Avatar of Th3King0fChaos


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2 yrs ago
Current I play both sides so that I always lose.
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2 yrs ago
Can your Father still claim you if the Mail Man delivered you?
2 yrs ago
I challenge you to a game of Paradox Billiards Vostroyan Roulette Forth Dimentional Hypercube Chess Strip Poker!!!
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3 yrs ago
So I realized that the highest honor anyone can get is not to get a Nobel Peace prize, nor getting your name taught throughout history. It's being made into an Anime Character with giant boobs.
3 yrs ago
So where do I go after Elysium? I just made it through after beating a Chad-dude and his giant burly friend with horns at a break dancing contest.


About me:
I am an amateur writer at best as I have had a bit of experience writing short novels and stories as a side gig (Don't ask me for help unless you are desperate. I barely know what I'm doing half the time!)

I mostly Rp on medieval fantasy, modern fantasy, and modern slice of life. However, I am always willing to do anything. And I have been roleplaying for about 8 years now.

I have a pretty open schedule right now, other than planning DnDs, and looking for a job. (Still praying that one day I can get payed to play DnD or by playing videogames, but I haven't made a dollar yet).

I am normally a very easy guy to get a hold of. If you use one of the following contact info I should get back to you within 10 minutes, if you use discord just @me and I can respond within a quick time (If I'm at my keyboard that is).

AND PLEASE IF YOU THINK I FORGOT AN RP MESSAGE ME!!!! I CAN GARENTEE THAT I FORGOT AS I WAS PROBABLY PRAYING TO THE GODS OF CHAOS THAT I WOULD BE ABLE TO WIN THE NEXT GAME OF MAGIC I'M GOING TO PLAY!!! (In all seriousness I'm very forgetful and scatter brained, just send me a message and I should be able to pump out that post in no time)

Contact info:
nuk3clearsoldier@gmail.com (I know, don't judge)

Discord is- KingChoas #4030 (Ain't too hard isn't it?)

If you need my phone number: First off, who are you and why? Second off, Please don't spam me or I will find you and shove your phone down your throat and make you puke it up and do it again into a trash compactor and watch you cry. Then buy you a new phone. (Just saying I hate spam, also if you get my number you are the 3rd person to every get my phone number, next to my mom and my sister.)

The partners I am looking for right now is people who are chill and relax as well as just some genuinely nice people to chat to and play with. Any style is fine, just be ready as there are time where it will take some time for advanced posts will take me a few days.

Other than that I like to listen to music and anytime someone asks me to do a thing, 90% of the time I will just do it as I just don't care enough. But I will not sing, my voice is garbage and I am not confident enough to even try to learn now.

Most Recent Posts

The Matthews Twins

In collaboration with: @dragonpiece

Iris had slept through the whole terrorist conflict. She wouldn't call herself a heavy sleeper but the situation ended so quickly it didn't even warrant waking up. In fact, you would even call it inconsequential background noise similar to leaving the television as you fall asleep. However, the words uttered by Avelyn was more than enough to rouse her from her nap. She sat straight up and drowsily asked "Where's my candy?" then whipping her head back and forth in visible confusion.

Samuel was awake, yet acting like he was asleep. He didn't want to get up too quickly and frighten Iris, he just wanted her to sleep nice and soundly. After all, Tarak and the others had the situation under control, sure their help could be useful, yet Samuel just didn't feel like dealing with these washouts. And thankfully he didn't even need to get up as he just cuddled slightly close to Iris, as he just rested there as he waited for there to be a reason for him and Iris to get up. Yet it seemed Iris decided to wake up as she got up quickly and ask where her candy is, all because Avelyn wanted to play a little joke. Which ended up with Samuel falling forward and landing his head on the table and then onto Iris' lap. Feeling slightly dazed as he wasn't prepared for that sudden movement, yet otherwise fine.

A head had fallen into Iris's lap. A bit startled she pulled her hands away from the area and leaned back a bit. She had realized her brother had literally fallen there. Iris bursted out laughing as she just ran her fingers through his hair, finally getting out "What are you doing?" as she pulled him up, setting him back onto his seat.

