Avatar of SleepingSilence


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My Very Brief Bio

Male, 31 years old. (So I'm practically dead, as we speak.)

Likes (other than writing and roleplaying): I'm into all genres of music. I love to cook. I love the outdoors, and walking through the park near my house. (Yes, really.) I read a lot of thriller/mystery novels. And I usually watch seasonal anime. (Or cooking shows. Because Western Media provides even fewer things that are worth watching.)

But as for my many other neglected hobbies, I've played basically every sport. (Soccer and Bowling being my favorite of the bunch.) And I'm trying to play more video games. (Going through my never-ending Steam library.) Plus, I've dabbled in making electronic & metal music, and I used to play a number of instruments. (Guitar, French Horn, etc.)

My 1X1 Interest Check: SleepingSilence's Tavern (Want 1x1 RP's? Please come in.)

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Most Recent Posts

@AngelofOctober I have the important things done. Hope you enjoy the character. :3 (I'm still working on the themes and the digimon.)
@AngelofOctober Neat. Well I'm probably going for Patience. I'm working on my Bio and the rest of my CS. But should have it posted by tonight. ^3^
@AngelofOctober Alright, then. If you'll be okay with managing more. I just didn't want to personally force anyone's hand. (Because I know the drawbacks of a larger cast of characters.)

I'll try writing for one of those in mind then, if you're still looking for more.
@AngelofOctober It's perfectly reasonable. Not everyone needs a trophy. :P There's always another RP. ^-^

Hope yours goes well. :P

@Pepperm1nts Jesus those articles are tiny...also some contradict the others. Is it 'threatening to?' Or actually 'cancelling it?'

Because it also seems they've still agreed for peaceful negotiations, but they're trying to push for more parties to be involved. But they had no sources or videos...proving any of this.

I also don't see why people are so happy to see it fail. Oh, because Trump. Carry on. (And yes, Iran did break their deal many times.)

But since conversations end well. And I have to be afk in 10 minutes. I'll leave it brief.
@Brithwyr Well the tricky thing about poverty. Is that the poor will never go away, even if extreme poverty is getting lowered every single year around the world because of the free market system. Now the violence problems aren't all the same in every place. And I only know about where I live. But the problem, isn't guns. Nor poverty. It's gang violence.

But it's actually not the case for other crime statistically either. (To paraphrase from articles.) "During the Great Depression, levels of crime actually dropped. During the 1920s, when life was free and easy, so was crime. During the 1930s, when the entire American economy fell, crime was nearly non-existent. During 1960s, unemployment is under four percent (4%), there’s no inflation, the economy is fizzing and violent crime soars.

In the 60's in Britain, where they had an extreme social safety net, crime rates other than murder are significantly higher than in the United States. Actually, the highest rate of car theft in the world is, Switzerland. Next comes New Zealand. Then Britain, Sweden, Australia, Denmark, Scotland, Italy, Canada and Norway. The U.S. isn't even in the top ten. (Also, 2007–2008 the Great Recession. And what happens? Crime continues to fall. So there is no consistent relationship between general economic conditions and violent crime.)"

So it feels a little cheap, and a little unfair to assume standards of low expectations that 'those poor people' "must" be committing all these violent crimes because poor. I was fairly poor at a time. I never shot up a school or joined a gang. Of course, I'm not saying that you presuming such. I don't want to speak non-generally. But even generally speaking, poverty is not biggest contributing cause of crime. Might be a symptom of it, but most deadly school shooters (for a small instance) come from fatherless homes. That's just another piece of the puzzle.
@mattmanganon Well I appreciated the thought. But it appears this is a dog eat dog world. So despite technically posting first, I may be defeated by a technicality. Just my luck. ;3

@AngelofOctober Well since I just woke up, and it seems my slot has already been taken in my absence? (Though it seems like you'd accept my character. If I changed the line...)

I suppose I'll -also- wish yall the best of luck too. :P
@AngelofOctober That's more than fair. If it doesn't work out, so be it.

If personal assurances would help. @Landaus Five-One has roleplayed with me before. And I just happened to be a roleplay with @Crimson Flame. So I can assure my activity, if nothing else. :P

So I do have character sheets available to look at. (But I wanted to create a new character.) If that will help show what I'm capable of writing. I could link you to a post and my previous character sheets on site.

If not desired, I guess I'll edit it in the morning anyway. ;D

@BeachDude7PH If it's possible to throw up a temporary reservation, it be appreciated. If not. First come, first serve I guess. XD
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