Avatar of MarshiestMallow


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6 yrs ago
Current "Doing your best" does not mean working yourself to the point of a mental breakdown. Its no longer your best at that point.
7 yrs ago
The word homeowner has the word "meow" in it. Good luck pronouncing it correctly ever again. You're welcome ^.^
7 yrs ago
When everything seems wrong...something goes right, and it changes darkness into light, and makes the shadows a little less daunting.
8 yrs ago
People cry, not because they are weak. It's because they've been strong for too long
1 like
8 yrs ago
the bad thing about being bullied is that every time it happens it steals a little piece of who you are if it happens enough little by little you become a little less of who you were meant to be.


To be written.

Most Recent Posts

Interacting with: Riley and Kareem @Pyxis

location: heading to Camp Grounds, Fields

There appeared to be a lot going on at the camp, and Remus wasn't sure what to make of it. It was probably something rather dangerous, or someone had just got themselves into trouble. Whatever it was, he was certain it would make its way through the camp eventually. It always did. Usually quests didn't really have so many people though... As Riley looked around the camp, at the other campers gathering, Remus couldn't help but feel a little envious of her. The camp was impressive, although it merely felt like home now, it was quite an experience. Distracted by his thoughts, realizing what a group of campers waiting for Dionysus would mean too late, Remus didn't have time to grab Riley and slip away before the rather grumpy- nothing unusual there- god addressed them.

He swallowed nervously, feeling quite like he was about to be chastised by the principle. He tried to make himself seem smaller as Dionysus spoke to them. "I... n-no... s-sorry sir" he started to try and say but ended up trailing off as Dionysus kept his attention on them, before continuing. He should have tried to slink away, to come back when it seemed that whatever had happened had been handled. It was too late now, and Remus waited for Dionysus's wraith to descend onto them. Relaxing slightly, although still worried he nodded hurriedly at Dionysus's words. "Yes, Sir." he said quickly, his words almost running together as he grabbed Riley's arm and pulled her away, hurrying away from Dionysus.

"Well... that was Dionysus... he's... well, kinda always like that." He said when he felt it was safe enough to speak without getting into trouble, casting his mind over the brief conversation- or rather monologue- with Dionysus. Take her to her siblings. Shifting, he bit his lip thoughtfully, before changing direction, expecting Riley to follow him. At least the girl hadn't made a scene with Dionysus.

Riley glanced about at the other youths around them- all that seemed confused or uncertain about why they were there, perhaps summoned for some unknown reason. Was this just like school? Except you were there all the time. She flicked a glance to Remus- the boy looked nervous and a little frightened, but she had figured that was his normal state of being. As a man who seemed larger than life, although a bit of a prick judging from his demeanor and attitude, Riley raised a brow as he essentially dismissed them- or rather her, speaking to Remus for a minute. What kind of asshole was this guy? She shifted, a glare flicking across her features for a moment before Remus jerked her away and away from the guy. Dionysus? From what Remus had said, this was one of the head honcho's of the camp.

She wasn't really impressed so far. Sure, the camp seemed a pretty good place to be, but with a fucker like that in charge? She imagined that iit would be difficult to live here. "Seems like an asshole. Can't even get a name right."

Remus sighed heavily, "it's just how he is. He often gets campers names right. Trust me, you don't want him to get it right. Means you're in trouble." he said, "I'm not sure where I'm meant to take you, but I can take a guess. One of them is most likely in the fields." he seemed to correct his path, heading through the camp and Riley wondered a moment whether or not to follow, she could just leave, but... The grumpy prick had said siblings... Curious, she sighed and followed after the timid boy.

Remus started towards the fields, thinking that the faster he get Riley away from Dionysus, the better. He had seen the girl face down monsters, and didn't want to see what might happen if she decided to talk back to the God. Hopefully, one of the Demeter kids would be at the fields. That ought to be enough to distract her. So he hurried his pace, thinking on what was going on- he had rarely felt the camp so ill at ease. What had happened, while he'd been hunting down Riley? Sighing again, he focused on his tasks. Unintentionally his fingers curled into a tight fist, he hated not knowing... but then the knowing was often the most terrifying. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to relax, slowing as they reached the fields. "Kareem?" he called as he spied a figure.

