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@Inkarnate you listed me as Drewby's character too
A u d h i l d
“I do not know whose blood is on my axe,
though I suspect they deserved what they had coming...”

Character Name

Audhild of Skogar


Twenty Five





Moral Conflict

Filled with an ecstasy from feeding into fury, rage, and bloodlust. While for many the thought of entering battle captivates them in a wide range of emotions — from fear to honour, from servitude to freedom — Audhild feels as though her desire to fight is for a much more selfish reason, perhaps a thrill? At times she feels as though she was born to live and die on the battlefield with a destiny to soak the soil in the spilt blood of her enemies, and this confusion of her innermost malefic desires is what currently drives her to explore the depths of her enigmatic self.

Physical Description

Audhild's long, wavy hair compliments the soft, textured tones of her freckled skin; a sandy, buttermilk blend which creates a sense of warmth and beauty. Most people won't usually see this alluring grace as it hides itself well under the war-paint, the layers of dirt, and the grime of the earth. She stands at a height which can be considered tall for her kind, but strangely eye to eye for those who come from other lands.

To cover her youthful and distressingly scarred body Audhild wears a tattered, hazelnut tunic, a linen dress which lightly rests upon her shoulders. Laying atop of these shoulders and the clothes she wears so often is the thick coat of a great beast's fur — the source of such an animal has been long forgotten. Her leggings are bone in colour, a durable woollen blend once crafted with skill, now haggard and in need of some care. Finally across her waist and extending up to her belly is a hickory coloured, animal skin and animal hide war skirt; an item of attire made from a similar creature to the ones which was once hunted for the crafting her boots.

Personality Traits

One look into Audhild's eyes and anyone can see the flame burns deep within her soul; a flame of passion, fury, love, and loss. She is a woman with a fierce temper and quick thinking, but lacks the logical finesse for which the more educated hold so dear. Much like a wolf against a bear she understands the limits of her own strength, the extent her skills, and her underlying weaknesses; recognizing as a warrior everyday has the undeniable potential of twisting her fate into a lamb of the slaughter.

Out of the red mist of battle and beneath the darkness of the evening sky, Audhild has been seen to display emotions of silence and spirituality. Her lack of longing for a meaningful companionship and confusion about her place in the world holds back her ability to trust and sympathise with others. This odd trait is what ultimately defines her, and is the root cause of her inner anguish and desolation. She is a woman without a family, and a warrior without a tribe.


Fierce like Fire: For Audhild nothing is more invigorating, or more enthralling, than being one on the battlefield; she is a warrior, a survivor, and a force of absolute power. To fight alongside Audhild is to be compared to witnessing a painter with a badger bristle brush. Each stroke is meticulously accurate, a sweep with absolute beauty and confidence as she paints the scene with her blade — one can only admire the artist that she truly is.

To Chant & Charge: A bellowing roar, the pounding of soles, a heated blaze that sweeps across the scorched lands. There can be nothing described as more anxiety creating or fear inducing than the frontline sights of a screaming banshee masked in the blood of her fallen victims. With an inner willpower which can be seen driving her immense reserve of stamina, Audhild ensures death will come fast, painful, and filled with copious amounts of terror.

To Survive in Sickness: The key to one's survival lies in the preservation of life. A simple wound — shallow and uninteresting — can be so easily neglected and left to linger to a point where it may fester and evolve into a disease. Audhild's own knowledge in treating and mending these ailments, using elements of nature as ointments and bandages, helps to improve the chances of prolonging one's survival. If it's worth treating, it's worth trying.

A Trail Never Forgotten: A musty odor, a broken branch, and a ground crushing footprint — the subtlest changes to the nature's order are often noticed by the Skogarian woman. These are the marvelled skills of tracking, honed over the years and mastered into a collaborative collection of all five senses. Spend enough time with Audhild and any companion will soon understand what it is that she sees, what mysteries are left by those who travel the lands.

Inventory & Equipment

Oyen’s Edge: An old timber handle axe, made from a carved length of golden oak with a blade that appears to be forged out of iron. The bevel of the blade appears to have lost its once sharp edge, coated in a fine layer of rust, forever embedded with the remains of a deep crimson bloodstain. An engraving of a name or a symbol can be seen on the poll of the head, but age and deterioration have taken over, hiding the truth to this mysterious identity.