Samuel feels slightly dizzy as he feels his sister's fingers run through his hair, as he felt better, but also still in pain. As Samuel answered his sister's question with, "Eh…I dunno…just hangin' out". As he felt Iris slowly raise him back into his seat as he looked at her still slightly dizzy as he says, "Thank ye". As he looked over as Tarak was talking to the shop keeps as there were crates upon crates of food, and…candy. Oh lord. Iris is gonna rot her teeth

Iris was still laughing as she watched her brother look off for a bit. She sprung out of her seat and said, "Where be my candy?" As she tried to find her sweets. Some moments later, Iris's candy had been found. It seemed to have been moved, like people had been scurrying about. "Samuel!" Iris yelled at she gleefully skipped over, "Look! I found my candy..." Iris went deathly quiet as she spotted what had caught Samuel's eye. She dropped her measly bag of candy as with almost glimmering eyes she yelled "CANDY!" as she stated to inspect is content. It was full of the works. Nougat, fudge, caramel, gum, chocolate, connections, hard candy, gummies, and licorice of red and black. That wasn't all though. Much to Iris's surprise, there was a ton of candy she had never tried. It wasn't long until she started to reach in there with the sole idea Just one candy... Of each...

"Oh no you don't" Samuel immediately grabbed Iris's hand before she starts taking out more candy. He continued as he said, "You already have enough candy you can't be opening more already". Samuel lightly scolds her as he notices everyone else leaving too. As he starts taking Iris by the hand as he continues, "Come on, they are going to the other shuttle, let's not get left behind!"

Samuel pulled Iris out of the crate but not before she was able to grab one of the random ones and stick it in her mouth. With that, she started to run towards the other shuttle to get slightly away from Samuel. She then pulls out the candy from her mouth and unwraps it to them promptly starts sucking in it. It had a warm feeling like it was spiced with cinnamon or clove. She turned to Samuel with a smile, showing the candy through her cheek. She extends a hand for Samuel to hold as she asks him, "Hey Samuel, what is this place? It seems pretty heavily armored and kind of looks like a bug." She takes a whiff out of the air and says, "It smells like ozone and explosives", looking back at Samuel for confirmation.

Samuel takes hold of Iris's hand as he says, "This place does smell like that yeah". As Samuel continues to look around as he continues, "Oh this must be an armory". As Samuel starts to look around at the weapons as people start talking about getting gear. Samuel looks over to Iris as he says, "You want anything? I don't really need anything".

As they walked in, Iris let her eyes wander from stall to stall, looking for anything that might interest her. She replies to Samuel, "Honestly, I think we are fine, we don't really use equipment. But it would be fun to do some window shopping. Come on!" Iris pulled him slightly forward to have them start walking again. It was truly a fun place to window-shop as much to her surprise, there was plenty of weapons and guns she has never seen before. There was this strange lightheadedness Iris was experiencing. It didn't make her feel much more like she was slightly out of her body. She didn't know what was happening but it was okay she thinks. She leaned closer to Samuel to keep herself safe as there was some nervousness with this development. Iris's eyes were starting to dilate.

Samuel was more than happy to go and start to just walk around and window shop with Iris. Almost like they were back home. They were just walking around and viewing all these strange and interesting tools and weapons. Sure it is slightly weird that they were doing this in an armory shuttle, however, Samuel thought this was more than fun as he was able to just be with his sister in a normal-ish situation. He felt Iris hold onto him closer as he was thinking, This is nice, she even seems to be enjoying this. As they start bouncing from stall to stall as Samuel starts just looking at the weapons and tools, many seem very strange, like many combat droids, many different guns, and even strange ammunitions that may seem a little inhumane, like who would need an exploding, incendiary, poisonous Rau've bullet? Oh wait, he knows who would. At the end of the trip, everyone was starting to leave as Samuel looked toward Iris and noticed she seems slightly off as he asks, "Hey Iris are you alright?"