Interacting with:@Vicier Kep

She probably wasn't the best person to deliver this news- wasn't like she'd been there right from the start, but well, she had let her mouth run before thinking things through. Besides, it was obvious something was happening in the camp. She sighed, and ran a hand through her hair. "Well... uh... there was the tower course itself today- shit happened there, but that's always to be expect when the course happens... " she frowned before shaking her head and continuing, "I was just coming in from a flight, found a stray newbie. We got to the tower and well... " He mind frowned over the announcement. Would there be any campers left once this day was over, or would they all be sent out onto various quests. Was it a coincidence, or was it all apart of some big scheme? She supposed she'd never know.

"Dionysus's and Chiron were both there. They told us of a quest sent down from above.. well, not really a quest. An accusation. That someone had stolen Aphrodite's Dove." She sighed heavily, shaking her head, "And that Erin was the one responsible. She has seven days to find the stupid thing or... " She trailed off, grimacing. "It's fucking ridiculous."

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Location:Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Alina Leora Kim @King Kindred

Jamie grinned, leaned lightly against their rather steady steed, and said "Iris and Hermes seems like a good combo. One has the money, the other the means to steal whatever the heck we want" Jamie chuckled, before their humor faded, looking to the big house as Dionysus made another announcement, seeming very annoyed and they frowned. "Fuckin' hell. What is going on now?" Their pushed off from their house, "Fancy trying to find out? Don't think I can pump Tyler for info, he's probably dealing with whatever shit is happening with Erin. Seems like everything is going to Hades at the moment."

Interacting with: Riley
location: heading to Camp Grounds

This girl was going to be the death of him. Remus coudn't help the sigh that escaped him as Riley darted off, across the road, seemingly weaving in between cars and ignoring the honks of horns as she did so. Right from the moment he had saved her ass, she was constantly getting herself into more danger. The girl seemed to attract it- and she seemed to not fear anything. Remus winced as she recklassly dashed between two cars- much too close for Remus's comfort. He was going to have to chase after her, to stop her... He was going to... He closed his eyes tightly and gritted his teeth. She was going to be the death of him. He drew in a deep breath, and cursing Riley under his breath, he watched the cars a few seconds before he followed after her.

He rushed through the lanes, cursing her thoroughly as he did so. This is not a good idea, this is NOT a good idea. AH! Fucking car! At least once I get her to cam-Oh, fuck, truck truck truck! He spun, dashing as fast as he could She's going to make me learn if you can die of fright, I fucking know it. Breathing hard, he dropped down to the ground, waiting for his heart beat to slow. "Fucking crazy bitch!" He managed to get out, causing Riley to let out a laugh as she stood over him, grinning. "You were pretty good there. What was that spin?" she asked cheerily- did nothing cause her fear, did nothing dampen her spirits?

"it was a there's a fucking truck twirl" He said, before sighing again and getting to his feet. "Just because I'm the son of Phobos, doesn't mean I want to be scared shitless all the time" Well, he was scared shitless most of the time anyway, but that wasn't the point. Riley gave another laugh, and smiled again. "It wasn't that bad. Lets go!" Remus shook his head wearily, starting to walk again. What sort of fate was this, one of a few times where he left the camp, and this happens. He supposed it wasn't so bad, but really... didn't she ever think of not risking death? She trotted off ahead slightly, seemingly enjoying the plant life around them- once or twice he was sure that he saw her brush against a plant slightly- leaving it healthier than it had been. She seemed to do it almost as if it was second nature, and hehad to wonder how long she had been using her abilities.

It was no wonder he had found her facing down monsters.

There was a feeling of immense relief wasing over him as they passed the camp boundaries. Home. It was good to be back into the relative safety, and as they moved through the trees, coming out into the grounds of the camp, Remus let himself relax further. "I'll take you to see Chiron... He can see about getting you settled in... " And he could escape, before this girl seriously was the death of him.

Location: heading to Camp Grounds
Interacting with: Riley

Riley couldn't help but feel... excited. The rush over the road- she had felt exhilerated, and she couldn't help but find the forest, the trees, the flowers struggling so hard to grow as anything but irresistable. To nudge them a little, let them bloom... She sighed happily. She really couldn't understand what Remus was so afraid about- well, she supposed that there was a few things to be afraid off... Shaking her head, She glanced over to Remus as he spoke. He was going to pass her off to someone else? A little perturbed- she had grown somewhat accustomed to his pressence, it was oddly comforting, in a.... well, sibling sort of way. She supposed that in a way, they were cousins... That was a rather disturbing thought. How many cousins- shit, how many siblings did she actually have?

