Avatar of Lucius Cypher


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2 yrs ago
Current Ethical? No. Illegal? Also no.
2 yrs ago
Some people need to make a hard choice when deciding which two karaoke streams they want to listen to. I have no such weakness: I have two ears for a reason.
3 yrs ago
The hard part about trying to play some politically savvy mastermind is the assumption that the world operates off real world politics and not your DM’s politics.
4 yrs ago
Don't put too much stock in prophesies. At best they're full of shit, but more often than not they're one of those self-fullilling kinds. Plan for what happens afterwards instead.
4 yrs ago
A character isn't deep or compelling just because you let them get hurt a lot, are always depressed, or do morally questionable things.


If you're here either you're wondering what I'm doing cause I need to post in your RP (In which case, calm yo tits, I'll get around to it), or you want to know who I am. So let's begin.

I'm a college age asian kid who has more heart than he has senses. I'm still working out this whole "adulthood" thing, so until then I just do what I feel I must. As far as personality and traits go, I'm not one for boasting. So if there's anything redeeming about myself you'd have to figure it out in person or by word-of-mouth. Generally however I'm rather perverted, in the best and worst ways. nothing is too much until I've crossed the line, and that just means I've started.

As far as Roleplays I like, I have a thing for fantasy, though I'm also good for some types of sci-fi, supernatural, Modern, and slice-of-life. If it's open and sandbox, I'll probably join it. Never really been a romantic, I often chose to sexualize any notion of romantic encounters I come across. I generally write at Casual quality, though I have no issues with Free-Level Rp/Players and I can hold my own in Advance.

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As Donny listened to Acion reminiscing about their past, he felt someone grab him. At first the his texture was somewhat solid, but it wouldn't take much before his blacken mass would easily give and let Junko's hand sink into him and get metaphorically consumed by his blacken mass. His body had a texture of particularly thick mud. More importantly because Donny was caught by surprise if or when Junko would remove her hand, she'd notice the oily black stains. Bits of his biomass that Donny sometimes loses control over if he's not paying too much attention. It was like sweat, except because it was black it was much more noticeable. At least it cleans fairly easily.

"What are you... W-What? Cool? You... Okay I guess?" Donny had been called cool before back in middleschool, but because everyone in his class had been freakish like him he had just assumed it was basic compliments since neither he nor his fellow students looked "cute" or anything like that. So to hear normal looking people call him cool was... Still something he needed getting used to. It had been on his mind so much he almost missed out on what Nadeko was saying. So Donny produced another can of soda to offer to Junko as he was about to respond to Nadeko and Acion. But then the teacher announced that it was time for class to start, and so their conversation had to be cut short. "Oh. Class it starting. Let's chat some more later."

As everyone got back to their seats Donny checked his phone and saw that he had lost his battle. He saved his data and reorganized his things, even taking our his "Heroics" journal. Unsurprisingly Mako wanted to start off with introductions followed by why they wanted to be a hero what students thought about heroism. This made Donny nervous considering he didn't exactly prepare a speech or anything. "Short and sweet I guess. Don't need to give them a whole TED talk about heroics or something just enough to give them an opinion." Donny did his best to gather his thoughts before he was selected to stand up and speak. "Chill, chill... Phew. Okay. Ahem." He said to psyche himself up before stood up, bowing the top portion of his mass with the mask before he spoke.

"Hello my Japanese name is Sekai Kinoko. My birth name is Donny Yang. You can call me by either." Donny said in a very well practiced manner. His Grandfather made sure to drill him to say it correctly whenever he has to introduce himself. Plus it gave him some time to stall and think about why he wants to be a hero and what it meant to him. "I want to become a hero because... I think I can use my powers for good things that can help people and make me useful to everyone. And being a hero means... Um... It means... W-When something needs to be done, even when no one else wants to do it, you're willing to get the the job done as best as you can. Yeah." Donny ended awkwardly before sitting back down. He was pretty sure he did a good job.