Iris just glided through the shuttle, just following Samuel. The weapons were arranged in ways that made them look attractive to the eye. Some of the weapons were the same with just different decals. Most of them looked alright, some looked good, a few looked like literally shit. "Hey Samuel, hey Samuel", Iris tugs on Samuel's shirt sleeve and grind at him and says, "look at that fecal decal." She started laughing, being quite proud of her shit joke. But through the jokes and genuine curiosity, she did see something that interested her. A Rau've gear seller was showing off a pair of dark pink fingerless combat gloves. She stared at them the entire time passing by and although she wanted to stop and buy them, she didn't want to spend any money so she just let it go. As they were leaving, Samuel asked her if she was alright. Iris turned to him, put on a slight smile, and responded "Yeah, I'm fine. I saw a really cute pair of combat gloves. They were fingerless and like this really pretty shade of pink. I wanted them but don't worry, I have successfully have controlled my want for cute gloves." Iris said as she then takes a power stance, putting her hands on her hips and standing wide, stocking her chest out. She then relaxed from that pose and said to Samuel, "Other than that, I'm pretty fine, thanks for looking out for me" as she then gives Samuel a big hug. The lightheadedness was still there but she could feel it starting wane on her. Whatever the case, it made the walking around a lot more fun, things just seemed more colorful. She looked towards Samuel and clasped his hand, "Come on, let's catch up to the others" this time waiting for him to start walking instead of pulling him along.

As Samuel listened to Iris he was very happy she was having a good time. She had fun looking at each of the weapon stalls. As each one seemed to have different and interesting weapons she made jokes about. Yet when they left, she talked about a cute pair of gloves that she wanted, yet she held her wants. He was happy she was gaining more self-control, now if she could put that to candy. As this did get Samuel to think, how much money do we have? People left with tons of weapons and gear, Samuel plans to ask later, just now they needed to go and head to the ship with the rest of their group.

=---=Meeting the Crew=---=

Once Samuel and Iris made it to the ship, Samuel was not impressed with the look of the ship. It looked boring and really like a simple freighter ship. A simple ship, and really Samuel held very little expectations of what the group inside will look like. Maybe it's just some outer-rim hicks who want to overthrow the government because of taxes. Samuel was ready to be disappointed, and feel like this was a mistake, yet he was willing to keep going, if it was to get back at his tormentors, he'd go through being with these people.

Iris was busy wondering what kind of jobs she would do on the ship. Maybe she can be the cook! Images of making fabulous meals filled her mind before coming to a halt when she realized she didn't know how to cook. Ok, maybe I can do electrician work. Wait, I'll die of shock before getting something to work. I could work as a gunman... If they have guns. Um, I can, um.. Run the intercoms! She had a sudden ping of anxiety realizing all she really knew how to do was punch stuff. It'll be fine she said to herself as she entered the ship.

Once they came to the ship they met their captain, as she guided them to a meeting room where they found a…Kaisoken? He was standing on 2 legs and looked to have 2 arms as well. Samuel was at first nervous as he held Iris slightly close, yet noticed their captain seemed not alarmed at all as she introduced herself and the Kaisoken, Natasha and Abaddon. Samuel watched on as he saw the others start introducing themselves, as he even saw Tarak was at ease with him, so Samuel knew he could be at ease. Samuel waved to both Natasha and Abaddon as he said "Hello, my name is Samuel. Good to meet you".

Oh my God it's a Kaisoken, with 2 legs and arms!? Is it a Kaisoken? Is it a Tayanen with some crystal armor? It looks kinda cool. As Iris was left speechless at the cool looking rock person, she could feel Samuel pull her closer. She could tell it was probably because of the rock person called Abaddon. And the captain's name is Natasha, cool. As Iris saw the little bit of crew she realized that she was essentially dead weight to the crew... After Samuel introduced himself to Natasha and Abaddon, she took her turn to introduce herself, "Hi! My name is Iris, Samuel is my twin and my best friend, well maybe besides Tarak. I'm good at punching stuff and I don't know what else!" Iris kept a smile on her face even though she was doing on the inside after that embarrassing introduction.

@Starlance@Letter Bee
Hey whatever fits with your schedule, just make sure to inform us when you are able and not able to post and it should be all good.

Also for the whole discord Rp stuff, we can talk about it in the discord chat and see if Bee is okay with setting up a little place to do so for some of the later stuff. I just assume there will be points that will have to be done on the guild, but we can always cross that bridge when we get there.

@Jade Kiyo
Hello! I found this place and I thought I would take a nice rest here, seems homely enough.

Also sorry for the Sad story. I got the prompt and I never tried my hand at a sad story. I hope I didn't go over board with it.
So the Dice roller didn't work for me, so I went and rolled on my own and got this prompt:

Something that makes you cry.

Be careful this talks about some 18+ topics.


