetery, on the pathway that went to the parking lot.

As they walked, a figure nonchalantly passed them, grazing Lorelei Mercer’s arm. Looking behind her, over her shoulder, she looked fixedly at a devilish looking man with blonde hair and a mischief smirk.

Hyde’s piercing blue eyes surveyed the two women but mostly the smaller one. They were both beautiful but there was something tragic about the little one, something sad. She smelled like lilac and gooseberries. He made his walk deeper into the cemetery with no care or worry about the bodies littered around him. When you're dead, you're dead. He stopped at one particular gravestone, if you could call it that. It was basically a rock on the floor with a name engraved in it, a pauper's pit for a forgotten piper.

Mason Hyde. Father dearest.

The story of Mason Hyde was your typical Edenridge affair, it was tragic and it was violent. It all started so well, he escaped the Southside and violent parents to become an exemplary police officer for the EPD. He was often used for undercover jobs considering he had a knack for deception and connections with various criminal enterprises. When he and partner Sylvester James were called to a house on Carlisle, they didn’t expect to be greeted by a gun wielding Brendan Thomas O’Brien. The two ended BT’s life and during the search of his place, they found April McMahon chained to a radiator, out of her mind on drugs. Mason took an interest in her recovery and soon, they were in love and married. She gave birth to a beautiful boy but that’s where the story sours.

The young family moved to the north side and for a time, the world was pleasant. Then people began to notice that Mason seemed to have a lot of cash for a police officer. A quick look into their finances and it was obvious that Officer Hyde was taking bribes and payoffs. This caused quite the scandal and he was soon arrested, charged and locked up for his crimes. Mason didn’t last long in prison, being locked up with people that he had sent down was not healthy and on one hot summer night, he was stabbed in the yard and bled out. A sad end. As for April and her son, they fell back into the Southside and back into the old habits that she had only just broken free from. And what of her boy? He grew up to be the Devil.

Hyde did not have many memories of the man that was his adopted father but his grave made a great hiding place. Kneeling down, he removed the small vase that the church put there to make it look like anybody cared and dug his hand into the dirt. He reached around for a few moments before freeing his hand. Grasped in his fingers was his old friend, his old faithful; the pair of brass knuckles that were his signature. He hid them before he was arrested and now they were back where they belonged.

As he prepared to leave, Hyde noted the grave next to his fathers; Pierce Mercer. He didn’t know that name, probably a northsider. Sat upon it was an envelope. Not one for tact, he curiously picked it up and began to read.

My constant. My guardian. My spaceman. The only man I will ever love.

Things are getting worse and I wished you were here to protect me from the monsters. I don’t think I’ll ever be good enough for them and when I face my reflection all I see is a tragedy. I suppose I am my own worst enemy because I’m starting to believe everything they tell me. It makes the pain bearable if it’s true…

I know I feel too much and that I’m going backwards because of my overthinking. While it’s hard to stop the horrible monsters, I try my best to think of you. I try my best to hear your voice. In everything I do, I see you. I’m going to do my best to believe, if not in me, then in you because you see me for me. You always have.

I’ll walk in your footsteps and take more chances. To live a life full of regret, that’s horrible, but to live? To truly, deeply live? To love with all my heart and do what I love with so much passion? That sounds wonderful. I’ll trust the journey. Even if I don’t understand it, I’ll trust it because you’re in my heart, always. Keep watching over me and I’ll make you happy. I just want to make you happy.

The bond we share, an unbreakable bond, is like the galaxy. In the end, we’re all just dreamers in an endless universe and stars can’t shine without darkness. The night sparkles and I will never let it go. I love you and like I love the stars too fondly, I will not be fearful of the dark. This is a promise. I swear to you.

Your little duckling,

Whoever had written this letter, they seemed to be hurting. Their pain was real and palpable like spice on the tip of a tongue. They were being abused that much was clear and they needed protecting. They were asking for help. Hyde was trying to do better. He was trying to be a good man. Perhaps helping this person was the way forward? They were basically begging him anyway. The letter smelled like lilac and gooseberries: the girl from the entrance. In one hand, he crumpled the letter and in the other, he tightened his grip on his brass knuckles.

It was time for him to fix shit once again.
Timestamp: The day after the gym scene. Saturday as the sun sets.
FT. Charlie Decker @BrutalBx

What was she doing? The sun was setting and she found herself running to the cemetery to have a conversation with gravestone. Poppy had one hell of a day, far more productive than she’s ever had in a long time, and something she came across reminded her of Charlie and she just started booking it. Desperate, devastated, and drained, she held a book close to her heart that was so graciously given to her by Jericho and she just let her feet take her away.

Penelope James had spent the day first, with therapy. Secondly, with Decky in the park, talking to Allegra, and then thirdly, with her mom, since she didn’t work at the cafe until tomorrow. Perks of a part timer. If she had things her way, she would’ve stayed in bed, like she’s been doing for the past year or so. Her mother had other plans for her.

Victoria wanted to get her daughter out of the house, especially hearing how last night transpired for her child and her child’s friends. With a little nudge, Vicky gently dragged her daughter to her thrift store. The only expectation the mother had was to check on her daughter’s mental state and keep her out of the house. Knowing well enough Poppy wasn’t going to stay and sort clothes, Victoria patiently waited for her youngest to get antsy. And that she did.

Taking initiative, Poppy gave her mother a peck on the cheek before walking to the music store where she was greeted by Uncle Eddie (he was everyone’s uncle in this town) and JP. They pleasantly greeted her and told her if she wanted to chat, they were there if she needed them. They didn’t intrude on anyone if they simply wanted the shop and music to take them away.

The song Elder Tree by the Gallows was playing in the background as she perused through the records and scanned the area of the instruments on display. It was remarkable that this shop was standing when everyone was converting to smartphones which could dual role as a music device. Still, there was something about a record that just sounded so much better. While she was going through a set of folk band music, searching for Brown Bird, one of her personal favorites, she glanced up at JP, noticing he was reading something.

With widened eyes, she was suddenly flashed with her hallucination of Charlie looking over JP’s shoulder, quoting For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway. The rest went by like a blur but JP was pretty chill on letting her take it. Now here she was running to Charlie’s grave with a book. When she reached his headstone, finding it like she could see Charlie himself standing by it, she stopped right in front of it, out of breath. “Oh god, I’m out of shape.”

