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I'm kind of a salty pretzel.

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@King Cosmos - Sorry for the super late response! Surprise Thanksgiving things robbed me of all my time and sanity yesterday OTL

Ogawa looks good to put into the character tab!
<Snipped quote by PapiTan>

On the first bit, yes. My main idea was that if it was inconsequential (like doing a bit in more casual moments) I'd just do the gag. If the spell is actually important like in combat, it's all GM fiat since his spells can do practically anything.

On the second bit, you're implying that Lucian has the brain cells to cast more than one spell per post.

Look, maybe his spell will give him a second brain cell once in a while to tell him to try again.

Or it will jiggle a leaf in an eccentric manner and Lucian will spend the next three posts trying to figure out what prophecy has been revealed.
Double posting, but I don't care because I need to actually announce this in the ooc!

As I mentioned in the discord, we are aiming for an opening date of either Friday (11/25/22) or Sunday (11/27/22). The job board should be populated tonight or tomorrow night, but Uchi's stash will not be stocked until after that first round. I'll be working to set up the solbit tracker both here and in the discord as well, so that should be good to go before the first mod prod takes place.

Sorry Erode, you signed up for this hell.
@OwO - I'm absolutely wheezing over here. Waiting for that "It's just a prank bro" that never came hahahaha.

If you're okay with miracle being a sort of blackbox situation when we actually have to use the dice roll system (wherein whoever's in charge of the combat situation will somehow fenagle the effect) and having some sort of cooldown between casts of a spell so nobody loses their mind trying to get like 30 effects, Lucian looks good to go into the character tab!

@Dragonfly 9 - I'm gonna make the bold assumption that TV is an average sized TV and not like, a jumbotron LOL
With that said, Zack should be okay to go into the character tab!
@Dragonfly 9 - Heya, the updates do work out a lot better! I will just be a bit of a nitpicky little child and ask for just a bit more on the magic. Mostly, I would like to know which ones are written/spoken for convenience/reference, since I think only intactilis has that classification. With intactilis and occulo, if you could give me a general upper limit (similar to how one was given for illusio), that would be super for helping me give consistent judgement calls if needed.

✦ Veritas
If a Wisp tries to look like something else(like, for example, a human), Zachary can see right through their disguise with this spell.

I will also give the heads up on this spell that wisps pretty frequently have weird forms and sometimes have forms that can pass as human as a matter of course, and I'm not super sure how often this spell will actually have a use case. If you want to give it a little modification that it lets him identify wisps regardless of form, I can give that a pass, but if you wanna schmix it up with a different spell, that's fine too.

Once you get back to me on those, I think Zack will be good to go into the character tab!

@King Cosmos - As Erode said, a reaper having magic that binds spirits/souls, even if they aren't human ones, would be pretty high on the "serious crimes" list due to the entire purpose of Decibitus being to help departed spirits/souls to the After without issue. While shamanism is a magic that's fine to have as part of his backstory prior to entering Decibitus, it would be hard for me to justify why Ogawa hadn't been put on the chopping block if he continued using it in that form after the fact.

I do think the easiest method to maintain the flavor would be to have them be more akin to summons based on said animals, as it also clears up messier lore clashes like animals typically going directly into the After and not having any way to use magic on their own merit, since they wouldn't be capable of actively speaking/writing Vertan to do so.

With that said, as additional spell slots are something that I do foresee as being obtainable, as a GM I would prefer that summons be a bit more in line with "animals, but better" (e.g. canines that can sniff out ghosts, horses that run especially fast, gorillas that are especially strong, etc.) over "every animal has its own set of magic" so as to avoid situations where every other player's job could be done instead by a single character. Of course, things that are more for flavor like Kitsune being able to speak and the like are fine though!
@Dragonfly 9 I'm also gonna step in real quick and give a heads up that the weapon will have to be either the dagger set or the scythe rather than one that physically turns into the other for setting-related reasons. Twin daggers that have some sort of effect that can mimic the shape of a scythe or a scythe with an effect that can somehow mimic the shape of twin daggers would work, but the physical form of the weapon would have to remain as one or the other.
@PigeonOfAstora - I like the concept! The only spell I have to ask for a significant(ish) change to is actually Drown. The concept is good, but in general, reaper weapons are pretty resistant to outside stimuli, so magic that directly buffs a weapon's individual effect usually won't work. I'd be okay with it borrowing from/being a copy of the effects of the lantern and performing more or less the same function, just without directly involving the weapon effect itself.

And for Recall, I do have to give a heads up that all spells do have some sort of "lifespan" where the magic used to power them runs out even if not dispelled or removed through other means if the spell isn't reapplied. This is definitely just me being nitpicky and obnoxious, and I of course don't expect that you're thinking of some sort of "the construct exists in perpetuity" situation here, but I have to give a proper heads up on that front.

Once Drown gets fixed up, she should be good to go into the character tab!

@Lasrever - Yep, Amelia is good to go into the character tab! Something something weapon ammo will have a somewhat shorter range than an actual gun (i.e. the bullets will eventually disappear if they get too far), but I'm sure you know all that good jazz!

@Abstract Proxy - These are looking much better! I just have to be obnoxious and nitpicky for a wee bit.

For Globus invulnerabilitatis, while I don't mind if a shield is able to defend against both physical and magical aspects, I'd like if, for the spoken version, a shield was more specialized toward one or the other per cast. I don't expect that a little rock tossed by a squirrel would break a magic-oriented shield, of course.

And for Frigore Pyramdem, I would be a bit more comfortable without the "freezing creatures solid" measure, and focusing a little more on the other aspects of movement restriction. Other than that, this seems good!

And for Imprisonment, I'll give the same heads up as I gave to Pigeon that all spells do have a lifespan and will fade if not recast/reapplied once the magic in it wears out. Again, I'm not expecting that you were thinking "and the target is bound in perpetuity", I have to give the heads up so there are no surprises.

Once those get fixed up, Vera should be good to go into the character tab!

@Hero - Chase looks good to go into the character tab!
@Scribe of ThothOh my god, this sweet little child. ; o ;

He looks okay to pop into the character tab! I'll make the statement ahead of time that I'm reading Dies Irae's magma as being more magical in source than "ripped directly from the earth", since I don't want to think of the logistics of getting actual magma to the surface though.
@Yankee If it's okay, could you just give a general upper bound for the area on repkaci and maybe a upper limit for volume for leviaha? Mostly so my goldfish memory doesn't tell you "you can't do that to that scale" on something I give the okay on before. /nervous sweat

Other than that, Lena looks good to go, feel free to pop her into the character tab once the area/volume limit gets an okay!

@dragonmancer Ed should be okay to go into the character tab, though I'll tentatively add the caveat that Erode or I might ask to nudge a spell a bit up or down the scale, but I know we've talked a bit about use cases over DMs already.

What magic is availible?

Heya! I would answer this, but I really don't want to mislead you on availability. At the moment, based on discord/DMs about CSes in the works, the rp has just about hit my comfortable capacity, and I would feel absolutely wretched if someone filled out a CS only to not be able to join up. I'm sorry for the inconvenience! D:
@Abstract Proxy@Snagglepuss89@Dragonfly 9@Yankee@Obscene Symphony@Hero@Scribe of Thoth@PigeonOfAstora@dragonmancer@ERode
Folks, I am late, but the OOC and the discord are up! There might be some fixing here and there, but everything should be in place. I hope I didn't miss anyone

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