Tarak sent his message out and slowly watched the Armory Shuttle. He waited, watched as if ready to kick into gear once the fighting began. Tarak stood tall, as he had his rifle now at his back and his arms crossed, watching for any movement, as he tuned out the bustling and commotions of the people being evacuated to a safe place. His eyes never left the shuttle, as even when Tarak noticed the terrorists leave the shuttle, he never wavered, as he spoke out before some go too riled up, "They aren't trying to board". As many people started to head to exits across the floors, manhole covers, hatches, or even shops that are left unattended. As he waited, waiting for the large rock to leave, as when Tarak noticed even the big shiny bastard even came out he, looked on to where he was going…a battle crawler? Tarak looked on to wonder why a battle crawler was out here as he noticed the Kaisoken enter as another Kaisoken hand reached out to help him in. Tarak had a good feeling the talks went on well. As Tarak silently sighed as he announced, "Alright, problem solved".

Tarak really didn't want to fight, he just got his gear back, and he didn't need to get the damn thing repaired right when he got it back. He looked at his companions and noticed on some of them relief, others seem to be neutral to the matter, and a few seemed to be upset with the result. May it be because they wanted to scratch their fighting itch, or may it be because they thought the outcome was too easy, in all honesty, it was. To Tarak, this felt way too simple, it felt as if something was wrong, or is this really what the Ascendancy had to fear? A bunch of no-name terrorists lead by a deranged talking rock with enough sentience to make complete sentences yet not enough to think for itself? Or was that how good of a talker this Abaddon is? Tarak didn't know, yet all he knew was that it felt weird, yet like a good weird, one that makes your life too easy, one that just helps you along.

Tarak started talking to each of the Shop keeps as they offered them their thanks and their reward. Tarak noticed an absolute load of food here, he was okay with this, it would be a good way to show that they are useful, after all, they brought supplies with them. Yet the real treasure came from the Armory. They were given 15% off of everything in the shop, Tarak knew this was a great discount, after all, 15% of 1 million dollars worth of ammo would leave a dent, yet with that 15% it takes a load off the expenses to upkeep himself. Especially with people buying some high ticket items, and talking about getting Tarak a rocket launcher? "Hmm, I might get it, I'll do some looking around first".

Tarak walked the shuttle, amused by the wide selection held here, yet nothing compared to some of the shadier places he was shown before, hell a place like this is a wet dream for many mercenaries, yet for Tarak? This was the cleanest shop he's ever been to. Something like this would have been out of business in no time in other parts of the universe, hell, he'd be surprised if they could set up shop. But he is here, so he could at least buy what he thinks would be good.

Tarak started bouncing from rack to rack, stall to stall, as he inspected different weapons and items into consideration. As the first stall he went to was the explosives stall as he began thinking to himself as he weighed the pros and cons of carrying a rocket launcher 'A rocket launcher would be useful if we ever needed to take out a vehicle on foot, yet is encumber some and dangerous to carry as it can explode while on me, so I would need to make compartments on the suit to carry the rounds so I don't just explode when they get hit with a stray round, maybe instead going for an anti-material rifle instead'.

Tarak moved over to the high caliber stall and started inspecting the weapons, oh he so wished he could find a disruptor rifle, those babies can tear a starship in half with ease, but fuck those things cost more than a damn starship, but they tore any target apart by their very atoms. So Tarak wasn't bummed to not find one, anyone insane enough to have one would normally meet the ire of any and every government from how truly cruel those damn things are. Tarak inspected the stall and found a beauty hidden amongst the rough, an XR-Ulysses anti-material rifle. Tarak whistled as he picked up the weapon and said, "Aren't you beautiful" as he began inspecting the rifle he stood it up, as it was as the damn thing was taller than him, even in his power armor, as he took up the 30mm rifle round, he was more than elated, this weapon would fit perfectly with his already existing weapon as the under-barrel launcher could fire a 30mm, so he isn't carrying too many extra rounds. He then inspected the scope, a high-tech piece of technology, able to interface with an Omni tool and a HUD with ease, making for a sniper's best friend. Tarak was happy, this would be a good buy for him.

Tarak took the weapon to the counter to purchase the weapon, "…50,000,000…". All that could escape Tarak's mouth was, "Fuck".

