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27 days ago
Current Harisutosu Fukkatsu! โœจ๐Ÿฅ‚
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4 mos ago
Just a friendly reminder that Hugo Ball wearing lobster fisty cuffs while reciting Dada poetry was a thing.
4 mos ago
I thought the coal was for lighting incense.
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6 mos ago
Check out my friendโ€™s Etsy shop for the holidays: etsy.com/shop/PaperDragonWo…
8 mos ago
Tbf, the shallow end has paralyzed and drowned many people who were not being cautious.

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@Digizel, this game is fun. You wonโ€™t regret joining.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
T I M E : D U S K
L O C A T I O N : M Y R I A M O R B E D & B R E A K F A S T
I N T E R A C T I O N S : C A E L A N , R O S A R I A , S O P H I E , N U A L L ร N , J O M A R I
T A G S : @Potter, @13org, @Alivefalling, @princess, @baraquiel
E Q U I P M E N T : W A T E R F L A S K , W A Y F I N D E R , T R A N S M I S S I O N B R A C E L E T

โ€œOh, why Princess Rosaria,โ€ Aurora began with a small blush tinting across her pale cheeks, โ€œperhaps something just small and light,โ€ she thought to her diet. It was intricate in its own right and generally leaning toward avoiding animal products. However, she did not wish to inconvenience anyone with her choice of foods. To be inhospitable due to a diet that was only invoked willfully seemed petty and unwise.

Yes, it was her first time leaving the kingdom, and in her own mind, she thought to be a little scared, if her dream meant nothing than that. She could have vouched for nothing to consume. Her father had warned her against letting her stomach rule her thoughts. However, it had been a long journey and only the beginning of the journey. There was also a temptation to let her will become too big and not support her body properly.

There were advisors who had transcended past needing certain stereotypical nourishments to continue a physiological health. Aurora knew she was far from such a state. She was young in her own right and for such a reason, despite her current occupational status, she still had to yield to her own powers or lack thereof. Talented as she was, Aurora was no prodigy, after all.

Upon hearing Nuallรกnโ€™s thoughtful response, the Elf turned her attention, gently tilting her head. A relaxed expression settled over her face, erasing any blush that had been roused by her discomfort for consumption, "Myriamor seems to be filled with unspoken wisdom. Our journies through the land will be profitable.โ€ Her voice was light and airy as she spoke, not holding too much to her own. Nuallรกn was a knowledgeable elf. He had much commentary worth obtaining. She felt comforted that he had attended with them, and she thought Jomari might profit from the remedies Myriamor has to offer, despite his opposing attitude. The young man had many worries interwoven into his expressions, and some of them may have been rightfully worn. However, she understood a greater power within him that was being detained by his desires towards being detestable. Still, she made no comment. It was not a necessary thing to make light of.

Kudamon narrowed its golden eyes at the Mettaur. The Digimon was too afraid to focus on the black glitch-y creature taking its initial steps closer to the group. Even so, a shiver jingled the talisman on its tail, "Keep your focus, Suzuki-chan!"

Trying to head towards Kudamon's commands, Suzi wearily tried to take her stare from the shadowed Mettaur. Her hand was fiddling with the prayer bracelet as a hypnotic nod silently bowed her chin up-and-down. Her mouth opened to ask a question, first addressing the Digimon by its name, but Kudamon shouted before her:

"Bullet Whirlwind!" The white monster swung its body at the Mettaur, once again. Suzi's fingers left her bracelet, and she covered her eyes with both hands. The Holy Cartridge smashed against the head of the monster, and the Mettaur let out some sort of sound before dissolving into small pixel-like cubes that seemed to evaporate into the atmosphere. Kudamon was already recovered from the attack when Suzi looked, peeping through her fingers. Slowly, she let her hands down, letting them huddle against her chest.

"B-But, Kuda-kudamon, what about..." She found difficulty in finishing her sentence as her eyes trembled at the Mettaurus L. It was already being attacked but showing very little restraint despite its opposition. Her fists clenched together. Suzi felt her toes pressing into the soles of her shoes. Her body was tense, and it seemed the only part of her that was working were her eyes. She wished to cover her vision with her hands again. Instead, she closed her eyes momentarily and drew in a deep breath.

