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Current Days like this it really pains me that the guild loads with the status bar open automatically
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@Grey you joke but I have absolutely heard exorcists call demons lawyers
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It's not Easter yet but thank you
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child of the storm

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If you're interested in some short completed pieces of mine beyond my regular RP posts, feel free to rifle through my filing cabinet here.

About me:
  • Birth year 1998
  • Female
  • Canadian RIP
  • Time zone: Atlantic, GMT-4 (one hour ahead of EST)
  • Currently judging your grammar
  • Not usually looking for 1x1s but if you're really jonesing, my PMs are always open
  • Discord Obscene#1925

Most Recent Posts

The walk over to the administrative office building was quiet, a comfortable—for Aaron, anyway—silence falling over the trio as they crossed the campus, following the same path Salem and Lilie had taken before. Aaron took note of Lilie’s sudden hush, but from the glassy look in her eye he could only assume she was falling asleep on her feet. Right, he recalled her mentioning that the adjustment to nocturnal life would be difficult for her. She’d probably call it a night shortly after he had to leave for his curfew, he imagined, unless she had some reason to push herself.

As they neared the building, Aaron was surprised to see Max ahead of them on the path. For a second he thought he must have been leaving just as they arrived, but he was definitely heading inside. Must have taken longer than Aaron expected to get back to campus after their conversation. Much more notably, however, he was holding what Aaron could only recognize as a small, peculiar mass of white fur under his arm.

"I didn't know he had such a cute dog!"

Salem’s comment was all but lost to Aaron as he stared at the thing, brow furrowed. He’d been wondering what all that ‘dog’ talk was with Max on the phone, but he’d thought it was some kind of mundane turn-of-phrase he didn't recognize. And surely that couldn’t be a dog. It looked more like a fluffy baseball than an animal of any kind, and surely if it was, Max wouldn’t be holding it.

Briefly distracted by the smell of fresh laundry—presumably the result of whatever Salem was mumbling about—Aaron couldn’t resist a smirk as he watched Max bolt into the building, definitely purposely ignoring the three of them. Funny, Aaron had known the man all of a night and he was already so predictable. He could only shake his head, an amused sigh escaping him, and continued inside with Salem and Lilie, not exactly following Max but definitely going the same way. He caught himself holding his earring to stop the swaying as they walked, and forced himself to use that hand to open the door for the other two instead. He’d have to get used to the sensation eventually, no sense in walking around like a fool with his hand to his ear in the meantime.

Luckily Salem and Lilie knew the way to the housing office, and they found their way without issue. Aaron briefly wondered if he’d be able to get a duplicate key for his own dorm while they were here, but dismissed the thought just as quickly. Even if they would issue him a third key, he had a sneaking suspicion Varis wouldn’t be pleased if he tried to weasel around his little dorm access arrangement and Aaron didn’t need more lines.

Aaron didn’t need anything here, and there wasn’t exactly much he could help Salem with either. So, either out of restlessness or poor judgement, he decided to see if he could talk to Max while Salem took care of his business.

“Don’t tell me that is the thing you were talking about on the phone,” he chuckled, sauntering over to the grump with the fluff ball under his arm. “I thought all that dog talk was a weird figure of speech or something. Where on earth did you get that?”

^^ fontmeme "mulders-handwriting" size 65

^^ fontmeme "Byron" size 65

^^ fontmeme "Last King Quest" size 50

Beyond an understandable jump when the wine hit him, Isaac Abramson’s reaction to the incident was much more subdued than Ashe’s. He let them get their panicked apology out of their system before holding up a hand with a gentle smile and shaking his head.

“No need for all that,” he assured them, gesturing down at his clothes. Where they should have been stained, the wine instead beaded up like raindrops on glass, dripping to the floor without a trace. He paused to call a server over with a wave before guiding Ashe away from the puddle of wine and continued without skipping a beat.

“See? No harm done,” he smiled down at Ashe, plucking a flute of rosé champagne from a passing tray without so much as a glance and offering it to them. “And thank you for accepting our invitation. This event would be nothing without brave souls like you willing to take a chance.” He smiled warmly, and genuine interest bloomed across his features. “How did you find the trip up the mountain? I know it can be nerve-wracking for some. I’m not a huge fan of it myself, to tell you the truth.”


