Avatar of MarshiestMallow


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6 yrs ago
Current "Doing your best" does not mean working yourself to the point of a mental breakdown. Its no longer your best at that point.
7 yrs ago
The word homeowner has the word "meow" in it. Good luck pronouncing it correctly ever again. You're welcome ^.^
7 yrs ago
When everything seems wrong...something goes right, and it changes darkness into light, and makes the shadows a little less daunting.
8 yrs ago
People cry, not because they are weak. It's because they've been strong for too long
1 like
9 yrs ago
the bad thing about being bullied is that every time it happens it steals a little piece of who you are if it happens enough little by little you become a little less of who you were meant to be.


To be written.

Most Recent Posts

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Location: Ares Cabin, Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With:?]

Talon made his steady way back to the camp proper, shoving his hands into his pockets, the salve Valeria had given him a small weight in one. He sighed softly, keeping his head down- he didn't really feel like interacting much with anyone else. Valeria had, somewhat, made him feel better. But that didn't mean he wanted to face ridicule... He sighed again, and almost seemed to make himself feel smaller, shrunching himself up slightly. Moving towards the cabins, Talon refused to let himself be drawn away from his goal.

He could slip in, clean himself up a bit, and then sneak back out again, hopefully without meeting any of his siblings, without becoming angry again. His hands automatically curled into tight fists once more, and his heart beat faster. He didn't want to hear Elias's calm voice, or deal with him at all. And if he ran into Octavia... He almost turned around, almost walked anywhere else but towards the cabin.

But he had to at least check on Cisiley. He could do that. Cisiley... the snake was generally okay, but he still needed to ensure she was alright. He sighed again, and shoved open the cabin door, making a quick dash to his room, hoping that no one was in the cabin.

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Location:Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Alina Leora Kim @King Kindred

Jamie watched Alina, having no doubt that the Iris child was studying Jamie- as if to try and figure out what other intent Jamie might have besides just trying to figure out whatever the fuck was going on. The camp was usually a flurry of motion- and while there were people about, Jamie couldn't help but think it was more subdued then normal. Perhaps Jamie was putting too much thought in it. She waited for Alina to speak, and couldn't help the slight chuckle as Alina took a rather dramatic sip of her coffee.

Jamie couldn't expect anything less then any of the other campers. They were all a little dramatic in one form or another, and Jamie didn't mind the chance to watch the Iris camper. Her chuckle turned into a frown at Alina's words, and Jamie flicked a glance around, as if expecting someone to jump out and declare it all a joke. Not Pierre winning the tower- although that was surprising, given that she was sure Ky'vie and some of the other strong contenders would have competed. No, it was the rest. Why the fuck would the Gods think any of them would want to steal a fucking dove? Especially Aphrodites dove.

You wouldn't even be able to sell it without bringing a rain of trouble on yourself. "If Erin is in trouble, he'd be with her. Best not to interrupt Erin in a mood in any case. I rather like my appendages attached to my body." Jamie said, "Well, it's something at least. Thanks. Hey, I grabbed some things while I was out, you need anything? Probably have it in one bag or another."

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Location:infirmary, Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Vivian Lucasta @metanoia, Zane Blacklight @Theyra

Kalinda flicked a glance back to Zane, giving a soft sigh, "A healer going with them would be great, but I don't know if it will happen. Erin will take people she trusts explicitly... and I doubt any of them would be left behind anyway. We'll just have to prepare for them as much as we can." She moved to the back of the infirmary, grabbing one of a few packs she often had ready- just in case they were needed. She sighed heavily, wishing she could prepare for anything, but it was viritually impossible to know what might happen. She moved back to Zane and Vivian, her mind moving fast as she flicked through options and what would be important.

She looked over to Vivian with concern as her sister spoke, the other girl uncharistically quite. She watched her for a few moments, knowing that VIvian had to be okay- she'd just checked her, but she still worried. "They'll get everything we can spare. I'll see about getting those that can working on more to restock." More than likley Kalinda was going to have some late nights ahead of her. Well, she often had trouble sleeping these days. it might be good to have something to focus on. And there were, after all, plenty of beds in the infirmary if she did end up passing out.