"Suzuki-chan, Kudamon understands that you are afraid," Kudamon's voice tried to hold strong against all the fear he had, "But, you must not lose faith," the Digimon's eyes gleamed and flickered a silent trust between the two of them.

Suzi knew she had it in her. The determination from before was welling up. It had taken two strikes to take down the Mettaur, "We're in this together," she repeated slowly. A sheepish smile etched itself crookedly over her lips, as if holding in a cry.

"Thank you, Suzuki-chan," Kudamon nodded towards the tamer before twirling its body in the air and attacking the Mettaurus L with its Holy Catridge.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
T I M E : M O R N I N G
L O C A T I O N : M Y R I A M O R B E D & B R E A K F A S T
I N T E R A C T I O N S : C A E L A N , R O S A R I A , S O P H I E , N U A L L ร N , J O M A R I
T A G S : @Potter, @13org, @Alivefalling, @princess, @baraquiel
E Q U I P M E N T : W A T E R F L A S K , W A Y F I N D E R , T R A N S M I S S I O N B R A C E L E T

She was enjoying a nice stroll through the town's edge. Her limbs were freely hanging beneath her cloak, and the soft, padded dirt beneath her feet felt soft like feathers. For a brief moment, she pondered this sensation, since she was wearing her shoes. However, the thought fleetingly passed along its way as a distraction deteriorated her concentration. She was now in front of a tree, large like that of a jungle. Her hands could feel the bark's twists and grooves. It was apparent that she was now outside the kingdom, and the dirt felt distinctly different. She thought nothing of her shoes, at this moment. Although, something reminded her of her outfit, and yet, the thought no longer bothered her. For now, a rumbling in the forest echoed through her ears.

A monster.

And, it was coming quickly.

The stomping made it almost impossible for her to understand from which direction it was coming. She thought to run, but before she could make her trail towards safety, a large claw through wind over her head and caused her to fall to the ground. Aurora felt pains slither quickly through her palms. A thick dampness covered them. She swallowed, huddling her body inside itself. She was bleeding, and the rumbling was too terrorizing for her to move. The monster was right over her. Any second now, it would clutch her and devour her.

A last thought told her to remain was silent as possible -- Oh! And the humans. She was supposed to protect them with her own life! But, how could she protect them if she could not even protect herself.


The voice echoed through her mind. There was an ominous melody to it, as it surrounded her. The low tone sounded familiar, like the saving grace she had always known her entire childhood. It was the voice of her brother, Rowan.

Somehow, or another her body was moved to safety, but the screaming. She knew that screaming., It was the same screaming the group had heard just the other day echoed through the forest. It echoed through her mind. It was her brother's screaming, now, echoing around the trees and carrying through the air as the monster tore through his body.

Aurora was about to let out a scream, but a soft voice cradled her awake.

The voice was Princess Rosaria.

The advisor let out a sigh. It was soft, inaudible. Her shoulders relaxed. She would have time along the journey to contemplate her dream, but right now, most thankfully, she had a mission to cherish and nurture. There was no time to feel the sorrows and terrors of her brother's death linger alongside her. Her father told her to always be weary of dreams. They were helpers at best and tricksters, misleaders at worst. Falling prey to a dream has lead many elves astray. Still, she found it necessary to contemplate the dream further, even if now was not the time. If not for the time at which it was present, at least for the love of her dearest older brother.

"It smells beautiful in Myriamor," the light elf noted gently. The openness gave the air a freeing scent, and although she could not enjoy the aesthetic splendor that she had read and learned much about, she discovered quite quickly her other senses were able to admire the generous fashion of the land.
(Currently) Kazuo Ichiguro and Min Jin Lee
I vote for Writing.

Suziโ€™s lips trembled as the virus finally turned its attention towards her. A shockwave rippled towards her, and the fingers she had lacing delicately against her prayer bracelet grabbed hold of the white beads, as if in a motion to remove the piece of jewelry. Her initial thought was to hold it up and use it as some type of shield, but another serge of energy released her grasp from the beads.