The musical sound of glass breaking from across the room hushed the party for a second, but conversations quickly picked up once everyone realized it was nothing but a dropped tray. Isaac frowned at the sight for a moment, but shrugged, turning back to Ashe with a smirk. “And look,” he chuckled, “you’re not the only one to spill something tonight.”

Beneath the chandelier, Raphael Abramson was chatting airily with a few guests. As luck would have it, a few of the ones he spoke to broke away as Varia approached, and he was able to give her his full attention.

“You really are too kind,” he replied confidently, offering Varia a dip of the head. “My brother is shy about flaunting, but as you can see, Reuniting is very much a vital part of our lives.” He gestured around the foyer. Beyond the lotus motif in the mandala on the floor, if one looked closely they’d find renditions of lotuses in the woodwork, adorning the crown moulding and the rails of the stairs.

“Truthfully though, you’re right,” he added, sounding a little more sincere than his earlier entrance. “We were incredibly fortunate, in more ways than one as you might be able to guess.” He took a drink of the champagne in his hand, gesturing at the staircases. “Oh, and the holograms are on a motion sensor. I’ll admit, I had a lot of fun experimenting with them when they were first installed.”

Before Varia could get out her next question, the crashing of broken glass sounded through the foyer, fairly near where the two were standing. Raphael glared at the scene of broken glass and servers for a moment, looking utterly shocked and a little perturbed, before he schooled his features into something more polite.

“Oh dear, these things do happen,” he half-apologized, still looking a little unsettled until his smile finally returned. “But we take these risks for things we deem important, don’t we?”

He listened intently to Varia’s last question, nodding sagely. “Well, not just tonight,” he corrected her gently, “but hopefully before the week is done we’ll have more Reunited here than Fragmented. Although, if even one pair can find each other here, my brother and I will consider this event a success.” He eyed the edge of the room, where one couple were passionately kissing without a care in the world, and chuckled. “And it looks like we’ve done it!”

He shook his head amiably, turning the conversation to Varia. “But beyond any of that, I’m afraid I’m not sure of your name! Which of my esteemed guests would you be, Miss..?”

In the wider area, a minor commotion started weaving through the party, in the form of an average height blonde woman wading through the crowd. She wore a glittering midnight blue cocktail dress and a pair of large glasses, and trotting alongside her at the end of a short leash was a dalmatian in a blue polka-dot bowtie collar and a vest that read “SERVICE DOG - DO NOT PET”.

The most notable thing about her, though, was that she was touching everybody. She drifted through the crowd excitedly, never staying in one place for long, with her arms out like tendrils, brushing against every exposed hand or arm she could reach. Many simply gave her an odd look before returning to their conversations, but a few protested. Rather than speaking, the woman replied with sign language, which translated in the ears of onlookers as a woman’s voice cheerfully saying, “Sorry, just trying to expedite the process!”

Whoops! Blame shit data reception

Aaron nodded to Salem and the three of them set off where they vaguely remembered Sariel’s tour taking them before. As they began to walk, though, Aaron simply shrugged.

“He didn’t want anything very interesting,” he replied casually. “He just wasn’t sure where to go for dorm inquiries. Turns out he got reassigned as well.” Aaron glanced over to Salem.

Lilie's curiosity got the better of her, looking between both Aaron and Salem as they walked. "Max, too? It's like a game of musical chairs," She noted. "How did you know he got reassigned?"

Aaron raised his eyebrows. “Oh, because his new master is friends with mine,” he clarified matter-of-factly, though a shiver did worm its way up his spine. “And judging by tonight, it looks like we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.”

Salem tried not to grimace as Aaron said the word master once more, this time referring to another vampire. True he understood how it must be hard to break years of beatings, but it was a bit sad to watch any spec of self worth dwindle each day in him. "Who's his new partner? Perhaps he can arrange a play date to allow him to come to the picnic?" Salem said poking fun at how Aaron made it sound like they were children to Varis and this new Vampire.

Now it was Aaron’s turn to try not to grimace: something about childish language always turned him off, and Salem’s little jab rubbed him the wrong way just as Max’s had on the phone. “Eris Samael,” he replied flatly, clearly unamused. “The one who burst into Treaty Law, remember?”

