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Hanna Whittle seemed to act precisely like the babbler everybody knew from high school. Never did learn when to stop talking or use a filter though. Still, it was good to see that some people never change after graduation. But then, there was Anni Simcox. She appeared to be the same old desperate-to-fit-in mascot everyone either sidestepped or used as a personal punching bag. But underneath that red leather jacket, there was something completely different about her, but it was hard to figure out what changed in five years. Lucas didn't have time to react before more familiar faces started arriving for the main event. So he opted to wait for his drink and breadsticks at the bar before meeting up with everyone.

Ivory Williams was still quite a surprise to see lounging at a small town pub, even though she was the one that organized this whole reunion. Nevertheless, it was relatively straightforward to understand the motivations of an old acquaintance. Even if she (and their inner circle) did sorta ghost him after tenth grade. Lucas had long forgiven them for ditching a sinking anchor, making her company— after seven long years—a pleasant sight to behold. And then there was that woman with the lighter, who turned out to be CJ Markowitz. He should've been embarrassed to not have realized soon, but deep down, he was grateful for the brief moment of calm between them with a simple smoke break as complete strangers.

But, of course, now he had to actively restrain himself from groaning at her "jokes."

When his drink and breadsticks finally arrived at the bar, Lucas made sure to pay for it before taking his seat at the table. "I was waiting for my drink." Lucas finally responded nonchalantly to Hanna, referring to her question earlier. Then, he grabbed a breadstick from the tray and proceeded to eat it. Of course, it was still as mouthwatering as it was five years ago. Lucas took another one and jokingly pointed it at her while finishing his answer, "And my breadsticks, of course."


liability — lorde

p. johnson's [interior]
interacting with: hanna whittle/@Prisk


"What made you come back."

Lucas was admittedly caught off-guard by the question, not expecting it to come from a stranger. Still, the question was intriguing enough for him to entertain. At first, when that email was sent out, he was stubborn about not attending out of fear. Fear of reliving the dreadful years of adolescence. But then he talked to his therapist about it. They told him to go explaining that it was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to resolve... well, everything. From his abusive strict parents to his oppressing time in that shitty high school. So, after much deliberation, Lucas brought a bus ticket to Delton, packed a travel bag, and replied to the email with a simple "will be there" response—all occurring last night in quick succession.

Upon using the lighter—the flame dancing along the wind—to lit his cigarette, Lucas had an answer to the woman's question. He inhaled and exhaled the smoke, holding the cigarette with his pointer and middle finger while shrugging nonchalantly as if he didn't spend time pondering on an answer, "Nothing. I doubt anyone, especially my folks, are still eagerly waiting for my return after five years gone."

Lucas inhaled and exhaled the smoke again but flicked off the fine gray ash from the tip of the cigarette. Noise from inside the establishment was getting louder, like it was enticing outsiders to come on in. So far, its trance was working on him; but first, he needed to finish. "No, I am doing this for me and me alone. I need to get my shit together and be a better person. And coming here's the first step, or so that's what my therapist told me yesterday."

"Although, I have to admit that the breadsticks were a pretty good incentive too." Lucas smirked at the woman, dropped his cigarette butt onto the asphalt, and crushed it with his combat boot. Then he made his way inside and was instantly overwhelmed by the atmosphere. The tightly packed tables exhibited indistinct chatter, the alt-rock playing on the sound system, and the picturesque drinks being served at the bar. It made him thirsty. So he went over to the bartender and placed his order for The Grey Fox (a non-alcoholic drink made with fresh lemon juice, rich earl grey syrup [earl grey tea and sugar], aquafaba, tonic water, and a sprig of lavender) and, of course, breadsticks with spicy marinara sauce.


pride — american authors

parking lot p. johnson's [interior]
interacting with: cj markowitz/@TGM

Why did I listen to my therapist?

Lucas Watson winced in his seat at the sight of the 'Welcome to Delton' sign, surrounded by trimmed shrubs and vibrant flowers. He looked away from the bus window and focused on his phone, trying to suppress unpleasant memories of his upbringing in this miserable small town. The sweet jazz playing through his cheap gas station earphones somewhat kept the thoughts from sneaking up. But, of course, it got worse once the Greyhound bus arrived at Samuell Wells Rest, the bus station on the edge of town. He immediately began recalling that painful day, from the argument with his parents to his abrupt departure on a bus headed for Boston. Lucas made sure the volume for his music was increased to the max.