And perhaps she wouldn't be alone in it. One thing about the camp and other campers was that when needed, they did come together. As evident by what was happening. Kalinda wasn't sure how to feel about that, but it didn't matter right then. "Hopefully they won't need what we give them, but it'll be there if they do." She shifted again, gaze flicking over the infirmary. "Lets gather what we can. You wanna pack it all up, Viv? I get too impatient with making it fit nicely."

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Location:Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Alina Leora Kim @King Kindred

Jamie leaned low over the horses back, unable to help the laugh that escaped them as the majestic animal took to the gallop as if she were riding to freedom. In a way, Jamie supposed, they were. Back home. Back to camp, where they'd be safe for a time. Jamie could have easily taken a car or travelled in a more direct way to the quest, but then they wouldn't have been able to enjoy a ride- and Jamie did love horses. Oh, sure, pegasus were stunning and all, but there was something about riding a horse at full speed, unrestrained, that just made Jamie happy. Jamie would take whatever happiness that they could get, particuarly lately.

Jamie's sword- a familiar weight these days- was secured against the saddle- and Jamie would occassionally brush against it, as if to remind themselves that it was still there. The large sword might not be the most convient of weapons, but Jamie lvoed it. And a part of Jamie thought that it signified Jamie themselves... elegant, if a bit rough around the edges, strong and delicate all at once. At least that's what Jamie thought. As Jamie relaxed, they let Starlight have her head, the horse eagerly making way to the camp.

Reaching up, Jamie ran a hand through their hair, debating about getting it cut again, or trying to let it grow out for the hundredth time this year. Abesntly, Jamie's thoughts moved towards the money they had plopped into their mothers account- no doubt Jamie would get a message about it, as Their mother always wanted to know how Jamie was getting it. Well, Jamie wasn't about to tell her that it was a bit of trickery. Let their mother think Jamie was coming by it honestly. It would put her mind at rest. And jamie could be satisfied that the family was looked after.

As they passed the permitier into the camp, Jamie's shoulders eased and a worry that Jamie hadn't been aware of faded. Letting out a slow breath, Jamie relaxed completely for the first time in days and Jamie shifted, leaning down to reach into the pack on the otherside of the saddle, taking out a flask. Taking a long drink from it, Jamie eventaully pulled Starlight into a trot, and then a walk, seeking to cool the horse down before returning to the stables. As they past the tower, Jamie frowned. Wasn't it a challenge day? Shouldn't there be other campers here?

Gaze moving over the camp, Jamie slid of Starlight's back, taking the horses reins in one hand, continuing towards the stables. Something had happened... something bad. Where was everyone? Well, there was always one person you could go to for gossip. Alina no doubt had answers, and Jamie automatically shifted towards the Iris cabin. Jamie was unsurprised to find Alina lounging on the porch of the cabin, and Jamie raised a brow. "Late start to the day? Bummer. Was hoping for some answers as to what the fuck is going on. Thought it was a tower day... must have got the days mixed up... "


It was good to see Jasmine standing up to the little anger ball of fur that was Rajeh. Penny suppressed a smile, and settled down at a table, Ignatius fluttered around them- clearly not sure whether to help Rajeh or not. Penny gave a small shake of his head, and Ingatius settled slightly. "Well, let's eat and catch up." She said, leaning forward on the table slightly, Ignatius landing on her shouilder. She would never admit it, but she had missed his slight weight, his somewhat comforting presence.

Her gaze moved towards Amelia at her should, and gave a small wave in acknowledgement. She let her gaze fall back to Jasmine and Rajeh, letting them continue their small squabble. Reaching up to give Ignatius a small stroke, she waited patiently. .


Jarvis listened patiently as Trinity spoke, letting her get out all that seemed to be bothering her as she glowered over her drink. He watched her, silent and passive- he had learned that there was some truth to the old 'barman make good listening board' cliche. It did probably help that as long as the guild had been around, Jarvis had been. He shifted, leaning against it slightly as he waited. "You don't need to be powerful to be strong, Trinity." He said softly when it seemed she had finished speaking. He shifted, glancing around the guild before looking back to her.

