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~Gay, polyamorous, I have a partner, and been playing games since I was 2 years old!~

"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead." -Oscar Wilde

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@Lucky Hello and welcome! Glad to see someone else excited about this! Nice to meet you. ^_^

1) The "stats" weren't really planned exactly. I was more thinking of things I would like to know about the character to help them fit into the roleplay or present unique challenges for them. First and foremost, they need to be 100% accurate, but if you want to include a flavor answer from your character please do! Realistically, no one should be 10 across the board, since even aliens are mortals and have failings afterall. Conflict breeds roleplay and it's difficult to have that conflict without weaknesses!

2) Yes, it's like inception in that way. ^_^ I would say their VR selves would be similar to their real life looks, but can deviate a little from it if they want. If there are special reasons for their looks to deviate extremely from their real looks, put it in the character sheet as a special request. ^_^ I'm pretty relaxed.
@Sylvan Absolutely - again, it's more about moving the story forward. Give enough that myself and others can work with and respond to and it'll be dandy. Just avoid the pitfall of describing someone standing around for a whole post... for example, include facial expressions, ticks, micro expressions, things that other could pick up and respond to out loud or silently. ^_^
@kersel Just put your heart into, that's all I ask! Usually a decent post in my experience (and I've been roleplaying some 20 years) is around at the very least 3 paragraphs to get across everything in the scene. That's what it's all about afterall, crafting a story together!

As for training, probably sensitivity training, PTSD awareness, empathy - on the job training would probably consist of more experienced nurses (not all divers persay, since patients also have a life outside of the VR module of course and we will explore that too) helping those newer with understanding of issues you might come across, being patient, that sort of thing. Of course, there are always those who slip through the cracks... >.>
@Kidgoat Thank you! I hope you guys are as excited about this as I am!
Posted the OOC here!
APER - Acute Prorogued Exposure and Reprocessing

The year is 3541 and humanity has found its way into a surprisingly stable culture and world peace - especially with the introduction of alien races and the Unified Republic that spans at least half of the galaxy. Human culture is wholly unique in the sense that it's embraced a cleaner though punkish look, which some historians would likely relate to "cyberpunk". If for nothing else, this often sets humans apart from many of the other races that sport softer buildings and less busy clothing styles often leading them to nickname humans as "busy" or less politely as "a swarm". Regardless of this, humans get along with other species fairly well in a chameleon-like fashion, being the social creatures they've always been. Generally speaking, all of this was possible due the awareness of mental health that especially wiped across the world in 2083.

Therapy is now considered to be as normal as a check-up, the human race as a whole agreeing that mental health being just as important as exercising. Though it hasn't and will never rule out the horrors that some people have gone through, after all mental checks are as voluntary as are physical ones, excluding the processing of particular jobs and their own requirements for employment. There has been a movement to attempt to legally force these mental checks, but a lot of people are on the fence about it, claiming freedom to go in when you need it suits a better environment to face issues.

A new technology has been developed recently called APER or Acute Prorogued Exposure and Reprocessing for those that have trouble or resisting other types of therapy - it is an intensive VR module that stimulates the mind into creating its environment and the traumas related there of. With the help of "divers", these individuals can have help facing these traumas in a direct and empowering way. The success rate so far as proven to be near 90% effective when other methods were close to 3% effective.

Wherever you come from, whatever your race is, whatever your experiences are - you're a rookie "diver". You've been through a few scenarios before and they are roughly the same. The mind of the patient paints a clear picture of the immediate surroundings until the area (room, mall, street, etc) becomes blurry. Depending on the patient, the trauma can be instantly visible while others take some detective work to understand the underlying issue that is present. So far you've been successful and with rather high praise, so your supervisor has recommended you for a special patient suffering from CPTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Disorder) who seems highly resistant to normal methods. The staff already has taking a liking to her for her sweetness and kind nature and somewhere along the line, someone has really pushed for her treatment. This is where you come in.

Character Application

The lobby to the APER program is on the 11th floor of a building located in downtown Denver of Earth, once known as the United States but has since then been unified by the United Nations worldwide. That was several hundred years ago. Unlike much of the culture that derives from a clean though punkish style, the inside of the lobby is rather clean, white and simple though sporting several holographic pictures to spice the area up and not seem so dull. This is your first time applying for the APER program and the receptionist seems to be an ordinary woman with brown hair, an augmented eye and a few piecings, dressed in a soothing salmon clothed scrubs. She smiles kindly as you explain you're here to apply and hands you a holographic clipboard. "Here's the application - it should be pretty self-explanatory. If there is a section that does not apply to you, please feel free to press the skip button. Go ahead and have a seat and you'll be called in shortly."

(Feel free to make this as simple or fancy as you'd like.)
Character Name: [Insert name here]
Age: [Insert age here]
Gender: [Insert gender here, if any]
Species: [Insert species name here]
Physical Appearance Description: [Describe weight, height, additional limbs, skin tone, hair tone if any, eye color if any] (OOC: You can also just include a picture anywhere on the character application)

Home Planet: [List home planet, if known]
Home City: [List home city, if known]

Race Notes: [Describe any abilities or quirks concerning your species so we may accommodate for them]

Psychology Profile




Sexuality: [If applicable]

Personality Profile

⋆ Behavior towards others is: [Introverted / Extroverted / Ambiverted]
⋆ Assistance of the patients: (OOC: How far do they go to help their patients?)
⋆ Temper: [1-10, 1 being ill-tempered, 10 being very calm]
⋆ Patience: [1-10, 1 being very impatient, 10 being very patient]
⋆ Confrontation: [1-10, 1 being avoiding all conflict, 10 being will step in to settle any conflict]
⋆ Anxiety: [1-10, 1 being anxious enough to need prescription meds, 10 being very care-free]
⋆ Intelligence level: [1-10, 5 being average intellience]
⋆ Charisma level: [1-10, 1 being unsettling, 10 being almost everyone is comfortable around you]
⋆ Energy levels: [1-10, 1 being barely walking, 10 being peak condition for your race]

Qualifications: [What qualifies you for this job?] (OOC note: You can write the whole character's history here if you want)
@sassy1085, @Sylvan & @Kidgoat - Hopefully this works but I'll post in the interest check too to be safe, but here is the OOC!
@sassy1085 That makes three anyways!

@Sylvan & @Kidgoat - If you want, I can just go ahead and make an OOC for us all? ^_^
@Kidgoat - Whatever fits your race, but think of them from an evolutionary standpoint. If they have another form, why did the race develop it and how is it triggered and biologically how does it work? ^_^
@Sylvan - Feel free to ask any questions you'd like!
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