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4 yrs ago
Current Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.
4 yrs ago
The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one's own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you, when you find that you can not support yourself.
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5 yrs ago
One cannot live from anything except what one is.
5 yrs ago
The slave to virtue finds the way as little as the slave to vices.
5 yrs ago
The core of an individual is the mystery of life, which dies when it is 'grasped'. That is also why symbols want to keep their secrets.


The Harbinger of Ferocity

Agent of the Wild, Aspect of the Ferine
Nature, red in tooth and claw.

"There is, indeed, no single quality of the cat that man could not emulate to his advantage."
- Carl Van Vechten

I am, at my core, a personification and manifestation of those things whose blood and hearts run red with the ferocity of the animal world. It is this which convicts and controls my works, my writing, my being; the force and guidance in which I gain wisdom from. It is what inspires me as a creator and weaver of words, the very thing I admire as an author.

My leanings, savage as they are, are of the feline sort as there exists no greater lineage of beasts whom can be drawn from. No others captivate and motivate my talent and skill as the greatest of cats do.

Most Recent Posts

Seeing that the idea has progressed to the point some of our characters knew Davison before his disappearance and have motives personal to those who were hired to seek him out, that should settle the issue as much as it can. I imagine it is one of those scenarios where he vanishes from life in every sense, with his corporation the first to note his disappearance given he has vanished from his work. Of course that spurs them to launch their own, possibly second, investigation while some others closer to him are curious where he eloped to, and those outside them are now a tad bit paranoid where their source went off to. I agree that can be worked with.

As far as the start date I would say whenever we really have no more major questions and once we do get some sort of template together, @Terminal. That in mind as a next order of business, what sort of template are we all interested in? I believe the only portion that really needs any blatant detail would be any cyberware or enhancements the individual has and a general description of just what those do.
The paladin will oppose the Strength (Athletics) check with a 16, @Hekazu. A decent roll, but we shall see in due time if that is equal to success.
@Terminal, @Sierra

I am afraid no matter what your opinion might be I will not concede I am equally suspicious of anyone at a base level and some more than others, particularly in the matter of assuming people will begin to intentionally, knowingly, and deliberately jump one another in power. If by all means you are willing to place so much faith in people then please do so, although I will certainly abstain from that; I have been burned all too many times by trusting prospects that they will not go to the fullest lengths to create "the best" character in every capacity and category. This is not my first attempt at throwing myself in with anything freeform and trust based, be it on the Roleplayer Guild or otherwise.

Continued, I am entirely against allowing players to elope with what amounts to absolute power at a fundamental level; some sort of mechanism needs be in place. This is why I prefer weeding them out by adhering to a sense of level applied to most everyone from the start and setting an ambiguous yet clear intent of tone. If that is insufficient count me out of this project because the last thing I wish to do is waste my time writing another character. Specifically I mean yet another game where it is going to be instantly outdone due to natural power creep or powergaming at large all because a select few players will feel the need to play mastermind or their version of a chosen one. I cannot see in any capacity any joy or pleasure to be derived for myself from that.

No less speaking to a design level of this endeavor, I disagree just anyone should be able to wedge whatever they want into the universe without large agreement. I admit I am not going to sit down and read a three page essay about "Corporation X" and why they are suddenly relevant than players already being, in some minor sense, associated by proxy. If we intend the system to mostly be freeform and eschewing template, sanctioned elements by a storyteller, that so too means it needs to be vetted and efficiently.

I'll add nothing beyond that to this conversation, but this far consider me turned off to the idea if we are suddenly changing major things which had been generally agreed upon before as the idea and direction. Granted some were not in the Discord for it, though I am not backing down from my stance or what I was looking to do when I tossed my lot in here originally.
The beast of a man snarled as he had come too far in this endeavor to let mere scale-worshiping underlings stand in his way or the way of his unlikely allies. It was after this thought found itself seized, this need to act, that his hand freed the greatsword from its scabbard; the brutal, serrated teeth of its more ornate upper half clicking and clinking hungrily against the metal. With the other hand free, he spread his palm wide and soon laid it upon the necklace that hung around his neck, which began to shift from side to side faster as his pace built from hustle to run. A metallic taste filling his mouth, the unnatural animal hunger within him beckoning and leading the charge.