With nothing more than a travel bag sufficed for a straightforward weekend stay, Lucas intended to confirm his reservation at the most affordable hotel in town. That was until he saw a brochure for P. Johnson's on a leaflet display stand. It was pleasantly surprising to find that the brewpub was not only still in business, but also apparently thriving. Their seasoned breadsticks served with a side of dipping sauce was the best thing to come from Delton. Lucas took the brochure, skimmed the menu for new additions, and then decided to stop there for a quick snack. He told himself there was still plenty of time before the cut-off for check-in time at the hotel.

After walking for about ten minutes from the bus station, the parking lot was almost full, with several vehicles and a motorcycle parked there. Lucas watched from a distance as townsfolk began making their way inside, an indication that the atmosphere was about to get energized very soon. That made him wonder if he was about to see any familiar faces inside. Or who, if any, would recognize him. Five years had passed, after all. And that made him think about his parents. Were they still living along the coastline? Did they still visit town regularly? What about that damned church? Have they changed in five years? Sadly, Lucas had already known the answers.

He needed a smoke, and thankfully someone had a lighter.

Lucas made his way over toward the blonde woman, pulling out a cigarette from his cotton jacket. Too distracted with his thoughts to have a closer look at her. "May I borrow a light?" he asked while leaning against the wall, cigarette in hand.


scott street — phoebe bridgers

samuell wells stop p. johnson's [parking lot]
interacting with: cj markowitz/@TGM



Location: PRCU - Western Canada
The Homecoming Trials #1.69: A Nice First Meal

Interaction(s): Haleigh Crawford @Kuro
Previously: Owning Up

"It's fine. Let's all just get along, okay? We're supposed to be teammates, not arch-enemies. Teamwork makes the dream work, or whatever the saying is."

It took incredible strength not to roll their eyes at the phrase, which absolutely did not apply to this team. Then, in a pure coincidence that contradicted it, another teammate inserted themselves into the conversation with a cutting remark at Banjo. That earned a brief chuckle from Iñigo, which was immediately concealed with a totally believable coughing fit. And to make matters more hilarious worst, someone threw up at the sight of him. It would've been their breaking point had Haleigh not spoken up about seeking shelter for the coming storm. That caused them to look at the darkening sky, confirming the storm would indeed be that bad. And before long, Jim began talking about something called a "team swap."

But, quite honestly, the delicious-looking kebabs had proven too distracting to listen. Iñigo, who had eaten nothing but prison food for five months, was more than ready to have their first meal out as a "free" person. And when it was time to eat, they were eager to grab the vegan kebabs. Their mouth was watering at the smell of crisp fresh veggies coated in marinade sauce. Of course, it didn't help that the seasoned tofu was a pleasant sight compared to the frozen, packaged bologna sometimes served for dinner at the detention center. Sometimes the meat was distributed beyond its expiration date from the cafeteria, not caring if the detainees got sick the following day. So a simple vegan kabab was practically a five-star meal to Iñigo.

Then, they took a bite.

Under normal circumstances, Iñigo would've been self-conscious about crying in public. But given their tastebuds were overwhelmed by forgotten flavors, they were more than okay with breaking down in front of everyone. Hell, even the smell was starting to overpower their nose. And yet, it did not stop them from savoring the kabab with every bite until there was nothing left on the skewer. It was the best dinner Iñigo had in months, and they wanted to make it clear to the inspiring chief without revealing too much of their past. So they made their way over to Tad, who had just gotten done serving kabab to one of the teammates. "Sorry, we're running low on meat. I could cook up some mor- Oh! A-are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I am." Iñigo replied before reaching for a paper napkin to wipe away the tears on their face and then another one to blow their nose. "Dinner was so delicious it made me cry."

Tad raised an eyebrow, unsure of how to respond to the bizarre compliment. So he settled with a hesitant, "Thank you?"

"Of course." Iñigo smiled with delight, throwing the skewer and napkins into the trash bin beside them. Then they noticed a plate of beef kabab seemingly untouched by the fire. "Yours?"

"No, actually, it belongs to your partner Haleigh" Tad answered and then proceeded to grab the plate, handing it to them. "Since you're here, mind taking it to her, please?"

Iñigo took the plate and replied affirmatively, "Certainly."