While trying to catch her breath, she cursed, “I… hate you. You’ve ruined me.” She wished she could punch him. She wished she could scream at him and blame him for making her fall in love with him. If she wasn’t so attached, her ptsd wouldn’t be driving her crazy.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” She muttered, still breathing heavily, and then her gaze finally took in the condition of his grave and her anger dissipated to sadness. There seemed to be fresh spray paint that someone tried their best to clean off. There was so much moss and vines and it just made her frown. He was so dirty. Dropping on her knees, she glided her free hand on the words. It took her this long to see him. When she was running she straight up believed she would be screaming at a tombstone but now she was sitting in her grief, in the place where his corpse was rotting. “Charles Jay Decker, Beloved Son… the love of my life… they are not dead who live in the hearts they leave behind. Tuscarora.”

Oh yepp. There it was. The tears. The whole crying thing was getting old fast. How did she still have more tears in her eyes? When was she going to dry up? She so desperately wanted to dry up and stop hurting. But this was so hard, so painful, she didn’t know when this would all stop. “Charlie, I need you.”

Penelope knelt on the dirt as the sun continued to set. A gorgeous orange hue in the sky kissed her cheeks, warming her when all she wanted to be was sad.. “Why did you leave me?” She pleaded to the air before taking fault for their shared past, “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you. I’m sorry… can we go back? I promise I’ll be better for you. I promise I’ll tell you how I feel. I promise…”

“Promise me a lifetime supply of bagels with cream cheese and I’ll rewind time itself.”

As if he has always been there, Charlie Decker sat next to Poppy James. As it always had been. His long, lanky frame dwarfed significantly. He interlocked his fingers across his shins as he lay his arms across his knees. His voice was still as deep as it ever was, his face for one inmarred with cuts and bruises from whatever mess he had gotten himself into on that given day.

Charlie had a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time but it seemed today that he was in the right place at the right time; not that he could be anywhere else, he was dead, his body was six feet below them dressed in the one suit he owned. With the dark chocolate eyes that carried so much, he took in Poppy for a moment before allowing his gaze to fall upon that which was pressed so firmly against her chest.

“It’s a good book.”

Abruptly, Poppy fell back, making sure the book never touched the ground, only her ass and one of her hands for support. “W-what are you doing here?” This wasn’t real, she knew it wasn’t but god it did feel like he was right there next to her. It might’ve been time to talk to Mrs. Ramsey and higher her medication dosage. She sat there, with such conflicted emotions, but underneath all the sadness and anger, there was only love. Even in his condition, he still was such a handsome, captivating, lovable fool. She loved this man so much, she really couldn’t see a future without him.

“You called me?” Charlie responded. “Charlie, I need you? Ring any bells?…Damn woman did you butt dial me?” One of the many things lost to time and overwhelmed by his final actions was Charlie’s sense of humor. He was a little goofy, dry and self deprecating. Poppy was usually the one who got to see it the most, seeing as they spent all of their time together, loving from afar whilst being next to each other.

“I just—“ Penelope looked around to see if anyone was watching her. Did she look like a crazy person? Probably. “I just didn’t didn’t expect you to appear so suddenly.” Fixing her posture, Poppy sat cross legged on the dirt, calming her heart rate down to see if it could help her in this moment. Part of her wanted to hold him so close and tell him to never leave her side again. The other part, well… “Why did you push me away?!” Penelope barked at the idiot that she loved so much it fucking hurt. “Did I really mean that little to you? Was there really nothing I could’ve said or done to prevent you from making the worst mistake of your life?” She didn’t expect to hear a response but if she could see him as clear as day, even for a moment, she would like to imagine he was there listening to her.

To whoever was in charge of the afterlife, Poppy begged: Please hear me.

The vision or apparition or whatever he was version of Charlie clicked his tongue as he looked towards the setting sun. It’s orange glow illuminated his caramel skin tone as he sighed. “You know, sometimes people do things that we’re just not meant to understand. We can try and try. We can rationalize, we can justify, we can beg but it won’t make a difference. Could you have stopped me? Not a chance. You mean everything to me but what I did, nothing was going to stop me.” He reached his hand down and placed it next to her, almost offering it for her to hold. “It happened. It’s time to let it go, let me go.”

Hearing that was like getting stabbed right in the chest. Her throat closed up and breathing was beyond difficult. “What are you saying?” She could feel her body shake, just like how her body felt yesterday but worse because she knew he was right… to a degree. Even so, she sure did hate hearing him say it outloud. Instinctively, Poppy wanted to curl up or run away. Instead, she forced herself to reach for his hand and not be afraid to take that leap of faith, even though the sensations going through her body were hard to bear. “I can still live and love you forever. I just… can’t let you go, Charlie. No, I refuse to let you go. Not in the way you want me to.”

“Well then, I guess that’s where we’re at. If you’re going to live, then live. Get out of your bedroom, get out of the cafe and go do something.” The spectre of the broken boy inhaled deeply, as if he was soaking up Poppy’s tragedy and insecurities and taking them for himself. “It’s the summer you know? There’s a lot to be found outside in the world past the Elder Tree….which is a great song by the way.” Charlie lay his back onto the ground and let his eyes stare up at a flock of birds overhead. “When you’re ready to let me go, you might wanna give my book a read…though it gathering dust in your bedroom drawer is actually kinda cool, adds a level of mythology to it. A murder crows, bad omen.”

He was right. Even if he stayed in her heart, even if no one could replace him, Pops needed to find reasons to live on. For him, for Maxine, for all those that were lost, and for herself. At the end of the day, she only had one life. Poppy sobbed and laughed at the same time, “You’re such an idiot.” Instead of sulk in misery, Penelope laid beside her forever love, her hand inches away from his as she looked up at the sky. “I miss you, you know that?”

“Course I do, who else would climb through your bedroom window with bagels? Not a living soul.” Living soul was such an on the Bose way to put it but then that was Charlie. He didn’t pay no mind to a little thing called taste. “I’m only six feet away if you ever need to talk, Pops. Promise.”

“No, you’re right here.” She placed the book on her chest, her heart, to show that he would always be with her, wherever she went. “I’ll never forget you, Charlie Decker.”

Charlie smiled as he reached over to her and placed his hand atop the book she clung to desperately. “There will always be people who say it does not exist because they cannot have it. But I tell you it is true and that you have it and that you are lucky even if you die tomorrow,” He turned his head to take in Poppy James’ beauty once more. “Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls. It’s a good book.” With the dispersal of the murder above them, he faded back into the ether.

Staring at the sky, her surroundings started to grow dark. Before Penelope realized it, she had fallen asleep just as Charlie quoted the book and disappeared. It’s been a long time since she was able to fall asleep like this. She should visit him more often…

A couple hours later her father found her, picked her up as she faded in and out, and brought her home.

For Whom the Bell Tolls.
Ernest Hemingway.
A good book.

Between 12 AM & 2 AM Sunday early morning (2 days from the gym scene)

“Thank you, babe.”

