Avatar of Necroes


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm just a D&D junkie between DMs.
3 yrs ago
And I'm back!
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3 yrs ago
To all my players and writing partners; Don't worry! I've not vanished or forgotten you. I've had something come up, and will be taking the rest of this week off from my RPs. See you next week!
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3 yrs ago
Starting a Vampire the Masquerade campaign. Look for it in the TTRPG interest check section. I'm gonna be a story teller!
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4 yrs ago
I feel torn. On one hand, I'm bored, so I want to get into some more RPs. On the other, I know once the quarantine ends, I won't have the free time to keep up with all of them. Temptation is a B.


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@Sophrus What would you say the over-under is on Oskar knowing/knowing of Vespin? And what about the other way around? Given they're both protagonist tier characters on the same ship.
When he'd woken up that morning, Vespin knew he was going to have a bad day. He knew this, because his left ankle was acting up. Not the actual ankle, of course, that was off on some moon in a system he'd likely never see again. No, it was a phantom pain, that hurt just enough to put him in a foul mood on the days it decided to act up. Which seemed appropriate, given it only ever seemed to hurt on days that would put him in a foul mood anyway.

As the morning began, though-morning being a relative term-he couldn't quite tell what it was that seemed like it should go wrong. His group had been picked up for deliver to another system some time ago, and were on their way to the drop off location, along with a group of penal legion. A friend among the navigator's retinue, a very well payed one, had informed him that they would be exiting the warp for a short time. While they hadn't said why, it wasn't all that important. Sometimes ships needed to exit warp space for a short time, for any number of reasons.

Morning beyond that was business as usual. A commissar had been invited to take breakfast with a company commander, and the commander had payed Vespin to prepare the meal. Doing as best he could with what little he had, he managed to whip up two lobster-tail omelettes dressed with chives and shredded cheese. Or, more specifically, something that very much tasted exactly like how someone who'd never had the real thing would likely imagine it tasted. He knew, because he had tasted the real thing, and what he made tasted like what he'd expected it to. Of course, he had had a rather hefty sample for himself to make sure of that, along with a stiff cup of 'coffee' to go along with it.

Once that was out of the way, he'd begun to make his rounds. He had goods that he needed to sell, and they weren't going to do it themselves. Having planned to make his way around the ship, stopping by the places he was known to spend his time at very specific times, the usual routine had him near the prison area right about the time everything went ass-up. While he'd been down there to open negotiations with some of the prisoners to see if they were interested in trading off what little money they technically had left to their name for something useful, a call for hands to battle stations had gone out.

It wasn't until he managed to make it back to his barracks that he found out what had them leaving warp space. Apparently, someone had put out a call for aid in a battle against Eldar. While definitely not good, from the sounds of things the Eldar weren't likely to win, and their ship was only there to provide support. No, the real issue was that some uppity commissar had come along and taken his men to go hunting for psykers.

Having made the decision to go in light, Vespin managed to catch up to the group of his fellow ratlings. It had taken a lot of leg work, and a very helpful schematic of the ship, but he'd managed to pull it off. Unfortunately, the sound of gunshots told him that they had found something. Only carrying his shotgun, a dozen rounds for it, his armor, knife, and nothing more, Vespin suddenly felt somewhat naked. He had his usual tools squirreled away in his leg as well, of course, but none of that was going to help take down an Eldar.

Making a decision, he held back in stead of stepping up to join the group. When he heard that the prisoners had escaped, and were making their way to the armory, he knew his men would be walking into a killing field unless someone got there first. Taking out his schematic, he looked over it quickly, long enough to mark his route in his mind before heading out. It would have him squeezing through some tight spaces, but if he managed to judge it right, and it hadn't been too long since the prisoners had left, he should make it there a couple minutes before they do. What he was going to do in two minutes, he had no idea, but that didn't matter until he had them to work with, so he decided that was a bridge to cross if he got to it.
I've been waiting for a 100% okay from JB to finalize Vespin before I make his intro post. I assumed he was going to get something up before then, to depict Vedius's actions and kill the ork.
Added most of his war gear. Nothing too far out there, I should think.

Edit: Went ahead with the kit bash. The more I thought about how to make it work, the more the idea grew on me. Besides, it's not worth arguing over.
@Sophrus The needle rifle variants are potent in combat, but have the out of combat negatives of both a longlas, and an anti-material rifle. Their design makes them work largely like lasguns, which means they need batteries and a high degree of maintenance. They also need specialized ammunition, that is far from standard issue and would probably be harder to get ahold of then any variant of bolter ammunition. They're also limited to use as anti biological infantry weapons only.

The suggestion is appreciated, but Vespin isn't like Oskar. He's not got the muscle needed to pack around enough variety of weapons choices to deal with multiple enemy types as needed. So, whatever his gun is, anything it can't engage is basically immune to him. While I don't mind him not being able to take out a tank, his gun needs to pack the kind of punch that can take out a Tau crisis suite, or an ork warboss, because as a high-ranking sniper those would be his assigned targets, enemy high-command.

@Klomster If it's that major an issue, I'll probably end up going with a modified Type XIV, that will incorporate a number of systems from an Ultra Pattern Mk IX. Technically, both are light-based weapons, so putting some money into the hands of the right tech priest, he should be able to get the best of both worlds.
@Klomster Part of my problem, I think, is that even if I went with a hyped-up lasgun, it's still going to require a great deal of servicing, as all heavy-end lasguns do. The barrels wear out quickly, the cartridges tend to over charge, the power packs wear out faster if you use the highest settings, etc.

If I go with a solid-shot gun, though, I have to keep stocked in ammunition. Bolter-class ammunition would be massively expensive, bulky, heavy, and very hard to come by. However, bolter rounds also represent some of the best quality fire power in the Imperium. Their stopping power is ridicules, and massively undersold on the table top. My point being, anything roughly on par with that, performance wise, is going to have the same issues, but be even more hard to come by.

Which is why I wanted the rail rifle. Their standard clips hold over a hundred rounds, so just two of them would last him years. The main issue is maintenance, but surely he could use his connections to get those while he's in the area he got it from. Beyond that, he'd have about 5 power cells, so his maximum shot count at any one time would be fairly low, but still good enough to give him options. The big thing would be finding someone who can make it Vastly easier to charge the batteries back up, as opposed to leaving them on the imperial-to-tau converter plug he could have gotten from rogue traders who live on/around Tau worlds.
@Klomster I'd be fine with a big ass rifle, except I'd largely just have to make it up, as opposed to basing it in fluff... I mean, I could use something that actually exists as a basis, and modify it to be more inline with something from 40k, but by default I wouldn't have any fluff for it.

Personally, I'm looking for an alternative to las tech... mostly because the description of how they work, and the damage they do, just doesn't mesh with the reaction 90% of things in 40k give to it. "Oh, no! Flashlights!... lol!" isn't something you'd expect to hear anyone say about a thing that can cleanly sever a limb with a small explosion.
Personally, I'd be happy with some Tau tech modified to take Imperium batteries.
@Klomster Yea, I figure it'll be easier to convince the crew to go along with a hostile take over of the ship if most of the mid-rank officers are on the take.

All that's left is to pick a suitable sniper rifle. I was thinking some xeno-tech he and Zuriel could bond over 'customizing,'

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