Avatar of Pilatus


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1 mo ago
Legit watching how long that 1v1 interest check stays on the front page. I'll never quit this site.
1 mo ago
Discipline a heretic and he'll be loyal for a moment, put him to the flame and he'll be loyal the rest of his life.
2 mos ago
Sometimes the heresy purges itself.
2 mos ago
It's called trash CAN, not trash CANNOT. You got this 👍
7 mos ago
If this is your first night at Waffle House, you have to fight.


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Thinking about an engineer/tech type character similar to Naomi from the Expanse to keep the mechs in service. Got a few ideas.

I'm kind of interested; I have a fair bit of knowledge of Battletech, although most of it's quite out of date; I used to be interested in the novels back in the early-to-mid 90's, and I've dipped my toes in here and there. Certainly familiar enough with the 3025-era, and with various merc companies.
Though, similar question in a vein to Letter Bee'. While I'm aware that we're playing mercenaries (tbh, one of the best ways to get a rounded experience of the Battletech setting), will we be in a more 'Wolf's Dragoons' or other more honorable mercenary company mold, like most of the ones in the fiction, rather than being a bunch of ragtag scumbags? Because ehh... a lot of games on the forum tend to be more of the latter, and it would be a nice change to see more of the former.

I'm kinda in the same boat. Haven't played the actual game in years.

I really have no preference as far as the pilots being lawful or borderline vigilante. Would be interesting to have a mix of both taking on the merc role for their own reasons. How the group gets along under various scenarios would be the best part of this type of game.
I have been out of the game for a while, but I'll nibble.


Sena instantly rolled her eyes at Tony’s suave attitudes. “Don’t encourage him.’ She said to GiGi, becoming slightly amused with the girl’s boldness. It seemed like she was trying, perhaps a little too hard, to make an impression, which wasn’t necessary. Her mind mulled over a few passing thoughts as a new drink was placed next to her without a word. Whenever she was thinking, she had a habit of gently moving one finger over her lips. A motion that did not go unnoticed by Tony, however a pop-fly ball cracked off the end of the bat provided a distraction for everyone.

The ball was losing momentum quickly as it arced neatly up towards the club seating.

Sitting atop Aaron’s shoulders, Karina felt like it was within reach as gravity slowly took over, though with the considerable amount of alcohol she had consumed, her depth perception was considerably shorter than her grasp. Stretching her arms up, she bit her lower lip and could almost see the threads as it passed by her finger tips amidst the orange evening sky, however the movement was an argument in physics that Aaron’s hefty shoulders could not overcome as she craned herself backwards against his balance. Several shouts went up as it was apparent they were going to topple over.

Levi had tried to refocus his attention on Gwen after Karina’s glaring. It was nice when people weren’t star-struck. Most of the time he just wanted to have regular conversations and she seemed fairly relaxed. He was a strict analytic when it came to music. It wasn’t really art to him. You put your fingers where you wanted and plucked the strings in corresponding time to make the sound you desired. It was that simple. If people wanted a different sound, he timed his hands and fingers differently. “That’s a cool name,” He said casually, hearing the sound of the ball against the bat in the background again. “I like both of those, does the name mean anyth-”

The noise of the crowd grew undeniably louder despite his attempts to block it out as he spoke to Gwen, though what he quickly noticed was that it was the people around him in the club level shouting as he turned to see Karina and Aaron toppling over towards him like a redwood.

Aaron would be fine, but almost involuntarily he stepped underneath Karina and caught her in his arms before she could hit the concrete. Her petite frame thankfully didn’t carry a lot of momentum though he still staggered a bit catching her weight. She glanced up at him, wide-eyed, but smiling brightly. “A perfect catch.” She said looking up at him.

The ball pranged unceremoniously against the top of the metal roof of the tiki bar and began rolling towards Isabella.

Sena shook her head and covered her eyes with one hand with a sigh. It wasn’t the spectacle of them falling over: It was drunken Karina swooning after Levi again.

“And right in the middle of my man trying to talk to another girl.” Tony said, glancing over shoulder. “You okay, Empanadas?” He said watching Aaron get up and brush himself off.

