Avatar of Savo


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4 yrs ago
Current Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.
6 yrs ago
Man, Mahz is still on his really long vacation, huh!
7 yrs ago
Better not leave me hanging like Sayori.
8 yrs ago
This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a 훌 쩍


Got nothing to say here, sooooo yeah.

I'm a bookworm, gamer, and obviously roleplayer since I'm on this site :P

Anyways, those are a few things that I'll say about myself... for now. Maybe I'll update this a little more in the future.


Most Recent Posts

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy, April 7th
Interacting With::
No one, thankfully

Early to bed, early to rise, though she woke up a bit later than anticipated, much to her chagrin as her mind continued to travel back to the first day. It would always be a bit of a waste to her as she grumbled and mumbled, sliding off the side and doing a couple of morning stretches as she absentmindedly glanced around their living space.

Oh, that was right, she had a roommate now. She could wake her up...

... nah, if Akizawa-san wants to fritter her time away sleeping, that wasn't her issue, especially after those responses from yesterday. Following that, Adrianne stretched her hands towards the sky, then low towards her toes, forcing herself to see the bright side of giving the dead-weights a day of respite. I mean, the only thing that really came to mind was that this gave her the opportunity to get familiar with the area outside the school; she even managed to find a gym nearby after some exploring.

Regardless, she knew the expectations here at Ishin, and if she had to guess, she and the slime-girl were extremely late, so Adrianne began to hustle, getting cleaned up, putting on their school uniform, and heading on over to class.

Much to the horned girl's shock, there wasn't a whole lot of people in the hallways, with her only really seeing five ore more students total on her way to class. Adrianne expected there to be more people as she bit her own lip and scowled as a dark cloud formed overhead. Great, this is totally the type of expectation you should already be setting, come on, you're better than this! You don't want to be lumped in with these imbeciles!

Picking up the pace, Adrianne began to shuffle faster as she recalled the class, alongside some of the other irritable students. She sighed. What a great way to start the day. Adrianne could feel the hairs standing up on the back of her neck as she turned down a hallway, and- wait a minute.

Why was Tanegashima-san late? Out of all the people, she would of expected her to be in class already.

Adrianne briefly pondered on if she misjudged her character as she scooted down the hallway even faster, shaving a couple of seconds off some invisible timer. Before even entering, she took some deep breaths and took the time to compose herself, not wanting to look as foolish as she might already being late.

"Alright, make the best of a bad situation Adrianne, walk in there and own them all," she did a small pep-talk with herself, getting herself psyched as well as fortifying her against what the miscreants might comment under their breath. Alright, walk in, proud, solemn, ca-

There was no one here.

Correction. There was no one here besides herself, Tanegashima-san, and Kenzo-san. Even as she strode in, all prim and proper like a dignified hero, the lack of students, let alone a teacher was enough to take the wind right out of her sails. Seriously, what the absolute hell. She had to do a double take as she stared at the empty podium, blinking as her expression darkened even further. There either was some asinine reason for this or their teacher just left due to pension.

Adrianne could only hope it wasn't the latter as she walked down the aisle of seats, eyeing each desk as if there was an actual student sitting there. Whether or not it was a glare of judgement or a look of interest, she remained perpetual sour, choosing to forgo the meaningless small-talk Tanegashima-san in favor of finding her assigned seat.

... which was in the far back. Not exactly what she expected, especially for a student such as herself, but Adrianne expected some sort of bs catch or explanation as she slid into her seat with a frown. Placing an elbow on the desk, she rested her head on her hands as she rapped and tapped the desk gently as a new thought came to mind.

Maybe it's not that I'm late, but that I'm really early.
Here's a chary you might see from time to time who will probably fall under the 'Other Nomads' division for my characters. Here's Jonas' adoptive brother, as well as Violets cousin, Jabin!

Blaike Fremont

Location:: Ferris Woods, ???
Date:: 21st Sun of Ondine
Interactions:: Artemisia, Avaddon, Balder, Edgar, Ianthe, Luna, and Mitra

As soon as he confirmed nothing was going to attempt a back attack, he thrust his arm out towards the Malboro, launching more fire towards each of its eyes the best he could. Regardless, it wasn't hard for him to deduce that this fight was going rather swimmingly, though he did feel a little bad for not consoling the disconcerted priestess, who continued to stand there, petrified.

Where was a Gold Needle when they needed it?

While Blaike was thankful that there was some minor assistance from the enchanting black mage, he felt a bit of light tingling creeping up his back. He had a bad feeling as he kept his focus on the creature, only to watch as crossbow bolts flew at the creatures mouth, causing a decent explosion that blended together with Mitra's.