Hyde smiled at the young dark haired girl as she placed his plate before him. Her face was flush and red, she was obviously intrigued by the blue eyed monster. If there was one thing that he had the ability to do, it was read the room. In spite of all of his flaws, Hyde was perceptive and good at picking up people's vibes…at least he was if he could calm the raging fire in his brain that was the one constant he had ever had in his life.

She turned to leave, throwing a glance back at the blonde haired man over her shoulder before she did. There was no doubt in his mind that this was probably the most interesting thing that had happened to this girl all day. It was early in the morning and these three ransoms entered the bar like a wave of chaos to fuck up or fun up her night. Were he not with his siblings and if he were listening to that voice in his head, then Hyde would likely grab this little thot by her throat, drag her into an alley and give her what she deserves. Alas, he was being a good boy and he really wanted to make this family work.

The diner was dead save for the waitress, the chef and the Death Triangle. The world outside was quiet, almost silent. Inside, playing softly on the distant speaker in the kitchen was Gallows “Love the Hard Way Around”. It was an ethereal sort of track, it created a great but melancholy type of ambience in the room.

“I always liked this place. My Mom worked here once.”

“It’s good place. My favorite. Mama came here at end of shift.” The Basilisk turned in her stool to observe her surroundings. The waitress had given Anya her token food which was a large pancake with a face of their choice made of fruit usually, occasionally bacon or sausage depending if they wanted the face to have hair or eyebrows, and a milkshake to drink. When it came to milkshakes, the Russian agent didn’t care what they gave her in terms of flavor. That was one of the only things she was open minded with. Flavor of milkshake. Change what she gets for breakfast though? She’d be angry. Happy pancakes are what she looked forward to whenever she could come here. Take that away from her then what was the point of life? Obviously not happy pancakes! Regardless, the waitress chose strawberry milkshake, so strawberry milkshake it would be.

Reaching for her shake, she grabbed it and took a sip of it before pulling the straw away and asking her older brother, “How is the change for you?” She knew her half twin was trying to do right by his family and change for the better. Did Anya think he would be successful in this endeavor? Look at her. She had no right to judge her brother when she had blood on her hands too. Circumstances gave them no choice and now they make the best of it. They had no choice.

“You mean, how is the change from breaking the jaws of every single little fuck that gets under my skin to just smiling and nodding at them? It sucks.” Hyde took a drink from his black coffee before responding further to his sister. “Still, I’m trying to do better. I don’t want to break this family up again.” His eyes fell upon the waitress once again, she smiled at him and he began to drum his fingers rhymically against the mug of black nectar. He reached toward the fork that sat by his free hand and stuck it into the eggs on his plate.

“Mika, I need you to do me a favour. This letter business we were talking about earlier. You gotta fix that shit,” Hyde took a bite out of his breakfast. He allowed his words to hang in there like a guillotine for a few moments. Regardless of his time away or the relatively short amount of time that the children of Ivan Zima acknowledged each other as siblings, he was the older brother, the authority and his words carried that. “Anya and I get close to that, the wrong type of people might come snooping and get involved. Which you really don’t want. Your little girlfriend and all your friends, those fucking Gonzalez’s….” He had to pause as the venom in his veins began to poison him. He balled up a fist under the table, digging his nails into his own palm. “…they don’t need none of that. Figure out who's behind it and fix it.” His eyes wandered to his younger sister and then back to his brother. There was always, even in the most pleasant of conversations, something ugly eating away inside the mind of Cameron Hyde. “We’ll help where we can but this one yours, understand?”

Mika had kept mostly quiet to himself. When the waitress took their orders, he smiled, made small conversation (when his brother wasn’t fixated on her, that was). And when his plate of the works: fried eggs, two sausage links, a couple of slices of toast and bacon, and a side of hashbrowns, he thanked her again. After the godawful breakfast, if you could actually call what Hyde made for them breakfast, Mika wasted no time evening out the bad with the always amazing breakfast. When he was truly starving, dignity and manners went out the window as he scarfed down the sausage and bacon first.

He was listening to his older siblings talk. What was the most interesting part (well maybe not so much interesting, but ironic, hypocritical, and hilarious), was his brother speak about not breaking up the family. He tried to not let it show, which was also why he was mostly stuffing his face and keeping his eyes down on his plate, occasionally coming up for air to wash it down with the tall glass of milk he ordered with it. He didn’t want to incur the wrath of his brother for potentially disagreeing with his view of ‘family’.

And when Hyde started to talk about the letters, who it might attract, and the tone that his brother carried through it all, it wasn’t a queue for an open dialogue. It was an order. Fear and anger often came hand-in-hand for the youngest Zima son when it came to Hyde, but he had to swallow the latter. “I’ll see what I can do, but it’s not going to be easy. Almost six months now they have been sending letter after letter and still nobody knows who the person is.” Mika didn’t care that much, but as much as he hated to admit it, Hyde was right. While some people deserved whatever truths might come out from this, there were people who didn’t. People like Cece. People like Boa and Ley. They didn’t deserve that.

“They,” Hyde scoffed. “You’re talking about the EPD which is quite possibly the most corrupt police force in the country. They ain’t trying very hard, trust me.” The dark passenger loaded his mouth with another load of food before washing it all down with some more coffee. “Poppy James. Mordechai Boaz. Jade Taylor. These were that kid, what was his name, Chuck or whatever the fuck, these were his friends. Start there or wherever you want I don’t really care but…” getting to his feet, he gestured towards the washroom and took a step towards it before stopping. He put a hand on the back of his brother's neck and leaned down to his ear. “Get it done, your way. Or we’re gonna end up doing it mine” He kissed the back of his little brother's head before entering the nearby bathroom.

As Hyde walked away, Anya rolled her eyes and finished chewing some of her pancake before unapologetically cursing, “Zho-pa.” Turning to her other brother, the less unhinged one, the Basilisk reached for his arm and gave a comforting squeeze, “Those people, they your friends, right?”

Mika cursed under an aggressive chomp of a slice of bacon, watching his brother disappear from view towards the bathroom. As he swallowed it, he glanced towards Anya, looking visibly angry. “Yeah, they are. And it’s not right, Anya,” Mika admitted. He always felt he could be honest with her. Not about everything, but certain things he could be. “These letters, the memories they come with -- it’s not just about secrets or who or what it may attract. They were close to Charlie. Me not so much, but those three were. I understand where Cameron is coming from. Maybe not all of it, but I understand enough. I get it, but I can’t do it the way he wants me to, or at least not as quickly as he pretty much implied.”

In truth, Anya didn’t understand the bonds of most people and what she had with her brothers was her imitating what she saw in the movies and television screen. She hoped what she had with Mika and Cam were genuine, but deep down she knew it was forced upon because Hyde deemed it so. Was all her relations forced? Would she cry if her brothers died tomorrow?