She shifted slightly, the little carrier that held her hedgehog moving as the little creature moved, and she lifted the carrier up, looking through the grate. "Hey, sleepyhead" She said, grinning at Rose. "Looks like we've finally reached this camp. Going to be fun. Look! We made it in one piece too, despite Remus being a worry wort about it!" She shot Remus a grin, and earned a small smile in return. She'd count that as a win. "So, where is this Chiron?"

Remus hesitated, "Possibly the big house... I think it was the tower today, but I can't hear anything, so it must be ov-" He paused as the... annoucement from... was it the Chiron he was talking about? Or someone else? "Something seems to have happened... Well, perhaps you'll meet Dioynsus too." He said, starting to walk again, and Riley followed, a little apprehensive now- as if she was being sent to the Principles office.

Interacting with:@Vicier Kep

She was such a frigging clutz. Often, though, others weren't around to see her trip, stumble, or crash into things. Of course one of the times she was a fool in front of others, it would be crashing into someone. She really needed to be better, to watch where she was going, to lool- Well, even when she did look, she still fell or stumbled, or hurt herself. It was one of the reasons she enjoyed horse riding or flying with the Pegasus. At least she could stay on their backs, and the chacnes of falling were slim. There were, however, worse people to crash into then Kepano. She didn't want to think about what might have happened if it was one of the Ares kids... or some of the more forward Aphrodite kids. "He should be use to me being hurt- as evident on the walking disaster that I am." She replied, although she found herself confused on his actions- which was a norm with her as well. Walking disaster, clueless and mainly known for being Grey's little sister.

She ought to be use to that, too.

"I... " where was she going? What did she think she could do to help? She had no fucking clue what was going on at the moment, and what she could actually do. "I'm just thinking about what happened, rocked up just as the annoucement was happening... " She said softly, a frown crossing her features once more. "I was thinking about what I could do... and was probably going to migrate to the stables." But really, she had no idea. She was certain that she'd just be in the way if she tried to help. "I-" As Dionysus made what amounted to a second annoucement, she paused. "Another quest?" she bit her lip. He hadn't exactly said it was for a quest, but... Grey was being called- and a part of her couldn't help but feel slightly relieved. Erin's task was against the Gods... if Grey was sent on another quest, it wouldn't be as dangerous.

"Well, uh... Not sure where I'm going, to be honest. Seems like there's a lot going o- " a thought crossed her mind, and she stopped what she was saying, looking back to Kepano, "Wait, were you here for the annoucement at the tower?"

Penny sighed softly, before nodding although she was going to take a few more moments to be here. To be a little more selfish. "Magic shouldn't be something one hides, and it is wonderful... there are just some people who abuse it." She said softly, flicking a glance to Damien and the others. They could wait a few more moments. "I... not phoneix slayers... I think other phoenix's.... wanting an end to their existence. Their suffering." The thought troubled Penny, and she fell silent a moment or two.

She didn't stop Jamsine leaving, and took another moment to herself, before she rose. There would be time to talk more, and perhaps in a more private setting. There weren't many Penny considered sharing what had happened, what was happening.

And despite it all, Jasmine was family. [color=FF7F50]"Go. I know you want to.]/color]" She said to Ignatius, giving him a smile. "Keep Rajeh out of trouble. You can't join me in the match." She was fond of the exceed, the gruff oddly protective exceed was a softie. And he had been there, when shit had happened. Sighing softly, Penny rose to go join the others,

"Usually one of the S class mages will determine that, if they aren't avalible, Jamie or myself will. However, we also trust our members. While none can become S class without a trail, or test, we encourage growth here. If you have a low level, that matters not. For jobs, as long as you have an appropriate level partner, you can, with approval, go on the job together. We encourage that, for members to learn their strengths, their weaknesses and to continue to grow." Jarvis said, and reached out to fill another drink order, but still kept his attention on her.

Michael enjoyed surprising Prince, in doing things the feline might not expect of him. And Michael had learned over the years that, yes, that did seem to encourage Prince more, but that he didn't mind it. And so, as Prince leaned in close to him, he reached up to brush his fingers over Prnce's cheek. "You going to leave a light on?" He said sweetly, giving Prince a smile, before he made a move to return to his room, grab some things and putting them in a traveling bag.