“Ah, si senor.” Several of the girls that they had brought up to the box crowded around fawning over his apparent “injuries”; none hesitated to point and touch. “I think I will be okay.”

“See what I have to put up with?” Sena said, glancing towards GiGi.


Miami Rebellion

There was no doubt that GiGi was going to be in possession of a golden ticket much like there was no doubt about her future employment at the Downtown Diamond. What was less obvious however, was the only slight, very slight fracture in Sena’s normally relaxed countenance of total control over any situation. Karina caught it as GiGi walked up and plucked away a slice of pineapple from her sister’s drink.

“Keep doing that and I might have to start feeding them to you.” Sena said, biting off the next one on the stick with a grin.

“Everyone is dressed so cute tonight.” Karina proclaimed with a feigned sense of defeat and motioning at GiGi. “I feel like such a slob now.” She sighed.

“Ah, no no no!” Aaron said, playing along with the theatrics. It was a game they had. He took Karina’s hand, knelt down and kissed it as she looked away and covered her face dramatically as if they were in the midst of some Greek drama set to the sound of an intercom announcer, crowd noise and the smell of funnel cake and cigarette smoke. “Senorita looks bon appetit!”

“Pick me up.” Karina commanded.

In a flash and nearly with one hand, Aaron had lifted the girl’s petit frame up over his head and placed her on his shoulders. While she felt secure with his firm grasp around her legs, the alcohol caused her head to swim and she swayed a bit before clamping her arms around his neck. She cared little about the spectacle they were creating and less about the game. Her eyes cut over sharply to Levi talking to another girl.

“Mademoiselle..” Tony said, cooly sitting across from Sena and GiGi. He seemed to have a natural flow to every motion he made that exuded style. He crossed one leg over the other broadly and sipped from his drink as the cigar burned in his other hand. “Who is our guest?” He said with a collected smile.

“This is GiGi,” Sena said, glancing up at the blonde then back at Tony. “She works for us now.”

“‘Works?’” Tony replied, eyebrows raising behind his sunglasses.


“We have enough associates.” Tony said, taking a sip from his glass. “How about friends? I’m Tony.” He said looking at GiGi.

Having made his way back to the box and picked up another drink Levi shrugged at Gwen’s comment. “It was alright I guess.” He sounded about as enthusiastic as someone who had just deposited the week’s garbage at the curb for the city to collect. “Normally not my style, but our manager likes a production, so yeah.” He was even more peeved that somehow Danny’s presence had been infectious enough to cause him to dip his shoulder slightly at the crescendo of the anthem. Even if he had wanted to be more production-minded, he wouldn’t have just as a matter of spite. He tipped his glass back for a long drink and caught a glimpse of Karina glaring at him from atop Aaron’s broad shoulders and immediately felt completely unnerved. For no reason he awkwardly adjusted his customarily disheveled tie and looked back at Gwen. “Do you play or something?”



Sena watched as the jets passed over the stadium as soon as Levi finished with the anthem in perfect timing. Luck was just something the boy had from time to time and he had delivered on the anthem as promised, not that she would ever admit to him that it was good. It was much more fun to aggravate him continually. He appeared to even dip his shoulder a little at the end instead of standing like a lightning rod. She smirked a bit, enjoying the drink and watching Karina browsing over the field, who on occasion, had some flirty feelings towards their guitarist, but nothing that ever stuck or went beyond a passing rumination. To Sena, Karina was the likability flavor of the band, like an anchor in an ocean of bubble-gum soda-pop. She could have had any man she wanted even if there was no money and no Miami Rebellion.

The mayor delivered an acceptable first pitch and the whole ensemble was quickly moved off the field so the game could begin.

The players trotted out on the field and Karina looked inquisitively. They had been to a few Corsair’s games and a few back in Miami, though not really ever paid that much attention. She knew there was some kind of pacing to the game depending on who hit the ball first. “Are we on offense or defense?”

