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I studied Bio in high school once.

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@SonofJET No worries. Take your time. I made a post for the Innkeeper. He's an NPC so other players do have permission to play him, but if your Character needs any specific information from him, I can certainly provide.

Interactions with @SonOfJet

The Innkeeper arched an eyebrow at the blonde haired man. "I offer the same accommodations to all my customers. And I do believe you did offer me something for them. It's called money... However, if you insist..."

The Innkeeper handed the Blonde haired man a cleaning rag and motioned to the dirtied plates and mugs he was cleaning. "There's a bucket of water on my side of the counter. I'm not hiring, nor able to pay for your help. It is appreciated, however." The innkeeper said. He then went back to cleaning.
@Vertigo I'll be making a post to kick off the morning after within the next week. Let me know when you have your CS done and I'll approve you for joining. You can also Join after or during the chaos of the morning after. Whenever is good for you.
Chres Sansus

Chres trudged up the stairs lost in thought, barely paying any heed to the conversation the others were having. The woman he suspected to be the famed Ice Flower seemed to be taking charge. Made sense. If she was the Ice Flower, then she would have the know-how to lead. So long as it wasn’t Chres.

He heard the words ‘suggestions’ and ‘ideas’ tossed about. “We’ll need to find the seed first,” Chres said half mindedly behind him, “Rumors of missing people might be key. Identify where the seed’s ‘ingredients’ went off to, and we’ll probably find what we are looking for.”

Chres continued up the steps. “If we know where it is, the chaos tomorrow could give us proper cover.” It would also give Chres a better chance to get himself killed, but he didn’t say that part of course.

Chres surrendering to his thoughts as he finished his trek up the steps.



A growing look of concern crossed the Innkeeper’s face. His patrons were slowly making their drunken way out of his Inn for the night. For the most part, all who remained were the group of people who suddenly decided to pay for a room and ask for a bundle of Crystal Jade Candles. Were they all avid readers or something?

The Innkeeper shook his head. He actively cleaned a dirtied mug as he listened to what the man said. Talk of missing people. What was that about chaos tomorrow? What did they mean seed? The world had gone crazy lately.

The Innkeeper vigorously cleaned the mug with his cloth growing more concerned. “Rumors about missing people? You aren’t talking about the rumors of people not returning from Lord O’Kal’s manor, are you? Whatever you all are plotting, I want no part of it.”

The Innkeeper finish cleaning the mug and put it down on the counter. He then moved on to the next one. “Best you leave Lord O’Kal alone.” He said nodding to himself. “Nothing but dark talk about that one these days.”

One by one, people were leaving the Inn. Two of his children had begun cleaning the common room, pushing in chairs, sweeping the floors and wiping down tables. “I’ll be closing up shop for the night. If you need anything. The Miss and I have a room off to the side down that way.” He said pointing to the corner. “I’ll be locking the doors to the inn. One can’t be too cautious these days.”

The Innkeeper said nothing more. He finished cleaning the second mug and moved on to the next. Silently going about his work.


Chres Sansus

Chres opened the door to the room he would be staying the night in. It was the first room on the right after going up the stairs. The room was small, dark and musky with a lone window on the back wall. There was a small cot as well. It looked comfy enough, but Chres didn’t plan on sleeping in it.

The uneven floorboards, hidden behind the bed, was where he would be sleeping tonight. If he were to help with this mission of theirs, then he would at least need to last through the night. That meant a night hidden on the floor and a bed stuffed with his pack and a pillow. He could plot a way to get himself killed while in the middle of the mission.

Chres pulled out one of the Crystal Jade Candles from the bundle the Innkeeper provided him. The room lit up from the eerily, yet soothing, Crystal Jade glow. Closing the door behind him and locking it, Chres began strategically placing the three candles about the room in such a way that it would maximize the coverage of light shining upon the welcoming looking floorboard upon which Chres would sleep.

Once satisfied, he made his way back to the room’s door and began compressing the body heat he stored away in his shirt. Chres felt the warmth of the heat seep out of his shirt, down his arm and into his fist forming an unstable compressed Heat Construct. It was in the shape of a ball and had a dull red glow. Chres carefully stuck the ball of Tempraision where the door met the wall. An effective trap and alarm should any unwelcome guests stop by. It was common Tempraision self-defense trick.

Chres then made his way to the room’s window and did the same thing. The downside to this trick was that each time he did it, it depleted an hour’s worth of stored energy. Fortunately, though, he could recover the lost energy as he slept. Chres, immediately began storing away his body for later use.

Turning to his bed, he then got to work setting up the decoy Chres under the covers of his cot. He noticed his shadow jump towards the light as he worked. The night sky turned a shade of purple. The world lingered in that state for a few seconds before returning to normal. Chres frowned. It lasted longer this time.

Sil sat on Chres’s head in her ferret form, as he worked. She had seemed to have gotten the message that something big and important was happening. Now was not the time for her silliness.

Chres picked up his pack that he carried around with him and opened it. Inside he rummaged through his belongings. He paused as he came across the cord of rope he had started carrying two months ago. Since then, every night before he went to sleep, he stared at the rope for a good moment, imagining how the rope would feel around his neck.