Lilie barely contained her squeal of excitement, her hands flying to her mouth in an effort to muffle it. All that came out was a short sound, but her excitement came out in other ways. She was practically jumping in place, hands waving around excitedly. She couldn't believe it, Eris Samael was part of her group! Well no, Max was, but they were basically a pair, right? Did that mean she would see him? What if he came to their study sessions? Could she actually talk to him? What if they got to talk?!

"Are you sure?!" Lilie asked, eyes wide as she prayed for a good answer. Before getting a response, she continued, "I loved him in Sunset, he was so dreamy! I don't care what anyone says, he and Samantha Russell had way more chemistry than him and Rosaline Blackdale! The way he holds himself, the way he holds her hand, that little wink of his—it's all so perfect! He's so much hotter than Julius Moraine, I don't even know why people bother comparing the two when it's so easy to see which one of them dominates the polls!"

Salem glanced over at Aaron, giving him a look that could only be read as retained laughter. He let Lillie have her moment if it meant her happiness and a distraction from his current predicament. "Can't say that I know this Eris Samael. Or at least I haven't seen his films. Maybe we can have a sleepover or something one night and you can show me your favorite films of him."

"Yes!!! That's such a good idea!" Lilie jumped on the chance. "We could all get together and watch The Blood War!"

Aaron winced at Lilie’s squeal, that grimace from before threatening to sneak to the surface once again. He’d seen some of Eris’ films too, but he had never understood this infatuation with celebrities. Then again, perhaps growing up under the roof of royalty just dulled him to star power. He could conclude, though, that despite Eris being nice enough so far, Lilie might have a different opinion of the vampire if she spent a few minutes alone with him.

At the mention of The Blood War, however, Aaron couldn’t help but burst out a laugh. “You know what, I might actually take you up on that,” he told Lilie, chuckling. “That movie is hilarious.”

"Wh—" Lilie's bubble of joy popped at Aaron's words, her jaw dropping. "What? No, it's a historical drama about the events leading to the formation of the treaty!"

Aaron could only laugh a little more, despite himself. Once he composed himself a little more, he shook his head. “It’s definitely a drama, but I wouldn’t exactly call it historical.” He sighed, smiling as he remembered his mother’s live commentary when he’d watched the film with her for the first time. “Definitely a fun watch, though. Especially in my family!”

Salem went to go place his hand on his chin, a slight movement reminding him of the cuts and making him think better of it. He hummed a thoughtful hmm as Aaron spoke. "I suppose I could see some similarities between you and Eris Samael. Perhaps your lineage is much like you and thus easily shown through him."

The grin was all but slapped off Aaron’s face, and his gaze snapped over to Salem with brow furrowed. “What on earth makes you say that?” He asked, desperately hoping that Salem was referring to the fact that they were both blond and not implying that they at all behaved the same.

"Well your looks for starters. Blonde hair, fair skin, similar build. Really it's a perfect cast." Salem neglected to mention how they both have an air of arrogance to them, they are both flashy in their own regards, and each clearly thinks too highly of themselves. However Aaron's tone and gaze told him that he shouldnt reveal such details lest he gain his rancor.

Aaron squinted at Salem for a moment, not buying a word of it. They had, what, blond hair in common? Even so, even that detail was slightly off. Eris Samael being a “perfect cast” for Landar Starag himself was almost laughable. His performance was excellent, that much Aaron would freely admit, but the closest detail he shared with the Starag patriarch were the artificially blue contacts he’d been coerced into wearing for the part.

“You did see that painting of my grandfather at Her Highness’ manor, right?” he questioned, a hint of sharp sarcasm sneaking into his voice. “Mr. Samael put on an admirable show, but he’s not exactly a stand-in for the man himself.”

"I was a bit distracted by the vague rules, body modified vampire, creepy blind woman and oh yes her highness herself, to pay too much attention to the portraits that lay on the wall. I'll have to pay closer attention when I'm there next break." Salem's tone was as friendly as ever, yet carried a hint of annoyance at the other mage’s denial at the obvious.