"often, our limitations aren't a result of our abilities- but of how we see ourselves. You aren't useless, Trinity, and your abilities aren't parlor tricks. We all have our strengths and weaknesses." As for the sword and telepathy... Jarvis could see that that was going to cause quite a few problems. He gave a soft sigh, "don't worry about Jasmine and Rajeh. The way exceeds are... well, its a different type of bond then any I think we have seen. I think the thing we must remember with Exceeds is that they are intelligent beings.... and Rajeh is a bit of a piece of work too." He said, giving Trinity a smile.

He leaned a little bit closer, raising a brow, "Why can't you play? Who is to say it would suck? Trinity... you miss all the shots you don't take... so why not try?" He shifted his gaze to Dalton, "Jamie never left. She's in her office. In a meeting. You know full well I can help with membership, and accommodation." He said, shifting to grab a glass and power the milk, handing it over. He glanced to the girl, standing back up straight. "We have plenty of accommodation here in the guild, if you don't wish to stay here, we have a few properties under the guilds name for members that want their own place."


Michael ducked his head, unable to help but feel a little embarrassed at his comment, flicking a sheepish look, and a small nod, although he was still concerned about Gabriel. He shifted slightly, and said "Prince means kitten as in you're still growing... you're new... " He tried to explain, a bit lamely.

Michael wasn't too sure he liked this girl or not. She seemed... odd. Which was probably saying something about what he considered to be odd. He bit his lip, before saying "H-hoodlums t-that saved the w-world, with us." He hesitated briefly as Ashlyn turned towards him, staring daggers at him. Squaring his shoulders slightly, he met her gaze, jutting his chin up in slight defiance- although he wasn't entirely sure what she might do.

He shifted awkwardly as she laughed, "I... okay... " was she really that self conscious now, about what he had said. He shook his head, "I... n-no. It j-just come out like that... " He admitted foolishly.

Squirms. I'll just pop this here...



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Location: Lake, Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Valeria, @Rodiak

Talon tried his best to ignore what Valeria was doing, turning his gaze back over the water, seeking to turn his thoughts off- or at the very least force them away. His heart was beating fast and he coudln't quite slow his breathing down. She would know. How could she not? Thev various injuries, healed from time, of abuse... he couldn't quite cover the panic, couldn't quite soothe himself. She wasn't going to hurt him- at least physically. She didn't ask questions, just pulled away with that smile.

And then she was going... leaving, just like they all did. Clenching his jaw, he nodded. "Thank you." he said softly, not entirely sure what else he could say. She didn't ask any questions, yet surely she must know. He hesitated, opening his mouth to speak but stopped, looking away again. "ALright. See you later." He couldn't avoid returning back to the cabin forever, he supposed.

He turned to leave, reluctant to do so. Oh, he was sure eventually Elias or Octavia would find him. He didn't particularly want either of them to do so. He could still feel a spark of anger at Octavia- she'd probably demand an apology. It wasn't going to happen. Talon wasn't ever going to apologise for just being every again. Not when it hadn't been his fault. And Elias... he'd want to talk. Talon had, so far, managed to keep his secrets from his siblings at the very least. He would not put himself in a position to be hurt again. Just because they were his siblings, didn't mean he had to trust them.

His gaze, unbidden, moved back to Valeria. He had, grudgingly, given her a little bit of trust. Healed his wounds, without turning what she must have found against him. Could he trust that? Or would she use it against him, later? He watched a moment, before sighing and starting to walk away from the lake, back towards the cabins.

Perhaps he could sneak in, check on Ciscely... and then sneak back out.


Location: Infirmary-Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With:Vivian, @metanoia, Zane @Theyra

Kalinda shrugged and sighed, "I don't think the Gods really care about whether or not they can do a thing, they just do it. It's gonna be apart of their games- they have to use catspaws to harm each other, I guess." she said, wearily, her gaze flicking to Octavia as she started to leave. Well, she couldn't keep her here, as much as she wanted to at least make sure the other girl was alright.

She had to trust the other healers, she couldn't always be there for everyone. Even if it did send a stab of guilt through her. She returned her gaze to her sister. "We need to be watchful for visions. And even if they seem insignificant, we can't ignore them. The smallest thing could be important." She well knew that. Vivian might be more skilled in the area of visions- certianly she received more than Kalinda. That was okay- Kalinda was more skilled in the healing arts and that was the way she liked it.

