Avatar of mattmanganon


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3 yrs ago
Current I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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5 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
5 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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I'm waiting on others to post.
@Lord Wraith Coward
I had to give everyone some Ranger pep in that post. It's a necessity. Now all i need is an excuse for one of them to use the word "Morphenominal!" and this will be the best RP ever.
Astro Megatimeship

As Tails appeared, Michelle stared at the Rings as he put them away. "I am glad that at least someone else here is utilizing magic. In my experience, machines have very little appreciation for the mystic arts..." She looked around at Philip "Present company excluded." Philip was a robot without an ego to bruise, but he appreciated the attempt at cander from her. "I believe that the solution to these creatures destruction lays in the mystic."

"It is true." Philip replied "The Machine Empire from our timeline had a destinct weakness to magic as they were unable to properly analyze it. The only recorded attempt at utilizing it was King Mundo's Damocles Sword, which ended up destroying him as he was unable to balance the weapons power." He seemed to twitch a little digging into that memory, but thought nothing of it. I minor coding error he would fix later.

Meanwhile, the others were getting a quick lesson in the superiority of projectile based weapons. "Sounds good." Jack responded. "I'm probably gonna try a few shots from the old Tempus Blasters, they may be immune to energy weapons from your timeline, but ours are a little different." He put his hands up at Michelle rolling his eyes "Look, do those Asgard guys you mentioned energy weapons run on actual magic? Well, i think a few shots are worth a go, again, we may find a new weakness for them and anything we can kill them with is another tool in the belt." Jack wasn't entirely confident in the Tempus Blasters, but as he said, no harm in trying if they found an isolated one.

As the Colonel and Vala turned to talk to Tails, Mele and Jay approached Dooku. Jay found it rather refreshing that the Jedi didn't stare confused at his horn, but from what he had seen, there were many weird and wonderful creatures here and he was just another in a long list. It was actually comforting. Mele bowed to him "Master Dooku, i'm glad that you can join us. I have heard a lot about your Jedi Order and as a fellow follower of ancient arts, i am glad i will be able to watch and learn."

"Yeah..." Jay shifted nervously, not too sure if his usual antics would just annoy the old man. "What she said. But anything you can tell us would be great. Rangers live for stuff like this." He smiled. He saw the strange device on the mans belt and he thumbed his own morpher as it was attached his own belt. Eventually, they were all gathered for Mitchell to address, being that he was leading the operation. They nodded about the anti-Replicator weapon being built in orbit.

"If the guys in orbit need any help, i'm sure Mom wouldn't mind giving them a hand." Jack said. "I mean, she's one of the smartest people i know." It was then that Mitchell laid out their mission and asked who was up for a hike. "You know it." Jack pumped his arm, before the 7 of them quickly huddled together and put their hands atop the ranger standing next to them in one big circle, they looked around, inviting the others to join them. Regardless of whoever did, they cried

before pushing their hands down and then throwing them into the air in a show of comradery.

"Alright!" Kai yelled, at whoever joined them in excitement.

"Lead the way, Colonel." Jack said, guesturing Mitchell that he had the full support of the Rangers in his next move.
@Lord Wraith Surviving if for no other reason than to annoy my enemies.
@Sir Lucario I know, i'm waiting on Sep posting for Mitchell and Vala.
@Sep Appreciate the post, but Mitchell and Vala just completely blanked the Rangers. Or is that them just going to more pressing matters, like meeting the new ship?
Robert Linden

Robert had more or less finished up his current work for the day. Currently, he was trying to develop some new actuators for the space suits to allow for easier moving of materials for when they inevitably expanded the place. After all, if there was one thing he had learned about packing a bunch of mutants into one building, no matter how large it was, there was going to be a LOT of hanky-panky, meaning that replenishing or growing the population he doubted would be any kind of problem. The main problem would be making room for them, growing food, keeping up with the energy demands. Face facts, if Asteroids were meant to sustain life, they would already do so. This was like fitting wings to a car. Yes technically it can do something that it couldn't before, but that doesn't mean it would be any good at that something. Why oh why did he listen to a damn word Asari had said? "Yes i promise i will help a mad terrorist complete his mad vision." were not the exact words out of his mouth, but they may as well have been. At least Genosha was an actual island capable of sustaining life. Plus, it was the middle of the Mediterranean, could catch some rays down at the beach... Then again, his pasty celtic skin had never really browned too well. He smiled as he remembered him and his wife's adventures across southern Italy and how many days he had had to lay down and let her rub ointment onto all of his sun-burns.

He let out another sigh as he came back to his current present out in deep space before flicking the controls of his wheelchair and the motors whirred him towards the door. He needed to go check of little Jasmine. She was in the middle of class at the moment. With the lack of animals aboard, her powers would be difficult to train, but most importantly, difficult to go out of control. As he went towards the door, he heard a voice he hadn't heard in some time from out in the hallway. He sighed again as he wheeled out into the hall and looked Pietro and the other 2 with him up and down. "Pietro Maximoff..." He sighed in his Irish brogue. "Can't say as i'm totally shocked to see you come crawling back to your pappy. Lemme give you fair warning, there are a lot of your old Brotherhood buddies up here who are rightfully pissed at you jumping ship." He slowly wheeled towards him. "But mammy never raised a snitch, so I won't tell them if you don't. Anyway, your old buddies around here listen to everything your Ould Fella says, and he's pretty forgiving to mutants, so i'd say you zip on over to him, have your little heart-to-heart and you'll be good as gold." As he got close enough to the three of them, he extended a hand for Pietro to shake "Robert Linden, we never met in person, but i saw yer face on quite a few dart boards around here. And who may i ask are your buddies? New recruits for the-" He put on his best Magneto impression in a somewhat mocking tone "Glorious Cause for Mutant Self Determination Among the Stars!?" Not even remotely attempting to hide the distain for what he was also clearly working for.
Well, if anyone wants me to design them a Super Suit, do let me know. Either PM me or @ me in the OOC with a description of the suit and maybe some reference images. I'm not exactly the best, bu i enjoy making Microheroes with supersuits, like the one i put in my Character Sheet.

Tried to make something based on the movie suits with a few extra flares and a more comic accurate colour pallet.
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