After some haggling and some…name-calling, Tarak was able to bring the price down to 25,000,000. And Tarak even left with enough ammo to keep himself topped up for a long time. He just knows that this is gonna be a fun time with Ashton on why he just spent a 4th of the damn money they just got. But Tarak doesn't care all too much, he just likes the gun too damn much.

====Meeting the crew====

Finally, after their 'little' shopping trip, the group finds themselves at their new captain's ship. An innocuous ship, as it looks like a simple freighter, yet Tarak could tell from looking a bit more at it, he can see that this ship has a few aftermarket parts on it, specifically, the thrusters seem especially powerful, as those same thrusters are ones he seen on corvettes during the war. So these aren't just small-time. There are probably some higher-ups in the ascendancy planning a coup d'etat.

They were taken to what looked like a meeting room, as they were introduced to their new crewmates and captain, Natasha Zhang, a woman Tarak heard about a little, a Frontier-Born she rose through the ranks fast as she pushed and worked her ass off from literal dirt to become a captain of her own ship. Truly remarkable, yet was used as bait as, just like the children, they were discarded and used as scapegoats. Tarak listened to Natasha as she introduced one of their other crewmates, Abaddon, Tarak chuckled slightly at calling him a limbed Kaisoken. A terrible name for Abaddon, yet a simple description. As immediately after Tarak heard of Abaddon's strange goal, one that makes him seem dangerous, yet has an air of superiority he shows off, and he feels cunning. Tarak had a read on MO and thought if they were to be crewmates, he should at least make sure to be friendly.

Tarak stepped forward and extended his hand out for a handshake and gave a smile to both Natasha and Abaddon, "Hey'a My name is Tarak, it is great to meet you both. I seem to have been nominated as the de facto leader of this small little group". Tarak noticed as he stood in his armor, he is at eye level with Abaddon, well, what would be eye level. As it felt like he was looking at his eyes, yet he says nothing, it felt slightly uneasy yet Tarak never let it even surface beyond a small thought, as this was a normal habit of Tarak's: be calm, if you know it, they will too.

All Tarak did was keep his big smile, one that was too good looking for the years of pain that it was put through. His smile was too perfect for what should have been a hard life, yet it seemed that God deemed it necessary to keep his smile beautiful.

@dragonpiece@Letter Bee


Once Oscar noticed Nathaniel didn't fire a shot at him, Oscar began to head over to Hailey to see if she was okay, yet the moment he was about to turn, he felt that Nathaniel was slightly off. As he turned really quick to see if it was just his imagination, he was greeted with Nathaniel curled up and seemed to be upset. Oscar looked back and noticed Hailey is more than fine being in the care of henry, so Oscar decided to check on Nathaniel really quick, maybe he hurt himself somewhere and was now feeling it.

Oscar made his way over, hoping for the best as he said, "Hey Nathaniel are you okay?" Oscar inspects Nathaniel taking in his mannerisms to maybe get an understanding of what is going on with him. Oscar takes in what Hailey said as well, that was when Oscar realized Nathaniel might be like this now because he thinks he has been the cause of her flare-ups ever since before class. Oscar felt bad, yet knew that he couldn't help too much, all he could do is hope Nathaniel is actually alright and not too much in his own head about all of this. All the while he takes glances back to Henry, Nikolay, and Hailey hoping she is alright in their care.

@The Man Emperor


Tarak had a small smile on his face as he watched the others talking, not really smiling at what they were talking about, more smiling at how relaxed the twins were, to the point where they felt comfortable to sleep. He even saw Finbar was more than comfortable as he rested on them as well, giving them his coat as a blanket. Giving him the tell tail signs to wake them when they got there, Tarak chuckled slightly as he looked back to everyone else, thinking who else will he be carried to the ship when they get there.

As that train was broken when Tarak heard their little stray speak up, as Ariel spoke and spoke how the Twin's were cute, Tarak agreed as it was cute, but he understood why, so he found it normal more than anything, just always a nice sight. As everyone started to talk of the work that was to be done, he had no care in the work, much of the work would not be one he cared for, for him, making 'enough' was always the goal, many of these kids were aiming higher and higher, yet for him, he wanted enough money to keep going. Well enough is also a very strange idea, as enough can change based on circumstances and what you are doing, yet for Tarak enough was enough to keep his equipment working and himself and those around him fed.