The mere mention of Vanessa made Aaron’s skin crawl, but turning the conversation to the next break and Salem’s planned castle stay was (thankfully) enough to push her from his mind. He shook his head, though a wry smirk did curl his lip. Salem would have a hell of a time if he tried to convince the other Starags that Eris was in any way comparable to any Starag, and the very thought of three tiny blonde women laughing the idea out of the room was enough to lift Aaron’s spirits again. “Whatever you say,” he conceded smugly, shrugging. “You’ll have plenty of source material available when you get there.”

There was a brief silence as the reality of that statement sank in, and somewhat of a somber mood fell over the group again. Aaron spun his ring, wondering if now was a better time to repeat his offer from the night before, or if he should even repeat it at all. But he’d been ordered to get close to Salem, and the plant mage was clearly struggling despite his outward demeanour, so surely at least it couldn’t hurt?

“Speaking of which,” Aaron added more quietly, looking over Lilie’s head to Salem. He debated pulling Salem aside, or waiting until later, but Lilie already knew about Salem’s investigation, and Salem had only reacted poorly to any attempt at discretion, so he decided to come out with it. “My offer from last night is still open. There might be something I can do to ease your family’s minds throughout this whole… process, if you’ll let me.”

Salem's eyebrow arched at Aaron's daring proposal. How many times did someone have to reject him for him to understand what it meant? Or was he the type to have never been rejected and believes he will inevitably get his way if he asks enough. Regardless of the answer Salem would hear his proposal to see what the mage had in mind. "What were you thinking?" His voice was flat and devoid of any hope.

Though his voice didn’t quite betray it, Aaron had a hunch that Salem would be suspicious of him no matter what he did. Of course, given his own orders, maybe that was warranted, but that didn’t make it any less exhausting to talk to Salem when the man seemed to carry this air of superiority just because he was raised differently.

Maybe Aaron was more irritated than he thought.

Taking a breath to calm himself, Aaron’s tone was sincere when he spoke next. “I can write a letter to your family to tell them you’re well and inform them of the investigation. That way at least they’ll know you’re okay and have some idea what’s going on, instead of worrying themselves sick over radio silence.”

Salem's brow furrowed a bit as he heard the proposal, something someone raised with a silver spoon would suggest. Not that he wasn't raised with one himself, but at least he could see the severity of this idea. "So all you mean to do is write a letter on my behalf?" He asked feigning curiosity.

Aaron nodded. “Coming from me, no one should bat an eye, and when they check it for anything suspicious—which they will, by the way—they’ll find nothing but a letter on behalf of a friend.” He gave Salem a serious look. “I can even inform Princess Ryner about it, if you’d like. If so, any investigator would be hard-pressed to see it as anything but innocent.”

"That's...not a bad idea...is what I would say if it was anything but. However I fear that you doing so, Starag or not, would be viewed as impeding in the investigation and would only cause for it to take longer or a darker turn. I do appreciate your concern and want for help but I can't agree to what it is you're asking of me. However what you do on your spare time is not up to me nor does it require my approval." Salem hoped that Aaron would catch the hint he was throwing, but didn't fully know if the mage spoke in such subtleties.

Lilie looked between the two, quietly listening. It tore her heart to know Salem wouldn't be able to see his family, and she thought Aaron's offer was so touching. She was surprised Salem rejected it, though at that point she did walk ahead a little, turning around and walking backwards so she could face them.

"But that's what friends are for!" Lilie insisted, breaking her silence.

Aaron nearly rolled his eyes at Salem’s remark. True, fair enough, it was probably prudent to err on the conservative side when it came to accepting help while under investigation, but he didn’t seem to realize just how much weight the Starag name could carry in a situation like this. He never really had much reason to use it until now, but Aaron was sure that he could make it work to Salem’s benefit if he would only let him. But he was insistent, and as far as Aaron was concerned, there was nothing to do but accept his answer.

Lilie’s interjection made Aaron’s expression soften, some of his lingering spite melting away. He offered her an appreciative smile, and looked over to Salem. “If you’d rather I not, then I won’t,” he assured him, “but the offer is open if you change your mind.”

Lilie gave Aaron a look of disapproval, wagging her finger at him. "No, you're going to do it," She informed him plainly. "Salem can't ask, so I will. It'll be a favor from me." She cleared her throat as she tried to give herself a more uppity expression. "If you would be so kind as to inform the Spellman family, we would be utterly grateful." Her tone could have been mistaken for a mocking one, her words drawn out and delivered stiffly in what she assumed was a noble tone.