Sighing to herself, she went back to her food, cutting her pancake into smaller pieces, “But if you could, at all cost, would you protect them? You know big brother will not take no for answer.” she warned, before offering her services, “I can help.” Hyde wasn’t wrong about the fact that if she got close to the wrong people she’d bring far too much attention. However, she was the Basilisk and one thing she was good at was sticking to the shadows and finding out any necessary information. “If he get mad, I’ll protect you.”

Mika didn’t have to think about it for any longer than a few short moments. “With my life.” Of course, he knew that Anya was right. Their brother was a man of his word in every possible way. As much as he hated it, he’d have to find out what his friends knew. He would, however, have to remind himself that it was for the right reasons. The people he cared about, to protect them, Mika would have to find a way to get some more detailed answers about the letters.

He glanced at Anya, smiling at his sister.There was something he wanted to say and without Hyde hovering over, maybe now was the best time to do it “You know I know our father isn’t the best person, but I’m..glad we found each other. Our brother goes on about family and maybe that’s the one thing he and I might be able to agree about. Just as much as I’m sure he doesn’t want to, I don’t want it to be broken apart either.” Mika spoke and was silent for a few seconds. “I just wanted you to know that.”

Slowly chewing a piece of pancake, Anya carefully observed Mika as he disclosed his feelings about their family. Circumstances prevented them from sharing the same mother, from sharing the same upbringing, and from sharing the same values, but at least they had each other. She could tell Mika’s emotions were innocent and pure. Cameron, she wasn’t sure. He was broken beyond repair. At least for now, he cared or tried to believe he did. He’s the reason they all found each other and for that she should be grateful.

Still, she wondered how far she would go. Deeply staring at her brother, she tried to imagine her father, the one that they did not share, coming in to take everything away from him. The thought of that, the thought of Mika sleeping with the fishes, that caused her to grow angry. That alone showed she cared. Her mind might not understand her heart but she knew if given the chance, she’d die for him. “This family is all I have.” A half smile appeared on her face. Her gaze was both in the moment and far away, as if she was programmed differently than most people - where she was unable to be empathetic, no matter how hard she tried. As if the moment anything authentic came into her life, she saw the end of it all. Good things don’t last. Not for someone like her. “Thank you, Mika. Now eat before it get cold.”

In the bathroom, Hyde was glaring at himself in the obligatory cracked diner mirror. Fractured like his mind and his soul or some deep Edenridge shit. He gripped the rim of the sink with both hands, waiting for the hot flash of rage to pass. He was trying to get better at controlling it. He was using all of the techniques that had been shown to him but they were a needle thread and some glue, a patch up job because what he had couldn’t be cured. It didn’t help that he was already bored. He needed some excitement. A goal. Something to work towards.

Lucky then for him that he had something in mind. A man he had met in prison gave him a job. Protection. It was quite the opposite of Hyde’s specialty of glorious destruction. It wasn’t a paying job either, it was a request from someone who had helped him out and Cameron Hyde always repaid his debts…in a round about way. There was somebody living in the Southside that his guy wanted looked after. Now Hyde was no babysitter but if this bitch got herself in some sort of trouble, which in Eden resides around every dimly lit corner, then he would be there to fix that shit, just like he had told his little brother to do.

Fixing was something that he had been doing for years or at least that’s what it felt like in his own head. With dear daddy gone and mother dearest an absolute disgrace of a woman, there was always a problem to deal with, a mess to clean. It wasn’t right that he always had to take it upon himself. Hyde could hear his mothers words dancing around in his head. God will forgive you. Fuck God. If he was here Hyde would beat the shit of him and then push his mother down the stairs again, only this time he’d make sure her neck was broken. They ruined him.

He emerged from the wash room and took his seat back with his siblings. He polished off his coffee before saying anything. “What’re you two talking about so hush hush?”

“I was giving brother more help. Told him to see new reporter. He making moves. I saw this morning he was at cafe with mayor’s daughter and Clay Costigan. He know something or trying to know something if he talk to a Grimm and a cop.” Anya was quick to cover for Mika by using a truth to hide her lie. She wasn’t easy to read, especially when it came to intel, and no one was able to call her out because her words always held merit.

So sure, she hadn’t made this suggestion until now to her little brother, just so they didn’t have to disclose they were talking about Hyde, but she could kill two birds with one stone by bringing it up. Protect her little brother and make a useful suggestion. Anya and Hyde looked at each other, her gaze was filled with ice while his were a burning inferno. She nodded to him to show there was nothing to worry about before going back to her food. Shortly after, her attention was brought to the waitress who began asking Hyde if he wanted more coffee.

“Costigan? I went to school with that guy. He’s a fucking moron,” Hyde laughed a little before the waitress addressed him. “I’m all good, sweetheart. Maybe if you want, slip your number on the back of the bill.” He winked at her as she hurried off back towards the counter. “Let’s keep tabs on this reporter guy though, I don’t trust media.” Turning towards his quiet little brother, the devil himself scanned him with those damn blue eyes. There was something off about Mika, there had been since his arrival. He wasn’t sure what it was. Did his being out make Mika uncomfortable? Probably considering he lived with the family that want Hyde dead…well one of the many families anyway. “Wherever your head's at, little brother, get it out of there and back in this with us. We need you. Also you're paying. I’m sure ReyRey gave you some pocket money.”

Mika hated how observant his brother was. He had to be better at hiding when he had a lot on his mind, but being around Cameron just did that to him. He was tense almost all of the time. Anya being here helped, but it wasn’t enough since Hyde clearly noticed. “My bad. Been a long day,” Mika admitted. He wasn’t lying. Between getting Boa from rock bottom to family dinner, and then here, Mika was exhausted. He just needed to sleep off…well everything. And he still had to run by his mom’s place to pick up Boa, which probably meant a good night of sleep wasn’t in his immediate future.

He pulled his wallet out, grabbed a couple of twenties. The meal itself was around thirty and Mika grabbed an additional ten, giving the waitress a sizable tip. It was the least he could do for having to put up with his brother making moves on her. “Thanks for the food, “ Mika said to the waitress. “Keep the change.”

He got up from his seat, looking to his sister, then brother. “I’ll talk to that reporter. See what, if anything, he knows.” That’s all he said. He had to figure out a way to follow through, but at the very least, maybe Hyde wouldn’t think he wasn’t with him.

Hyde nodded his head as he watched his brother lay down the money. His suspicion was right, Mika had cash which meant he was earning. The Gonzalez’ were still taking care of him and his brother hadn’t left them after what they did to Hyde. It was borderline infuriating but he understood why. In the climate of Edenridge, one had to have Money to survive and sadly the Serpents were the biggest game in town. “Get out of here, we’ll catch up soon.”

