Avatar of Nallore


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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
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2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Sophia Harris

Location: Ville au Camp, The Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

"Black coffee it is then." Sophia said as she started to pour three cups for herself, Ben and James as she went over and handed them their mugs one by one. When she took a moment as she heard the door open to the Kitchen House, seeing that it was Giouse, Gilbert, Andromeda and some woman that she didnt really know. "Hey there everyone." Sophia said as her eyes turned towards James offering to make a sandwich for her and gave him a smile and nodded towards him. "Sure i'd love one, whatever you are going to make." She didn't really mind she was a tad bit hungry again as well come to think of it now since her breakfast earlier in the day.

Sophia looked towards the others, it seemed like they were going for a little bit of alcohol by the looks of it as Sophia pulled up her seat at the table and sat down. Her attention turned towards Ruthie as she started to speak, and revealed a set of scars on her arm which made Sophia wince ever so slightly seeing it. Losing her hand was a bit hard enough when she was alive, as Sophia shifted a little bit in her seat. Then when Ruthie revealed her little bit of information she turned to look over at the other two Emendators within the room wondering if they had something to say which sounded more like they maybe Paradoxes like they were.

Cassandra Reed

Location: The Playground - Technology
Skills: N/A

Cassandra took a moment and pulled up a seat and looked over at the cameras, as she took a bite of her sandwich she stopped and looked up at one of the cameras in front of her. She started to groan to herself as Tempest was tormenting or messing with the druggie in the camera, she looked at the facial recognition screen. Only had a name on the screen currently which bothered her a bit, Tempest probably had more information on him since she had her own little setup as far as she could tell. Then he started to talk about waxing his ass with chocolate pudding, which Cassandra really did not need to know and wished she didn't hear that either.

Then he looked directly up at the camera, naming Tempest's voice Betty she started to think that maybe he was a possible HYDRA spy of some kind. Cassandra wasn't really to sure, but she really wasn't going to take any chances, he would have to be dealt with as she started to think how to. Cassandra stopped for a moment as she started to hear some footsteps coming up to the Technology wing, and looked over towards the door to see that it was just Maria.

Harry McCormick

Location: The Playground - Bio Engineering & Research -> Kitchen
Skills: N/A

"I think we do, I can check out if we do and i'll see about trying to get a call to him." Harry said, as he took a moment and got up, when he heard Flynn's voice coming into the room. He stared at him for a moment as he spoke to Bonnie about his little shirt problem, when he suddenly lit himself on fire. Which made Harry quickly look away, he really did not want to see Flynn half naked in front of him, as he looked over towards Bonnie. "I'll get to looking into that now." Harry said as he started to get his things ready to get up and leave.

"And now if you excuse me i'm going to go gouge out my eyes, and pour bleach in my eye sockets. I'll get back to you if I find anything." Harry said, as he left Bio Engineering and started to think for a moment as he started to think where the files would be as he took a moment to stop in the kitchen and opened one of the cabinets and grabbed himself a glass and started to fill it up with some water.

Maria Smith

Location: The Playground - Shooting Range -> Technology
Skills: N/A

Maria started to think for a moment looking over at Novikova a little bit as she thought who would be there, mostly Cass and Harry spent their time there. "Cass, and Harry usually spent the most time there, I don't know about Tempest though." Maria said, as she looked at her phone for a second and then over at her girlfriend. "Might want to turn off your phone and any apps that have GPS, and remove the SD card. Tempest or Cass might be able to track our phones that way. But I think we can get them without being noticed, just follow my lead." Maria knew a bit to try and remain off grid during her training, phones were a rather quick and easy way to track down someone.

Maria gave Novikova a slight smile as she started to leave the shooting range and started to make her way down the hallway she remained fairly calm and relaxed. She knew that the cameras were always on within the base as she took a moment and stood outside of the door of Technology when Cassandra was about to leave as well. "Sorry." Maria said as she took a step back and then looked up at her as Cass spoke. "Have you seen Tempest anywhere?" She asked Maria, and gave a slight shrug. "I don't know, maybe her room?" Maria suggested, Cassandra gave her a slight smile and nod. "Thanks, and can you do me a favor? And watch the cameras for me?" Cass asked, and Maria gave her superior a nod. "Sure thing Agent Reed."
Princess Luna

Location: Wizards Tower
Skills: N/A

Luna looked between Myrus and Valda and gave them a slight smile, she really did hope that the gods within the room could help her in some way. She did not want to deal with the crazy voice within her head for the remainder of her life, or even do something that she knew that she would truly regret. "I hope so to, if we can talk to them after the wedding is done maybe.." Luna said softly as she looked over at her friend Amarantha and the really annoying brat calling Richard 'Father Boom Boom' which was a really weird name to hear. Luna shifted a little bit uncomfortably in her seat as she looked over at the front row where all of the gods were.