“Uhhh…” Sena looked at the field where the Corsairs had taken up positions and the pitcher was warming up with a few throws while the batter tested a few practice swings outside the box. “I think that’s in football?” She said with a shrug. “We always hit second.”

“What do you mean?” Karina said, watching the field. “Like second base? They hit the ball from there too? I’ve never seen that. That doesn’t seem fair, for them.”

“No, ‘Rina.” Sena tried to explain. “The home team always hits the ball after they get three outs… I think.”

“This is confusing.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Well you didn’t know either.”

An unfamiliar voice seemed to be talking to them and it occurred to both of the girls that many more club members and golden-ticket winners had been filing in while they were musing on the finer points of the game and they both looked back at the same time. The relation in their faces was evident, though their color choices were continually a contrast. Karina wore her customary red bow though her outfit was slightly more relaxed than usual. Sena, on the other hand, looked almost militaristic in comparison with her ribbon tucked inside expertly styled black hair. “Whoa, are you like a model or something?” Karina said finally. “That is a really nice outfit for baseball.”

Sena grinned a bit as her sister’s words began to slip somewhat from being loosened by several drinks. However another ruckus ascended the stairway to the top level drawing the attention of everyone on the club level away from the game.


Shirtless, the band bassist, Aaron, announced his arrival with their drummer, Tony, right behind. Both were accompanied by fawners tucked under both arms they had picked up along the way. Covered in a mix of tribal and contemporary tattoos over his naturally bronze skin, Aaron looked something like a cross between a professional wrestler and an Aztec warrior. Tony walked behind him with a cool swagger wearing a brand new Corsairs jersey and hat along with a glimmering chain rope around his neck that sparkled under his wide-sunglasses.

A member of the club staff immediately handed Aaron an entire pitcher that he took in hand with a broad smile. “Grassy-ass senor!” He proclaimed before downing the entire contents in a flash and producing a hearty belch.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaron!” Karina called out playfully crawling up on top of her lounge chair and craning her small frame around Isabella so the larger man could see her.

“Senorita!” He shouted making his way over. A second pitcher was handed off along the way while a cigar and a brown liquor over ice was handed to Tony. They made their way over as the attention of the crowd alternated between the spectacle of their arrival and the crack of the bat against the ball as a beam-like line drive was intercepted by the third baseman producing a howl of approval throughout the stadium.



Before the game…

The Corsair Club lounge was every bit as posh as the brochure claimed. Impeccably cleaned and positioned over the third baseline and under the retracted awning, just so perfectly in the design of the stadium upgrades that the breezes from the ocean seemed to flow right over it in an invisible cascade of harmonious agreement among nature and architectural thermodynamics. It was still hot, humid even, but it came in a way that the club members didn’t seem to mind, almost like it wasn’t even noticeable, natural even. It was hot and humid in the Maldives as well, but it was the Maldives and this was Diamond Stadium. Rumor in Knight Enterprises was that Marcus had paid more than a handsome sum to an obscure, reclusive French architect to design it and consequently squabbled over the final placement. Marcus wanted the guests to be able to experience a foul ball, not forgetting they were attending a baseball game- they could happily take their social conventions to the Island Diamond or the Double-D. The architect found this ludicrous and the compromise tucked the whole affair happily closer to home on the baseline.

The seating carried a motif similar to that of the rooftop Island Diamond, however slightly adjusted in neon light for the team colors. It was imagery Sena had seen a thousand times as she watched the early Corsair-faithful filing into the general admission seating below: Families, couples, kids running freely with sticks of cotton candy and baseball gloves. It was total Americana. The teams warmed up as last minute touches were made to the starkly emerald outfield and painstakingly manicured infield. Ever since Marcus had taken over, all the games carried a certain “party” atmosphere. Sena quietly noticed every-single-song played over the speakers as she watched someone carefully polishing the helicopter still sitting in left field where they landed. Everything from Buffett to WAM echoed over the speakers suiting an upbeat taste for everyone. It was maddening.

“You are gonna have a good time tonight.” Karina’s voice was suddenly right behind her. She handed Sena a colorful frozen drink with an equally over-the-top garnish of pineapples, kiwi, mango and other tropical fruits.


