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R E N V A L L P R O T E G O / / S E V E N T E E N

"It's not like I ever had a choice, anyway."

[ ❇ ] O R I G I N

Race: Beorc

Birthplace: The Islandβ€”Kingdom of Rozel

[ ❇ ] I N F O R M A T I O N

Class: Squire (Sword) ⇨ Gallant (Sword)

Squire β€” Young aspirants clung to the fleeting dream of knighthood, they are fierce swordfighters on-and-off horseback, and incur zero penalties to their fighting ability when dismounted. When mounted, they are affected by anti-armor and anti-cavalry weapons. When dismounted, they are affected by anti-armor weapons. A variation between the Sword Knight and Mercenary classes.

Gallant β€” Decorated knights with courage in heart and steel in hand, they are champions to none but the steed they ride, their ascension an echoing fable. When mounted, they are affected by anti-armor and anti-cavalry weapons. When dismounted, they are affected by anti-armor weapons. A variation between the Sword Paladin and Hero classes, lacking the ability to wield axes.

Height: 5'9

Weight: 170lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Morning blue

Complexion: Fair

Body Composition: Lean

[ ❇ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y

Sharp-tongued and quick-witted, Renvall is more an outsider to the grandeur that is the upper echelons of society, cynical and disillusioned with his path and the world around it. The young boy stands against the principles of tradition, loosely abiding the tenets of chivalry through his own core of beliefs as a human being. His choice of reticence, at times, may cause him to distance himself from others, where he would rather muse among his own thoughts. He is known to dislike optimism, preferring to view things from a realistic standpoint rather than cling to hope.

Where he does not pose a problem in socializing, Renvall is prone to speaking without a filter when his beliefs are thrown into the equation, preferring to be the approached when it comes to ordinary conversations. When it comes to women, he feels more open to speaking with them, where his playful side can be heard. That being said, he adheres to the common association in holding immense contempt for the Laguz, viewing them as sub-human savages and tying into his stubborn nature. While the boy may come off as impolite and disrespectful at times, his quiet demeanor speaks more of his deepest emotions; when his name is called, his heart will show.

[ ❇ ] B I O G R A P H Y

Renvall Protego had very faint memories of his earliest childhood moments. His father, only known to him from his mother by the name of Percival, was a Rozelian Islander, bound through an illicit union that led to his parents' mutual separation. Camellia Protego, a knight-in-service to the Island-Kingdom of Rozel, was his mother. He was granted her family name, as opposed to his father's.

Unaware of his elevation in the status quo due to his mother's title, Ren was always looked upon in a peculiar manner, the child's choice of friends being that of the common folk outside of the palace. The court officials often criticized his lack of interest in 'noble manners' and the like, leading his mother to regularly scold the child into 'proper mannerisms'.

There came a time where the court marshals regarded Renvall's disregard for debonair behavior to be dishonorable, leading to his mother's dismissal from her service to Rozel. While Camellia did not blame the eight-year old for his wish of a simpler life, she viewed his refusal to listen as a failure, and would continue to place pressure upon the boy.

Being a known name around the continent of Aralea had its advantages, and Camellia Protego soon found herself sworn into the service of Estala. Even as Ren was thrust back into the life of the upper class in addition to a newfound responsibility as an older brother, he continually mingled with the commoners throughout his years, whether they were his everyday source of mischief or his solace from an inescapable life.

Ren continued his tutelage as a page to the Estalan family, albeit with disdain. One morning, within the company of his mother and half-brother, Walden, in the busy marketplace, a thief attacked Walden to the surprise of the crowd around them. When the thief revealed itself to be a Laguz of the Tiger Tribe and the bystanders refused to arm themselves in retaliation, the twelve-year old drew his mother's sword from her own scabbard instead.

With little expertise in swordsmanship, Ren could only direct the attention of the beast towards himself, the Laguz delivering a scarring wound before retreating. While this moment would spur the Estalan court to grant him a squireship, he felt that this would only set him further down a path that he never chose to walk, and for the years to come, this remained to be true.