And yet... she knew what ignoring a vision could lead to. "I'm tempted to get more supplies organised. The ones going with Erin will need them. I doubt I'll be going- but it would be good if a healer could go... ". Kalinda had no doubt that those going with Erin would need medical treatment, and she wished she could protect them all. She sighed again, running a hand through her black hair. "We can do stuff for them, before they go. I expect it will be soon, if the others can convince her." Convincing Erin, she suspected, would be next to impossible.

She rose from the bed, shaking her head. "Well, we should get started." She stepped over to grab Chaos from Zane's hands, "Thanks." She absently took out the leash and got Chaos set up, the ferret pleased to be able to explore even slightly. "Bandages, antiseptic, numbing salve stitches... " The fucking Gods had to be laughing at them. Her gaze went over the others in the infirmary. It wouldn't be the first time Kalinda was making a pack for those going on quests... but this one seemed more important. Those that went wouldn't have time for hospitals or to get back to camp for help.

"Any thoughts?"."


Location: Infirmary-Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With:Vivian, @metanoia

Kalinda, with relief, waited for Vivian to relax somewhat before she did a thorough delve, searching for any injury. She wasn't about to play around with the way the day had been going so far, so Kalinda was as thorough as she could be. Relaxing after a few moments, Kalinda let out a soft breath. She hadn't expected to suddenly have a sister, or any other family. She still wasn't even sure how Vivian had managed to worm her way through her defenses.

Well, yes, she did. Kalinda's choices the last few years hadn't been easy ones, and whether she knew it or not, Vivian had made some of the darkness go away. Kalinda didn't want to lose her. "It's alright. We can figure it out later, at least you are okay." she said, before sighing as she asked what had happened. How to explain? Kalinda still wasn't sure just what kind of shit the Gods were pulling.

She shifted, moving a little closer to Vivian- and pushing the cup of water on her- she thought for a moment how best to respond to that question. "Wine-" She stopped, closed her eyes a moment before she corrected herself. It wasn't Dionysus or Chiron's fault what had happened. "The slut lost her dove. Bitch blamed Erin." She said, a little surprised at the anger that washed over her at that. It wasn't fair what had been done to Erin. Wasn't fair what was happening at all, and Kalinda... there were some wounds that couldn't be healed.

Sighing, Kalinda started again "Aphrodite said that her dove was stolen, and that it was Erin who did it. It's fucking bullshit. BUt she has seven days to clear her name- if she doesn't, Ares will kill her. If that happens... I don't think anyone in camp will just sit by and let it happen. It's fucked up, Viv. Whatever happens... we need to be ready to help everyone we can."


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Location: Lake, Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Valeria, @Rodiak

Talon just couldn't understand what she was doing, why she was doing it. Why did she care? Why was she trying? Could she see he wasn't something that could be healed, that he was broken and couldn't be fixed? Why was she trying so desperately to help him? He stared at her, unable to comprehend her. She didn't want to hurt him- he could see that much. She was so insistent....

Talon sighed softly, struggling to think, struggling to work anything out. He looked away, unable to watch her any longer, his heart thumping hard as he stared over the lake. She wasn't going to stop, wasn't going to listen to what he had said- but she was doing it because she was concerned about him and if he had any injuries... she was instant, and trying... It wasn't her fault she didn't know...

Talon let his hands curl into fists once more, every instinct willing him to run, to flee, before she could hurt him, like everyone else. Every instinct but one. Talon could feel his muscles ready to run, and it took every ounce of strength he had to not do so, as he looked back to Valeria. He reached out carefully, to gently take the vial she had offered him so insistently. "I've had worse then being tossed off the tower... but if it will put your mind at ease... " He was sure she'd notice old injuries, that that would just lead to awkward questions.

It was what it was. He couldn't repay her kindness with... with anger, or offense. He had to be better... he just had to be. "You can do whatever it was you wanted to... "


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Location: Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With:

Imogen watched the spectacle, a little uneasy as she listened to the accusations against Erin, wondering just what the hell the Gods had been drinking when they came up with that wild goose chase of an accusation- She couldn't believe they'd do this, again. And from the way everyone was reacting, they thought the same as her. Her gaze flicked back to Jack, not entirely sure what she was meant to do with him now. After this... She doubted anyone would have the presence of mind to do anything for a new camper...

Which probably meant that it was up to her.