He reached over to give Cleo a pat, the ginger feline stretching happily under his hand. "y-yeah. You'll n-n-no d-doubt s-sucker everyone f-for t-treats while I'm g-g-one." He said to the cat, who stared at him in a rather innocent manner. Chuckling, Michael started back downstairs with his things, leaving the door open enough for Cleo to sneak in and out.

"For Gods sake, Loki! Shut up! I know, I know, we'll free her just as soon as I figure out how!" His brothers voice reaching his hears, Michael looked up, out to the front of the guild. He was back. He was safe. And the zodiac spirit beside him wore a grin, that soon faded into a serious look. "It's taken two years to find even a hint of how to do it... "

"And it took you a hundred years to muster up the power to break free yourself! I'm doing the best I can!"

Michael leaped down the rest of the stairs, making his way quickly to the guild door, slowing as he reached his brother and Loki. "I n-n-need a minute" He hurriedly said to the others, not even sure if they were leaving yet.

Gabriel could feel a headache coming on- not an odd occurance around the celestial spirit, Leo-Loke- just seemed to be able to push his buttons. He was trying- and had been for the last two years. Freeing the Zodiac spirits, bringing some balance back to the celestial world... Well, while there was more tahn one set of Zodiac spirits, not all were powerful. His original Zodiacs weren't on the same level as the trapped Zodiacs, but they had stepped up to try and bring balance back, to protect the other spirits. It hadn't worked quite as well as it should have, and Gabriel was trying his best to help.

Yet it wasn't something that could be solved over night. It had taken Loki decades to break free, and even then he had needed the Celestial King's help. Chained as they were, it hadn't been a simple task, and was perhaps their only chance. Perhaps if they had found a different celestial mage to help... Gabriel gritted his teeth, "We've got lines on Aquarius, Virgo and Gemini... It's more than we had, and I am trying Loki. We'lll get them free, I promised that." He said, looking up as he heard Michael's voice, relieved to finally be back home.

"The spirit world continues to fray, Gabriel... We need to secure another Zodiac before it crumbles further."

"I KNOW!" Gabriel dropped his head into his hands, gritting his teeth tightly until his jaw hurt. "We'll find a way, I just need to figure out the path to them... "

"Hm?" Jamie glanced back to the lacrima- she knew she could have cameras, but there was something convient about having Lacrima that could be changed at a moments notice. "Oh. Yes. I believe there's to be an exhibition match, between the guilds S class mages. A show for the people of the city." She said, flicking a glance to the clock on the wall, feowning slightly. How had time gotten so away from her? "We are always looking for ways to show our strength, but also to show the world that magic shouldn't be feared again." She said, "We have been working on the festival once more."

She rose, looking to the lacrima again, "Would you like to watch?"

Interacting with:@Vicier Kep

Imogen decided that it would probably be best to leave, before she somehow got roped into something else. She wasn't even entirely sure how she had managed to stumble upon a new camper, and a son of Zeus at that. What weird twists of fate. She still couldn't help but feel guilty dumping him on Chiron, but what was she actually meant to do with him? Most campers that made their way here generally had a Satyr who found them, or were retreived via a quest. Some did make their way here by fates, but Imogen had never had that happen to her. Well, it wasn't her problem now.

Making her way from the training grounds, Imogen turned her thoughts to what had happened. What the fuck was going on? Imogen didn't really like the sounds of what was happening, it was like things were repeating agian. She sighed softly, thoughts turning to Greyson. She had no doubt that he would try to go with Erin, if Erin would have him on the quest. She wondered if she ought to offer some help- but other then encouraging the Peaguses to help out, there wasn't much she could do. Deep in her thoughts, Imogen let her gaze move to the stables.

She hated being left behind, not knowing what was going on. But this wasn't any normal quest- none of them could screw it up. So, she'd do the best she could here. That decided, Imogen went to turn towards the mess hall, and instead found herself crashing into something solid, her body having worked on autopoilet as she walked. Immediately her body reacted. Automatically her hands reached out to try and catch herself. Fucking hell, she really couldn't go a week without falling, crashing into someone or somehow hurting herself. Or all of the above.