Brows knitted together, Aaron shot Lilie an utterly confused look. Was everyone just picking on him tonight?! He was briefly overwhelmed with an urge to veer off and head back to his dorm, but even that was out of the question if what Max told him was true. Besides, without a key it wasn’t like he could get in anyway.

Good grief, this night was testing his composure. Luckily it had been bred into him strong, and with a breath Aaron gathered himself again, even if his reply came out a little stuttery. “I— Lilie, I’m not going to contact his family if he doesn’t want me to,” he tried to reason.

"But I want you to," Lilie replied in earnest.

Aaron heaved a sigh. He would never understand humans.

Or, human-raised mages anyway. The urge to clap his hand to his forehead was strong, but for Lilie’s sake he refrained. “I do too!” he defended instead, gesturing to Salem. “Talk to him! He’s the one who won’t let me.”

Lilie frowned at Aaron's response, a little confused, but she gave Aaron a sincere, pleading look. "But you should do it anyway. You're a good person, and you're doing a really nice thing for a friend. If it was the other way around, I know Salem would do the same for you," She gently prodded Aaron, clasping her hands together. "Would you send it? Pretty please? For me?"

"She's not wrong. If it was me I'd go behind you and do it anyways. It's what friends do. But once again, what you do on your spare time is none of my business. If you write a note to my family telling them you've befriended me and that I am safe and you were concerned about the fact that I am incapable of reaching them, well I couldn't stop you because that is your prerogative." Man was Aaron dense.

Aaron glanced between Lilie and Salem as they spoke, confusion and frustration only mounting as they went on with what sounded to him like utter nonsense. So they were telling him that after Salem saying no, he should go behind his back and do the thing anyway, because that’s “what friends do”, and that Salem would betray him just the same if the tables were turned, and that all somehow… was a good thing.


As much as he wanted to groan out his frustrations, he kept his anguish inside for the sake of politesse as he struggled to grasp this concept that seemed so natural to these two. He was a good person if he blatantly went against someone’s wishes and behind their back to help them? Sure, maybe the intent was fine, but if Salem wanted the help, wouldn’t it have been so much simpler if he said yes? Yet here he was, all but begging Aaron to go against what he’d been told. Shouldn’t an hour with Count Julian bloodying up his knuckles have demonstrated to him why Starags weren’t particularly good at disobedience? And how on earth was he meant to procure Salem’s family’s contact information if Salem wouldn’t outwardly cooperate?

He was silent as they approached the infirmary until he finally let out a breath. “Whatever you say,” he conceded again, sounding defeated as he opened the infirmary door for his companions.

Salem let out a light hum as he spoke to no one in particular, more close to speaking aloud to himself. "I wonder if Princess Ryner has information on family members and emergency contacts. I believe I recall filling out a form and having added my mother as the emergency contact. No doubt that she would be a source of wisdom if ever I lost her number or my phone." Salem walked past Aaron, thanking him for holding the door as he went in.

Lilie watched Salem, waiting for a second before placing herself between Aaron and the entrance. "Did you get the hint?" She whispered.

Aaron glared a hole into the back of Salem’s head as he passed. He thought humiliation was Varis’ forte, but apparently it was a more common tool outside the castle than Aaron realized. Mocking a man for being unfamiliar with backwards human customs; what a way to cry for help.

Raising an eyebrow at Lilie, he couldn’t bring himself to give her a snippy reply, and simply closed his eyes and nodded. “I think so, yeah.”

She beamed up at him, taking his arm with hers as she pulled him along. "I knew you were a good person," She told him happily, dragging him along with her into the clinic.

Salem's eyes wandered around as he took in the sights, noticing a cluster of plants by the windows that when mixed together helped to create a potion to alleviate pain. His gaze moved on over towards the mage and the book she was reading, though its title remained hidden by the table it lay on. Salem knocked on the door as he stood by it, using his second knuckles to knock three times to catch the mages attention.

“Come in, come in. I’ll take it it isn’t an emergency.” The woman’s voice carried with practiced ease, waving them to approach her desk. “What are you doing at the infirmary then?”