[ ❇ ] F A M I L Y

Father: Percival β€” Unknown

Mother: Camellia Protego β€” Alive

Half-Brother (Younger): Walden Protego β€” Alive

[ ❇ ] I N V E N T O R Y

Steel Sword, Vulnerary

[ ❇ ] O T H E R

Goes by "Ren" for short. The name of his horse is Snowball. Growing up among the islands, Ren has a knack for fishing and enjoys being at sea, and dislikes extremely hot weather. He has a notable scar running down the right breast in the form of a tiger's claw.
We have some really old characters; keep in mind that this isn't necessarily a medieval fantasy roleplay; this is Fire Emblem. That being said, we forgot to include an age limitation within the rules, so there's that issue on our hands. For the characters well into their twenties, I would adjust their ages to a range between 14 - 24 years old, and revise character sheets accordingly to those changes. Sorry for the miscommunication.

Ambra also forgot some important details in the class list, but they've been added for the most part. It shows which classes are Armored, which classes are Horseback, and which classes are Flying. Reason this is necessary to know is because there are specific "class-killing" weapons that exist, example being the Zanbato destroying Horseback classes and another being Armorslayers destroying Armored classes.

Some classes fit into multiple categories, but here they are listed:

Armored: Halberdier, Lieutenant, General, Great Knight, Wyvern Lord

Horseback: Ranger, Great Knight, Nomad, Nomadic Trooper, Sword Knight/Paladin, Axe Knight/Paladin, Lance Knight/Paladin, Bow Knight/Paladin, Troubadour, Valkyrie

Flying: Pegasus Knight, Falcon Knight, Wyvern Rider, Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider

With Horseback and Flying classes specifically trained / in-training for combat on their designated mount, they are realistically worse at combat when they are forced off of their mounts for certain events / battles.

It doesn't mean they're only capable when on their mounts, but for example, a Sword Knight/Paladin should never be on par with a Myrmidon/Swordmaster when off of their mount, but rather, must be mounted in order to hold their own. Since the roleplay isn't running stats and whatnot, this will be purely be a mechanic solely relying on the writer of the character, so keep it realistic in that regard.

Whether it was the sweat drawn from the long hours in the burning sun or the chuckles of companionship underneath the moonlight, Reese kept all of those dear moments close to his heart, treasuring each and every experience that their training exposed to the young core. Through those trials and tribulations, the boy had unknowingly began to chip out of the coarse edges to his youth, but as the collective began to gather in full force and a bonfire was growing, he could almost see the light of calmness brush over the eyes of the entire division, even including himself.

Even with their training only six months into its course of three years, those days of bringing food to his friends and eating dinner at the table with Gabriel and Olivia had seemed like such a far off memory. Reese figured that these emotions of the past would only resonate stronger with time, though he still thought that it was silly for him to begin tearing up at those thoughts. It would pain himself tenfold if their wings were clipped before they were given the chance to fly. Most of them may have been training for the battle against the titans, but he was training for the strength to carry the burden of his friends to the next day.

It did bring discomfort to the boy when he thought of those that he was not particularly close to. While Reese was one to consider himself a friend to everyone, he was certain that there would be differing views. To be fair, Gabriel had been similar in those regards; the two had not known one another on that day in Shiganshina, but here they were, recovering from a dangerous operation. There were those whose shell remained closed off from his association, but he hoped that it would change in two years' time.

Wiping his cold-stung face of those few tears, Reese could not help but think of his uncle. Perhaps, it had been this very moment, among the others that would surely come, that his uncle had meant with his words.
"Miss you," the boy clutched his winter coat tightly, nodding in short respects.

Reese spent the next several moments helping the veteran soldiers transfer several things to the outside, rolling a number of logs and setting them around the bonfire for those who wished to seat themselves. With his legs aching from the hike, he carefully sat down against one of the logs, looking around to spot almost all of the others except for Lauren.