Yet, as they were talking, a notification came on Tarak's omni-tool, then for everyone else. The report showed a group called the 'Restarters', people who wanted the Ascendancy demolished, frankly Tarak never understood why they let the Ascendancy off, yet it just meant he was allowed to go without death, so that was nice. They had taken an Armory shuttle and had taken hostages, most likely explosives are rigged up inside, when they run off with the goods, they will blow it to hell to make a statement, like most terrorists.

Tarak noticed almost immediately where they were and a shuttle was out in front of them, "Ye-p, that's them". Tarak was a little irritated, why are they stealing from this shop? It's a glorified eatery and there are kids in here! Yes, they are human kids who are armed to the literal teeth, yet that is not the point. As a strange Kaisoken appears on the Hologram as it was standing on 2 legs, with a pair of arms and a sword! "What in the actual fuck is that?"

Tarak has never seen something so peculiar as it started to speak, that was normal. As he made a demand of the food shop, give them their money and supplies…why? Tarak asked himself as he really doesn't understand now if this is because they are there, or if literally this Mirrorshard evolved a stomach where his brain is, as to why are you robbing a food shuttle while you are on the run! Well, they seem to be asked to help with the situation, as Tarak heard the Rau've woman asked them for help, and they will be paid for the help, "We can help ma'am, just leave it to us". As he threw her a reassuring smile to her as he shifted his feet and grabbed his helmet.

Tarak started to listen to everyone speak as he thinks through the situation, they can't just bust in ham-fisted, they have hostages, and sneaking in is very difficult. Teleporting will work, but half of the use will be useless, as we'll be in an enclosed space with explosives', a small spark could send us all to kingdom come. And the Kaisoken has a fucking sword, so even if we get close, he isn't any slouch.. As people continued to talk Tarak was waiting for everyone to finish so he can put his idea out there.

"Hey how about this? What about we go and have Abaddon talk to him over comms. He could possibly talk down the situation and bring them into the open where we will have the advantage of not worrying about the damn shuttle exploding. Besides, we have no clue what this Mirrorshard and his pose have. Would be better for us all to not worry about moving and also blowing up if we make a false move."

As Tarak takes in a breath and continues, "Besides, even if that doesn't work I have an idea on still bring him out." As he points to Finbarr as he continues, "Fin you will need to be fast with portals, but I think this can work." As Tarak points his finger, his omni tool activated and started to trace with white light where his finger was, as it stays and creates images, as he set to work to make a fast diagram of what will be happening, "So I will drop from the top of the ceiling in this shuttle, I will go through the portal on the ground and then pop out as I tackle into MirrorShard, you will then make two new portals, one right behind Mirrorshard, and then one from the ceiling on the actual station, as it will bring us out of the shuttle and hurtling towards the ground, as it will create a big distractions"

As Tarak begins to point to the others, "While you guys will be waiting, as when Fin makes the portals come back, he will place one more in the shuttle again as you will step through to quickly clear out the people and explosives.

As he heard people wanting to take stuff, he stated, "We don't need to be herald as heroes, and then immediately chased as criminals. Besides, most of those are id and coded, you ain't selling them anywhere without being caught".

Tarak starts to message Natasha, 'Hey, try having Abaddon talk to the fuck in the other shuttle. I think if this guy is a fanboy, he might come out and disable to explosives to talk to Abaddon. If not, we got a plan, just be prepared that you will probably be coming into a war zone.'

@Landaus Five-One@FalloutJack@Starlance@The Man Emperor@Letter Bee@dragonpiece

The Matthews Twins

In colaberation with: @dragonpiece

Samuel was slightly chuckling as he heard people poking fun at Iris for her very exorbitant eating habits. As he feels Tarak's hand land on his head he felt okay with it as Tarak reached over and started tickling Iris, Samuel laughed more as it was hilarious to watch his sister get bullied a little.

Iris pouted as everyone picked on her for her completely normal love of sweets. "I'm not going to eat them all at once, I promise!" Iris tried to make herself sound convincing but she knows well that everyone here knew of her addiction. She saw the right place to put half of the candy in Samuel's bag. Iris grabbed Samuel's bag, quickly saying "Gimme" then preceded to dump half of the chocolates into the bag. "This is all I eat for the next 4... 2 days!" Iris left it at that, thinking she made a point. She went back to eating her dumplings.