Some appeared to be having some kind of conversation, while one of them turned around and started to leave, which was the second one by the looks of it. "Looks like something is going on." Luna whispered slightly looking at her brother and sister as Amarantha got up and made her way towards the front. She noticed the bride coming into the room as well, as they spoke, Luna remained fairly quiet as she continued to look around the room.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Wizards Tower - The 21st Floor (C2 -> C3)
Skills: Ice Transmutation

Arnora started to take a few steps forward looking over at Runa, as she explained a bit and nodded try and not kill or brutally injure the host right now. "So don't maim to badly or kill the host, got it." Arnora said, as she watched the rouge wizard attack Arya seeing her get hit directly which made her wince. But the woman seemed to be fine for the most part, and then he was hit with a silence spell, and then Grims went into fight Rhys, only to see her newly met acquaintance get stabbed. And then the hulking green guy managed to grab Rhys and started to fling him like a ragdoll several times, before letting go.

"Ouch, man that's gotta hurt." Arnora looked towards Grims for a moment, he would need to get healed soon but she wasn't sure if her ability would be wise to use on or not. "Let me ice this asshole first." Arnora said calmly as she took another step forward and tried to freeze the ground, around Rhys and himself as well. Which nothing seemed to happen this time around, as she looked over at the group feeling a little bit awkward now. "Well this is a bit embarrassing now."
Captain Moss
Location: Starry Salon -> Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss took a moment and stopped when he heard a gunshot going off, which made him jump ever so slightly looking between both Penance and Rave. Moss certainly did not want to wait around and go see what had caused the sound to go off, he did not want to walk head first into any kind of danger right now either. He looked over towards Amaranthine and gave the woman a slight nod, he wasn't sure why she wanted to stay out of the ball room when they were told to go there. "I'd rather not go and find out where that gunshot went off." Captain Moss said calmly.

Captain Moss followed the two women into the Lunar Ballroom, he stopped to take in the sight which was really amazing to see as well for the first time. His attention turned towards the piano in the middle of the room, and noticed the group of men from earlier as well for a moment and gave a slight nod. "I am going to go and take a seat." Captain Moss looked around the room for a moment seeing several chairs and couches in the room, and proceeded to go and sit down on one of the chairs.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine)

Riley felt Amelia reaching for her hand, and gave her girlfriend a soft smile and leaned forward and kissed her on her fore head. "Its going to be fine love." Riley said, giving Amelia a friendly smile, she didn't like the idea of having to shave her head but Riley had cut her hair recently as well. While they were getting supplies a walker tried to grab her hair, the only thing that she could do was to use the knife she had at the time and cut it free. She looked over towards the guy named Hunter, she did feel a little bit bad for the kid, and made a little note to talk to him a bit later.

The Nigel fellow seemed to be a bit annoyed with Hank, as the little kiddies show went on she was lucky that Riley didn't watch it when she was younger. Then she looked at Doc as he started to talk into the radio and then yelled into it to get someones attention by the name Shears. And then a few seconds later they were ordered to get up and leave, so that they could get the lice out of their hair, now she knew why her head got really itchy now as well.

Riley got up and followed the rest of the group towards what looked like a sauna, looking over at the woman named Major who was watching them like a hawk still. "So, which branch did you serve in anyway?" Riley finally asked Major, figuring that she could get to know her a bit more as Riley found her seat and sat down. Looking over at Hank, and gave the guy an awkward smile trying to comfort them in his own little way, and then asked what kind of sea food they could be serving. "I'm hoping shrimp maybe." Riley said shrugging slightly as she looked towards Amelia and gently rubbed her girlfriend's back.

Erica Monroe

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine)

Erica looked at the others as she watched Doc talking to someone in the radio by the name of Shears to get their attention, eventually by yelling through the radio. She wasn't sure why they let someone in, if they always slept on the job, but it wasn't really her place to judge anyway either. Erica watched as the group started to leave the ones with the yellow wrist bands, She felt bad for Nigel who looked like he was getting visibly annoyed by Hank with the show as they left.

Then she watched the group she was with starting to spread and do their own thing, a woman's couple went to play some Pac-Man and then the woman with her son watched him play. She gave a slight smile remembering her own daughter for a moment, sighing ever so slightly she got up and stretched slightly. Then three men went over to the record player, and could hear The Rolling Stones play over the room she wasn't a fan really of them.

Erica then turned over towards the pool table that was in the room, she hadn't played it in such a long time at all, she used to play it when she was off duty and at a bar she usually frequented in Detroit as well. She decided that she could play a round, and started to get it set up as well, occasionally looking over at everyone in the room.

Carolina Reed
Bethany Bell

Location: The Kitchen
Skills: Shadow Manipulation

Bethany turned to look at Annie directly telling her to stop it, and shook her head slightly. "Nope, I don't think so." Bethany said as she paced around the room a little bit more eyeing both Carolina and Annie a bit more. Thinking of ways to hurt or kill them, controlling Carolina and making her hit her friend was quiet fun and entertaining at this point. But now she was also getting a little bit bored as well, as she focused more on Carolina again. "Play time is over now sadly." Bethany said, as she first extended her shadow over to Carolina's.