And as they were leaving, Iñigo caught a glimpse of Tad walking over to the faculty advisor. Of course, there wasn't any reason for them to worry at that moment. It wasn't like the advisor would just divulge confidential information to a teacher's assistant. Right? Iñigo hastened their pace towards the tent, holding the plate of kebab firmly, before giving their mind a chance to overthink. Upon arriving, they made their presence known to Haleigh by placing the plate beside her. "Better eat it before your food gets cold." But before leaving to grab seconds, they said in a soft tone with a warm smile, "Give me a shout if you need some help with... well, with whatever. I will just be chilling outside while the night's young and calm."

Upon receiving another serving of the vegan kabab, Iñigo sat underneath a tall tree nearby the tree and observed one of the teammates talking about his power close by. But in their case, describing their ability would've been challenging, given nobody (not even themselves) seemed to understand it thoroughly. Hence their preference for showing rather than telling. And besides, they just want to savor their dinner without any further issues for the night. So Iñigo relaxed against the tree and took a bite of the kabab.

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Location: PRCU - Western Canada
The Homecoming Trials #1.60: Owning Up

Interaction(s): Haleigh Crawford @Kuro, Calliope De León @PatientBean
Previously: The Obnoxious Tourist

Iñigo wasn't fazed at the man's outburst, colorful insults, and thick English accent. There were worst insults out there than the ones spat out by him. And then he began lecturing them about... well, they weren't quite frankly paying attention. It was nothing more than Banjo whining about them being a 'rude prick' while being such a hypocrite with that display of the bird. And once his temper tantrum had ended, the tent was practically set up and ready for use. Iñigo smiled in delight for pitching a tent without any fuck-ups. Then, they turned around to greet Haleigh and Calliope, acting as if the outburst didn't occur. "Iñigo is indeed my name! I would've properly introduced myself sooner if not for the... interruption. Sorry abo-."

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys?"

Before having the chance to react, Calliope inserted herself into the conversation. And yet, Iñigo truly listened to her words and felt terrible for not acknowledging her. But that was the only thing they agreed with. She wasn't any better than them with her snide remark toward Rory, all because he was trying to be a mediator. It wasn't their fault that Banjo lost his cool so fast. And furthermore, Iñigo never agreed to participate in this bonding-with-complete-strangers-in-the-woods activity. Hell, the entire idea of the homecoming trials was meaningless to them. Iñigo didn't even care about winning or which house chose them. All they cared about was upholding their agreement with the Americans.

So they can ultimately be reunited with their parents and little brother. Stop thinking of them! Not with everyone staring at you, idiot!

"You're right. I shouldn't have ignored you and your offer. And for that, I am truly sorry." Iñigo sincerely apologized to Calliope, regretful for being dismissive towards her earlier. Then, it was time to apologize to Haleigh and hopefully be done with this awkward mess. "And I'm sorry for misreading the situation. I swear it won't happen again."

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Location: PRCU - Western Canada
The Homecoming Trials #1.52: The Obnoxious Tourist

Interaction(s): Haleigh Crawford @Kuro, Banjo @Hound55
Previously: Settling In

Upon a closer look at the bag, there was no way that Iñigo would've set the tent up alone. That should've been obvious earlier, given their lack of experience in assembling tents. But, as per usual, there was no foreseeing them awkwardly inserting yourself as someone's partner. At least Haleigh was also kind, given that she didn't mind the slip-up and was concentrated on the tent. And it was also fortunate that she knew a thing or two about tents and (more importantly) setting one up. Then, before having the chance to say their name, a very familiar high-pitched voice interrupted them. Familiar in the sense that it was assigned to the obnoxious, childish tourist. The ones who have one too many drinks at the casino and start acting irresponsibly before security gets involved.

Banjo might've actually been a kind and pleasant person to hang around with, but his unpalatable demeanor was not doing him any favors. As a result, Iñigo found themselves tuning him out, but not completely to have heard him mention a lever that had been obscured underneath the tent. And the pathetic attempt at flirting by such an irritating man. Iñigo needed to interfere before having to endure any more tries were made. So they decided to speak up for some (much-needed) assistance with the tent. It wasn't a complete lie, given that the manual did not make sense to an inexperienced camper like them. "Haleigh, I need you to read out the instructions while I use the tools provided to us. Whenever you have the time, of course."

And when she was close enough to them, Iñigo stopped messing around with the lever and turned to face her. They didn't care if Banjo was still close enough to listen in to the conversation. "Sorry if I am presuming or whatever, given we hardly know each other. But you can tell me if he's starting to bother you. I have dealt with my fair share of obnoxious tourists who have overstayed their welcome. But if you're fine with him around, then let's focus on this pretentious tent and be done with it before it's too dark to see."

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