Following that assault, Blaike noticed a couple of things as his hand began to glow a burning orange for a moment. For starters, those crystals that fractured off the creature caught his attention and gave him a strange sensation of being off and familiarity. He could collect samples for studying in the labs later, but for now he had to focus on the big picture at hand. Speaking of which, he noted that Artemisia had swapped targets, instead aiming her Aero's at the thick tendril that was aiming to snare the rustic lass.

"Hmph, a paltry showing for the beast," he muttered with a smirk as he clasped his hands shut, snuffing out the flame before opening his hands to reveal... apparently nothing to the untrained eye. Guess it was his turn to assist the enchanting mage and the knight as he squinted at the place the former had struck, took aim, and let loose the Aero towards it. Hopefully that would be enough to deepen the tentacles would enough to sever it from Ianthe.

Or weaken it to the point where she could slice it off with no worries. Either or worked.

"Save the venerations for after we've reduced this monster to cinders," he barked out as his hand began to glow a fiery red once more before pausing and glancing over to the panicked priestess. "Luna, how are you holding uh-oh..."

Congratulated the group a bit too soon there Artemisia as the monster belched and expelled noxious gas. Great, it used Bad Breath and the party was all clumped together. He figured it would of been a better idea to move to the side, but the other mage in the party decided it would be a better plan to hold back the gas instead of moving back.

Would of been a decent plan if it wasn't for the wall it created, but regardless, they could work around this. "Considering the intelligence those Minibros displayed from earlier, Abaddon, Ianthe, Mitra, keep your distance; the mother Malboro might attempt to drag you into the gas. However, the gas should dissipate in a minute or so."

Wait a sec', their proctor was knocked out and could easily be pulled into the fumes if they weren't careful. Sighing and shaking his head, Blaike began to form an Aero in his hand, but didn't cast it, instead keeping watch on any tendrils that may slither up and grapple one of them. If he saw one going for one of his companions, he would send his Aero towards it.

Despite this all, he still had that same itching feeling in the back of his head - that some Minibros may attempt to ambush them all from behind. It was the perfect time to do so and weighed a bit on his mind when it came to his next move.
Just to keep things straight and because I was asked to, the sheets for a review.

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy, April 7th
Interacting With::

A lack of expectations, huh? That response felt a bit off to her, nearly causing her to pause in her tracks, but instead she merely stuttered a bit before continuing as if nothing was wrong. Leaning a bit forward, she angled her head slightly away and sighed, raising an eyebrow as she scratched the side of her chin, "Really then... hm."

It was a bit difficult to discern what she sounded like, whether it was the fact that she was disappointed or dissatisfied with the answer as she glanced back over at the slime girl. "That doesn't make any sense," she bluntly followed up as they approached the door to the girls dorms and opened it up, holding it for the slime girl and either following right behind her should she take the offer or entering first if she didn't.

Either way, once they were out of the nippy outdoors, Adrianne would continue to push Nadeshiko, "Out of all academies you could of attended, you selected this one, correct?" She began to speak more forcefully to the girl as they continued walking (or in her case, sliding?) to their dorm, but in her mind she couldn't be blamed.

While this Ishin was second to U.A., it stilled ranked in being one of the top hero schools in the world if she could recall right, at least somewhere in the top ten. She couldn't help but feel disgruntled that her roommate decided to possibly choose to attend this academy on a whim or because it was second best and she couldn't get into U.A.? Huffing, she merely gripped her bag tighter and continued speaking, not bothering to give her an edge in, word-wise.

"Considering the schools reputation and the fact that you chose to attend this place instead of applying for some fourth-rate academy or getting a job in the police force or anything... why would you not have any expectations," her voice was getting a little shaky, if not a bit aggressive. In fact, the tone made it sound more like she was interrogating Nadeshiko for some crime instead of trying to make small talk.

Alright, cool it down Adrianne, you already got a red-flag from the girl and that's all she needed, unless this was some form of cultural thing the Japanese had. No expectations for anything... wait, that didn't make any sense at all, considering the friggin' school she was attending. So what, was the bar set so extremely low that people without expectations could get in now?!

Damnit, deep breaths Adrianne, deep breaths.

Grunting and clearing her throat, she adjusted a nonexistent tie around her neck as they made a turn, "Anyways... what are you planning to do for the rest of the day?"

Blaike Fremont

Location:: Ferris Woods, ???
Date:: 21st Sun of Ondine
Interactions:: Artemisia, Avaddon, Balder, Edgar, Ianthe, Luna, and Mitra


Blaike tightly gripped his blade as his eyes shifted towards the imposing carnivorous vegetable that was slithering towards the group as it devoured everything in its path. For all its flailing with its tendrils, they seemed to strike true at the frontliners, slapping Baldur to the side like a rag doll. The Red Mage merely sighed at how easily the proctor had been knocked over as he dug in his heels and opened his free hand which was swirling with embers, spinning and weaving like tiny sprites.