[color=0072bc["Shit, I'm sorry!"[/color] She ought to just permanetly ride a pegusi. Then she wouldn't make a fool of herself on a regular bases. Or just stay in the water. Either way, she couldn't hurt herself, or embarrass herself.
mkay, i've finished riley.
@Vicier Fixed Riley ^.^


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Location:Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Alina Leora Kim @King Kindred

Jamie shifted to lay a hand on the horses neck, keeping her calm as Alina approached, taking one of the bones. "Nah, not a god send. I'm just good at getting into places I shouldn't." She said with amusement, "And sure, I always appreciate help with any heist. I'm sure Tyler would have some opinions on it- and probably be annoyed he didn't think of it first." Jamie said with a laugh.

It was good to be home- and more, it was good to be with people that understand. Jamie always felt a little out of place in the outside world, but here... well, things were different. Oh, Jamie was still an oddity, but they were an oddity in amongst other oddities.

"You don't owe me anything- except perhaps bail money if I ever get myself caught." Jamie responded, although Jamie tried to make it clear that they were joking. "It's what we do here, right? Trade things. Don't need to expect anything for doing what I enjoy- stealing things. Besides, you're always good for information."

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Location:infirmary, Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Vivian Lucasta @metanoia, Zane Blacklight @Theyra

Kalinda stopped what she was doing for a moment, knowing she wasn't making things easier. Zane... Viv... She needed to at least make it seem like she was confident in this, that she believes things would be alright. She had to be better then she was, if only for her siblings sake, her patients. Her friends. "Zane." She said softly, turning to face the boy her sister was just about drooling over- although she doubted Zane would know that. "Never underestimate the power medical supplies can have. They might not be able to stop, to get supplies themselves. But beyond that... it will show Erin and whoever goes with her that we aren't going to let them face it alone."

She shifted, reaching out to grab some bandages, rolling them up skillfully and quickly, having spent quite a few hours of her life doing so. "Even if we can't be with them, can't help anymore then just making some supplies for them, it will show that we are on their side. That, as was so eloquently put, this whole thing is bullshit but that if everything goes bad, we won't let the Gods have Erin."

Shoving the bandages none too gently into the pack nearest her, Kalinda had to take a moment to stop the anger rising inside of her. "The Gods are fucking bastards, and we aren't going to let them fuck with one of us and get away with it. So, we make these packs, not just for the hope they will help, but to show that the Gods can't fuck with us and expect us to take it laying down."

Suddenly her anger fizzled as her sister was called to go to Dioynsus, and she turned towards her, the anger replaced by a sudden fear. What was happening now? "Viv... " What could she say though, don't go? "I... "

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Location: Ares Cabin, Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With:?]

He should just leave, before she realised someone was there. He should turn away, and scurry to his room, hide out there... It wasn't the best idea, as one of them- Elias or Octavia herself would find cause to come in there. He started to turn- perhaps he could sneak out the window- when her door opened. It was too late to flee, to get away. Talon gritted his teeth, looking away.

And anger grew anew in his chest, threatening to overwhelm him once more. She could have easily ignored the door. But no, she wanted to draw this out, make it even more of a thing then it was. She wouldn't simply let it be over and down with. His fists clenching once more, finger nails digging painfully into his palms- She didn't even give him a chance to respond, already walking away as if nothing was wrong, as if she was over it.

The jar of salve slipped through his fingers, falling to the floor, as he rather deliberately unclenched his hands. She wanted to be this way, so be it. He had tried, she had taken the first chance to escape she could. He turned, storming towards his bed room and slamming the door shut with enough force it rattled the frame.

He flicked a glance to the snake in its enclosure, and went to check on her, making sure she had all she needed before he turned to his bed, flopping down on it and staring up at the ceiling. He'd been feeling better... he'd been doing better... and now it seemed that those few moments of peace he'd attained from helping Valeria skip rocks, letting her heal him... it was gone and Talon just felt the familiar churning of emotions- anger prominent- within.

Why couldn't she have just let him do what he needed to?

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Brynn @Moro Corona @Zenritch

Pierre still wasn't certain such a lofty design would be possible- but he was more than willing to admit that schmatics and metal work were two skills he couldn't compete with with the children of Athena, and Hepatus. They simply had more gifts in that area then he did. He listened to Corona's words, but still couldn't see how the machine would transform, like... well, a transformer. There was a reason why such things were left to the movies, or TV. Fantasy... Still, perhaps in a few years they could have such things. Technology, after all, was advancing in a sometimes frightening amount these days.

