Avatar of Ruby


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Thank you, Match Day gods.
4 mos ago
Like...CerealKiller Hackers?
4 mos ago
Thanks, Dad.
4 mos ago
Shit, that's every God damn day.
5 mos ago
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.


Unless you want to offer RP, I don't care, you're better off not sending it my way.

Most Recent Posts

It’s waiting on Mahz. It’s still the only PW slated.

There’s your update.
Okay, so while I have a bit of time during lunch I shall drop names of people who I've come to really admire on RPG/Discord in the short few months I've been on here :)

<eh em>

@Ruby is just pure awesome, and was one of the first people I met on RPG and started chatting with on DC. She is an excellent RPer/writer, and I see her as like "the big sis I never had" and def loving her new RP.

@Ghost Shadow, another awesome d00d, really interesting character ideas, and a great writer to boot! Love RPing with him.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity is like one of those spirit guides in all things, and he's fairly well groomed for a lion which is always a plus. But, he's been a great source of D&D info the few times I've been able to pick his kitty brain on DC :D

@Briza is well...Briza, lol. But srly, she is fun to chat with, her writing style is so eloquent and rich with details, and her characters are equally as interesting.

@HaleyTheRandom, whose posts I love because they really get the community engaged in the topics, whether serious character/RP building stuff or just silliness. She is a fun addition to RPG :)

I know I'm prob missing people, but lunch period is over and I gotta run to class :/

I’m unworthy! And you’re pretty damn awesome too girl!
In New 6 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
I lost my first best friend in life to illness before either of us turned 7.

I miss her.
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