A pale, moonlit corona soon followed with him, shrouding the man in defensive abjuration as his primal faith grew stronger into a physical force. All of it was born of the thrill of the hunt, the impending kill which compelled him, and spurred him to swing with terrible force. The halfling woman, realizing it or not, had inspired a portion of this wrath and helped add conviction to the sword's blow that fell upon the man barking orders. This culmination resulted in what was perhaps one of the most terrible swings of the weapon the outlander had ever given and surely it would rend flesh and armor alike upon the elven runeblade. Though as he pivoted, turning to carry through with the momentum, a trail of glinting, dull green spirit fire followed; a sanctified strike, magic through the body into the sword itself, one that made it no mere mundane attack any more.

Brannor hadn't the faintest of just how deadly a blow he had well struck through otherworldly power, instead, in sheath of moonlight armor and chainmail, he wheeled to face the next closest foe with cloak turning to follow. Not that he could think of it either in this moment of adrenaline and battle, but if the first man was not dead outright, the cultist would be so reeling that they might opt to get well out of the danger that was proximity to the Champion of Greenest. However, there was not a fiber of mercy in the man at this point. The burning argent fire of the Pale Lady told him to kill the enemies of the light and now? Now was his chance.

@Hekazu@Gordian Nought@Ryonara@Lucius Cypher@Norschtalen
I personally am for smacking down power creep where it raises its head. Of course we are investing tremendous trust in one another already, but even trusted persons can and do prove unreliable. I believe the main issue with it is, is that when one starts to do it, many others like to follow suit. While this is only natural, you see it in most free form styled roleplays where each successive character in any sort of combat or potential player conflict game exists, it is not in our collective best interest. This is why I am saying we should utterly eschew that and leave it squarely in the realm of non-player character territory, mainly because it takes the power from one set of hands and lays all members' on it.

A player might have a collective set of non-player characters they assume and associate with for their play style, but that being their character to the point they benefit from the usual graces? It reduces that level. Call me skeptical, as my experience has taught me to trust no one in any semblance even close to that of actual trust, so dividing and eliminating potential issue is for the best. I simply do not think under any circumstances players should be anything close to mid tier importance on average and perhaps one, maybe two, edge that way.
I would say so long as it is clear there is no one master corporation, there should not be too much issue from players introducing themes relating to them. There are surely some megacorporations of course, ones that are the real titans, but a gambit of everything vying for those upper tendrils of power and niche roles should be fine. Generally the only thing I would urge us all to stay far away from is power creep of any sort, say any of our characters being more, if involved in a corporation of course alike anything else, being mid-level at best. Not an executive, but a supervisor or manager; a boss, but not one the bosses. Likewise, a gang enforcer but not the criminal leader, a police sergeant or detective, but not the captain, so on and so forth.
I find the proposal of one giant, stretching, ongoing city to have my vote since it covers the areas I find most of interest. So I am all for @Hekazu's Night City, namely since the idea of separate nations and states in cyberpunk have always been mostly irrelevant. That and it offers the most diverse environment in quality and content.

The third element I largely see as just a component of it. Of course there are "good" people and there can be, but most of who the players are going to be dealing with, keeping with the cyberpunk theme, are morally questionable. Everyone sort of is to some extent, even philosophically. Being augmented and covered in chrome might be beautiful, even to the point of obsession, or sickening. Just as doing the "right thing" might not be the good thing in all cases. That gives it that sort of hazy cling about an already uncertain future I think. There is nothing definitive there, just saying that most everyone, players likely as well aren't much of "good" people. People trying to get by in a predatory environment, however? That is likely.

As for the doings of the lieutenant and the consequences, I see it as a sort of issue where everyone will have their hand in the jar and no one is going to get what they want. The gangs obviously want their cyberware and they want it now, meaning helping or hurting him to get it, all at the same time the actual police are trying to investigate it while the corporate overlords are doing the same thing trying to keep the other three, plus any outer parties, far away. For the group of players themselves it becomes a question of, "What's the best thing to do?" and I am fond of that.


The world of a consumerist future as with cyberpunk generally tend to be highly globalized in the major cities, as those you listed, and anyone outside of them are left in the wayside and dust; sometimes in the literal sense. Many of those locations in the stories of this genre tend to be nuclear wastelands or otherwise totally irrelevant. Governments are corrupt and defunct, mostly owned in every sense, even transparent enough for people to be jaded to it, by megacorporations who have their hands in everything. Imagine buying gas, food, and water from only one company. While being completely dominated there, there is a plethora of competing and massive heads of technology; cyberware of various sorts and models is plentiful and expensive, with every corporation out to steal the other's secrets or run them out of business. Buying them out is considered a kind way to cease to exist.

For myself I always liked the idea of tiered approaches and zones, say no-go zones which are basically the slums where only the armed and armored police go and are ruled by gangs and low-level criminals, then of course the major, ultra dense, overly saturated metropolis locations where skyscrapers cram the heart of a city. My personal preference for this is California, Los Angeles or San Francisco because of the sprawl and say, a massive buildup over it, surrounded by huge concrete barriers and walls.

