Avatar of Necroes


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm just a D&D junkie between DMs.
3 yrs ago
And I'm back!
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3 yrs ago
To all my players and writing partners; Don't worry! I've not vanished or forgotten you. I've had something come up, and will be taking the rest of this week off from my RPs. See you next week!
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3 yrs ago
Starting a Vampire the Masquerade campaign. Look for it in the TTRPG interest check section. I'm gonna be a story teller!
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4 yrs ago
I feel torn. On one hand, I'm bored, so I want to get into some more RPs. On the other, I know once the quarantine ends, I won't have the free time to keep up with all of them. Temptation is a B.


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Most Recent Posts

Ajax wandered through the forest, looking for his next meal. The previous day he had managed to hunt down a large boar, and had decided to put most of it in the smoke house to cure. While he had left himself enough meat for that day, the curing would not be complete for another full day at least, so he needed something else for dinner that night. Assuming he were lucky, he might even find something large enough to be breakfast the next morning.

Thoughts of various large birds floated through his mind, as he had not had white meat in some time. Running headlong through the forest, he would bolt from dark corner to thick bush, always looking out for signs of enemies. Moving through the dense foliage and jumping over various gaps and hazards, it would be quite difficult for almost anything to follow him. Even as his thoughts drifted to which herbs he would use with his meal, his training kept him alert and on the move.

As he rushed along, something caught his eye, bringing him to an abrupt halt. Through the trees he spotted a black bear, making its way towards something. From how it was moving, Ajax could assume it was stalking some manner of prey. Taking advantage of its distraction, he took careful aim and let fly with two arrows. With little issues, both projectiles found their marks, sinking deep into the bear's side and ending its life.

Moving up to claim his prize, he eagerly licked his lips as he walked through the trees. First he would take back his arrows, not wishing to waste them, before remembering the bear had had a target. Looking over-expecting to find some dead deer-he saw a woman, laying on the ground. At first he was unsure if anything could be done, as the woman's black skin made him think she were dead. However, when taking a closer look, he realized that this was an elven woman. Having seen for himself what happened at the end of an elf's life, he knew she must yet live, and rushed to her side.

Rolling her onto her back, he quickly went about trying his best to wake her up. Though he traveled very lightly-wearing only a pair of tight leather pants and a large, fur cloak that left his chest exposed-he did carry a water skin and a small pouch with a few pieces of dried fruit. Once it seemed she were waking up, he would eagerly offer what little he had to her, the roughly six pounds of food a small snack to his mind.

"Here. Eat." His words were short and precise, with a voice not unlike that of a young boy. The language he spoke was elven, without the slightest trace of an accent. "I have more. Back at my camp. Finish this food while I gather supplies. We can leave after."

With that, he would stand. Turning to face the bear, he'd pull a long knife from under the cloak, walking towards the dead animal with intent. Over the course of the next half hour, he would skin and field dress the animal, harvesting from it every piece of edible meat. Most of the organs would be left behind, with select choices-such as the liver-being picked out on purpose to be taken along with thick cuts of meat. In total, he estimated roughly a hundred pounds of meat, with maybe ten or so more in chunks of fat. Wrapped up in the bear's own hide, he would casually toss it all over his shoulders. Looking at the girl, covered from head to toe in bear blood, he would smile and start walking back with the intent for her to follow.
Very nice posts, folks!

I'll be posting with the full letter this weekend. Looking forward to everyone's reactions.
I decided to change the design of his weapon. The new design is in his CS.
Name: Ajax
Race: Goblin
Class: Kensei Monk

@TGM I accept your opinion, but am inclined to ask 'why?' You've already called me a rules lawyer. If nothing else, that's admitting that I know how the rules work.
@rocketrobie2 Good post, friend. As it seems clear she and Steele have an existing relationship, go ahead and add Sarah's physical description to your CS in the CS section.

Heads up, everyone! Our friend Dark is going to be busy for a while, so for now we're going to go forward without him. He'll be able to join us later, but I'm not going to hold up the story, as there really aren't that many of us in it.

@Dark Cloud Will have his spot reserved, and should be able to join the action fairly directly as soon as he's back.
Well... that's a thing that happened.

If @Dark Cloud and everyone else is cool with it, I could spend a week or so running us through a couple random encounters along the way. Nothing major, but should get us something to do until Glorious Leader can return.
Looking forward to it. Let me know if you need anything from me.
Did anyone need me to go over anything with them for their next posts? I'm free to answer questions about rules, or the setting. Just ask.
Not to sounds like a Chad, but has anyone seen the ladies? @TGM @Guardian Angel Haruki

Haven't heard from you two in a hot minute.
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