Samuel chuckles as Fin talks to him and then starts to lay onto him. Samuel feels his bag yoinked from him, as he watches Iris pour the candy into his bag as she states her intent to have that candy for 4…nevermind 2 days. She at least owned up to it as Samuel takes his bag back as he then says, "You know that ain't convincing-". He pokes at her as he continues, "You know that you will probably eat it while I'm not looking". As he starts to notice people start bustling.

Iris was in full understandment that she had made a very unconvincing argument. Well, whatever, she still had candy and that's all that matters. Samuel burned Iris by the fact that she'll just steal the candy back, "Hey! I wouldn't eat the candy while you aren't-" Iris bursted out in laughter as Tarak started to tickle her. Iris pleaded "Please Tarak stop! I can't breathe!" as she laughed even harder. She tried to scoot away but she couldn't move Samuel as she lost all her strength to the tickles. By the time Tarak stopped tickling her, Iris was just falling on Samuel.

Samuel looked at Iris as he notices the deft hands of Tarak sneak over and start tickling Iris. He started to laugh as he sees Iris fall down onto him as he wouldn't move for her, after all, Finbar was on his other side, so all she could do is stay and get tickled by Tarak. Once the assault stopped he noticed The others talking seeming to be typing to someone, maybe it was their contact, but either way it was more than fun, as Samuel helped Iris back to her sitting as he continued to eat while watching them. As he noticed Tarak make a small remark towards Iris and pinch her cheek, as people are still talking about her getting fat from eating candy. Yet soon a bunch of screens were pulled up and moved near Tarak as he starts reading. Samuel doesn't know exactly what they are doing, for the fact he wasn't exactly listening, but he assumes it must be important because Tarak looks slightly serious.

Iris rests herself on the table as she tries to catch a breath from that intense tickling. She decided that Samuel leaving her to be tickled was unacceptable. She would get revenge on her twin with a tickle attack of her own. Maybe on the transit to the location or sometime before bed. People were still going at her for her sugar consumption but as long as she exercises a lot then it will be fine, she knows that. In thinking that she realized she doesn't even know if that would be true. Can you exercise that much sugar? Oh God am I going to get fat? Iris zoned out as she thought of how she would look like at varying weights. She came to the conclusion that a little bigger was fine but above 10 pounds heavier would make her sad. Where would it go? Would it be everywhere? My hips? Wait, if I got fat my equipment wouldn't fit! No no no. Going to have to diet! Is there no calorie candy? She was pulling out of that tangent by Tarak pinching her cheek. She usually dodges Tarak pinching but she was worried about her waistline. She to slap his hands away but he pulled away preemptively leading to Iris to spin a bit. She rubbed her cheek to hopefully get rid of the redness. Iris turned away to eat quickly as it was getting colder by the shenanigan. She scarfed it down just in time to see Tarak's expression stiffen up while looking at some monitors.

Samuel looks curiously as he watches Tarak's face scan the monitors as Ashton and Tarak seemed to start working together. As Samuel shrugs as he continues to eat, as he watches others begin to take note, so Samuel decides to lean over, leaning on Iris slightly, as he looks at the monitor as he notices the amounts go up as Tarak's eyes are focused and moving as he talks with Ashton. Samuel had no clue what they were doing, so he'll wait to ask in a bit. He hasn't seen Tarak's face like this unless he is 'working', so he will just wait to see what work he is doing.

Iris orders some of what Samuel is having, mostly for the purple egg. She started to eat this as well when Samuel started to lean on her. She split the egg again popped the half into Samuel's mouth then eating her part. The noodles had a chewy texture and was both rich and unctuous. It filled Iris to capacity as her eyes were getting heavy after all that eating. She looked at Samuel then Tarak, realizing she was in good hands she leaned into Samuel and started to close her eyes "Wake me up when we are leaving." With that she fell asleep, properly sedated by delicious food.

As not too long after Samuel had finished his meal, he found Iris laying on him and passing out. He smiled slightly as he set his hand on her head, as he hears her ask for him to wake her up when they are leaving. Samuel smiles as he rested his head onto Iris', just to rest, yet he falls asleep right with her, not noticing his fall into sleep, and subsequently leaves the others to wake them up.

@Landaus Five-One@Starlance@The Man Emperor@FalloutJack
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