It was the yellow gadget on her wrist.

โ€œKyaromon digivolve toโ€ฆโ€ This all happened so quickly as Kyaromon twisted in a digital energy, technologically transforming into its evolved form. The tug on her heart that had caused guilt released itself as a newly formed Kyaromon hovered in the likeness of Kudamon.

The Digimon swished through the atmosphere, and with its serpent-like tail, ushered Suzi from danger. Both fell towards the ground, away from the shockwave. The Digimonโ€™s body was cooked around Suzi, protecting her from any injury of the sudden movement.


Quickly and nurturingly, Kudamon glanced at Suzi with its yellow eyes. Itโ€™s two front paws padded itโ€™s body upwards, away from Suzi, seeing that itโ€™s trainer was not frayed and not wanting to induce any danger to her upon forming its own counterattack. Kudamonโ€™s attention went towards the Mettaur from then on, sizing up its competition.

Kudamon twirled around in the air, as to strike the Mettaur with its slithering tail and holy artifact. The air around Kudamon swished with the Digimonโ€™s movement, causing a thin tornado around its body before the monster slammed into the Mettaur. However, the Mettaur hammered the poor Digimon away after a moment of pain.

"Mฬถอ‘อ›ฬฬ‚ฬฟฬšฬŒฬ‡ฬ†อ›ฬ“ฬ€ฬ“ฬŽฬฎฬงฬžฬ–ฬชฬคอ–eฬทฬ’ฬชอ‡อ™ฬ–ฬฏฬ˜ฬงฬกอœTฬทฬšฬพอ‹ออ ฬ”ฬŒอ‹ฬ“ฬฬฟฬฝฬšอ†ออœฬคฬผฬ—ฬ—อ”ฬฌฬญฬฉฬฎอ‡TฬถออŒฬ‡ฬŽฬ‘ฬ›อ›ฬบฬบอ”ฬชอ”อ‡อ•อ™ฬชaฬตฬŽอ˜ฬ‡ฬƒฬฬ‰ฬ…อ„ฬƒฬ“ฬพฬปอ…ฬญฬชอ”ฬฏuฬตอ„ฬฅฬ™ฬงอ•ฬขฬณอœฬฎฬฐอˆrฬทอฬอ†ฬƒฬฬ”ฬ…ฬ›ฬฟฬ‡ฬอ‚ฬ”ฬซอ“ฬฎuฬธอ˜ฬฬ‚ฬฬŠฬ‹ฬฝฬŒฬ…อฬšฬฬ†ฬ™ฬ–ฬ—ฬปฬฎฬ ฬซฬ ฬฑฬ–ฬผsฬดอ˜อ—อ„อŒอ‚อ„ฬนอ•อŽฬปฬ—ฬฒ ฬตอ€อฬ•อƒฬ„ฬ„อฬ•ฬฝอ„ออ‚ฬˆอ˜อŒอ™อšฬฅฬฬญอฬซอ…ฬบฬฃออฬณLฬตฬšอŠฬฬ‘ฬŽฬƒฬŒออ”อŽฬฑ Class B Virus Hazard found."

Pushing her own body from the ground, Suzi mixed the soil underneath her around. Her shoes saw more dirt than they ever had. Her dirty palms carefully removed themselves from the ground as she stood on her two feet, once again. Her dark eyes absorbed the scenario, โ€œKโ€”โ€ฆ Kudamon?โ€ Her voice quivered as she watched the Digimon coil to the ground โ€” determination still sparkling in the digital monsterโ€™s eyes.

โ€œStay calm, Suzuki-chan,โ€ Kudamon did not falter a gaze towards its young trainer. Itโ€™s center focus stayed on the dark, helmet wearing villain, โ€œKudamon was hardly scathed.โ€ Its cool temper kept concentration on the target. โ€œWhatever you do, donโ€™t let fear keep you, again. Weโ€™re in this together.โ€

Suzi mustered a nod of obedience, blonde hair bobbing submissively and courageously to the response, with teeth again, nursing her bottom lip. However, now Suzi, too, had determination dancing in her eyes.

โ– โ– โ– โ– โ– โ– โ– โ–ถ
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