Avatar of PerfectThought


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3 mos ago
Current Electricity may go out/stop working for 2 months sometime around Easter. (This sunday)
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6 mos ago
Got a stable place to spend the holidays. Should be around more. Life's hard man, but things are looking up. Stay sane these holidays.
1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… Biblically inspired vampire shadow cabal and Jewish priest vampire hunters?
1 yr ago
sorry y'all. back from homeless.
1 yr ago
The be callin' me Tom Foolery the way I be getting up to no good shenanigans.
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Hunting for the Perfect Thought.
Apologies for my lateness. Life is busy. Sometimes I struggle to write as well as I want.

Most Recent Posts

Despite the repeated efforts of my enemies, I am not dead.

@PerfectThought are there set instructors/ professors?

Very happy to hear you're not dead!

There are nkt yet, but there's been discussion on that very topic. Free to supply one. B)

Count me in. Shame this isn't getting more interest but I love this sort of flavour of RP, and wonder what your take will be on it.

I can't lie I was actually inspired by some of your stuff so I'm more than happy to have you. B)
One last bump before I throw this in the ideas bin.
@PerfectThought thank you thank you! tho if you don't mind can you make another invite for the discord? the last one was invalid hehe

@LostDestiny well I am always down for a good collab whenever xD

@Mistress Dizzy oh wow he looks amazing! very much thanks for this!

Mm of course. Sorry I'm not to technilogically literate haha.
when i see you face reality becomes inconceivable.
is life without you truly living?
of all the men and women to have ever caught my fleeting attention you are the only to grab and and hold onto it tight.
your smile bringing warmth to my life and days.
when i see you i am driven mad by the thought of the interaction being fleeting.
the niggling need to see you again, bask in the beauty and blazing passionate heat of your cosmically unattainable visage.

no other form of art could be me the aesthetic satisfaction that is brought upon me by your perfectly constructed face.
divine inspiration incarnate.
living proof of a higher power.
how could a being so perfect and radiant exist without intelligent construction.
an intelligent construction designed to overwhelm and nullify my emotional defenses.
the divine inspiration that is your face leaves an imprint more permanent than that of a handprint in concrete.
a passion burning so bright future generations shall be serenaded by tales of your stunning, perfect beauty.
the beauty of your face, your body, your smile, your laughter.
the sound of your voice, and the graceful way you hold yourself.

a divine inspiration that has so deeply affected me.
Looks fairly interesting. Are the soace wolves actual space hulk terminators? Or like a squad of scouts, so they're more in line with the other forces. And can we can the whole squad of that faction, or just of the characters in that squad?
@PerfectThought It's alrighty, I'll do my best to catch up. Please do tell me if there's anything I should edit about my character ^u^

Looks good. Like him a lot. Feel free to chuck him with the other characters. B)
My computer is as of yet unwell, suppose it’s time I pulled my old laptop back out and began writing. I’ll have a post up tomorrow.

Ancient laptop gang. In fact my laptop from 2003 keeled over the over day and I genuinely might have to turn to using a typewriter and scanning it in over typing on my fucking phone.
@Starlance@Nyxella@ReusableSword Oh damn didn't realise this still had interest! I'll try to get an OOC up soon. B)
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