He moved his gaze to his little sister and he crossed his arms. “Listen to me, I’m only saying this once. Your big brother is back now and we’re gonna be together. Properly this time. I’m gonna figure out a way to get you out of that situation you're in. You hear me? You’re gonna be free real soon.” He got up to his feet and playfully popped Anya on the nose before heading towards the door. He looked at the waitress and smiled that goddamn rattlesnake smile. “Be seeing you,” He hissed before he left.

And there Anya was, left alone to think about her moment with her brothers and the words Hyde had said. He would free her? Tough chance. Standing up, doing a big ol’ stretch, the Basilisk warned the waitress before leaving, “Be careful with that one. He the Devil in disguise.” Once she said what she needed to, she too left her favourite place in Edenridge.

Saturday evening, the day after the gym scene, right after Natalia & Danny deside to leave the Belmonte estate.

A @Aces Away & @LovelyComplex Collaboration



Rye sat on his suitcase outside the airport as he waited for JP to come pick him up, trying not to let his mind run wild with false situations as to why Danny offering to pick him up a few weeks ago had turned into can’t. not feeling well. sorry. being texted to him thirty minutes before his flight took off. Unfortunately, he hadn’t gotten the text until he landed, so he’d had to text JP last minute. He had been a life saver, but it would still take him time to get there. So Rye had spent a little bit of time inside the airport waiting before the flow of people made him too anxious and he had taken his things outside. He slid his earphones in and shuffled one of his playlists to drown out the world around him and try and calm his nerves.

He just got sick he thought to himself for the twentieth time since landing. It has nothing to do with you, he just wasn’t feeling good. He tried to give you fair warning.

He tapped his feet nervously, humming to the song playing as he obsessively checked again for JP’s car so he could get out of the wide open space, be less exposed. As if he could miss the old thing, since it was actually the car he grew up in. His mother and father had bought it fresh off the lot when he’d been a toddler, and the reliable son of a bitch took them everywhere as he got older. It was the car that took them from Cleveland to Edenridge after the divorce and then sat in a parking lot for most of their time in the town until Avigail had gifted the car to JP, putting it back into regular use. It had just over 200,000 miles on it and while it still ran beautifully, the dented and scratched body showed its years, though JP had touched it up over time.

He tried switching his focus from Danny to something that would cause him less anxiety, and he chose to focus on seeing JP again after a little over three months. Savta Miriam's hip replacement recovery was on track and she was moving around on her own again. Rye had offered to stay longer, but his savta gave him a knowing look and told him to go home and relax. For anything else she needed, the neighbor had offered his own grandson up for help. Rye relented, as he wouldn't pretend he wasn’t excited to see his family again; for having been an only child most of his life he now found that the silence of small households only serves to make the pitch in his ears worse. He hadn't realized how much the background noise of his family's everyday lives had covered up the ringing buzz during the-what he thought had been- silence.

Being away from his mother, from JP and Danny had sucked, and he'd even missed a chance to see Niles when he'd visited home. Rye was due for some strong, emotionally settling hugs and JP was amazing for helping him feel grounded in the moment, stealing his attention and not complaining about how he has to talk over whatever music Rye has playing at the time. As much as he has been looking forward to Danny, Rye was in no way upset to be getting picked up by JP instead.

As if manifesting from his thought process, the gray 2003 Toyota Camry came past the first line of waiting cars to park in the second lane with a direct line to Rye. The curly haired boy smiled at the sight of his step-brother sliding out of the driver's side as he made his way to the trunk, rolling his suitcase and duffle bag behind him. He pouted internally as he met JP at the back but simply gave him an exasperated look as the other man was already reaching for his luggage.

“You’re not even gonna give me a chance to struggle with it, huh?” He asked as he grasped his luggage defensively, turning the volume down low on his music but not removing the headphones as he looked to the taller man. He still didn't like being so limited; despite how well he'd healed, Rye was still missing full rotation in his shoulder and was unable to bear certain weights no matter how much he wanted to, which left the older Phillips-Shomer well acquainted with this limitation already.

“Hey, we’re family, yeah?” Jericho nonchalantly responded, as he took charge of the heavyweight his step brother was carrying. In his car, he was listening to a cover of Cancion del Mariachi, which was sung by upcoming artist, Rico Núñez, who happened to be related to the Gonzalez family. Pretty neat they had a musician in the family, especially a musician guaranteed for success. JP didn’t see his future exploding like Rico’s but he could respect the hustle. He found joy in keeping music alive in his town, where a series of unfortunate events ripped you from this universal language that united people together.

Once his trunk was closed, he pulled Rye in a deep hug, one of those heart-to-heart hugs where their chests pressed against one another. Instinctively, JP had one of his hands in Rye’s hair, holding his head gently, yet lovingly. “It’s good to see you. We’ve missed you.” After a moment or two of a tender embrace, and perhaps a couple people honking behind them, JP released his step brother and slapped his ass, “Okay, let’s get going.”

Proceeding onward, the two boys went to the car. With some umpf in the engine, they went from Boston to Edenrdige. Nearly immediately, JP opened a new can of red bull and started guzzling it down, while driving with one hand. Without any care in the world, he belched and placed his empty can in the center console cup holder. “So yeah, our town is on fire. Not literally, but boy you missed a lot.”

Rye rolled his eyes and flicked the empty can, not saying anything about his step brother's bad habit but letting him know it was still noticed. "I wouldn't be surprised if there was a fire, we've got a pretty hot department in town," he joked quietly, having taken his earbuds out once the music in the car had started. It was no secret that JP volunteering at the EFD caused Rye untold levels of anxiety, but the smaller man still never failed to make jokes about it when he could. He watched the car in front of them switch lanes, cutting off the person that had been trying to pass. His eyes flickered to the side, scanning JP's face before jumping to the next movement that caught his gaze. "But in all seriousness, what happened this time? You'd call me if someone died, right?" He was joking. Obviously. But just because someone didn't die didn't mean that a lot couldn't still be bad. Danny's text flashed in his mind, and he grabbed the empty can out of the cup holder to fidget with the soda tab.

“Of course I’d call, Sprinkles. Why wouldn’t I?” JP rolled his eyes, before answering, “Your class had one hell of a ride last night.” The local guitarist shrugged, glancing at the can of Red Bull and then Rye. Yeah, he did know he had a problem but there was so much life to live that sleep only took away from it. Energy drinks were life.

“Here,” the older boy tossed his phone onto his step brother’s lap, where a video was waiting to be played, “I put all the letters from ghost boy Charlie on your desk, catch up when you have time. Someone’s been sending them to every house for months now.” JP was never one to hold back punches and if anything, Rye deserved to know everything that was happening to his friends and the town he lived in, “Last night your classmates found out how Allison Davies OD’ed. It was pretty messed up. Glad I wasn’t at that party that night.”