While he did note that Artemisia going for the teeth was a decent idea, that wouldn't stop the creature from swallowing them whole and making it a slow, painful death due to the specialized digestive juices the creature has. If it seeped into the skin, it would cause a slow bit of muscle atrophy in a certain area all while paralyzing the victim before slowly causing their internal functions to slowly break down if not cured by the proper priest or mage.

Basically, you were digested from the inside out; popular poison of torturers and poisoners if he could recall correctly. Made him shudder briefly as he analyzed the creature. For all the vine whipping, he didn't seem all too worried about the two ladies up front; Mitra would more than likely evade it with little difficulty and it seemed like Ianthe was taking the blows quite well.

Despite this all, some of them seemed to be fairing... poorer than others.

"Luna, you see those cylindrical-looking tendrils with holes in them," he coolly spoke as he thrust his hand out, sending out a ball of fire that quickly split into three smaller bolts as they flew towards those yellow openings.

"Shoot at those! They're where the eyes are located," with that said he began preparing another barrage of fire to assault the creature with, only for his ears to catch some chittering. Despite the cacophony of the creature slamming its tendrils and roaring, he still picked up on the little things. Blaike could swear that there was something getting ready to come from behind, with the bits of shifting coming from the bush not helping as he couldn't tell if that was a result of the ground shaking from the beast slamming or something else.

Either way he would feign ignorance for now as he arched his arm back, readying to burn the Malboro's eyes to a crisp.
Cyril Desrosiers

Cyril merely emitted a sigh of relief as the children dispersed to pursue the Shinx and Poochyena, leaving his own partner around. Now that he thought about it, Aster was carrying what looked to be a regular rock when he dashed into the bush which gave the trainer some pause as to what the Budew was accomplishing. Furthermore he was dashing away from a rather chaotic scene which did catch the young mans attention, at least for a couple of seconds.

He could discern that the stir in the park might of been caused by Aster, based on how the cacophony of deafening squeals suddenly erupted out of nowhere, followed by him running from the scene of the crime. Cyril could feel his face crinkling up as he wrinkled his nose and pouted, turning away for a second as he squinted his eyes and stifled a giggle. "Someone's having fun, ehehe."

Soon the bush rustled again, though Cyril thought it was Aster messing around before he caught to rotund shapes of different colors moving out of the bush, the pink one hustling to bring the red one over. While it was a blink and you miss moment, he got a better look at the red Pokémon to realize that it was Basil's Darumaka, and the pink shape was...

Well, he only really caught its color; most of Cecil's body was obscuring the other Pokémon, so he didn't get a focused glimpse of them, however Aster was still in there and Cyril... well, lets just say he was curious about what his little partner was up to.

Well, was and still is, however a new event was on the forefront of his mind at the moment with a man who had so much bags under his eyes that they could be mistaken for luggage! Heavy luggage mind you. But still, the way the Shuppets swayed behind the man, well, Cyrils reaction to it all told everyone his thoughts on the ghosts, even as he recorded them with his Pokédex.


Yup. Wore his emotions on his sleeves as much as his smile on his face and neither would ever go out of fashion, at least to him! Still, the way they hid made him think of another certain Pokémon. Speaking of which...

"So, where do you think you're goin' Aster~?" His eyes suddenly shifted back to the side to witness his partner frozen on the spot, seemingly sweating bullets for a bit as he slowly turned to face Cyril, "Fweeeee?" It was an awkward reply, strangely unnatural, as if he was hiding something as Cyril peered off in the direction he was heading off in. A tree, huh?

Waaaaait a minute, did he make a friend? "Fwee, fwee!" Yep, Aster definitely made a friend; could definitely tell based on how shy he was acting, especially around him! Cyril crouched down in front of Aster, giving the bud a gentle pat on his side. "Hey, come on, there's no need to be shy! You gotta introduce me to your new friend!"

Aster spun to look at the tree, causing Cyril to look up to barely catch a glimpse of something quickly disappearing behind the tree. Were they a bit shy as well?

Whatever the case was, Aster was somewhat nervous as he began to shiver a little, though that was quickly put to rest with a gentle nudge towards the tree, "Alright, I understand... but you should introduce em' to me later, sound good?"

Following that, Cyril turned to respond to Basil, "Yeah, sure, just uh give me a moment." With that said, he merely gave Aster a toothy smile to encourage the little Pokémon to go forward, "Just don't do anything too risky alright; anything happens, give me a biiiiiig fwee, alright?" Aster could only go between glancing at the location and up at his trainer, swapping between the two before bobbing his own head in delight, "Fwee!"