"No emergency. I just need some gauze bandages to wrap my hands in." Salem held them up, knuckles towards the woman to show her the damage. "That and if you could spare a few cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol to clean and sterilize the wound as well. I run a clinic outside of here before I attended so I won't keep you from your book."

“Oh dear. Rough day at the Arena? Unarmed combat isn’t usually the first subject but the Arena Master like to changes things sometimes.” The woman clicked her tongue sympathetically as she stood, stepping over to a few cabinets and pulling out the requested items. She returned to her chair, taking care of the wounds herself. “It’s my job and it’s a slow day. The book isn’t going anywhere so just relax.” She said as she began dressing his wounds. “Who are your friends here? Did they need medical attention or are they just moral support?”

Salem sat down in front of her and laid his hands on the table. Chuckling slightly as she asked about Lillie and Aaron. "That's Aaron Starag and Lillie...huh, I don't know her last name… Well they met me after class to hang out but were concerned for my wounds and thus we ended up here before going about planning a picnic."

Lilie waved at the receptionist, finally releasing Aaron. "It's Dionne, by the way," She told Salem with a small nudge. "And yeah, we're both friends offering moral support."

“Isn’t that sweet. It’s nice to meet everyone.” The mage cooed as she finished cleaning one hand and started bandaging it. “How has everyone’s first day been? I know the transition can be hard. Doubly so for some.” She asked as she switched hands.

"It's been an experience I won't soon forget," Salem said as he winced through the burn if the alcohol. "I had no idea that school could be so...eventful in just a short few days. I suppose it's good that today has been slow for you though, wouldn't want to see too many students here so early."

Lilie frowned at the question, rubbing her sore arm. How was she supposed to respond to that? She gave the mage a small shrug, trying not to look too down. She forced herself to perk up, nodding in agreement with Salem.

"Yeah, really eventful!" She forced a smile, though after a few seconds she dropped it and replaced it with a real smile. "It's a good thing I made some friends! Not really sure what I would have done otherwise…"

“Friends are what will get you through the rough times. That and willow bark tea for the hangovers of course.” She chuckled as she patted Salem’s bandaged hand gently. “Was there anything else I can help you with today?”

"I don't suppose there is. Thank you once again for your hospitality and what you do for this school." Salem stood up and gave the woman a bow, turning back to Lillie and Aaron as he headed towards the door. "Shall we?"

Aaron was content to stay quiet as the other two chatted with the nurse, taking a moment to enter Lilie’s last name into her contact when she mentioned it. Dionne… it was delicate, feminine. It suited her well, he decided. He watched on as the nurse cleaned and bandaged Salem’s hands, letting his mind wander. If the consensus was that he should send word to Salem’s family, then he’d need to speak to Princess Ryner again; he wasn’t fond of bothering her twice in the span of a night, but he was sure she’d be understanding of his request. He’d also need to inform Varis—wait, he should ask permission, it’d come across more favourably that way—and arrange for the letter to be examined sooner rather than later. There was a small, spiteful part of him that wanted to forego the whole plan after Salem’s mockery, but he pushed that impulse aside. He had a duty to get close to Salem whether he wanted to or not, and hopefully the vitriol could be written off as frayed nerves from a difficult night with Count Julian. Aaron made a few mental notes to take care of everything and came back to his senses as the nurse finished her job, perking up when he was addressed.

“Indeed!” he replied brightly, though he did check his watch. Good grief, 5:10am already? “I have some time before I need to head back, where would the two of you like to go?”

Lilie scratched her cheek as she tried to think. Her eyelids felt a little heavy, but she ignored it as she thought of an idea. “I know! We should check to see if Salem’s stuff made it to the dorms,” She suggested. “We’re all neighbors, too, so it’ll be easy to point out where each of us live so we all know for the future.”

Aaron hadn’t quite been expecting that, but it made as much sense as anything else. He wasn’t fond of the idea of setting foot on a noble’s property without permission—man, Salem belonging to an Astorio would take some getting used to—but at least he’d be close to his own dorm when his curfew rolled around. “Good idea,” he replied to Lilie, before turning to Salem. “Do you have a key?”

Salem thought back onto his interaction with the student housing representative and realized he hadn't received a key to his dorm. His lips curled down into a worried frown as he thought about how to enter his new abode. "Now that you mention it I don't. Maybe the front door will simply be unlocked or perhaps the student housing building could provide me with one?"