Turning down the music, realizing he was talking louder than needed, JP disclosed, “Danny was there and it looks like he was next to that Brady kid. Weren’t they a thing? I know I’m not supposed to talk about it but I’m just asking. I could’ve sworn you told me they weren’t talking for a good minute.”

"Yeah, we don't mention that to Danny," Rye reminded faintly. "and last I knew they weren't." The video was playing out in front of him, each moment tightening his chest. The last thing he'd been expecting was anything relating to Charlie Decker or Allison Davies. Now it involved most of his class and ReyRey as well? And him? Did he get the invitation letter and miss it by being out of town, or was he safe from the scrutiny of whatever psycho was playing a puppet game with the town? Did everyone decide to just keep him out of the loop on this?

"This shit's pretty heavy if I'm being honest, I never put much thought into Allison aside from the passing mentions of her, but no one deserves to go out like that…" he continued flicking the tab as the video played out, and Rye paled a bit as a recognizable figure appeared in the footage.

"Is that Decky?" He asked, fingers stilling. He looked at JP and tried to keep the shake out of his voice when he spoke next. "He's…back in town? How long has he been back?" It couldn't have been too long, while keeping the letters from him may have been Danny and his family's choice, none of them would fail to mention the ex-serpent's arrival in town, nervous as the mere mention of the man makes him. The lack of closure with the other man was still a major talking point in his therapy sessions, as he's unable to let go of that and forgive himself and yada yada yada. So it's unlikely he's been back for more than a day or two, otherwise the Edenridge rumor mill would have gotten a hold of it. Well. Looking at the video, obviously it already had.

“Heck if I know. I’m just as surprised as you. Couldn’t have been too long, though. For all we know, Boaz came in yesterday.” JP assured Rye, knowing well enough he would’ve been offended if none of his family told him about the return of Mordechai Boaz.

Rye reached out towards JP, fiddling with the fabric of the man's sleeve. "I've changed my mind," he joked, focusing intently on his manipulation of the coarse fabric. "Take me back to the airport, I'm done with Edenridge's drama already. Fucking annual trauma up in this bitch."

“No can do brother-o-pal-of-mine.” Jericho cruised through the highway, as he placed his hand on Rye’s thigh, tenderly squeezing it. “Your schedule is kind of booked.” He innocently grinned, showing for a fact that Rye wouldn’t get away from him that easily. “One, moms wants us to do some book reading at the school. You know how she gets if we refuse. Two, Winnie’s big 18 is coming up. I was thinking we’d take a weekend trip to Boston, yeah? Maybe sneak her into a gay bar or something. And third, we should try that salsa class your bestie goes to every Tuesday. Why the hell not, right? If this town needs anything, it’s good vibes.”

Nothing JP listed was set in stone. If there was anyone who knew JP it was Rye and Rye would know that this was how his step brother chose to cope and live, so that no one worried about him. He was all about being a positive energy in the dark place they called home. This place was cursed and yet he still wanted to believe in it. Not many could keep a smile on like JP did. There was something about him that people loved. Although he wasn’t certain of it, he gleamed.

Rye grinned back at JP, releasing his sleeve in favor of trapping the hand on his thigh. "Oh you know me, a real man of the people. I just love helping children and reading out loud in public spaces. I'm all for it," his dry tone allowed for no misunderstanding of his true feelings on the matter. "Anything for momma though, I'd never want to upset her. As for the gay bar, I'm down for it but I do wonder if we want to be exposing our little sister to us on the dance floor, since club grinding is basically the only dancing I do publicly nowadays." Which also answered JP's third idea about going to salsa class. The other more outgoing man would have to try a little harder than that to get him swinging around in front of people like he used to, but Rye did like the idea of learning a dance with JP, just maybe not in a room with a bunch of other people. He could appreciate the need to make someone's day brighter- he'd spent plenty of time doing it himself in highschool- but he wasn't ready to put himself out there like that again. That doesn't mean he wasn't ready to have a little fun, though.

JP's warm hand kept him grounded in the moment as the music faded out and into the next song, the car swerving smoothly through traffic. "We could force Danny to teach us in the back yard when he's free, I wouldn't mind that. Alone time with my bestie and my brother-from-my-other-mother? That's not something I'd refuse."

“That might not be a bad idea,” JP agreed with the sentiment, contemplating a moment in his day, where he found out something that was likely not meant for his ears. Earlier this day, he ran into the whole Belmonte family in front of the church. He was usually out and about, doing errands for Uncle Eddie, maintaining the shop, talking to people, the usual JP kind of things. Today was no exception.

There was a lot going on in town this morning from Hailee starting a protest with her band at the same time her father was doing a speech AND two babies got baptized. Talk about eventful! Well, JP gave his regards to the family and right before he was going to leave, Mirabella, Danny’s youngest sister, pulled him to the side, asking when Rye would return. One thing went to another and JP was eventually informed about Silvia’s condition.

Something that was kept under wraps, for awhile now. It was sad yet impressive that Taz could distract the townspeople from knowing his wife’s condition. Hell, not even JP’s mom knew and his mother was good friends with her. “Yeah, not a bad idea at all. You should try to visit Danny when you get a chance, I’m sure he could use some good soup or whatever.” The older boy’s intuition was telling him that Danny was not sick at all - it was unlike him to turn Rye down in such short notice. So, being the big brother, Jericho took it upon himself to offer guidance to the anxious, lovable ball of nerves that was Gavriel. If there was anyone that could keep up with the emotional well being of the big rock that was Danny Boy, it was Rye.

In response, Rye bobbed his head up and down repeatedly. To some it may have seemed like he was nodding his head to the beat, but JP would see it for the enthusiasm that it was. Rye was obviously a lot more out of the loop than he thought he would be, but things always did happen quick in this town, either all at once or in quick succession. He should have known being gone for a fourth of a year was enough to put him further on the outskirts of current knowledge. The curly haired man thought about how Danny had gone away for a single summer and come back to the hell that was the aftermath of Charlie Decker. He remembered waking up in the hospital one day to the athletic man sitting vigil by his bedside, looking exhausted and lost. It was an ugly kind of poetry that had Rye returning after another event regarding Charlie only to have Danny under the weather, prompting the smaller man to plan his own visit.

"It'll be great to see him, even if he is sick," Rye spoke up, hoping that if he said it enough he would believe the text that Danny sent and not perseverate over what the real reason could be. The video he just saw wasn't really helping to solidify his belief. "I'll make him some chicken soup later, I might even share some of the rugelach that savta sent home with me." A heavy consideration, as getting Rye to share anything sweet is a test in patience, let alone something as delicious as his savta Miriam's homemade pastries. His eyes flickered across the road in front of them once more before he realized what he was doing- anxiously watching all the cars as if they'd suddenly swerve and cause a crash, letting his mind run off on the possibilities- so he closed his eyes and leaned his head against the backrest, tapping out a rhythm on JP's hand with his index finger while gripping it tightly with the rest of his hand.

