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Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Alright this Master Plum fellow was quite quirky, but he didn't appear to be any danger for now. The way he rhymes was also entertaining to her actually. By the way he acted, dressed and the fact he was dealing with the piano when she entered the room, he seemed like a man of entertainment, which she liked. She herself wanted to play something, but she wasn't exactly trained to play the piano of all things. She hadn't had the chance to even touch one before so yeah.

Then Plum started to talk to Mauve and Rave wasn't really sure if he was just greeting her in a really confusing rhyming manner or if he was actually flirting with her. The more she listened of the poetry like speech, the more she blushed under the mask. That was pure flirting! What a talker too! How could he say all that with straight face? Actually maybe it was precisely because of his quirky nature he could talk like that? Maybe? Rave's mind was confused, embarrassed and she just wanted to not look or hear at the blatant flirting!

At least Mauve didn't seem to be into directly flirting as well, so Rave took a breath to calm herself and to get her blushing face under control. At least the masks were good for hiding that. Then again it was masks, hiding your face was the whole point of them after all.

With her embarrassment hidden for now, she sighed and wondered what to do. It was clear that Mauve and Plum were going to chat a little so she wanted to wait for them before she continues onward to the next room. Having nothing to do and kill a lil bit of time while that talk was being done, she turned her attention to the piano in the middle of the room. Walking to it she studied it, while her fingers ran gently across it's frame, stopping by the keys. She really wanted to try to play a really simple melody with a few keys too. Still the piano was just an ordinary thing. Nothing about it really as far as she could see.

Kosara Koleva

Location: Silver Mine
Interacting with: @Nallore Abe, @Kirah Heather, @McHaggis Robin,@Morose Jenna & @BlueSky44 Lydia @Damo021 Miranda Burke @FantasyChicFinley Alistair

One pesky demonic bugger out of the way, Kosara returned to Abe with a hug grin on her face. Exorcising a demon was one thing, but stabbing the hell out of it was a whole other deal. Lots more fun to perform and made you feel a lot cooler than simply reciting chants at it until it cannot take the shame anymore and leaves. Granted some exorcisms could go real bad, but yeah. Sometimes she just liked dealing with the enemy in capital decisive manner.

Now though a ghost was leading them forward and Kosara couldn't remove this feeling in her mind that this felt a little bit too ehh for the lack of better word scripted. It was like they were marching to a big display show rather than stopping an evil prince of hell from escaping. She now started wondering if they just weren't too late already? That could be real bad. Highly doubted she would be able to deal with Asmodeus if they already had a foothold in the world. And hte feeling she was getting from the room ahead wasn't helping any. What was even more surprising was that a portal opened moments later and Olivia, Finley, Declan, Harry, Miranda and Halsey appeared from it. Well now hse was sure, Asmodeus was putting on a show, probably a small party to enjoy it's arrival into the world. Old demons tended to be drama queens a lot of the time it seemed." Great... more spare bodies to throw into the meatgrinder..." Kosara mumbled and rolled her eyes. This turns into a fight, now there was no way to protect everyone.

Constantin Kolev

Location: The Bristol Ship
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive), Perception

Constantin could only stare at Vlad who was having one of his Vladish moments. Constantin didn't have any idea of he was being dead serious or just joking right about now. Maybe he was doing both, it wasn't going to be too huge of a surprise and sure enough Vlad stated he was joking. Constantin could only ask in his mind if that was completely the case though. Nothing to be gained by questioning Vlad on his mood. β€œ That one is out cold... he must have had it real bad to be in that condition, indeed.” Constantin nodded when Vlad mentioned Ludwig.

Then the fire walker just a breath, taking in the ocean's salty air while his leader went to speak with the captain. From the sounds of it, the captain himself wasn't quite aware of what exactly was going on with the ship situation.' Great... bloody ships...' Constantin rolled his eyes. It was just great, they barely got on a tub on water and the problems came without pause! They didn't seem to know what their location was.” Further to the north?” Constantin mumbled to himself as he started to look around the horizon line. He couldn't see the shore too... How in the name of god was this possible?

β€œVAIT THERE'S SOMETHING THERE!” He suddenly exclaimed, his voice loud as a proper man from the circus. He pointed at the far north.” Something's far far to the north, there's a bump on the horizon!” He explained, his eyes focused on the thing he spotted.