Still, Imogen hesitated. As several people went after Erin, she glanced towards the Chiron and Dionysus, but doubted she'd get any answers from either of them. They had probably told all they knew, neither would want something like this to happen again... and she couldn't just unload the new guy on them right then. She bit her lip, thinking on what she could do.

"And who might we have here, miss Parsons..?" Arms falling to his side, his hooves kicking up small clouds of dust with each step he took, Chiron slowed as he reached the familiar face. His bright eyes turning to look over the new figure that stood at her side, "A new camper..? And one we were not expecting, no less. It's a pleasure, young man."

Relieved, Imogen turned her gaze to Chiron. At least she didn't have to feel guilty about dumping him on Chiron now... but she couldn't help but still feel guilty about it. Chiron probably had so much to do.... "Yes! I found him on the edge of camp. He found his way here." she said, "His name is Jack. And he said that he had a lightening bolt show up over his head before coming here."

"..a son of Zeus. I see." Nodding his head lightly, Chiron reached forward. His hand resting for a moment over the girls shoulder. Smiling softly as he gave it a gentle squeeze, "Well done, miss Parsons. I'll take it from here."

Jarvis looked up as Trinity joined him, setting aside a tray, and nodding, proceeding to get her a drink. He took time to make it perfectly, and with care, setting it down gently in front of her. He watched for a moment or two, gaze flicking out over the guild floor before he looked back to Trinity. "Everything okay?" he asked, reaching for another tray and placing it on the bar, knowing that someone would pick up the food on it shortly.

Sasha laughed, giving Nolan a smile "Oh, I don't know about that... she's pretty energetic these days. Part of me wonders if she lives on the magical energy around us." She said with amusement, her gaze flicking to Damien, Faith in her arms happily bouncing along. Penny was loath to interrupt, but there were things to talk about. Her gaze flicked to Rajeh as she made quite an obvious show of distress. "Still quite the actor, aren't you Rajeh?" She said with amusement, Igantius fluttering- there really was no other word for it- around Jasmine and Rajeh. "I've actually got something for you, Jasmine. And you, Rajeh." She said, "But probably best to give it to you guys later."

When there weren't so many people around. Penny knew she ought to catch up with the rest of the guild, but the exchanges so far were exhausting. She still wasn't sure about Brianna and that sword of hers, but things seemed alright there. For the moment.

"Have you guys eaten, yet?" She asked Jasmine, and Sasha, deciding that a meal would be a perfect excuse to sit and talk. And it might make Rajeh shut up for a few moments, with her mouth full. She could understand how having the collar put on her might be demeaning- and they'd be lucky to get one onto Ignatius- but the Exceed was being dramatic.

Her gaze flicked to Trinity- and she could agree with the statement of the telepathic shit. She didn't like it either. She wasn't sure what they were going to do about it, but Penny was already slightly off put by the sword essentially sprouting informatiomn it shouldn't have. "Lets get a table."


Michael hesitated, flicking his gaze back to Prince, before nodding. He still wasn't certain about a lot of things, and while he had done quite a few jobs for the guild, a lot of his time had been trying to help Gabriel find any information about the spirit world. "Yeah... " However at Ash's comments, Michael glanced around, raised a brow, and said with reasonable confidence "T-the only annoucement t-that c-causes us t-t-to s-shake in our b-boots is y-you y-yelling out you h-haven't b-bathed yet. B-because of t-the s-smell, you see."


Jamie wasn't surprised. Some of the other guilds were content to keep to themselves- perhaps in an effort to not draw too much attention to themselves, still worried about Magic users being hunted down again. She hoped in a few years that that might change, but it would be a long journey to it. Still. Jamie wasn't one to give up. She frowned at Jacks words, "It seems like quite a few monsters that have never been seen before are appearing- although I haven't been able to track down much more than rumours myself at the moment."

She turned her gaze to Priscilla, smiling. "Walls are easy to put up, not so easy to tear down. The last few years have seen magic become more common place, but many stull distrust it. If we cannot trust our fellow Guilds, then are we any better then the people who hate magic, distrust us for it? No, we need to be comrades. It will, at least, give us the ability to work together in difficult times."