"You know you're not getting your hand back for the rest of the car ride, right? Because I haven't been able to hold this hand for more than three months and here you are just offering it up on a silver platter. You don't get it back unless you need it. It was on my thigh, it's mine by right."

“I could argue that hands were made for holding.” With gentle force, breaking out of Rye’s grip, JP turned his hand over and intertwined his fingers with the sweet boy beside him. Squeezing Rye’s hand a couple times, Jericho chuckled, “Wouldn’t that make you mine?”

"Since the first time we met." Rye answered honestly, holding their connected hands against his chest, eyes still closed and a small smile on his face.

Saturday morning, day after gym scene, around the same time as the baptism and protest.

A @LovelyComplex & @BrutalBx Collaboration


The farewell tour continued.

Roddy had said goodbye to Marco, he had said goodbye to Beau and now was probably the time to say the hardest goodbye of all; Kylee.

It was, to put it bluntly, an absolute shit feeling to be leaving behind all these people but Rod knew that it had to be this way. It wasn’t like when people went off to college, this goodbye was for real. Of course he would always venture back from time to time but there was something final about this; Edenridge was soon going to be an object in his rear view mirror and like the great Meatloaf once said, they appear closer than they are.

After leaving Marco and dropping Rylie back with Lanie, Roddy made his way to Rochambeau for a quick bite and coffee with his bestie. Kylee had always been by his side, from the moment the Grimms landed on Scott Street, she had been his other half, his best friend, the Velma to his Shaggy. Over the years the pair had been on many a wild adventure. Some were fruitful and provided great stories to tell, others not so much. If their final mission together was to be solving the mystery of Allison Davies death and the letters that tormented the town, then it was a hell of an adventure to go out on.

Being the intrepid reporter that she was, Rod had a suspicion that Ky already knew why he had called her to the cafe but he had been proven wrong many times before. Grabbing their favourite booth at the back, good for spying she always said, he ordered her favourite drink, an espresso, to the table along with his own chai latte and awaited Kylee’s arrival.

This was gonna suck.

Kylee Grimm had gotten caught in the commotion that her sister brought to town square. Her sister was an agent for chaos, drawing people in by her radical views, audacious behaviour, and scantily clad attire. She sold sex even when she wasn’t trying to and lets be real, people weren’t there for the politics, they were there to hear her sing. Music brought people together and what better time than now? When all the people of Edenridge were at war with themselves and each other. Hailey had a knack for that, using the pain of others for her own benefit and success. A cutthroat business woman only thinking about herself.

In Kylee’s honest opinion, her sister was a Venus flytrap in disguise, luring people in, offering them a piece of pie, only to eat them whole and alive - metaphorically speaking. A killer of the soul, if you may. She knows exactly what she’s doing. All her siblings knew what they were doing. Don’t be fooled by their kindness. Her house was meant for sinners not saints. When Kylee finally squeezed out of the crowd, she sauntered her way to the cafe, where she’d be meeting her best friend.

Wearing her red, stylish leather jacket, a black lace crop top, and a pair of dark jeans that fits just right, Kylee entered Rochambeau. A woman always on a mission, her heel boots resonating throughout the cafe, Kylee’s gaze immediately fell on her best friend. She beamed at the sight of him, before slipping on her side of the booth, “Sorry for making you wait. It’s crazy out there. I hope you haven’t been here for too long.”

“Nah I just got here, got stuck between your sisters speech and your dads rally. Your family do know how to pick their spots, Ky.”

He slid the brunette’s piping hot drink across the table. Roddy’s soft blue eyes fell upon Beau behind the bar and the two men shared a nod. Before a very specific day in September two years ago, Beau had not been Rod’s favourite teacher but they had held a level of respect. It was the day of the shooting that everything had changed for the pair. It was Beau who, when counting heads on one of the school buses filled with terrified students, realised he was one short, one Roddy Callahan. Of course, being who he was, Beau figured out what had happened, that the boy who had a knack for getting into other people's business had gone back into the school to help. In a faculty of thirty only three teachers sacrificed everything to go back into that school, Beau himself, Mrs. D’Amiano, and Coach John O’Hara. Sadly by the time he reached the gym, Beau was too late. Roddy had been shot, O’Hara too and Charlie Decker lay dead on the ground with Poppy James watching from the sidelines. Tragedy, the true name of this godforsaken town.

“So that thing with ReyRey, that happened.”

“Yes it did, very sad,” Kylee absentmindedly responded as she reached for her espresso and took a deep sip. After she placed it down, she immediately diverted the topic, already over yesterday’s news, “Anyways, I caught my dad talking to Mrs. James early this morning, a little before his rally. I was bringing him breakfast because he had forgotten to eat and she was in his office for awhile. That’s a scandal waiting to happen I bet.”

To most people Kylee rambling about theories in a fast paced manner would be normal but to Roddy, the slight tone shift in her voice was a sign of nervousness. She wanted to dance around whatever topic he wanted to talk about by throwing in random curiosities. “Honestly, at least Mrs. James is a bit more age appropriate than that woman that calls herself my mother.” Like ew. Seriously.

“Ky, stop.” Roddy chuckled. “Your dad isn’t having some sordid affair with Poppy’s Mom, ok? They were probably talking charity stuff.” It was typical of Kylee to start off a conversation with her latest piece of gossip or hearsay. She was the queen of whispered words but this latest song was not her usual. He knew that her motormouth was a sign that she probably already knew why he had brought her here, of course she did, she was Kylee.

“Do you remember when we were, what maybe twelve? and we went to the House on Hanging Hill Lane?” He looked out at the growing crowd outside for Hailey’s demonstration; she sure did know how to build a crowd. Then again so did her father. Must run in the family. “I remember you being so scared that you didn’t come to school for three days because you thought we were cursed.”

He was being nostalgic because he thought it might ease the blow of what was to come. With most everyone else, it would be easy for a Roddy to say sayonara and head off into the sunset with Lanie and Rylee. That wasn’t going to be the case with Ky. She wouldn’t make a scene, that wasn’t her style.

“How could I forget?” Kylee rested her cheek in the palm of her hand, her elbow on the table, as her dark stare never looked away from her dear friend. Roddy was the light in her life. He made her a better person. He was the reason she didn’t fall under the pressure of being the daughter of Theodore Grimm. No matter who she dated, whether it was Pierce or Natalia, or even her fling with Mei, none of them mattered like him. He was her rock. He kept her afloat when she felt like she was drowning. He entertained her mind, while bringing her back when it was going too far. He was everything to her - in the most platonic way.

