Avatar of Ojo chan 42


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Anddddd from 27 to 28, it has become a traditon. Damm, 30 is starting to peek around the corner.
1 yr ago
From 26 to 27. I'm gonna make this a tradition, goddammit
2 yrs ago
And went from 25 to 26. Man. I should really update my status more
3 yrs ago
Ahhh that one time a year I cna update my Bio. From 24 to 25. Getting olddd
3 yrs ago
Have a merry x mas. Naughty kids, be sure to send your wishlist to satan ;)
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Well hello there my name is Ojo and I am a 27 year old dutch girl.

My roleplay range is wide, from vampires to military and fairy's to anime. These are some of my favourite though

-Keltic/ scottish.
-Myth and legends

I can enjoy a good 1X1 roleplay, but if there is a good group rp with lots of active players I am good to go as well. Further do I prefer to take the female roles but I can play males as well ( note that they tend to be flirty or charming towards interesting female chars)

Little bit about myself:
- I am a Forester and a lumberjack. Though I currently work as a lawnmower (with the big machines to do that XD)
-I collect and wear kimono. KIMONO LOVE,KIMONO LIVE
- I am a fanatic LARP'r who goes on weekends away from time to time with the samurai,elven or healers LARP crew I am a part of. (Love the healer char. I have a roller pin as weapon and it is amazing how fearful that thing can be)

- Gotta love anime, you can always strike a concersation with me about that.
- I am a cosplayer, and I love to take pictures of them as well as standing model.
- I am a crazy person, run while you have the chance ;)

Most Recent Posts

@Ojo chan 42

Totally his fault XD

The boys a nervous wreck right now XD. next week he will have to convince my dad that he is not a devil( Always scary meeting the dad of you GF in RL)
@Ojo chan 42

Oh did Sasha see the question in vlads eyes?
The "should I expose who I am" question


dammit, I should not Skype with my BF while writing XD

hey, so rick is having a tad of a problem with blood rigth now. It is not like he is going to attack Sasha or anything, that's why he took a step back as well.
its just:

new vamp Rick + fresh blood= nope reaction

Sasha O'Neill&Rick Hoover

Sasah felt her eye's widen and her cheeks take on the colour of red roses as Vladimir pulled a quick one on her. For a moment she wanted to drown in his kiss, not having felt his lips since the morning of her capture. Soon however she remeberd that she was in a room filled with people...... vampire's and werewolfs.

''You.. don't kiss me when there are so many people around us'' Sasha said shy with a pouting face. Her hands cover her burning cheeks and Rick laughed. He ruffed his hand though the hair of his little cousin.

''Still shy?'' Rick teased and Sasha's hand found a pillow thaid laid on the couch. Seeing as it had proven before to her to be a good weapon she took it in the hand and trew it at Rick.
''Stop teasing me and get serious here..auch''Sasha laid her hand on the side of her neck and felt on the bandaeges. they were a bit wet, and her fingers had traces of red on them. Her wound had started to bleed again. Rick inmediatly took a few steps back and held back. He was still young and he found himself having trouble with keeping his composure when fresh blood was flowing.
''I would love to learn how to hunt animal properly. I know how to hunt them with a bow and arrow but thats about it'' Rick spoke slow as he took Nora's hand in his.
''Also, Sasha. This is my wife Nora''

Sasha looked at the woman that stoot infront of her. She was unnatrually beautifull, wich could be explained by her beig a vampire. Carefull of her other wounds Sasha lifted her arm to shake the hand of Nora. As expected it felt ice cold, and Sasha could not help but wonder how old this vampiress was. She was at least able to tell that Nora was quite old and powerfull.
''Hey miss Nora, nice to meet you. I am Sasha O'Neill, his little cousin. I am glad to finnally have another girl in the family. My generation were all boys''

Sasha only then noticed the look thta Vladimir had given her. He was waiting for her awnser.
''Do what you feel is the right thing to do, I will follow your lead Mr packleader'' Sasah said the last part with a bit of a tease.
@Ojo chan 42
Eager to post but good

I have a photoshoot today :D
Photography is so much fun

OEHHH photoshoots, You are photographer ( I think you have mentioned that before.

I stand model from time to time, nothing big though XD

Jean Belair ( Noir Youyou)

Jean squinted his eye's as Mitthias called out his old last name. He had trown it away, together with the past he wished to forget. It was a bloody one, everyday tainted with the blood of those who were guilty of crimes or those who were innocent but dangerous to SOLDIER.
''Good evening to you as well mister Mittias. I would prefer it if you would call me Jean Belair form now of on. Noir Youyou is a name my past life had'' He said annoyed, tilting his head slightly. He figited with his gloves, stretching the leater as if he was using it as a stressball. ''And may I keep that a secret for now, I am not particulary proud on the time before I met miss O'Neill. As for my friend, could you please let him go. We mean no harm, I just wish to know why in heavens name a big name like you is doing, sniffing with his nose through the papers of me and Miss O'Neill''

''This office belongs to both me and miss O'Neill since we work together, and I have already told you to much... now tell me what you are doing here, did soldier send you to kill me? Or are they targeting Sasha?'' Jean knew that at one point Sasha would get in throuble for sticking her nose to deep in buisness that was not hers. Digging up information seemed like a second nature to her. The feelings of love for her were not forgotten, as long as he did not made a move on her it was alright...rigth. To love her form afar, protecting her within the shadows, while she was happy with someonelse in the sunlight... moonlight.
How's everyone?

Alive but bussy. I will write my part after this XD

would like to tell everyone as well that next weekend I am going over to my boyfriend to meet his family, sooooo... I don't think I can RP that weekend T,T

anyway how are you doing?
RL can bw bussy, but it is still more importand than any RP@Wick
Take your time to get better (in the mean time I will try to gain some sleepXD)

Sasha O'Neill&Jean Belair&Rick Hoover

Rick listened to the conversation that took place when something got his attention.
"wait...what. Vampires can also drink animal blood?" He said suprised as he looked at Vladimir. He wished someone had told him that before he akwardly had to bite into some guys neck.
"please tell me that that olis not only a hybrid thing, if it isn't sign me up for that diƫt. I rather drain a bunny than a Bonny"Rick laughed akward as he sceatched his head. Sasha giglged as she saw Rick act like that. She was glad that even though he had turned into a vampire, he was still himself.
"So now that we are all together, do we have some sort of a solid plan we are working on. I mean we are all gatherd here for one thing. To balance the scale by removing the weight we know as Vladimir"
Softly she laid her hand on the shoulder of her Vladimir moved it upwards, letting her fingers touch his black hair.
"and I am not talking about this Vladimir. Though he can come over as rough he has his heart on the right place" with a bit of trouble and a slightly pained face Sasha leaned forwards and kissed his cheek. "Vlad, I do not know rest, but I do know Rick. At least you can trust him"

Jean was shocked to see the vampire who stood opposide of him, holding Grant in check.
"great, of all the vampires in the world we had to stumble upon you" Jean said as he carefully moved closer. He raised his hands, knowing that if he amde a weong move, Grant's head would roll.
"the proud guard dog of SOLDIER, I can only hope you havw not recieved a order to kill me, but luck hasn't been on my side lately" Jean spoke. If Mitthias was send to kill him, Jean knew he would not leave the building unscathed, heck it would be a miracle if he survived it. He had gone rusty over the years.

@dabombjk I can join the collab at the end of the day. I literally just a awoke and the I always read my updates before I go to work
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