Avatar of Plank Sinatra


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2 yrs ago
Current deconstructions are fake lol
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3 yrs ago
"return of the mack, you know that i'll be back." in his bed, joe biden lurches awake, wild-eyed. many a year he has watched, waited for the mack's return. hes as ready as he will ever be. he t-poses
3 yrs ago
Today Show 9-11-01 ~ Live on NBC as Tragedy Occurred [s l o w e d + r e v e r b]
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3 yrs ago
40 hours into the mass effect remaster. gameplay is good but not sold on the plot changes. wish garrus would stop saying "reaper? i hardly know her!" laugh track on the normandy is a weird choice too
3 yrs ago
fine, since you asked so nicely officer, i will confess my crimes. since i was seven years old i have refused to match any socks in my sock drawer. i practice sock hookup culture. i am a slut


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last night i was busy and only had time for a little russian meme, as a treat, but unequivocally: aleks is back
I'm down for the rest of my life omfg I miss you all
I wish this had come a week or two later, I would have more time for it. :(

I'm in the heart of exam season right now, so I wish everyone here the best.
I might be interested in this, I have Caster or Lancer ideas I've been meaning to try.

Interacting with: Marcella @Write


"The highlights of this year?" Dallas asked incredulously. His ultramarine eyes were locked upon Marcy's face with barely disguised bemusement, eyebrow cocked at the inanity of the question and at the infinitesimally small contours the demigoddess' teeth were leaving in her bottom lip. "What am I, in a job interview? You going to ask what I can bring to the team next? Fine. I'm pursuing my master's degree in Trojan Warfare from Olympus Academy. I worked at a Starbucks once. Well, I mean, I flipped Adderall, but it was in a Starbucks bathroom. And it was for my master's. Oh, and I'm a dynamic thinker, I work hard, and I play great in a team setting. As long as you don't try and brainwash me."

Dallas' teeth clicked when he smirked, and those vibrant blue eyes rolled up into his head briefly.

"Jesus, Marcy -- ugh, whatever, Apollo, Marcy -- we're fucking fifth years. We've been through this song and dance before. You idiots are the highlight of my year every single go-around. Normally the parties rock, too, but I guess that's out the fuckin' window. So I guess we're just down to you idiots." He reached over with a fork and bopped the daughter of Hades' button nose with the end of his fork. "Especially you, idiot. Fine. Your fucking turn. Gimme the highlight of your year and three references I can contact."

Interacting With: In person: Bekah @Krayzikk, Jonas @HereComesTheSnow, Rhea @Write, Liam @Caasicam
Text: KamiRanger Red @Onarax, KamiRanger Green @Hedgehawk

"Cook again, oniichan," Dana urged, echoing Rebekah's command. "Bulk soon. As Ares is my witness, I shall become a 145er and a modern day Amazon. Then I will slay each and every one of my predecide--prede--"


"I must kick everyone older than us to death." Dana bowed her head in time to see the notification of another text on the screen of her phone, and she excitedly pulled it up. Kaz hadn't responded; instead, it was Ito, another Japanese student on campus that Dana and Kaz had taken under their wings. He would prove to make a fine KamiRanger someday, even if it was taking a while for him to get to know his betters. That was cool. She liked a little bit of impetuousness. Dana was impetuous herself.

Otherwise someone else would be destined to beat all teachers to death instead of her.

Dana Harada
/I am eating breakfast
Onii-chan and girlfriend are here
They shall give me the strength to kill you/
<3 lol. toshikasuuuu how was summer???? did you do Great Justice like we told you?
P.M.P. - Mission Report

@Write @HereComesTheSnow @FlitterFaux

Upon successful descent, the diversion team - Jericho Piper and Evangeline Sparr - successfully led an assault on the front of the Faerie Dust ring's central warehouse. In the meantime, the majority of both Teams JBLS and VIVE entered the warehouse more discreetly from the roof and proceeded to make their way into the complex's main manufacturing superlab.

In the midst of sabotage efforts by the assembled students, a majority of the ring's high-ranked leadership apparatus engaged in a brief firefight with the students, after which many were subdued. Experimental power armor technology fueled by the synthetic Dust was recovered by infiltration team. Synthetic Dust will likely prove a poor power source, but technology has potential. Will investigate further.

Despite exemplary performance and destruction of Faerie Dust production, both teams were penalized for the actions of the diversion team. Damage to warehouse has proven extensive after preliminary findings, and several shipping containers full of exports to Mistral and Atlas were destroyed during controlled landings from distraction team's initial drop. Diplomacy currently underway to assuage any threat of tensions with neighboring kingdoms, though the well-placed nature of both students in their kingdom's respective societies should prove valuable in helping mitigate long-term damage. With this in mind, both teams have been penalized one credit.

Not that any of that mattered to Jericho in the slightest. He, and his three subordinates, were hunched in the circular corner booth of the nearest Waffle King they could find in lieu of returning to Beacon. The Gold Stripe himself sat across from Bianca, legs kicked up so that the soles of his boots balanced on the seat beside her.

He'd made Vivianne scream, after all. A deal was a deal. And as much as he had proven careful about what he ate in his first week at Beacon...

"This is tradition in Atlas," he explained betwween mouthfuls of food, spinning a small, unused tub of butter spray with a finger atop the lid. "They have a Waffle King on Baron Avenue, around the corner from the Bilskirnir Complex. They have a blue plate special from 11:30 to 5 for stoners and Gold Stripes. So you can choose to think of yourselves as being in great company, if you want. Whether you really are or not."
I'll give everything a read and have a CS concept by the end of the weekend!
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