Avatar of MagusDream


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2 yrs ago
Current Well... after years of being away, I'm... sort of back. Kinda wonder where should I start, though.


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<Snipped quote by Crimson Flame>

I know. I was just trying to be uplifting and positive. I think everything will be fine, it is a world-building-based RP under the large group tag. I assume the majority of it, in between major points, will just be interacting with each other and such. Which shouldn't be too bad?

I'd reckon that, with how rotative this RP will work regarding the characters, cast size isn't exactly a problem since leaving the caravan doesn't seem to present too many problems since the story will just kickoff on its own.
RP is still coming. Planned launch date is now tomorrow.

I had... some kind of seizure, or panic attack, or something yesterday. I don't know exactly what it was. I lost control of my body completely, couldn't stand or hold anything, just thrashing around on the floor. It's not the first time. I don't know if it will impact my ability to write, so my priority is now getting the first post up and kicking things off for y'all.

That's sad to hear Tort. Sending some prayers for your health and hopes that you get better! And don't worry about the RP, there'll still be chaos over here at the OOC.
I'm already feeling that we're going to start with a comedy routine between some characters.

Location: Skies above Lingayen, Phillipínes
Interactions: None

Location: Lingayen Beach, Municipality of Lingayen, Lingayen Gulf
Interactions: Regina > Lotus Squadron @Conscripts, Regil > Noel @Letter Bee

<Snipped quote by MagusDream>

Approved. Really, I shoulda read this one in the same batch as @Smike and @Irredeemable. We seem to have lots of canine-types hanging around. I don't know if you'll form a three-way friendship to last the eons or rip each other to pieces.

With the talk about getting ripped and the over-emphasis on being stronk, your werewolf has got some gym-bro vibes. I don't know how I feel about it, but I hope to at least once hear him asking Malleck "BRO, do you even lift??"

I'm just sadge that my canine is just a werewolf, though I'm the last person to be creative in that sense. I was tempted to call him Wolfskin too, but that's another race being ripped off somewhere else. Also, a three-way-rivalry is more Korzan's style.

Also, he's way more of the "I had the whole gym to myself last night bro!", he's that much of a convinced prick. I mean, that's his character in a nutshell: a self-absorbed, battle maniac, troublemaker, drunkard, low fuse, sore loser, arrogant as F asshole.
Lambda Lazuli / Kurogane Ookami

Location: The Grand Library
Interactions: Lambda > Alrune (@Dezuel)

Zephyr Regrard

Location: Sir Clausewitz's School for the Militarily Minded, Faculty Office
Interactions: Melissa (NPC) > Wolfram (@KillamriX88)

> Everyone picking theme songs that are vocal and rather normal music;
> Me being the group's giga nerd and picking game songs.

This explains a lot of my decisions in life, I guess, hahaha!!
<Snipped quote by MagusDream>

I'm really vibing with the ones for Cricket, I think I like the second song the most. I think Adventure of a Lovestruck Tomboy fits her quite well. And yes, I am too, still struggling with Virro. I cannot find the right sound that hits the constant sadness and content emotions he has - I'm not going to stop looking though.

You do not mind if I use Adventure of a lovestruck Tomboy for Cricket?

I was thinking about Virro when other themes struck me. I'd pick either Path of Repentance from Final Fantasy X (this beautiful classic guitar remix sounded wonderful to me), or maybe Rydia's Theme from Final Fantasy IV (I got a remix with some other orchestral instruments to fit). There's Theme of Love from Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, though I picked the Heroes version of the song because I find it more solemn.
<Snipped quote by MagusDream>

I'm really vibing with the ones for Cricket, I think I like the second song the most. I think Adventure of a Lovestruck Tomboy fits her quite well. And yes, I am too, still struggling with Virro. I cannot find the right sound that hits the constant sadness and content emotions he has - I'm not going to stop looking though.

You do not mind if I use Adventure of a lovestruck Tomboy for Cricket?

Go ahead, all yours! Not like I can use this with either Ark or Korzan.
<Snipped quote by MagusDream>

I'm trying not to find very popular songs for their theme songs. It's so hard. Lmao

Being real, I look at Cricket and I can only imagine Oh, I'm a Flamelet! from Secret of Mana 2 playing. IMO, though, because it's energetic and has that sort of mischievous tone that I think it fits. And in battle, I can only think of Adventure of Lovestruck Tomboy from Touhou 9: Phantasmagoria of Flower View (if you want something more playful) or A Tiny, Tiny, Clever Commander from Touhou 12: Undefined Fantastic Object (if you want something more serious, I guess).

Virro... hmm... I'm still unsure of a theme song that fits him well, though I feel as if Empty Tone from Drakengard 3 is a rather tranquil song that has this distant feeling. I'm trying to find something else, though. For battle, however, I definitely call Infallible Intelligence from Blaze Union a Virro theme in a fight.
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