Stohl’s Round Shield: Measuring at a weighty two feet in diameter, edged with a thick, pitted steel band, and lined with dry lengths of cedar timber, is Stohl’s Round Shield. This shield of immense defense rests at bay upon the back of Audhild and in older times it was once a reliable device of war; a banner for troops to rally under. Nowadays the face shows nothing more than flaking paint and weathered timber scars; a old companion who became complacent in the cemetery of slumber.

Gift of Rebirth

Life Vision: Audhild has been blessed, or cursed, with the ability to see the flowing life force of any living creature within her surrounding area. Much like a sonar pulse, Audhild’s vision will change for a brief period, desaturating the world of all its natural colour and beauty, while in turn displaying the glowing auras of those who contain a living souls. Able to see through objects of stone, timber, and steel; this gift improves her skills of perception and observation tenfold with the main drawback being her inability to see monsters of the undead, certain cursed beings, and creatures not of physical form.
@Gwynbleidd Winds howling...
By being interesting.

Laughed at this, but honestly @Surtr Inc hit it right on the mark.

To start, you need a title that will catch people's attention. This can be done with a name, brief description or even throw in a pseudo title. The tag system will help as well seeing as you can categorise the roleplay to a specific genre. From there it's everything inside your thread, and this is where you have to show your best.

Clarity, presentation, colours, images — the who, what, where, and when of the roleplay must be the centerpiece of your OOC. @Dervish touched on this but you have a total of about 15 seconds to grab the user's attention. They need to know everything about your RP before they even read through the page, and they need to see that this information is presented as best as possible. When does this roleplay take place, where is it located, what will be the objective, and more importantly, who will they be able to play. In any roleplay you can create an amazing world but if you don't give a detailed section on who the players will create, you will either get nothing or any kind of character that you never could have thought of.

On top of this, I'd be patient. you've only been in the site for a couple of days and it may take some time for people to either see or enter into your roleplay. there's a careful meta-game of playing the bumps where you can be over eager to the point of driving people away, or slow and lax thus leaving people to think you've ghosted.
All cleared @HeySeuss
Gonna close this up cause it seems to be getting out of hand. Now I could go through and issue warnings as I received more than one report about this thread and users, but I would rather not.

Do not recreate the thread.
Welcome and enjoy your stay.
@Ever sorted
Specifically, what makes a good villain in a Roleplay setting. How do you go about crafting a worthy antagonist for your players? What do you keep in mind while you're creating the big bad, and what differentiates a mediocre baddie from a quality villain?

How do RP antagonists differ from standard antagonists in other fiction, such as novels and film?

You need a motive, but that's something that can vary so much between the type of villain you create. You don't necessarily need to be an evil character as well but someone who opposes the protagonist(s).

In Avatar if you look at Firelord Ozai, he never really appeared much until the third series but his actions to expand the power of his nation was seen throughout the story. He did that by force and oppression, but the character himself was nothing more than a cunning firebender. Put aside the fact that Aang was the avatar, he held a strong fighting match against a young boy who was little more than a basic skilled fighter.

Azula on the otherhand was more chaotic and was seeking her selfish father's approval. Her desire to please him grew more and more as the series went on and her actions grew darker and darker, almost to the point where she went mentally insane after her friends decided to abandon her.

On a different scale, and only cause I played it recently, but Transistor has a brilliant villain who dare I say... isn't a villain. In that story the premise is that the city of Cloudbank is being overrun by the Process, something that the antagonist started, but it only turned that way when their careful plan fell apart. The truth is that the villain in that series wanted something to change but it went against the wishes of the people, even if it was a better choice for them. So they forced it upon the people, and well... they screwed up. The process then follows a blue/orange morality and begins destroying everything, but only because that's what it does. To say the process is evil is like saying a cheetah hunting a gazelle is evil. It does not know it is wrong by human standards, but simply following it's own natural way.

I can explain a bit more later, just ran out of time for now...
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