Jamie glanced over to her own pile of jobs she needed to get out on the board, more and more recently they had had an influx of jobs- people finally opening up, letting them help. It had taken a few years to get the Guild to this place, and she well knew the first struggles of supporting it.

They all did.

"I've been thinking about a comunial job board. We get jobs all over the nation, and there are times when we can't complete jobs in a reasonable time frame. Perhaps sharing jobs with every guild will go a way to ensuring good will is had between us all." She mused,


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Location: Lake, Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Valeria, @Rodiak

Hurt him? No, she hadn't. Not yet. Just because she hadn't hurt him, didn't mean that she wouldn't... She had been kind to him, but that didn't mean anything... the kindness came with everything else, it always had. But she seemed genuinely upset at the idea that she had hurt him, and Talon's stomach churned, his thoughts muddled as he tried to make sense of what was happening, what she was doing. He swallowed, his mouth dry- his body was tense as if expecting a hit that never seemed to be coming. "It's not your fault." he said softly, not even sure what he could say to reassure her of that.

It wasn't like he could tell her the truth. No one knew, and he was content to keep it that way. If they didn't know, they couldn't hurt him with it. It couldn't hurt him. He couldn't let it hurt him, because if he did... Talon sighed softly.

"It's me." he said even softer, a slight shake to his voice. Perhaps he ought to leave- then he wouldn't be anyone's problem... He glanced to the bottle she held out, so determined and eager to help him, even if she didn't know why he was reacting as he did, even if she didn't know... He couldn't fathom just what she was doing, why she was helping him, if not for anything, then what for?

Talon was so confused. Nothing made sense right then. He closed his eyes, turning his head away again. "You did nothing wrong. You didn' thurt me." it was the turth, but he couldn't stop his voice from quivering, just slightly. "I'm sorry... "


Location: Infirmary-Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With:Vivian, [@metanoi

Kalinda wasn't sure how to explain it, but she'd rather be thorough then not, and miss something serious- even if Vivian herself didn't seem too worried about it. Vivian just had such a positive outlook on life, she was so bright... Everything a child of Apollo should be. Oh, Kalinda was arguably the better healer, but that didn't necessarily mean she was the epitome of Apollo's bright, happy nature. No, Kalinda was skeptical and prone to depressive bouts.

She might have a reason for that at the moment, but it still wasn't becoming of an Apollo child. Sometimes she wondered if her father had made a mistake claiming her. But there was no point dwelling on the past. "I get visions too, Viv. You get them worse, but none have ever left me unconcious. Why did it happen? Did someone want to stop you seeing something important?" She said, thinking outloud, "I'd rather be safe, then have you die on me." She said, "It just seems... strange that you'd see yourself pass out."

She shifted, making herself a little bit more comfortable before she sought to check over her sister.


Location: Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Brynn @Moro Corona @Zenritch

Corona was being increasingly secertive- and part of Pierre wondered why. He didn't think there was really that much competition between her and her siblings, but he supposed there was things he didn't see. Still, she was excited about it and he wasn't about to crush that. That wasn't who Pierre was. Whatever it was, it became evident that Corona had put a lot of effort into keep it secret. And just how was it possible to have an elevator there? Was it protected by the camps enchancements? Just how far did the enchancements go underground? So many questions that he likely wasn't going to get an answer to.

He looked over to Brynn and smiled, giving a small shrug. Brynn was smart, and kind- and he knew that he could trust her. "Je ne me considère pas comme un outsider, Brynn ... Je veux juste que tout le monde pense que je le suis." He said softly, as they waited for Corona to do whatever it was she was doing with the elevator.

As the doors opened to reveal what appeared to be a complex tool room, Pierre let his gaze roam over everything that was there. Just how had she managed to do all this without being noticed missing for extensive periods of time? Pierre was certain that someone had to have noticed her sneaky away like this, but that didn't seem to be the case.

He frowned slightly as she showed them the sketch of the robot, uncertain if it was even possible. There would be so much thorough design needed, particularly if she wanted both forms to be functioning. Brynn seemed as skeptical about it as he did, and Pierre flicked a glance back to the spaceshit robot... "I imagine the location of the engine might be an issue. It would need to be functional in both positions... and everything would need to be perfect so that nothing shatters in both forms." he said thoughtfully, before shaking his head. The logistics off it were beyond his comprehension.

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