Pierre wasn't one to tear people down. This project was, quite obviously, something important to Corona, and that was enough for him to at least try and help. Even if he couldn't add much input, well, he'd still do his best. He flicked a glance to Brynn, wondering what she thought of it, before glancing back to the schematics. Corona would have to deal with a lot of issues coming up, not to mention a lot of work- but she always did seem energetic.

"Does it reposition automatically, or do yuou have to do it? How would it reposition automatically? You want it to, I assume, reassamble quickly." He said, looking back up to Corona and Brynn.

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Location:Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Alina Leora Kim @King Kindred

Jamie couldn't help but smile- it was easy to find out what the others campers liked, and easy enough to grab what they might want. Jamie enjoyed slipping things to the other campers here and there, it made her happy in a world where not much seemed to do so anymore. Jamie grabbed ahold to anything they could to keep from sinking into the darkness that often seemed to plague them, the tiredness, the lack of energy to do anything they enjoyed. Jamie chuckled at her words, "There's enough dogs or dog like creatures here that I always grab a few treats for them on my trips out." Jamie shifted, and began to search their way through the saddle bags, coming out with some bones.

"The coke cokes are getting hard to find. Been toying with the idea of actually stealing the original receipe. It's in some vault in the company somewhere, I heard." Jamie said, rumaging through the bags some more before coming out with a can, somewhat faded- showing its age. "Got plenty of sweets. Some other goodies." Jamie could keep on taking things out, but it would probably be easier for Alina to come search through.

"Here, come have a look, see what you want. Avoid the pet bag, it's got a variety of things..,, none you'd want to eat."

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Location: Ares Cabin, Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With:?]

Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit!

Talon nearly skidded on the saw dust on the bag- and had no doubt who it was from. He had to hope that he could still get in and out... Someone would have heard the door shutting- it was too late to turn back. He was not a coward. Really? a part of him thought as he tried to climb the stairs as quietly as possible, so why are you sneaking about, then?. He tried to ignore That part, but it twinged at him. He seemed to hover at the top of the stairs a moment, before starting to turn towards his bedroom. He could escape...

The time with Valeria, although not really much... It had brought him a sembelance of peace, something he didn't have often... And he didn't want to hurt anyone. As he shoved his hands further into his pockets, slouching some more, he once more brushed the balm Valeria had given him. She had healed him... she hadn't said anything about the old injuries... she'd just smiled. How the fuck could any smile... ? Could anyone be cheerful like t his, in this fucked up world? She been excited about skipping rocks.

And had gave him some healing ointment, purely because she had been worried about him. And he could, grudingly, say that she hadn't expected anything in return. He bit his lip, pulling out the healing balm. If the bag was anything to go by... Talon gritted his teeth, sighing heavily. He hated himself. There was no changing that. But he'd hate himself more if he didn't do it. Still, he stood at the top of the stairs for a few moments, before he turned towards Octavia's door, hesitating still.

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Location:infirmary, Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Vivian Lucasta @metanoia, Zane Blacklight @Theyra

It was a semblance of control, and one Kalinda knew was false. Yet having it gave her something to focus on, besides worry for her sister, or for what might happen to the camp if Erin and those going on the quest with her failed. It helped keep her together, instead of seeking to hunt up things she shouldn't. She'd been down the spiral road before- she wasn't going to again. She seized what she could hold on to- and let her mind focus on it. it would be fun. it always was, until she ended up hating herself even worse.

She sighed softly, staring at what she had gathered. It didn't seem enough. Oh, most quests or jobs ended up with very little injury- the campers had gotten better the more they had gone out- but something like this, something major? Kalinda doubted they could prepare them for all of what could happen. And that was what had her staring at the items, the salves, bandages, pain killers and other various drugs she had access to, the other various bindings.

"I... don't know, Zane." she said wearily as she looked over her shoulder to him. "I don't even know if they'll take any supplies we give them." she sighed again, before shrugging "We organise what we can. What kits we normally give out, but add more of each item. And hope for the best."

Michael shifted slightly as Prince ruffled his hair, unable to help the blush that escaped him. Which did nothing- or very little in the way of supporting Prince`s words that he had grown well in Dragon Fang. Oh, Michael knew that he had grown in the guild, but he doubted some things would ever change. "I f-find it amusing t-that you t-think P-phoenix w-wing is f-filled with s-s-some real c-crazies... S-some m-might t-t-think the s-same of us" He said, before shrugging. In some ways, all the guilds seemed to have their own unique brand of craziness.

