Avatar of mattmanganon


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3 yrs ago
Current I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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5 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
5 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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As the firing line moved away from the beam-in site, pushing them back towards the lifts and stairs to the bridge, K'Tari finally let up the green barrier and moved up to one of the consoles. The others had to duck down and keep low. Luckily, her diminutive stature, meant she could stand fully upright. She then saw one of the aliens she had beamed aboard with getting taken out by a blast. She saw one of the other strange aliens seeing to him, sadly, her healing skills were completely untested on someone that isn't a Mobian or Overlander. But with a hit like that... She needed to try something. Jumping out of cover, invisible lashes of magic lanced from her and wrapped around one of the Phantoms, wrapped around its arm, then around his neck and pulled hard, it fell over and hit the floor hard, before pulling it towards her, dragging it along the ground towards herself. It tried to lash out with it's swords to try and cut the invisible wires, but couldn't compute that these tendrils weren't ones that could be cut by such a weapon. Every time it tried to get up, she yanked harder, pulling it over again, not allowing it to regain its balance. It finally was on the floor in front of her and she lept over it and wrapped the invisible lash around its legs, She balled a fist. She was of rather leith build, but, like all Echidna's, she was still deceptively strong. Punching it hard in the head, she left a clear dent in its mask, she shook her hand. "DAMMIT!!!" She grunted, before throwing her hands out, her eyes turned from green to red as the cyborg found the tendrils wrap around every conceivable part of it, before beginning to crush it. It looked around desperately, but she didn't seem to be in the mood to talk. Blood spurted from several of the gaps in its armour and she saw the gaps. Pressing her hand to one of the gaps, a ball of fire appeared in her hand. She blasted into the gap and fire spurted from the other gaps as the cyborg screamed its last breath. She stood back and was visibly shaking. Taking robot lives was one thing, taking a sentient life was another... She didn't enjoy it, she didn't like it. She looked around to see others fighting. She could either take or save a life... And right now, she needed to save one.

She took one last look at the cyborgs charred body, before vaulting the corpse and rushing towards the downed Turian. "Oh..." She looked at the neck wound. She looked at the Asari. "I've never healed someone like this before, but i'm going to try." Her hands were engulfed by a green aura and she pressed it into the wound, the blue blood soaking her hand. She closed her eyes as the wound started to close up. The blood pouring from his neck continued to hemorrhage, a bit spurted to K'Tari's face. She blocked it out. She had brought Jack back from the brink of death, she was GOING to do her damndest to make sure he didn't die. As the wound closed fully, both she and the Turian let out a gasp. "Got a pulse going..." She said. She had no idea if she even knew how to repair his spine, but the spell had gotten his respiratory system going, so at least his brain wasn't going to suffocate anymore. She fell back and sat down. Using magic constantly like this was starting to take it out of her. She sat for a second and watched to see if what she had done had actually gotten him back up.
Potentially interested in a new-generation Lantern.
@IceHeart Alright, first draft of the Character sheet. A lot to unpack, but i'm hoping that most of it's acceptable, if not all of it. I went for the approach of "Take advantage of the wide range of characters available."

The main problem character here is Varnae, who was made by Marvel, for Conan the Barbarian during his run with the company, but he is such a good character and one that has been absorbed quite well into the Conan mythos that i thought it might just count?

@IceHeart My big question is, what about characters that started as Independant comics, but were absorbed into one of the big 2, like Watchmen or Conan the Barbarian? Also, with characters that have had such an immense and widespread usage that have been in Marvel/DC, (examples: King Arthur, Hercules, Count Dracula, etc.) Would we be able to use any iteration of that character? Or would we be limited to any iteration that wasn't from the big two?

The third big question is what i like to call the "Rights Nightmares" like Rom the SpaceKnight, where he is an independent character, created and owned by Hasbro, but literally all of his backstory, side-cast, expanded universe stuff is created and owned by Marvel. Or Transformers, where a number of their characters and stories were created by Marvel, despite Transformers and all of its main cast belonging to Hasbro.
@Shoddy McCoyRemeber to join the Discord, as that's where most of the talks go on.
@Shoddy McCoy On one hand, I said I want to stick to Final Fantasy... On the other hand, I do actually love the silliness of your profile, also, I am a sucker for frog-men characters...

Ya know what, sure. I'll accept it.
@Shoddy McCoy Sorry, but with the absolute immense plethora of characters, worlds and stuff available, the answer is no to original characters and worlds. And ues, D-Links do need to be Disney/Square characters, because otherwise, it's not really Kingdom Hearts, is it?

Also, his Key does need to manifest in order to be used. There's nothing to stop him from using hand-to-hand speciality, like if it forms as a big-ass gauntlet or a knuckleduster or something. Also, do remember that Keyblades take form as a single item, so no dual-weilding until you have formed a second D-Link and got your second weapon.