Lilie opened her mouth and then closed it. Right, the move meant Salem probably didn’t have a key. “Then let’s go get one!” She cheerfully said.

Tilting his head in thought for a moment, Aaron wondered if Salem’s dorm might indeed be unlocked. Or, accessible anyway. On the first night the keys had been in the mailboxes, would they risk that after dorms were meant to be claimed?

“A groundskeeper let me into my dorm last night after dinner, but they were expecting me,” Aaron commented absently. “Lilie has the right idea, you might as well go visit the housing office and be sure about it.”

"May as well. I was just going to attempt the door or a window, but housing sounds like a much easier way to go about it. Who knows maybe we'll run into Max and can invite him over as well. Need to build that repertoire for treaty law after all."

On their way to pester @Scribe of Thoth

^^ fontmeme "Unearth" font (ABOVEFONT) size 65

Katatada Sui (Kata for short, Sui Katatada among other Far Easterners)
Au Ra
In-game screenshots are okay, fanart is fine. If using anything else, try to make sure it blends in with the FFXIV aestethic (which leans more towards traditional fantasy as opposed to modern fantasy)
This can be brief if you'd like, something that gives a brief idea on what your character is like
The Calamity changed the land and countless people's lives. How did it affect yours? You can be as detailed or brief as you would like, if there are any secrets or hidden pasts please make sure to PM me!

fontmeme morning calm 65

fontmeme Champignon size 65 ^^

^^ 35

pinyon script 35 ^^

pinyon 20 ^^ (WINNER)

brotherhood script 35 ^^

Content to sit quietly and listen as Lilie rattled off her plans, Aaron noticed Salem’s return a second before Lilie did. While he didn’t react as outwardly as Lilie, he still made a painful hissing sound at the sight of Salem’s bloody knuckles, barely containing his wince. Yeesh, maybe this was meant to be more of a punishment than training. If he was being taught by a Noila instructor, then he was either exceptionally stubborn and rebellious, or they’d been told to make this class a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget.

Aaron was just a child when he went through etiquette training, and while he’d definitely gotten his fair share of the switch and even the metal rod from time to time (not to mention a number of other, more creative punishments), he didn’t remember ever being beaten to the point that he needed medical attention. Still, Aaron was no stranger to split knuckles; after all, Lucan hadn’t gone nearly as easy on him as his other instructors had. If experience was any indication, then Salem probably wasn’t feeling a lot of pain at the moment. Tomorrow, though…

Salem’s attempt at keeping good spirits was admirable, and Aaron would have respected it if not for Lilie’s subsequent panic. She was obviously horrified, probably rightfully so from her perspective, and Aaron let her get it out of her system before placing a hand on her forearm and shaking his head, hoping to calm her down.

“That’s probably not necessary,” he told Lilie gently, referring to finding Aine. “Don’t want to develop a dependence on life magic, remember? It’s usually best to let minor injuries heal on their own.” He turned a more critical gaze to Salem’s knuckles, examining them for a moment. If memory served, then he’d probably been ordered not to seek anything beyond the most basic medical attention, but he’d spare Salem some dignity and leave that detail out. “Although, a trip to the infirmary would be wise. You’ll want those cleaned and bandaged up for sure.”

Before he could move the conversation to lighter subjects (as Salem was apparently trying to do), Aaron felt his watch buzz, displaying an unknown number. He frowned at it for a moment as he took out his phone and politely excused himself from the conversation, taking a few steps away from the table. It didn’t make a whole lot of sense to be getting a call, but there was only one person who had his number who didn’t have a contact yet, so it must be… “Hello? Max?”

Aaron needlessly nodded, smirking. “Have a good night,” he replied, before dropping his phone back in his pocket. Maybe Max wasn’t so bad. Hopefully. It would be nice to make something of a friend out of Eris’ mage; if tonight was any indication, he imagined they’d be seeing a lot of each other whether they liked it or not.

He walked back to the table, offering Salem and Lilie an apologetic look. “Sorry about that, Max of all people needed my help,” he explained, not bothering to retake his seat. He looked between the two of them, letting his hand rest casually on his pommel. “Want to head to the infirmary, then?”
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