Well, if Michael was going to go on the job... it would be a distraction. It would also allow him to perhaps do some research on his own. He did have his own spirits to consider, and he had heard stories of one rogue spirit of his own kind out there. If he couldn't help Gabriel... well, he could perhaps gain more power to be useful at least.

Jarvis was, content as always, to wait patiently as Trinity dallied with her friends. He knew that they could help her, more than he could, yet Jarvis was one to quietly nudge his members into what he hoped was the right direction for them. At her words, he couldn't help but chuckle at her words. “Only two or three? You realise that most people can not even play one instrument Trinity” he said in a soft tone of voice- quite obviously not chastising as he watched her work whatever magic she was doing. The talking sword was going to be an even bigger issue than he had first thought, and Jarvis made a note to speak with Brianna about it. It wouldn't do for something like this to come to a head. Perhaps theyd have to come up with a way that it wouldn't be so invasive,

He sighed softly, but gave Trinity a smile, “All you need to do is ask the band, and try. If it doesn't work out, at least you tried, however I am certain that it will all work out." He said, shifting his gaze to Nyssa. "We don't really have any joining requirements." He said, moving down the bar a bit, and leaning down, soon coming up with the guild stamp. "We accept just about everyone, although we do expect you to do your best. Jobs have to be approved, generally, but Jamie, myself or one of the S class mages." he said, moving back down the bar, "To ensure that the job is suitable for your level. We will figure out what level you are soon."

He flicked a gaze at the interruption, Trinity running off, before looking back to Nyssa.

Penny settled back in her chair, letting herself relax as much as possible as she turned her attention back to Jasmine and Rajah. Nothing much seemed to have changed between them- Rajah was still quite the fiery little thing but it was good to see Jasmine standing up for herself more against the furball. At Jasmines excited questions, Penny paused a moment, gaze flickering through the guild, then back to Jasmine. “There were a few adventures, We did quite a bit,,, “ She paused a moment, thoughtful. She was certain that Jasmine was about to be highly disappointed.

"We did see quite a lot of the kingdom, and the rest of the world." She said, letting her mind drift over the various places. Oh, Penny had seen quite a bit of it before, but it had been then just mostly flying around, landing when she had to, determined to find her sister. Well, she found a whole lot more and a part of her still wondered how the hell it had happened.

"But we didn't find a lot of rare magic. A lot of people still hide what they can do... which is why we are hoping to change it, with the match and such." She seemed to hesitate another moment, biting her lip and looking away, before she said softly "I heard rumours of Phoenix song being heard, though. I want to chase up on it- hopefully give the little bit of information I have to Jarvis and he can find more."

Jamie shifted, reaching for a pile of jobs she hadn't had a chance to consider for anyone in the guild, flicking through them quickly and taking out a small handful, before doing the same as Jack and handing them over to Priscilla, "That's fine, there's some I'd prefer to keep for my guild too. As for technology." She gave a soft sigh, she did prefer Lacrimas, but in a world that was steadily growing scientifically and technologically, it was best to adapt, or sink. "I'm sure that can be arranged." She gave Priscilla a smile, and said "We will gladly share any jobs- and there are times, I imagine, when jobs might require specific skill sets not all our members have. I like to encourage working between guilds in that case."

She couldn't help a soft laugh, "I tend to resist technology as well. Slowly it's starting to creep into my every day life. Often as a result of Jack sneaking it in through gifts. A weakness- I find gifts sentimental and seek to hold on to them as long as possible." She flicked a gaze to the lacrima surveying the guild hall, a smile gracing her features once more, "I prefer lacrima, however I do understand that the modern advances of technology do have their place."

She raised a brow as she took one of the candles, studying it. "It's beautiful." She said softly, and appreciating the guesture, Jamie settled the candle on her desk, where she couldn't knock it off. "We tend to supply guild members, and other guilds, with teleportation lacrima. I'll ensure you get some- it helps members get out of sticky situations if they need, or for fast travel between guilds." She paused a moment, thoughtful. "Well, then. I suppose that we should leave the communal board in your hands, Jack. The more technologically advanced one of the three of us, it seems. I'll contact other guilds, see if they're willing to be apart of it and let you know."

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