Amelia Payne

Location:Headland: A4 -> B4
Skills: Athletics, Perception.

The situation improved a tad lil bit when Riley gave her a loving kiss. She had to return in kind of course. That one thing quickly cheered up Amelia, but at the same time, she felt even more so that she didn't want Riley to be part of this task. She couldn't quite object to it still though. She just had to put extra care and effort to keep her love out of the harm's way and if possible all the bad men should be killed before they get the chance to do anything. If it was for Riley, she was ready to kill without second thought. Well at least that's how she felt.

As Tati started moving, Amelia quickly took a breath and started following after the leading woman right now. The surroundings were showing the passage of time without being taken care of. Nothing was really in prime condition, but that was the case for the whole world as far as she was aware really. Thinking about it she had no idea of the situation across the ocean since the whole end of the world as they all knew it happened. She sighed as she studied the surroundings for anything that might be of use. At first she was planning to search for traps, but then she started to look for usable things instead.

She had a little bit of a problem to get over one of the fences, but at the end of the day it wasn't too bad. She didn't get hurt nor did she make any world shattering noise to be found out. Still the best was that she didn't get a wound from this. Any wound from something run down as those fences could lead to a whole lot of trouble, so she was glad she dodged that bullet. Then the even better plus side happened! She found an axe! Amelia tried to grab it, but the handle fell apart in her hands. Luckily the axe head itself looked in rather decent condition. So she decided to take it with her and put it in her bag.

As she caught up to Tati who was waiting for them, she smiled.” I found a decent axe head on the way. Could be useful so I picked it up for later.” She said with a small smile, half taking pride in it. Then listened to Tati when she explained the situation in the house.” Hm... if we do manage to catch them while they are unaware and drinking it could be good. If we could sneak inside...” Amelia nodded, throwing looks around just in case.” I would prefer if they don't get a chance to retaliate... ”

Flynn Jenkins

Location: Stargate Command(Briefing room)

The briefing room of the Stargate Command was a rather ordinary place for a military complex. It had a big table where briefing and debriefings were done and Flynn had taken seat at this table many times. The office of the General George S. Hammond was connected to it as always. The place was already lit up, briefing folders were placed at each seat and the general was waiting on his seat as Flynn arrived first. This was the first time that SG-17 was heading on a mission since the team was reformed after the loss of the team. Flynn was temporary placed as a Team Leader because he was the most experienced soldier from the new team with quite a few missions for the SGC. He entered the briefing room and saluted. The rest of his team should be arriving any time now. He was assigned with 2 nerds and anther soldier so the team was quite balanced. It made for a nice exploratory team." General Hammond." He said with a smile.

"It's alright Captain, you can skip the formalities." The general stated and gestured for him to take a seat." I take it you've already spoken with your team? I know this was a little bit of a sudden gathering, but we've been pressed for action sooner than expected." Hammond stated and Flynn quickly took his seat, opened the briefing folder and gave it a quick read over. He raised an eyebrow in a manner similar to another member of the SGC who wore a jaffa sign on his forehead." We shall wait for the rest of your team to arrive and take their seats first, Captain." Hammond added.

"Of course, General." Flynn stated, running the details he was seeing here. This was about to get interresting and he sure as hell hoped his team was ready for what was about to happen from now on. There was no time for training wheels here it seemed. They were going to be moving on a mission mere days after being assigned as a team together.

The general waited until all the team members had arrived before her started the briefing speech." Alright, I know that this may be a little bit sudden for you all to start working as a team, but I have utmost confidence in the abilities of all four of you. As members of this program you are among the best and brightest humanity has to offer. In the past we've send SG teams with even less time to learn and train as a team, so I'm sure you all will do a perfect job." Hammond stated and gestured for them to open the folders." For this mission SG-17 will be heading to P7Y-496. An mining world under the control of the Goa'uld Baal. The world's supply of naquadah has been depleted for centuries so the world is considered abandoned by goa'uld forces. You can expect minimal resistance if any." Hammond stated with serious voice." As we all know, Baal is responsible for the capture of Colonel Jack O'Neill. The task you're going to have at hand is contact a spy in Baal's forces. A Tok'Ra agent should be there to provide you with supposed crucial for our operations intel. We all know that the incident with Colonel O'Neill happened because of the Tok'Ra and they are aware of it too. This has put a strain on our relationships, but as things stand, the Tok'Ra need us more than we need them, so we can take this as an olive branch or redemption." The general explained and opened his own folder." The Tok'Ra you will be meeting there is named Kahlan. They will approach you when you arrive. To be sure of their identity, you will ask the other party if They've found Egeria. They should reply with 'Her light forever guides our path'. Apparently the Tok'Ra is in good position within Baal's forces so they cannot leave for long without reason, but they've arranged for this visit under the guise of finding new naquadah vein. The news are fake of course, so the window of opporunity is narrow. You leave right away and have exactly till tomorrow to meet up with the contact there. Staying any longer could lead to troubles. If any of Baal's real forces show up, you're to abandon the mission and return right away. We cannot risk exposing this Tok'Ra." Hammond finished his speech and looked at the team." Any questions?"