As for dystopia, yes, expect plenty of low resolution cameras but few belonging to the government. The sort of assumption that if you are on corporate territory things are alarmed or watched to some extent but nothing like London today. More dysfunctional and cynical than that. Say, where getting mugged or stabbed is common place as a real threat still if you go down the wrong isle between buildings and a camera might be watching, but the corporate security shrug and "get around to it" when they can.

My general feeling is that technology varies wildly and people with money flaunt it. Headvisors to replace eyes, internal cellphones and credit devices, artificial livers and kidneys, implants for memory or knowledge circuitry, robotic hands that could be replaced and removed with false flesh ones, chrome, matte black, etc, while the poorest of people haven't even a phone at all. I really suspect a full gambit given the tone
That can be dealt with, it certainly is a livable issue fortunately in this edition over others where that might be more difficult to contend with. No need to feel too obligated there, Theater of Mind should do well enough even if combat spills over. This should not be too organized and orchestrated a fight if it comes to blows, but there are no assurances of that!
Thank you for putting this forward as we go on our endeavor, @Hekazu. I would like to think that the last option regarding the lieutenant offers the most opportunity, particularly if when we all at times maneuver him about here and there, that we have a reason and an obligation to investigate further. Then where relevant, or particularly dramatic, either of the other options can play out. Of course this requires a great deal of trust between all of us, the idea would more or less be that if someone does something with a non-player character, especially something significant - say on one of the missions to help straighten out his record he dies by a sniper, who is perhaps a hitman - that the person is then responsible for making sense of it and helping the party to sort of have some direction from there. It needn't be significant, it could be as simple as getting a face scan from the killer and some of his blood, now having to run it through a corporation or the overburdened police, but we as the group are given something to fairly work with.

Our main points hold as follows:
  • Not much is set in stone, but the setting is. When we say Cyberpunk, we are referring to the style of the tabletop roleplaying game Cyberpunk 2020's world. This is to avoid Cyberpunk world mismatch issues that otherwise might arise.
    • Just to be clear, we are not bringing in the game elements of Cyberpunk 2020. It is the retrofuturism style it carries with it.
    • The rulebook for said system can, for setting reference purposes, be obtained from me upon request.
  • Now that what is set in stone has been iterated, I shall reiterate the earlier point: Not much else is. This means the story is free to progress where the players want to take it, but this is still a communal effort.
  • OOC talk of the RP is not only encouraged. It is pretty much a must for something like this.

Here are a few relevant elements I think to note and build off of to the points listed before.

  • Cyberpunk Retrofuturism
    • Dark and dreary dystopian future based upon the 1980s in part, being a mixture of analog, digital, and brightly lit neon. Somewhere that the morality is a bit grey and finding "white morality" is rare because there is so much black. Not grimdark, more the technological future is frightening and strange, almost alien. Technology is a mishmash of plugging one's self into outlets and sockets to use some devices while at the same time the cyberworld is simultaneously more and less advanced and involved than in actuality.
    • A sense of underlying absurdism, as it is punk after all. Be it bright, garish colors, giant mohawks, studs and leather, or finely crafted suits and shined shoes with perfectly, immaculately kept hair for the business day. The idea either you are a part of the system or bucking it, but either way you know it terribly corrupt, ruled by corporations and consummerism gone wrong.
    • Technology did not necessarily get better and or smaller, just advanced differently to the point connecting one's brain to the net seems sane while trying to make a computer that fits in your pocket is more or less still technological sorcery. People have phones built into their bodies and can replace entire limbs, but the concept of wireless anything is metaphorical magic.
  • For the world a general idea is that most of the people in it are not chromed to the nines; they might have the basics to get by, but are not optimized to being walking tanks or superhackers who could easily end up on the most wanted lists, those official and unofficial. There might be a few who are real cyborg types, but in general that is still rare. Keeping a sort of contrast between the having-nothings, or those who chose to forgo changing times, and the pristine future. Namely the freakshows and oddballs in between being a major area of interest.
  • Themes of both white and blue collar crime, but where crime and corruption are rampant. There are few "good" cops, as in the ones who are not only doing the right thing for the right reasons, but are not morally questionable either. The type of world where a doctor is pretty clear he wants your wallet and is happy to give you what you ask for if the appropriate pay follows suit. A world where the "good" people might just be the gangs trying to police their own turf and even that is debatable.

Thoughts, opinions?
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