“You’re in a funk,” She continued, plopping down next to her in one of the large lounge cushions. “There needs to be less rebellion and more romance I think.” She said, biting away a pineapple chunk and smirking.

“Is this a serious conversation right now?” Sena cocked an eyebrow.

Karina shrugged. “I’m just sayin’ you’ll feel a lot better if you loosen up some, I know we have an image and all, but you don’t have to let it, like…” She thought for a moment, maybe the conversation was a little too serious for the setting, but since that day at the diner, she had felt like maybe she needed to say something. Aside from that, she had already had a few samplings from the bar. “Like, you know, be the band, don’t let it be you.” She said finally feeling very pleased with how philosophical the words came out.

“Maybe I can do both.” Sena replied, starting into her drink with a shrug. Karina was a naturally pleasant personality and it was impossible not to allow her to force even a tiny smile.

A raucous entry onto the club level brought about a distraction from the conversation, though both Sena and Karina knew the dominant voice of the Sweeper who hurriedly followed Levi as he sauntered up to the bar and downed a pair of shots as if the older man wasn’t even there. “Soup” already had his guitar slung over one shoulder and wore his regular performance attire of black slacks, business loafers with a loose fitting white business shirt with equally disheveled, slender tie.

“Look Levi, just try to be more relaxed out there. It’s the national anthem for God’s sake. Look like you’re feeling it some.”

“I am relaxed. I play better when I stand still.” Levi said plainly. This was a regular debate among them. There was no doubt about talent, it was strictly a matter of presentation. Levi was near stone-like on stage and were it not for a startling ability on the strings, the spectacle would have potentially crested the point of comedy. It drove Danny completely insane. “Do you want better music or do you want theatrics, Danny?”

“Both.” The Sweeper replied instantly with the confident smile that had sealed hotel deals worldwide.

Levi rolled his eyes indignantly and proceeded towards the stairs before a rude jeer stopped him in his tracks.

“He’s gonna choke!”

The sisters cackled wildly at the glare returned to them by their lead guitarist. The club wait staff and other members seemed slightly perplexed by the interaction, but the veterans accustomed to the band’s eccentricities carried on unabated. This was only the beginning. Sena cupped her hands and booed loudly as Levi rolled his eyes and walked away shaking his head.

Game start…

Flashbulbs erupted as Levi stepped out onto the field along with the mayor and a flanking local media crew while the loudspeaker blared the announcement across the stadium to prepare for the national anthem. None of it affected him in the least. He didn’t even smile as his name was called out and people stood and removed their hats while his stoic image was broadcast up over the brand-new jumbotron. He had the look of a man about to perform surgery rather than play an instrument, though to him the seriousness was much the same. The ambient bustle of the crowd was silenced as he charged one hand over the strings of his unusually blue-camouflaged BCR Mockingbird and let loose.


Corsairs' Special Invitation


By random drawing, you have received a special invitation in the mail to the very exclusive Corsair Club courtesy of Knight Enterprises and Knight Hotels for tonight’s game. Always one to court the locals where his construction projects are underway, Marcus has personally authorized a select number of passes that will allow access to the upper level for unlimited food and drink while the game is played. Enjoy lounge seating, Diamond-level service and watch the giant awning retract as you take in a warm summer night of baseball.

Miami Rebellion guitarist, Levi Campbell will be leading off the night with the national anthem along with a flyover from Navy Squadron 31 and first pitch thrown out by the mayor. Rumor has it that the rest of the band will be in attendance though how they mix with the mayoral entourage should make for an interesting evening.



Hello sports fans and Delta Dwellers tonight is an fantastic night for the ball game at Diamond Stadium. Skies are clear and the beers in the concession stand are the only thing cool on the coast tonight.