@TheWendil@Silver Carrot@Conscripts
HMMMMMMMMMMMM I think Orchid will stay instead. I'll admit part of the reason why I want Orchid to give chase is to loot that sweet splint mail off the cultist, but I need to keep myself in check and not get greedy. So yeah I ain't really got nothing for Orchid to do.
Following Fera, the party would go deep into the Eastern section of Paladros. Further beyond the gambling halls and bordellos, pass the market place peddling knickknacks and trinkets, to the straight ghettos. The Eastern did a good job looking like a place which could cater to tourists and locals looking for a good time. But this part was where all the filth washed in. The group was barely five minutes in before they were being followed by orphans holding their hands out for coins, before they're then scared off by the sound of fighting nearby, which was between two homeless men beating each other up over a ratty pair of boots. The group would be called out by questionable characters offering fortune telling, "good times", and important information for a price. None of these people would bother going out of their way to stop the group though as Fera would follow the scent.

Soon the group would arrive to an abandoned harbor. There were a few stray dogs and beggars here, but there didn't seem to be much else going on. The only notable landmarks was an abandoned bell tower, a dock with only a few fishing boats, and a small but kept bath house. The group could see that it's a bath house due to the sign which was a wooden sign that showed steam with the word "BATH" written underneath it. It was here that the scent Fera found would end. The scent simply ends in this area. "Heeeeeey!" A drunkard approached the group. A ratty looking orc carrying a dirty bottle with a club on his belt. "Y'all tourists? Welcome to the Waterfront! Y'all got any questions? I might know something!" He shouted every word loudly.
By the next flurry of blows, it would seem that your crew had taken the advantage. Derrick managed to dodge the orc's axe and in a rather masterful exchange of blows, decapitated the orc much to his own surprise. He held the creature's head aloft to show the crew of his success. Kulee was also rather successful in his own right, picking up his maul and finishing off one of the orcs after Oliver had sufficiently weakened him. Unlike Hector, Kulee didn't bother to gloat before moving onto the next one. As ordered, Nyx sent Nox to assist Tayang, who was easily able to finish off the only orc who had harmed him, and in turn finish off the orc who had taken a blow by Kulee and Johnathan's bolt. All that was left was the orcish captain, who didn't even seem to care that his crew had been slaughtered to the last men. The ones who fell overboard did not seem to surface, and likely ended up drowning in the ocean.

And despite it, he still fought and even exchanged insults with you. "Your god is a blind delusion of a dying man." The orc said in a stern yet steady tone as his axe ripped right through your holy shield and slashed you across the face. If he had been much closer, such a blow might've decapitated you. "You cannot even begin to understand the true forces in control here. But you will see soon enough, when your corpse is delivered into the darkest depths. And there you will see the truth!" From above, with all the orcs dead, Hurrik drew his arrow and aimed for the captain. However he had heard your initial orders to leave the captain to you, so silently he waited for your signal to release his shots.

Aces. You still take 14 axe to the face. Pretty sure that's little more than half your HP. In any case still got write this post and adjust the map, bleeeeh.
Either half damage or 10 if half the damage is less then 10. So basically constitution save DC 10.
He's wearing a mix of chain and hide, effectively a Chain Shirt. So 13+Dex.

Also note to self: don't roll before you actually make your maps. All my rolls are generically labeled so now I have no idea who's roll belongs to who or where it's going to.

"Ah. Of course." Donny tried not to feel too dumb right now. Of course the girl with no hands can't open a can of soda. It was a good thing Donny didn't have a face or he'd look real stupid right now. Instead he simply reached out with a black tendril, but from the blacken mass a bony hand was pushed out. Gripping the edges of the can, Donny simply popped the tab in, doing his best to make sure he didn't leave any stains. "S-Sorry about that..." in the midst of the conversation, the one with wings approached Donny and seemed to already know him by name. Donny was confused at first until he got a closer look at the young man. "Wait a sec.... Nakamiji-san? Whoa. I didn't think know you went to this school!"

"I haven't seen you since what... Five, seven years ago? At Manoyama, that little village in the countryside. I forgot what the festival was called, but I know we were doing a fundraiser for our grade school. Your family showed up and really helped bring in donations! I remember my gramps making me try and talk to you and the other heroes, but I was kinda nervous. I've never actually met any pro heroes in person. Man you sure did grow up, I used to be bigger than you. " Donny fondly reminisced back to his younger years. Back when he was still getting used to living in Japan, getting used to his Japanese name, and in generally still trying to adapt to being himself. "Wow. Small world huh? I never thought I'd see you again, but I'm not surprised to see that you're part of a hero school. But uh..." Donny looked at Nadeko. It would be rude to just push her aside in this conversation. Fortunately Donny had an idea for a topic they could discuss.

