Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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10 mos ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
2 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Nah I will just have him stitch it up and go on to do other stuff, him and Vila have done a lot already

Aye, meanwhile her most on job danger is maybe spilling coffee on herself, or laptop deciding to stop working.
I mean he will share his booze with anyone that helps him out

She may have to save him....
@PrinceAlexusI'm still trying to get a hold of people we haven't heard from ^^'

@InkarnateLove your new theme! :D

No worries, I just wanted to write :)
Of anyone wants to chat to Victoria, she at the coffee pot working in a corner quietly.
Astrid Peterson

The Mayor's Party with Fluffy

Dwarves, Dresses and Dancing

seems someone wants me to say hello Hope.

Astrid waved back and headed over more towards the etrence pulling her coat a little tighter and Fluffy trailing next to her sensing Astrid nerves, acting as a large reassuring presence next to her as a large furry support. Recognising Olivia from buying a few bits as food and gifts though she did not know her too well, more in a passing local way than anything, she probbly should know them better but the whole independent business owner was a real time sink.

Evening, hey Olivia.. Who,s the stranger in town... Not thay I'm a old timer!

I'm Astrid, I run the mine up near town, and she's Fluffy, the rather furry young lady.

Fluffy less trusting than some humans placed herself slightly between Astrid and the newcomer protective instincts kicking in earning a small bit of fuss from Astrid stroking the back of her neck.

She is slightly protective of me, I've had her since a puppy.
Hope you find this place welcoming as I did

Watxhinf thr party seem to still be gathering, the village must have been larger than she had seen, some she knew on site, others where alot more unknown and likely farmers or those who live outside the village. Noticing two chickens pecking about in adorable bow ties. Fluffy had taken badly the forst time she used more than a coller, and probbly be lost in her thick fur anyway.

easy Fluffy... Easy.. It's OK.. I'm here girl.

Watching the two chickens carefully and keeping a eye on Fluffy, slightly unsure how they react, you never could tell with animals, especially in busy social situations. Fluffy was still inexperienced with things and needed a little disapline at times.


Gonna put in a small post and reply seeing as thr captain is busy for now..
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