Avatar of Overlord Thraka


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current New Schedule for my RP friends. My goal is 1 reply a day, total. Meaning that of my 4 current ongoing RPs, each partner can expect a reply once every 4 days. Maybe more often if I'm inspired.
2 mos ago
I think it's funny how worried I was about catching up on posts. I caught up in a day and am now bored waiting for replies!
2 mos ago
Back stateside. Posts will slowly resume over the course of the next week
2 mos ago
To my RP partners, I will get a reply to everyone I owe one two in the next few days. Then it's radio silence for 2 weeks while I'm on vacation! I'll still be available to chat, just not post
3 mos ago
When you finally catch up on all your RP replies and are just... waiting


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Most Recent Posts

Bumped and updated with new Immortality plot based on The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel!
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Xan listens with interest, but can't really grasp the idea of the tower. She frowns and shakes her head. "I not understand, but methinks that be okay. You do, and you stronger than I, so you be better servant than I be..." as those words leave her mouth her face falls and she hugs herself, shuddering from bad memories of the last time she was a 'servant'

Mergoux groans in her booth and sits up with a killer headache. She's still half-drunk and stares blearily at Beatrix, John and the seemingly old woman
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Xan walks alongside Jillian and Mergoux silently, listening to their conversation. She looks sympathetic towards the news of Jillian having lost her home. "Be hard... losing that..." she sounds sad not only for Jillian, but for herself. She pats Jillian's shoulder gently and nods to her. "Be strong, be good. That be what I do when my home be lost to me."

She listens to the mention of 'The Tower' and 'The White', but doesn't really understand them. "What be these things you speak of? White? Tower? I know the words, but why you serve them?"
Prospero Burns Vulkan! Prospero burns!

@Vulkan 707
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*Xan smiles weakly, walks up to Zeta and gives her a quick hug*
Xan: Not much...
*She gestures to the statue of Horus*
Xan: That be... impressive...
*She looks at Zeta, still obviously a little worried about her*
Xan: You be okay? You run off... worry me.
Because I always forget to tag people, and editing the tag in doesn't work...

In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*Thoth sighs, looks between John and Beatrix and clasps his hands behind his back*
Thoth: I shall leave you be... however should you require my assistance dealing with these creatures, please to not hesitate to contact me. Any mirrored surface will do.
*He blinks away to his home*

*Jilial has fallen into a merciful dreamless sleep*

*Xan heads outside, still looking for Zeta and finally spots her. She waves enthusiastically and runs towards her*
Xan: Zeta! You be back!
@rekaigan Honestly as much as it pains me to say this, I thin this is a write off. GM not seen in over 2 weeks
Our GM abandoned us. We were left with nothing.
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