Carolina turned to look over at Annie. "Hurry up and get some help!" Carolina told her friend, before she was quickly grabbed and flung like a rag doll across the room. Screaming loudly as she could, as her head hit a corner in the wall hearing a sickening crack as she immediately lost consciousness, as blood pooled around her head. Beth's attention turned towards Annie, and she did the same exact thing to her, and flung Annie across the room hitting her head as well.

Bethany smiled slightly as she walked over towards Carolina and lightly nudged her with her foot, which she didn't get a response from at all from her. "You should probably get her some help, looks like she's dead to me though." Bethany said looking at Annie and smirked towards her.


Rila turned to look over at Hikaru as she answered her question, and nodded slightly she had to ask since she knew that they next Avatar would have been the air nomads, and Hikaru was the only living breathing one that she actually has ever met. "I'll make sure you are protected regardless." Rila said giving her a slight smile as she reached for the bandages and started to wrap her ankle as tightly as she could. Rila looked at Takuma as he started to grab some cloaks for everyone as well, and gave the man a friendly smile as she accepted one of them and started to put it on.

"Thank you again." Rila said, as she rubbed the back of her neck slightly she hated to ask for anything really. "And hate to ask, is there any money that you could spare, we might need some to at least get by while traveling." But there would always be a way to get some bit of money, but they were essentially broke right now.

Callie Johnson

Location: Medical Clinic
Skills: N/A

Callie slowly opened her eyes and gave Colossus a slight smile, she just really wanted to go and sleep right now as she was carried into the car. At least the bleeding was stopped for now, and wouldn't bleed out she could barely see Sapphire going after veil after she froze the road to get them to where she needed the most. Callie rested in the back seat of the car, a they moved and eventually they were at the clinic now. Callie opened her eyes again and groaned slightly when Havok kissed her forehead, and slowly prepped herself back up looking over at him.

"Ewww guy germs.." Callie said, jokingly trying to lighten the mood a little bit, as she gave him a slight nod and slowly pulled herself up and out of the car. "I'll manage, thanks for the concern." Callie said as she slowly walked her way towards the clinic holding her chest, and pushed open the door looking around at anyone who was inside. She was grateful for their help, Callie then started to worry about Veil and Sapphire, they would certainly be in a lot of trouble now and certainly be arrested as well to. "I need a doctor now please." Callie said as she leaned herself up against the closest wall inside of the clinic breathing heavily.
Lauren Ridgeway

Location: The Ferry - Elite Deck (Lauren's Cabin)
Skills: N/A

"Ah I see." Lauren said towards JC when he answered her, she would have sworn that they had known each other during the war, but she simply nodded and gave the two men a slight smile. Lauren looked over her shoulder towards Mahendra, she did feel bad that he wasn't on their deck and had to stay there alone again. "Well if you need me you know where my room is." Lauren gave Mahendra a friendly smile as The Lord Major and George talked to each other. She thought for a moment and wanted to get a drink as well, but it was really late now at this point as well, she couldn't help but laugh slightly at Gene' comment.

Eventually they were now at the Elite Deck, she gave the crew that escorted them a friendly smile and thanked them, as she took out her key and unlocked it. "Sleep well you guys, and thank you as well." Lauren said, as she looked at Nora and nodded towards her, her room was pretty packed now at this point. "See you in the morning Nora." Lauren gave her friend a smile and watched her turn and heading to her own cabin, she started to get changed as well, looking over at Gene. "Lets just hope your back wont get angry at you in the morning." Lauren teased a bit as she tossed her a pillow, she then got into her bed next to Vera, turning off the lights and fell asleep rather quickly.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm, Indiana, Grimm Sheriffs department.
Skills: N/A

Riley looked at Tim for a moment as he explained what had happened, and nodded slightly a barn fire apparently had killed him out in Justice no doubt as well. "That city is like a fucking morgue." Riley muttered to herself, losing her sister and two of her friends in that city, she just wanted to get the hell out of the city and she didn't want to be anywhere near Grimm again. But sadly she didn't really have much of a choice now for that matter. "Alright then, just don't get piss drunk." Riley said to Tim, as he explained the next situation over at Adelaide's family's place. Riley didn't really know the people that Tim had mentioned that they were bringing in Marc's body.

As Riley got up looking over at Pyira. "Want to drive this time? I can direct you." She offered as Riley started to leave Tim's office, Riley then made her way back over towards Grace and gave her a bit of an awkward smile towards her. "So, Tim deputized us earlier today during that fire, and he is asking us to go to the Grimaldi's place about some clown, said to get armed up?" Riley said, she didn't like the idea of guns again, and hopefully this freaky blood covered clown left.
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