With the confusion of the impending destruction of Alderaan, Sonia had decided to stay down with Lord Bail. She was a fair fighter, but she was a brilliant organizer and strategist. Organizing schedules and getting people martialed into evacuation procedures was something that her mother had been quite good at, managing to keep a guerilla movement off of the radar for years, it was something that she was very insistent on teaching her daughter. Egg Carrier was making best speed, but it would take them a few hours.

K'Tari, on the otherhand, had gone up to the Glasgow. She was going for the simple fact that she was one of the only one of them that had actually boarded an Assimilator previously. As she saw the rest of the teams suiting up, she looked down at her own bare form and realized that, she was probably under-equipped for this kind of boarding action. Making her way to the Glasgow's armoury, she passed several people running around, getting prepared for the boarding action. She arrived at the armoury and saw several teams kitting up. Closing her eyes, she reached out with her thoughts and found the Quartermaster among them. Approaching the woman she stared around. "These are some nice things you have here." She said. "After reading your report, i noticed that there were species of all different shapes and sizes of your world, i don't suppose you have something in my size that i can borrow?" She asked. The Quartermaster turned around and looked around before looking the echidna up and down. She then shook her head, unable to believe that some of their allies looked like something out of a saturday morning cartoon.

"I'm..." She looked at her datapad, before quickly sizing her up. "Not in the time alotted, I might be able to rig SOMETHING given a few hours, maybe a modified suit based off of the ones used by the Volus. Sadly a copy right now would be a little... Wide around the waist." The Quartermaster replied.

"I understand." T'Kari bowed. "I was rather interested, specifically because of your "Biotics" as you called them in the report. Sounds very similar to the magics i use, but most powered armours that i have used in the past have inhibited my powers more than they have helped, your Biotic soldiers seem to be enhanced by the armour."

"Makes sense... Well, i'll have to talk with the captain about next time, but to be honest, i'm not sure if he'll accept. I'll put in the order anyway, i'm curious to see if these "Magics" of yours are actually Biotics or something else." She quickly tapped the pad, before looking around. "Request sent. You want a gun? I can spare one of those." She suggested.

"No, most uncivilized forms of combat." She sighed. There was a blare from the ships intercomm, indicating that they should gather. She rushed through the ship, dodging crewmembers as she met with the other. She saw all of the teams making last second weapons checks. She was alone among Overlanders. She gulped a little. She knew that there was no ill intent from these ones, but... Old habits die hard. As they were finally teleported, she was familiar with how this worked, seeing how she had experienced Chaos Control. As they rematerialized, T'Kari saw a Kull trooper raise his arms and try to open fire with its wrist weapons. She instinctively raised her arms and shouted something in a long dead language as she thrusted her other arm out. The black armoured creature found itself picked up, slammed into the ceiling, then the floor, then the ceiling again, then the floor again, before throwing it into the one that Shepard had just tagged. The two of them getting dematerialized together. She then dived into cover, and poked her head up to see the Kull Warrriors and enemy Clones blasting them. She ducked her head back down, before placing a palm on the ground and beginning to chant. As she did so, a green energy field appeared around the immediate beam-in site. The bolts of the wrist-weapons bouncing off of the green field. "WHATEVER YOU'RE GOING TO DO, DO IT FAST!" She called as he eyes glowed green. These Kull weapons were more than she was used to holding off.
@Shoddy McCoy Throw up a character sheet and i'll review it, of course.
Kalak watched the others agree to the... Well, rather different idea to stop the Heartless, on the proviso that none of the Princess' were harmed or forced. "Well, obviously. How the hell do we create Paradise with murder?" He asked. "I ain't no Heartless. And Master Xehanort agree's with that, obviously." He replied. Xehanort looked down, before looking up and smiling.

"Obviously." He caught another drink as it slid across the bar into his hand. Kalak stared at him.

"Well, i don't need anymore convincing." Kalak said. "We don't do this, it's just gonna keep being a fight that our kids and their kids and their kids' kids are gonna have to do." Xehanort raised his glass in response. Xehanort then reached inside of his coat pocket and pulled out what looked like a book.

"This is a journal i have kept for a considerable amount of time, it has information on the many worlds of the multiverse." He said, putting it on the table and sliding it over to Kalak, who picked up the book and opened it. He started to read it... Very... Very... Slowly...

"Yeah, this is a slog, anyone else want a go?" He asked, holding it up. Xehanort got up and finished his drink, before sliding it back to Tapper.

"I do not promise that this will end well. I do not promise that this will work, but what i do promise is that there is a chance." He then heard something buzz and reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a Strange device he pressed a few buttons. "Damn..." He put the device back in his pocket. "I must go, i have matters that NEED seeing to." He grabbed the book out of Kalaks hands and put it on the table, he quickly flicked to a page. "My first suggestion would be to search this world first." He pointed to a page labeled Pays Des L'Aristochats "Last time i was there, i sensed a powerful heart. But i was unable to investigate thoroughly due to more pressing matters. You should try there first. In the meantime, i must leave you." He said, before his armour appeared around him. He stepped onto a glider that appeared. He straddled it "Good luck" He said, before it disappearing in a flash of light.
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