"Hey, Mora," Reese had eyed the cauldron of mysterious contents curiously as he had been handed a tankard of said contents, hesitant on taking a sip. Besides that, he was concerned over the others missing out on their gathering, although he could understand their choice of isolation, given that they had been hiking uphill for a number of hours. "You were with the other group, right? Are Lauren and the others resting up?"

Reese nearly fell over and spilled his drink as Olivia settled next to him, a quick gasp of fright halted upon seeing who it was. "I could do without the scares, thank you," he sighed, looking into the fire.

Keeping up to the pace of the squad was not as difficult as it had been six months in the past, and with the camp supposedly not so far off from their path, Reese found zero reason to waver now. After tugging on Olivia's hand and pulling the girl up to her feet, he immediately retreated to the slightly warmer confines of his winter coat, breaking into a short but careful jog to return to the front of the group. Seeing Olivia trudge ahead shortly after faltering behind produced a sigh from the boy, shaking his head. "Watch her fall again."

But to their luck, the blizzard had calmed significantly as their feet carried them through the next few moments, with their destination now in sight. Reese resolved to energizing the group's last push, and as they arrived, the boy was further astonished by the beauty of the land, snow bound to the rolling hills under the midnight sky. "There they are!" he pointed towards the second group as they arrived after them, relieving to see that they were all in one piece.

Reese stumbled into the longer cabin where they were meant to rendezvous with Schulz after the other soldiers' arrival, surprised to find that their two groups had been the first ones to make it to the camp. He let out an exasperated yawn, his body crumbling into the floor of the cabin as the warmth enveloped his frozen figure.

"Finally," his relief was drawn out, rolling to his side before rising to his feet once more. There would be enough time to lay down when it was lights out, and for the time being, Reese would indulge in the extra free time. He nodded in thanks as Lauren handed him the tea, sipping meticulously. He looked between each of his friends before returning outside, just in time to witness the giant called Gabriel resort to his primal instincts.

Reese bit his lower lip, watching as Tanner was the first victim of the giant's ire. Dodging out of Gabriel's line of sight and climbing over the ledge of the cabin's platform, he crept in the shadows while gathering snow within his palm. Not yet.

The time to strike came when the giant was occupied in searching for Olivia and Lauren.
"Die, meatbag!" Reese let out a cry for war, leaping from his position and throwing the snowball towards the side of Gabriel's face.
Reese Kestrel

Mountainous Training Area β€” Thirty kilometers from Wall Rose, Utopia District

@Ambra @LordVoldemort @Aquanthe @FrostedCaramel @SheriffLlama

At the very least, the thought of reaching their destination at the plateau and the future sight of cabins would be more than inviting, his imagination beginning to forage the idea of settling underneath a set of warm blankets. It seemed as if the blizzard storm had only begun to pick up on its intensity, his face a constant target for the winter's howl. Reese held the utmost faith within his friends, and as their torches served zero purpose in such weather, they could only hope in themselves as they trudged up the hillside, hoping that their feet were carrying them on the right path towards their destination.

It was difficult to endure the sheer cold, but with how far and long they had traveled, their only failure was freezing to death.
"I think I prefer slamming into those giant trees than this," Reese spoke in an attempt to lighten himself, raising a gloved hand to remove the snow that had managed to slip under his hood and stuck to his hair. He kept his eyes trained to the ground for the most part, pouring his focus on the motion of the march, though he kept Gabriel's word in mind and occasionally took a glance around them.

It was Emil's voice that prompted Reese to scan their proximity, seeing that it was Olivia who had fallen behind. Shifting his body in the opposite direction almost caused the boy himself to fall forward, struggling to keep his balance with the heavy backpack. Striding behind Connor as the taller boy went to help her, Reese removed an arm from the warmer confines of his winter coat, extending a hand outwards to Olivia.

"Stay positive," Reese said, looking between Olivia and Connor. "We can do this."
I've stopped being lazy and finished updating Reese's character sheet. If you guys wanna check it out, here you go:

Other than that, gonna go post!
Credit to Poi in creating this for us! Thank you so much.

Credit to Poi in creating this for us! Thank you so much.

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