A half smile crossed his face as he imaged the look on Gin’s face were Chres to hang himself this night. Whatever he was, Gin claimed that Chres wouldn’t die tonight. All it would take to prove him wrong would be a simple noose around the neck. Chres stood there staring at it. He was seriously considering following through with the act. Before coming to any decision, he was interrupted by Sil, who had fluttered down, back in her fairy form. Her finger to her mouth. Head tilted to the side.

“You’re not well Chres…” She said at last, a concerned look in her eyes. It wasn’t often that Sil would get like this. Chres had found that she often acted in such a manner during times he was at his worst. Times such as this very moment. The memories had come to him in droves during the last few hours. They hung over him like a dark cloud, smothering him. His heart heavy. His spirit low. Tonight would not be a good night for sleeping.

“Something’s wrong with you, Chres. I can… feel it… I think?” Sil tilted her head to the other side of her body. Her brow furrowed. Deep in thought. She finally frowned, turning her attention to the rope. She fluttered down to it, examining it with interest.

“Is it this rope?” She asked looking back up in Chres’s direction. “I could tell it off for you.” She said smiling, hands clasped behind her back. “I’ll tell it to go away, leave you alone and never come back. It won’t ever bother you again. Promise.” Sil said happily.

Chres smiled weakly at her attempt to cheer him up. “I appreciate it Sil, but I doubt it will help... It’s her again.”

“Her?” Sil ask quizzically as she furrowed her brow doing her best to understand. “You mean your special friend who you said looks like me? Is she here?” Sil asked, fluttering above Chres’s head and examining the room. She frowned upon she realizing no one else was in the room.

“Hmmmmmmm...” He heard her say. “I don’t see her.” She fluttered down to the bed and took a seat. “One day, Chres, I’ll find her for you, wrap her in a bow and hand her over as a gift. I’ll have to draw a mustache on her though.”

Chres smiled. Closing his pack, he took a seat on the bed next to her staring at the Crystal Jade Candle in front of them. “A mustache?” He asked frowning.

“A mustache.” She said nodding, staring ahead at the Crystal Jade Candle as well.

“Why a mustache?”

Sil looked and him and cocked an eyebrow. “Because, silly, you’ll need it to tell us apart.”

Chres shook his head, and couldn’t help but release a small chuckle. Apparently Sil thought ‘his special friend’ looked literally like Sil rather than just resemble Sil.

Sil smiled, happy to hear Chres chuckle. She began kicking her feet. Humming softly. In that moment, Sil reminded Chres very much of her.

“I’m afraid that’s impossible, Sil." Chres said sadly. "She’s gone...”

“I’ll find her.” Sil said nodding. “I’ll find her.”

Chres stared ahead at nothing. He spoke not a word. His heart stuck in his throat. He nodded sadly. The memories washing over him. He had planned to put Sil’s Metal Glass pendent away for the night. It was why he had opened his pack. He had been looking for the bag he placed over the pendent as he went to sleep in a well-lit place. Over the course of their conversation, however, he decided against it.

Chres got up from the bed and finished placing his pack and a pillow under the covers of the cot. He then took his spot on the floor for the night. He relaxed as best he could.

“Watch over me as I sleep tonight, Sil. Aside from the sky changing colors and shadows acting weirdly, wake me if anything goes amiss.” A moment later he added, “Amiss means wrong, Sil. Wake me if anything goes wrong.”

He heard an extended ‘ah’ from Sil. Chres sighed, shaking his head slightly. Looks like he caught that one.

He lay there, staring at the ceiling. Dreading the sleep and nightmares which were sure to follow. Sleep would be light tonight. It always was on a bad day. He sighed again. Closing his eyes, he drifted off into a restless sleep.
Gotcha. I'll play around with some ideas and let you know what I come up with.
@13org Sure, I might be able to RP a grizzly old general. I'll need some cliff notes in regards to how you imagine him to be, along with past history you think would be important to his and your character. Once I have that in hand, I'll just need some time to get into his head, and I'll be set to go. Also, Yay or nay on killing him off somewhere down the line?

Also, by the way, Chres is already up the stairs making his way to his room. He's had a bad day, and even on the best of days he's not much of a social person. More of a sulky, grumpy mess of person even then.

Lastly, Y'lleant's BFF gift won't be making it to the Emperor most likely until after escaping the town.

I'm here! sorry for the delay. College stuff (and a particularly annoying teacher who seems to dislike me... a lot... T_T)

I'll have my post done tomorrow! :-)

No worries Org, take your time. Show that annoying teacher whose boss. That way you can go and say to them, 'What's that Mr/Ms Annoying Teacher? I got an A on my assignment? Ha! Take that!' That will show 'em.
Im still around just super busy thanks for covering my post pez.

No worries Elevation. Oh and that's Pezz with to Z's thank you very much. :P
Whelp... That's one carefully treaded answer there. Well at worst I'll cough this up as a learning experience of where to draw the line in medium such as this. What's done is done unfortunately.

In the meantime I'll continue feeling insecure about that post but I'll keep it to myself. Ha ha ha - that was me nervously laughing fyi.
Sounds good, Chicken. Take your time.

Story-wise, that post made sense to me, with the queen's history and everything. But I feel like this might be the inappropriate medium for where it went so I'm second guessing my decision... Any thoughts?
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