Thus Donny produced another can of soda for Acion. "W-What brings the two of you to Mastubara? I-I can't imagine that you're here for just the hero course I mean..." Donny spoke quietly as he didn't want to offend, but surely these two would have had this thought pass through their minds before. "... Mastubara isn't exactly the best hero academy. I-I mean, it's like... Um... I just attend Mastubara since it's the closest high school near my home. Other schools would take much longer and they're harder to get into. So... Yeah. What brings you two to this school, and this class?" Donny hope he didn't sound too confusing dancing around his words like he did. He didn't want to imply that Mastubara is a bad school by any stretch but he was mostly just trying the hero course to see if it would be a good fit for him, lacking the confidence to apply to an actual hero academy. He couldn't imagine these two people lacking the same confidence to apply somewhere better.

@Silver Carrot@Conscripts

Donny nervously jiggled as more students started to come in. Most of them looked fairly normal, but some were stranger, with horns, wings, and even one wearing a cloak. Was she hiding some grotesque mutation like Donny? He didn’t want to ask, knowing that it can be rude to be so blunt. Then there were other more minor but no less important characteristics, such as the girl who doesn’t seem to have hands, the boy who spoke with his cellphone, and one who came in rather dirty. Maybe that was just a quirk of his?

As more and more students filed in, Donny figures the best thing to do was just to get comfortable. Doing his best to maintain his form so he doesn’t drip, Donny took out his cellphone and started playing some games. As he played he also reached into his bag and started eating some snacks, namely some chocolate mushroom biscuits made from his village. ”Oh, an arena. 1v1 me skrubs. What rings you got?” Donny mumbled quietly as he got really into his game.

As he was playing though someone was talking to him. He didn’t realize it at first, partly because he was really into his game, partly because he didn’t believe anyone would talk to him. When he glanced and noticed the girl with no hands actually chatting with him he because flustered. ”Oh! Um um hi! I uh... Wait what? I’m cool?” Throughly confused and caught on his metaphorical back foot Donny pulled his cellphone back inside of his mass as he tried to think of an appropriate responses. Then he remembered the wise words of his grandfather.

”Uuuuh right! I’m D- Ah, I mean, I’m Kinoko. Sekai Kinoko. D-Do you want a soda?” Donny produced a small can of cola from his black mass, which was somewhat lukewarm what with being inside of his body.
Gilgan just watched the crew's antics with apathetic disinterest. "Oi. If you're going to puke in my bar, at least do it outside." He signs as he cleans up the mess. Afterwards he looks to Nanaya. "Rum? Yeah I have a few bottles. A good brand will cost you five gold. We have the Forgeheart, a dwarven favorite. Doubles as a firebomb and burns like a fireball. We also have a Blackrose Rum, popular among tieflings and pirates. Named after Kallindrissa Blackrose, a legendary pirate and drunkard. If you want something real magic though, for fifty gold we have Siegbrau. A magic rum from an ancient knight strong enough that even the undead can taste it. Said to have healing properties and helps keep you warm." Gilgan showed Nanaya a menu as he looked towards Lei.

"Yeah I have some old laundry before she left." Gilgan leaves for a short few moments before coming back with a bundle of Sandwich's old clothing. A shirt, pair of pants, and two white socks. "This is all that was left in her hamper. I meant to wash it a few days ago but that's when I found the drow and completely forgot about it. Oh right, if you need a place to stay, I don't mind letting one of you staying in the guest room upstairs. It's not much though. Just a bed and a window. And only if you're making progress finding my daughter." Gilgan said before some customers arrived, forcing Gilgan to focus on his actual job.

The Arizona ranger would return sometime later and rely the information he received. It would be then that Gilgan would try and call him aside to explain something. "Take the money or don't, I know you're looking for information about your mark. But let me explain to you that if you plan on operating in this town frequently, you're going to have to hide your cards a bit better. You could ask anyone in this town for information and they'll feed you whatever cal they need to to make a quick buck off your kit. The man you're looking for is well aware that there are people after him, and he's got goons on the street to watch out for him. If you go off on some zealous crusade don't be surprised if you're get jumped and tricked at every corner. What I'm saying is, going forward you might wanna be more mercenary. If bad folks realize what you're after they're not going to cower, they're going to lure you into a trap." Gilgan sighs quietly as he pours himself a drink. "That's probably how those drow bastards got my daughter too. Off wanting to fight a good fight, and them bastards certainly lead her to something dangerous."
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