Avatar of rush99999


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5 mos ago
5 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
5 mos ago
6 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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6 mos ago
Men of the Internet! TRIPLE N IS OVER! The month was long and the challenge hard. To those who faltered, I wish you better luck next year. And to those who stayed strong, I say... enjoy your freedom!


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Quick Question: How is Volstryggr pronounced?

I'm glad you like it.
Anything within reason it is.

So who are we playing as exactly? Are we ordinary citizens? Are we omnipotent gods? Are we anything we want to be so long as it's within reason?
Here's mine.

  • Name: Gear Heart
  • Age: 682
  • Gender: None (Referred to with male pronouns)
  • Race: Iron Golem
  • Appearance: Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick
  • Personality: Golems have very little in the way of personality and Gear Heart is no exception, especially after being deactivated for the better part of 2 centuries. However, there still exists something within him that could be referred to as such. Upon reactivating, Gear Heart now sees Koyuri as his mistress and serves her with complete loyalty. He will obey any command given by Koyuri so long as it doesn't put her in danger. He's also has a tendency to hand out poppies that grow on his body.
  • Skills: Despite being unable to speak, Gear Heart can understand all known written and spoken languages.
  • Abilities: As an iron golem, Gear Heart possesses great strength, is able to withstand incredible amounts of physical damage, and can absorb magical attacks to use that magic to power and repair himself. On top of this, he also has a 6th sense that lets him know where Koyuri is, if she's in danger, and allows him to receive orders from her even if she's out of earshot. Gear Heart also has some control over the plants that grow on his body. And despite his size, Gear Heart can move with surprising speed when necessary.
  • Equipment: A built in music box, some of its gears are exposed by the heart shaped hole in its chest.
  • Brief History: Long ago, when magic and technology were combined for the 1st time, the iron golems would always be the 1st thing to spring to mind when magitech was mentioned. These hulking metal constructs were highly sought after due to their unwavering loyalty and their obvious superiority to their clay predecessors. Gear Heart was 1 such golem. Who he served and what he did for a time after he was created isn't important anymore. What is important is that 2 hundred years ago, Gear Heart wound up in the middle of a large forest in a deactivated state which he remained in for around 200 years, during which iron golems fell out of both use and memory.

    It was this very same forest that Koyuri passed through during her travels. The large trees limited the amount of light that entered the forest, giving it a rather spooky atmosphere and made it somewhat difficult to see. It was then that Koyuri bumped into Gear Heart in his deactivated state. Panicked by this sudden encounter, Koyuri fired upon Gear Heart with a powerful shot from her rifle. The shot leveled the surrounding trees, allowing Koyuri to see Gear Heart. Despite being hit by such a powerful attack, Gear Heart didn't have a scratch on him. Having absorbed the magic from Koyuri's attack, Gear Heart reactivated, designated Koyuri as his mistress, and promptly offered her a poppy. They have been traveling together ever since.
They won't be anything that special. The weaknesses I have in mind are just Skulkers at the Door, but for any animal that isn't a Rat, a Mouse, an Ironback, or a Swift Tail.

Would you be willing to let us make up our own weaknesses if we want to?
Me too.
[To give an understanding of Dog Thinking and Intellect i advise a reading of this literature! justsomething.co/the-35-funniest-text

Which set of speech bubbles is the dog's?

Edit: Never mind, I know now.
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