Priscilla Harker

Location: Second Deck (Dining Area)
Skills: Great observation

β€œWell I've finished my studies really, but I guess you could take it that way.” Mosi nodded a reply to Reddish. Being taken for a student was a weird thing to happen, but it could be worse. Better a student than a good for nothing housewife somewhere. She shuddered just at the thought of that boring lifestyle, white picket fences, adorable dresses and having to slave away for a family with no personal advancement aside raising children.” Well yeah, weird random event stuff happened and here I am too.” She nodded.

With that said she returned to her meal. Which consisted of the steak and some salad with a beer! The steak was good and as a proper American she bloody loved a good steak. Beer was also good, granted beer she picked up mostly during her smithing training, but she really loved a cold beer during a hot day! The salad itself was decent, she wasn't as big of a fan of veggies, but a person needed them well enough and they made for a perfect side dish for the steak.

Having more or less finished that, she called for dessert while Vera started recounting the tale of the branding and stuff that was happening around Cairo. It turned out the story had well started before she arrived with interesting events happening. She found it curious that people seemed to be dying though. That didn't bode well, but then again death itself was impossible to avoid sooner or later, she'd better enjoy life even more!

As the story was finishing, Vera seemed to invite the others to her room. It was fine really, frankly Mosi didn't care about that. She was going to spend some time on the main deck beck before returning to her room for sleep tonight. Listen and watch to the river and stuff. It was a nice place for inspiration and she might get inspired for a quick drawing or sketch. Seemed like the soldier fellow invited Josephine to a walk too. Hmm did her going for a walk of her own count as breaking in on their flirting though? She really wasn't sure about that one.

Anyhow, putting those thoughts to the side, she threw a glance around, but nothing really stood out. It was an ordinary dinner. Everyone was having their supper and nothing out of the ordinary she could see. Yeah she had to get away form here soon. Thus she finished the last of the dessert in a few last big bites.” It's been a great evening for me tonight, but if you excuse me I will take my leave now.” She said and stood up.” I wish you all a great evening.” She added with a smile and started heading for the stairs for the main deck.

Claire Winters

Location: New York City, New York
Interacting With: Partner & Co & Olivia@Nallore

Claire was smiling brightly as she was reading the following text from Olivia and quickly wrote a brief confirmation.' Alrighty. See you in about 2 hours.' Was what she wrote and put the phone away given the fact that traffic was really a chore in the city. She then threw glances at the woman in the back seat of the police car, whom she was more or less escorting actually. She was nice enough young woman and Claire had learned to use opportunities as they presented themselves.

"Ohh about 7 or so years I think." She replied with a smile." It's a decent gig, you get to help people every now and then." She added with a grin. She looked at the rear view mirror to check on the young woman." Though I'm also a writer, truth be told the writing is really what takes care of the bills. The cop thing is mostly for the enjoyment of it." She added another explanation with slightly sultry voice. They didn't really have too much of a time till they arrived even with the hellsing traffic in NY." What about you? You from town?" Claire asked casually. She was going to invite the younger woman for a coffee one of these days before she drops her at the police station! Test the grounds so to speak.