Kylee truly believed soulmates weren’t only in the form of lovers. No, there were some souls that had a different job, and yet still made life worth enduring. Hm, now that she thought about it, maybe Roddy wasn’t her rock. Maybe he was her flashlight, getting her through the night. Losing him would hurt like a bitch but she knew she needed to find that light inside herself. “The witch that was brutally murdered on October 30th 1995 came to visit us. The longest and most vibrant red hair we ever did see… if we actually stopped and stared, now that I’m thinking about it, she was really beautiful. But because she gave us a jump scare I went running for my life. I still think we’re kind of cursed for entering that place. If we weren’t…” Kylee paused, bringing her hand down for him to grab it, “You wouldn’t be leaving me.”

There it was. The truth of the matter.

Roddy took his hand and placed it atop hers; entwining their fingers together like their souls had been for so many years. “Course you figured it out.” There was no use in trying to lie to the Grimm girl in both name and demeanour at this point. She would see right through him, just like she always did. Rod had for too many years been accused of being an unfeeling robot but that couldn’t be further from the truth. He felt so desperate, so intensely. His issue was not being able to show those emotions, to display them to a world that he doubted would fully comprehend his thoughts and feelings. Robo Roddy was a name that haunted him even to this day.

“Ky, you know I love you. With everything I am I do but Rylie and Lanie,” He paused and sighed through his nose, exhaling the demons to allow his rational mind to talk for him. “I’ve missed so much already cos of this stupid fucking hole in my spine and I can’t miss any more. If those letters and that shit with ReyRey has taught me anything it’s that you have to hold on to those you love and just because I won’t be here, doesn’t mean I won’t be with you all the damn time. I’ll be a phone call away.”

“I know,” was all Kylee said in response to that. Her heart was heavy, which showed on her face and in her eyes. She would no longer have Roddy to keep the voices out of her head. She would no longer have Roddy to help her ease her mind as she replayed the scene over and over again of the bloodbath that was in the auditorium with the old Lucky Charms A Capella troupe. No longer would she have her flashlight when she was stuck in the dark. Even so, this was how things should be. He had a family to care for. She couldn’t hold him back when he had so much to live for.

The fact that he could leave Edenridge was heartwarming. It meant he’d be free. If this was the burden she had to carry, to take on the bad omens meant for him, she would gladly do it because that’s what love is. Love meant you had to make sacrifices for those you loved. Love meant you had to let go because it’s what’s best for them, even if it wasn’t best for you. Love means no expectations - it’s a selfless kind of thing where you give and give and give, yet never expect anything in return. Love is what she had for Roddy.

“Promise me,” Her hold on his hand tightened, her sharp eyes penetrating his tender gaze, becoming deadly serious, “No matter what happens here, you won't come back. You won’t look back. Promise me, Lanie will handle your heart with care and treasure it forever. Promise me, you’ll live like there is no tomorrow. For you. For your family. And for me.” She could feel her voice shaking and the tears building up. Releasing her hand from his, she began to fan her eyes, refusing to cry over this.

“Promise me, you’ll be happy.” Kylee said with finality. “Just promise me, okay?“ with a weak smile, she turned to her espresso and drank a bit more, desperately, wanting the warmth to help ease the pain. She wanted to beg him to not go. To not leave her. To not abandon what they’ve built but she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t do that to her Shaggy. She loved him too much.

Robo Roddy had malfunctioned and his eye sockets were filling up with a salty liquid. Is this what they called tears? With a shake in his voice and a quiver on his lip, he nodded. “I promise.” He loved his family and he knew he was making the right decision to leave but god damn was it hard to leave Ky behind. If he could take her with him, if she could just give up on trying to figure out the secrets of this hellmouth, he knew she could be happy. Yet Roddy knew better. Kylee couldn’t leave this place behind, there were still things to be discovered, still truths to be brought to light, still mysteries to solve.

“I need you to promise me something too,” Rod motioned to the front door of Cafe Rochambeau with his eyes before returning his steely blue gaze to his best friend. He had always held a deep fear for her future. Not because Ky wasn’t talented or smart because she was both of those things in spades. No, it was because of the people she had around her; the people who were so very obviously part of the massive corrupting influence, the poison apple in the pit of its stomach that eats Eden from the inside out.

“Don’t let what’s out there eat you up. Don’t let it consume you. We both know who you are, really. We both know what’s in your blood. Don’t let what’s inside burn you up and turn you into one of them. Promise me, you will always be Velma and promise me that when you’ve exposed that final truth you’re gonna come find me and we can find a new mystery to solve.”

She didn’t know if this was a promise she could keep because of who her father was. The further down the rabbit hole she went, the more likely she’d go mad. Still, she wanted to send Roddy off in good faith. They both can hope that her ending would be a happily ever after. Though, there were never happily ever afters in Edenridge. Until then, she had an oath to serve. An oath she swore, the moment she and Roddy found a music box in her father’s room, in the ceiling no doubt.

“I promise.”

As sweet as their moment was, sweet things don’t last. Suddenly, a ringing resounded in the cafe. Kylee’s attention was drawn to the opening of the front door, when she saw Wesley Silo striding in, with Clay Costigan slowly following behind. Her eyebrow rose up in curiosity. “That’s the reporter I was telling you about,” Kylee gestured with her eyes for Roddy to give a good look. Ever since Wes came to town, that’s all Kylee texted about with her best friend.

“That’s the reporter you want to bang? Looks kinda weedy…wait why in the blue hell is he with McDungus? Why would anyone with half a brain want to talk to my idiot cousin?”

Roddy loved Clay, he really did. He was, if anything more a brother than an older cousin. Clay’s parents never really were there for him or his twin, Lamb. They weren’t bad people by any stretch of the imagination but his fathers job and his mothers…well let’s call it absentmindedness weren’t exactly a cocktail for a successful parent. It was because of this that Clay spent most of his time with Francis over at their house. Lamb ended up doing her own thing. Roddy’s own parents loved Clayton as if he was their own. Sure, he was a bit lacking in common sense but even a blind mind could see that the boy with the goofy grin and amazing hair had a good heart and a pure soul. There really wasn’t any surprise when he became a cop. It was just a surprise that he decided to come home.

“Well well.” Roddy smiled before polishing off his drink and getting to his feet. This was actually kind of perfect. He could tell by that sparkle in her beautiful eyes that Kylee had already switched into mystery mode with the arrival of the two older men. He leaned down and kissed the top of her forehead before walking towards the exit. He offered Clay a simple smile as he brushed by his cousin. Stopping at the door, Rod turned to look at Kylee one more time before leaving.

"Go get em, Velma.”
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