Avatar of rush99999


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5 mos ago
5 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
6 mos ago
6 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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6 mos ago
Men of the Internet! TRIPLE N IS OVER! The month was long and the challenge hard. To those who faltered, I wish you better luck next year. And to those who stayed strong, I say... enjoy your freedom!


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Gear Heart marched ahead of the group as they all began to walk to the picnic. Unlike Jack, the golem looked straight ahead towards their destination. Vigilance was pointless at the moment in Gear Heart's eyes. Nothing was setting off his 6th sense, so there was nothing to worry about...Until there was.

Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick. A fast ticking noise suddenly became audible from within Gear Heart's body as he stopped dead in his tracks. Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick. For those who had been around long enough to learn about the golem's 6th sense, they'd quickly realize that something had just triggered it and that they should expect some form of danger very soon. Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick DING! With a loud ding, the ticking ceased and Gear Heart moved again. The golem briskly walked back over to Veronica and walked at her side along with Jack and the baron, looking every which way in an attempt to locate the danger his 6th sense had picked up.
@Lord Orgasmo

You are wise beyond your years, my lord. Your words fill me with an overwhelming sense of awe.
His thoughts of archery practice or study vanished when Veronica was around, with her was just another boy playing game or talking with a friend.

Skyler X Veronica. I ship it and I ship it hard.
Too late. Here's hoping my awful storytelling doesn't break immersion.

You win this round. But I'll be the 1 getting all that kawai goodness next time!
Gear Heart lowered his hand once the poppy was accepted and looked on as others entered and interacted with Veronica. The golem remained largely motionless for the moment. He usually did so when no action was required.

When Veronica requested a lift, Gear Heart made no attempt to pick her up. His 6th sense picked up far too many ways for that to go wrong every time she made that request, a vast majority of which involved him picking her up. Instead, he simply followed behind Lance and made sure Veronica was safe while she was on the elf's back. Upon reaching the road, Gear Heart stood near Veronica and returned to his more inactive state.
@Lord Orgasmo

Yes, this happened. No, this isn't a dream. Yes, you might be going slightly mad.
Did somebody day bass cannon?

<Snipped quote by rush99999>

"All precautions must be established, even the protectors unknown habits,
for even your flower full of charm, can cause miss Veronica deadly harm.

What the?! Holy shit! The characters are breaking into the OOC thread! SOUND THE ALARM!

Upon seeing the flower Jack also added, "Hopefully that's the celandine poppy good for failing eyes, and not the poppy somniferum a drug in sweet disguise."

Suddenly, a large iron golem crashed through a nearby door. The golem moved over to the painting as quickly as it could while still being mindful of Veronica and caught the painting just as it began to fall. The large golem then proceeded to frisbee toss the painting into the opposite wall with enough force to embed it therein despite its safety measures. The danger averted, Gear Heart Mark 4 turned to Veronica and held out its had. Within moments, a bright red poppy had sprouted and flowered in Gear Heart's hand for the girl to take.

While usually by Veronica's side at all times, Gear Heart was undergoing maintenance that morning and working on him in Veronica's presence presented many potential dangers. However, Gear Heart's 6th sense for danger went off during his maintenance. This caused the golem to cut the finishing touches short and immediately run off to Veronica's current location. The rest, as they say, is history.
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