With that said, Aster darted off behind the trees to meet up with his newfound friend while Cyril lightly jogged over to meet up with Basil, who was going about introducing himself to the Gym Leader. Now then, this guy was the Normal Type Gym Leader for Issen? And this Johannes guy met some chick with an affinity for ghosts? Sounds like these guys have a buncha' fun stuff to talk about!

While he certainly was no mushroom, he was definitely a fun guy to say the least, so he had to get in on this whole situation! "And I'm Cyril and I also received my starter today; also, cute Shuppets by the way," well, he would be a bundle of fun in a sec when they got past the introductions! He wasn't just gonna stomp all over Basil's introductions, no, that would be just rude!
Blaike Fremont

Location:: Ferris Woods, ???
Date:: 21st Sun of Ondine
Interactions:: Artemisia, Avaddon, Balder, Edgar, Ianthe, Luna, and Mitra

Never realized that the definition of scouting ahead equated to negligently running, but that could of fooled him. He could only roll his eyes at the Dragoons remarks, thought he did ponder on if the miasma was clouding her judgement just a teeny bit. Regardless, he didn't forget his suggestion when he pivoted around to witness the lass undergoing what appeared to be a mental breakdown in the forest, which was possibly not the best of times, though Blaikes mind did wander for a bit to the possibility of her being poisoned, well, possibly.

The Red Mages free hand began to glow a soft white light as he reached out towards the priestess, only for the knight to comfort the girl instead. Easing his shoulders, he turned to glance at the ground, analyzing the thick purple mist that was gathering at their feet. Clenching his hand in a fist and dispelling the soft glow, he instead opted to crouch down and dip a finger into the mist. "So that's happening then, huh?"

Standing back up, he raised an eyebrow at the monks new suggestion to have one of them head forward instead of two people, which was just plain idiotic. Going in with two was to ensure both people could watch each others backs while getting a feel for the situation, while flying solo would of gotten anyone else killed in this situation.

But regardless, Blaike was one of the few who shouted out as well when the monk decided to charge foolhardily into the forest in place of just, you know, gathering information about the surroundings? Depending on the thickness of the mist and the way the forest reacted would of given him a better idea of what was to come, you know, observations.

With a sigh, Blaike peered at Edgar as he gave a brief explanation to the uninformed before peering at foliage. Malum Terrae was what they dubbed this phenomenon, or at the very least, it was a blanket term; depending on the environment, the vegetation potentially wasn't just the only thing that could be affected.

Pushing that thought aside, the Red Mage regained his senses as he began assessing the miasma levels, but based on what he could discern, they weren't in the thick of it just yet, however they were close. Giving his sword a light twirl, he watched as the knight obeyed Mitra's command. Yup, same old Mitra alright; hadn't really changed much aside from the unexpected appearance.

"Actually it comes from primarily the harp. If I can recall correctly, the voice of the person itself has no power. When combined with an instrument, in this case the bow, it acts as a medium to empower the voice to give it those magical properties. When combined with the emotions behind the voice, it can empower or debilitate enemies," Blaike spoke up, interjecting to answer the question in the priestess stead as he began to slowly retreat to the back of the group. "Anyways, I'll cover our rear for now in case we're ambushed from behind; not exactly the most elegant spot, but it at least keeps these two ladies out of the melee."

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy, April 7th
Interacting With::

The moment the goo girl shook her head caused Adrianne to tilt her head and raise and eyebrow before lightly shrugging and gesturing for Akizawa-san follow after her. The chill of the school didn't bother her too much, though she was itching to get started with classes as she slowly walked towards the building with a couple of the other girls forming their own groups and such to chat with their roommates.

Adrianne sighed, not really paying any mind to her own roommate as she went about analyzing other students on the campus who were either being led on by another older classmate, or were on their own in pairs either heading to the dorms or frittering their time away by chattering like a bunch of numbskulls. It sickened her to her stomach as she walked through the courtyard before biting her lip and glancing over at the silent slime girl.

As much as she appreciated the silence, it didn't help that the only thing she could pick up off of this girl was that she seemed introverted and kept to herself. Adrianne's sigh broke the lull of their walk as they continued to the dorms as she glanced over at Akizawa-san with a somber look on her face.

"So, uh... well..." Great start Adrianne, stuttering; you might not know what to talk about, but don't mumble like some friggin' pushover! "Akizawa-san, I'm curious about your thoughts about getting a day to adjust to this new setting," Adrianne lacked any sort of harshness in her voice, though she was candid and rigid in her speaking patterns.

"I'm not too much of a fan starting out like this as I expected us to get begin immediately," she huffed, brushing some of her hair away from her face as she glanced curiously at the gooey gals jiggling hair.
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