Avatar of Obscene Symphony


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7 days ago
Current My jokes are of utmost seriousness
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14 days ago
Days like this it really pains me that the guild loads with the status bar open automatically
2 mos ago
revert back? we never left!
2 mos ago
@Grey you joke but I have absolutely heard exorcists call demons lawyers
2 mos ago
Happy Easter guild!


child of the storm

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If you're interested in some short completed pieces of mine beyond my regular RP posts, feel free to rifle through my filing cabinet here.

About me:
  • Birth year 1998
  • Female
  • Canadian RIP
  • Time zone: Atlantic, GMT-4 (one hour ahead of EST)
  • Currently judging your grammar
  • Not usually looking for 1x1s but if you're really jonesing, my PMs are always open
  • Discord Obscene#1925

Most Recent Posts

I may try to stir up a sort of character sheet for my character's band. You know, like a rundown of what they do, how they do it, etc.
<Snipped quote by Obscene Symphony>
So does she know what screamo actually is or is it anything with harsh vocals or bad mallcore post-hardcore.

I feel called out XD

Lol I'll just change it to "screaming" cause it all sounds the same to her.
I think this group needs some electric swing.

I'm not sure yet if I'll flesh out the band members or keep them semi-NPC. Also, feel free to slap me if I fucked something up XD
alrighty then
I had to drop in and say that is the sexiest character sheet skeleton I have EVER seen. Very nice.
@Hey Im Jordan Are you guys still open to applications?

Aaron noticed Salem's blushing and smiled when he was thanked, and listened as Salem explained his magical background with genuine interest. Plant magic, not quite the sort of medic affinity he'd been expecting (the doctors at Noila Castle were all Life mages) but he could see the potential. And clearly Salem and his family knew what they were doing, if they put such effort into learning about their magic and running a clinic. He seemed like a hard-working mage, and that was something Aaron held in high regard. It seemed they had a good bit in common so far. Good thing too; if Salem was Lucan's mage, they'd probably be seeing a lot of each other.

"My affinity came out in my Awakening too," he finally chimed in, "I was worried sick that I wouldn't have magic, but on my Awakening day my crystal lit up the whole room." He smiled widely at the memory, absently rubbing the pommel of his sword with his thumb. "I was so relieved I almost fainted."

It was then that Sariel hijacked the group, steering them in a roundabout way to the dining hall and chattering about her own experiences all the way. He looked animatedly around at the campus as they went, noting the decidedly "Noila" style of the architecture and the generally familiar feel of the grounds. When Sariel said her closing blurb, he had to shake his head for a second, grinning. It was as if Sariel was actively trying to throw people at him; sure, this was his first chance to really make friends, but did she think he was that desperate? Hopefully not; he really could see her genuinely wanting every mage in the school to confide in her.

He caught her look when she mentioned reaching out for help, and his stomach twisted for an instant as he remembered the night before, Count Varis' little display and how uncomfortable Sariel had looked. In that moment he couldn't look her in the eye, the thought of it making him uncomfortable all over again. He swallowed hard and took a deep breath to quell the sudden unease in his gut.

Just as Sariel left, Aaronโ€™s watch vibrated, displaying two texts from Lucan, one from earlier and one from just then.

> Oh, I see you've found my partner. How fortuitous, and you already appear close. Less that I have to do in the long run.

> Hey, where are you? Did Sariel go over with her talk or something? Iโ€™m in the lunchroom now, Iโ€™ll meet you and Salem at one of the tables I have reserved.

Grateful for the distraction, he stifled a laugh at the first message and pulled out his phone for a quick reply, pulling Salem aside as he did so.

> Something like that. You know how she can be!
> Weโ€™re just arriving now, be over in a minute.

Once he hit send, he pocketed his phone and turned to Salem, whom he could see was getting anxious again. Shooting a look back to the rest of the group (which he hoped they would interpret as a request for a moment of privacy), he turned the pair of them a little away and spoke quietly.

โ€Before we go up, just a few things to remember to make a good impression, okay?โ€ He made sure to catch Salemโ€™s eye and determined he was listening before continuing.

โ€First off, donโ€™t make eye contact unless directed. Just avert your eyes a little, nothing major. I usually just look at his cheekbones or mouth or something. Secondly,โ€ he counted on his fingers, โ€Donโ€™t speak until youโ€™re spoken to. Just wait until he addresses you first and then act as you normally would.โ€ He shrugged, posture very casual. โ€Itโ€™s just common-sense manners, really. Nothing special.โ€ He waved nonchalantly with one hand, tone almost bored, as if he was just going through the motions of the most routine thing in the world.

After a second considering the other mage, who looked to be getting more nervous by the second, he met Salemโ€™s eyes again and tapped his own chest with both hands. โ€Breathe,โ€ he advised, offering a smile meant to be reassuring, โ€I know itโ€™s nerve-wracking, but you really have nothing to worry about.โ€ He patted Salem on the shoulder and steered them both back to the group, turning then to approach Lucanโ€™s table.

Aaron straightened as they approached, a slight bounce in his step, taking note of the other vampire sitting with Lucan and assuming a more formal posture, resting his hands comfortably behind his back. He averted his eyes appropriately to the tabletop, head down just enough to be polite without looking stiff, and checked to see if Salem was following his instructions. He still seemed a little nervous, eyes mostly stuck to the floor but stealing the occasional glance upward. Aaron reminded himself once again that not everyone was as familiar with interacting with vampires as he was, and hoped Salem was acting that way out of jitters at the new situation and not out of fear of Lucan.

Lucan was just about to respond to Morrigan when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He considered just glancing at the message but wished to remain polite, even if the embraced vampire he was currently speaking with had no idea of what was truly polite in vampiric high society. โ€Indeed? Sorry, one moment.โ€ He broke off the conversation and then glanced down at his phone, missing the mages as they entered the cafeteria.

He had just started a reply when he sensed someone approaching the table, and looked up to see Aaron and Salem. Luc gave a small shrug and put his phone away before standing with his hands behind his back and eyes scanning the new arrivals. He didnโ€™t let his gaze linger on Aaron for long, knowing that the Starag had his manners down well but was surprised to see Salem also seeming like he knew how to properly show respect. No doubt he had been coached, as the young man kept sneaking glances up at Lucan, who had to use all of his skill not to give a smirk of amusement.

With a small tilt of his head and a step closer Lucan spoke, his voice a soft tenor. โ€So we meet at last Mr. Spellman, I am Lucan Bordeleaux. It is a sincere pleasure to make your acquaintance. My friend beside me is Morrigan Cade, one of the Embraced vampires attending this year. Please, feel free to relax, both of you.โ€ He added as he shot a glance to Aaron, a lightning fast one that the blond would be able to read as soft amusement and appreciation for helping his mage.

Aaron smirked and winked at Lucan when their eyes briefly met, before he averted them once more, relaxing his posture at Lucanโ€™s request. He looked between Lucan and the other vampire, Morrigan, offering the latter a curt bow of the head in greeting.

โ€Delighted to meet you, Morrigan. Iโ€™m Aaron Starag.โ€ Aaron said, assuming that Lucanโ€™s invitation applied to them both, before turning back to Lucan and adding, โ€œAnd Lucan, always a pleasure.โ€ He glanced over to Salem with an inviting grin, silently willing the other mage to say something.
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