Delta City does not get better than this. Enjoy!
Official skip notice coming up. Looks like Saturday night!
Lee Stephens
Gwendolyn Dexter Barrett

Gwen looked over the bodybuilder as he took the plastic case, placing a boot on the bench. “Getting a boyfriend is not really on the top of my list.” Taking out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket, lighting up one of the cancer sticks. Taking a few deep puffs and blowing large smoke rings in front of her. “I’m gonna need payment for getting your meds.” Holding out her hand for the Aussie to hand her some cash. She really hoped this guy was not going to stiff her on the bill. If he did then she would have to get her boss involved, and that would not really be a good idea.

“Yea, I didn’t say boyfriend,” Lee replied, digging into his back pocket. His work jeans were well worn and the denim was stretched in the shape of white outline where his wallet resided. He had already banded together one group of bills and unceremoniously dropped the stack in her lap, “I said man.” The fact that she had mentioned being paid for “getting” his supplements seemed to confirm his suspicions that she wasn’t at the highest level of his contact’s pecking order- none of the others ever said anything like that, it was usually just chit-chat, sometimes even questions about diet or exercise, but people were funny. The sports-pharmaceutical business he gave them was essentially low-risk and easy profit, meaning the runners he met were generally more relaxed than this brooding girl.

Gwen took the wad of cash into her hand, quickly putting it into her jean pocket. “Potato, tomato.” She curtly responded making sure that the wad of cash was not going to fall out of her pocket. “Thanks, chief.” She took another drag of her cigarette, blowing what looked like guts of dark wind coming out of her mouth. There was a quite long bit of silence before Gwen spoke up. “You ever thought about wanting kids?” This question would seem out of the blue, but she was curious about what he thought about having children. Personally, she was not interested in raising a loud bratty child. She thought the world was getting too crowded, too many ungrateful people clogging up the streets. Even if she would have a child she would try to be a better parent than her own.

Lee was just about to write-off the conversation and walk away when the girl suddenly piped up again with a complete reversal in what appeared to be her standard demeanor, suddenly wanting to chat about reproduction after quickly dismissing the boyfriend talk. “Yeh, maybe one day, not right now though, got too much goin’ on,” He said with a modest shrug and tucking the case under one arm. It was a question he’d been asked before so the words were almost automatic, however he remembered seeing some children playing as he’d walked into the park and he was starting to piece together that his little drug runner had some daddy issues, or more, perhaps. Backchannel dealing in the pharmaceutical trades didn’t exactly attract the most savory of characters, though she was more presentable than some he’d seen. Nothing a little crude humor couldn’t solve: “Why? Ya thinkin’ about makin’ some babies, yeh?”

Looking up at the man watching him turning back around to responding to her question, “I was thinking about it myself, i might want a kid in the future. But i don’t know if i’ll be a good parent or not. Being a drug deal ain’t really a, “what do you want to be when you grow up kinda job”.Finishing off her cigarette and putting it out on the ground, throwing out the bud into a near by garbage can. A small smile appeared on her face hearing his crude joke, “Maybe, only if that person buys me a nice dinner first.” She looked over towards a mother playing with his son, imagining herself playing her son or daughter. She didn’t think she would be a very good mother. Or perhaps because of her upbringing, she would try to be a better parent then her own. Now she felt she was bothering her client with her philosophizing about having children, and how to raise them. “Sorry, i’ll be goin. Thanks for the cash, hope we can do this again sometime.” Standing up from the bench, sliding her hands deep into her pockets.

In his back pocket was a small notepad with a golfing pencil threaded through the binder which Lee used throughout the day to write down trailer and container numbers, ship names and any other plethora of notes. Before any sort of warning about mixing business and pleasure could flash through his brain, he smoothly produced it as if he were about to run shift change at the port. “How about I give you a call the next time I’m hungry for a nice dinnah?” He said, handing her a blank page with an assertive smirk. “And maybe we can do this again.”

Taking the pencil and piece of paper quickly writing down her house number, “I’d like that.” She said handing him back the paper with her number. Smiling once again before saying goodbye and heading off. Her next destination was going to meet her bandmates to practice for their gig tonight. Walking back towards her car, but not before looking back to peer over at the Aussie Bodybuilder. Giving him one last smile.

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