Amelia Payne

Location: Los Angeles, California
Interacting With: Riley@Nalloreand @Jasonhero Fumiko "KuΔ«n" Nakamura

"Mhm." Amelia quietly replied with a nod to Fumiko's question if she bought stuff she liked. Granted she only bought 2 things, but those were enough! Proper coloring markers costed a bloody lot! Like 15 bucks per one, she wasn't going to put that on Riley's bill. She had cheaper ones already back home, what she lacked was a good sketchbook which she now had thanks to her friend. And then there was also the really good pencil she was going to use for sketching form now on! First thing she sketches on this thing was going to be a superhero costume for Riley! Granted she might never get to see the musician into it, but it was nice to imagine... right? Though she wasn't going to show it to her friend... that would be embarassing! She blushed just at the thought of it. Most people considered superhero stuff just for kids and Amelia was already an adult so... She wasn't really sure how Riley would react, would she think it childish or not. Her opinion mattered for Amelia a lot since she was one of her very few friends.

"Thanks!" Amelia replied as Riley unlocked the car so she could drop off her bag. She then quickly hopped off to the car and threw the bag on the back seat before moving back to her two roomies, one of which was a little bit of an enigma to her. Fumiko was a new person to Amelia and it was going to take a little bit of time to properly open up to her.

By the time she dropped the bag, Fumiko had already moved to the clothing store. Amelia slightly rubbed the back of her neck nervous. How long was it since she last went clothign shopping? A bloody while. Her coat was the last thing she bought and it was like last year. Since then she'd order discount clothing online. Turned out cheaper usually." It looks pretty on you..." She had to admit when Fumiko asked for their opinions. The woman was beautiful and Amelia had to agree on that. She also suspected that more or less most clothing would suit the asian woman.
Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Alright this was a nice enough music room from the general feel of it. There was the nice piano which was cool, she hadn't seen one up close before. Considering the amount of people who entered here earlier, she was rather surprised they all already moved on, leaving only the crow keeping man. He spoke weirdly, she was a little confused at first, but after listening to all he had to say, she understood it well. It's not that he was speaking in hard to understand speech or anything, it's just that he was sort of speaking in limericks.' How peculiar.' She thought, having heard it all. He had talent for it though. She probably wouldn't be able to do it on short notice even if she wanted.

β€œAhmmm... okey. Pleasure to meet you sir, I'm Prima Rave.” She introduced herself and made a slight polite bow of her own in reply to the man. He was indeed different from other people in his mannerisms, but that wasn't always bad really and she wasn't feeling anything overly bad about him. He looked polite enough.

She then heard the door opening behind her and turned that way to see who was the one entering. It turned out to be Madam Mauve and after her there turned out to be the Miss Creme. She pulled her attention from those arriving and focused on the room itself. Was the piano all that was here? She wasn't sure that she was able to believe that at this point, having seen the wonders of this place and the horror in the face of a certain dead person. Thus she studied the room.

Eventually her eyes fell on the fireplace. It was different, it took her a little while to realize how though. It wasn't ending at a wall, you could see on the other side! It must be warming two rooms at once and she could vaguely see someone walking on the other side of the flames. She now wondered who was there.

Amelia Payne

Location:Headland: East Main Street E9 -> A4 (Car: Trunk->Outside car)
Skills: N/A.

β€œSorry, Ash. No bow I can see. Got plenty of guns though.” Amelia replied to Ash who had the sudden desire to inquire about having a bow. When they had so many guns why did he need a bow anyways? She couldn't figure out what was going in his mind as they were arriving at the destination... sort of anyways. She thought about the situation and the very fact that it was Tati, Riley and her that were going to be attacking. Considering the baby and Ash, it was obvious that Jack had to stay behind. Ash wasn't in condition to help anyways. What a bad luck to be hit back then, but at least it wasn't fatal!

She looked at the skies as Tati came over to the back of the truck and opened it. Weather was still going bonkers. Anyways she quickly put the handgun she picked for herself and tucked it away in her clothing, before also picking a knife. She was actually missing a knife. She had her baseball bat, but that wasn't usable under all situations and a knife was simply a good thing to have at hand all the time. A useful tool and weapon it was.

Everything prepared and all equipment checked, Amelia quickly joined by Tati, waiting for Riley to also get ready. She really didn't want Riley to join though... It was going to be too dangerous, but at the same time she couldn't insist on Riley not helping since Jack was with his son and Ash was shot. So instead she just threw really concerned glances at Riley.” I'm ready...” Amelia said quietly and also looked at Tati. This new Tati was so different from the one Amelia used to know. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing frankly. Then again she too had changed after Newnan... She just hoped this Tatiana was going to be as trusty as the one back then." The plan sounds good..." She said quietly, having to agree with what Tati told them.
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